Wednesday, 2024-01-03

whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jan  3 14:00:03 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
whoami-rajatwelcome back everyone14:04
whoami-rajatthough we only have a handful of people14:04
whoami-rajatanyways let's get started14:04
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:04
whoami-rajatand first one is, Happy new year!14:05
sp-bmilanovwoohoo, Happy new year! :)14:05
whoami-rajatok, getting into the main announcements14:05
whoami-rajatMidcycle-1 Summary14:05
whoami-rajatthe recording and summary are up on the wiki page14:06
whoami-rajatmake sure to follow up on your action items14:06
whoami-rajatnext, Posting results from generative "AI" (LLM) queries14:06
whoami-rajatthis is an interesting one14:06
whoami-rajatJeremy noted that some replies to the ML threads are answers generated by LLMs (like chatgpt)14:06
whoami-rajatI agree to the general idea that if a person requires answers generated from an LLM, they would directly do the query and not resort to the ML14:07
whoami-rajatalso there is no compulsion to reply to the ML so the effort is appreciated but it might not be helpful14:07
whoami-rajatanyways i found this interesting so added it14:07
whoami-rajatnext, Upcoming Deadlines & Dates14:07
whoami-rajatCaracal-2 Milestone: January 11th, 202414:08
whoami-rajatIf you have any new drivers proposed for the 2024.1 Caracal cycle, add it to the following etherpad14:08
whoami-rajatthis makes the tracking easier14:08
whoami-rajatthat's all the announcements i had, anyone has anything else?14:08
whoami-rajatok, let's move on to topics14:11
whoami-rajat#topic Implementation of the dedicated backup status field for cinder volumes14:11
whoami-rajatJon and happystacker showed interest in this feature14:11
whoami-rajatChristian wanted to know if there was any update on it14:12
whoami-rajatI didn't see the reproposal of the spec in 2024.1 spec dir (and we are past spec freeze)14:12
whoami-rajatso i guess we won't be seeing any progress on it this cycle?14:12
whoami-rajatlet's get back to it next week if christian has further questions14:14
whoami-rajatmoving on14:14
whoami-rajat#topic Performance issues with cinder-backup and the chunked driver14:14
whoami-rajatagain it's by Christian and he wants to know if there is any update on the backup work14:14
whoami-rajathe mentions zaitcev took this as an action item, any updates on it Pete?14:15
zaitcevwhoami-rajat: It is still on my plate, sorry. I got into digging through old reviews that your guys listed in vPTG.14:17
zaitcevThe 1918119 is the main bug about the performance of Cinder backup with S3.14:17
whoami-rajatzaitcev, oh no worries, Christian wanted to know if there was an update, I don't think there is a deadline for it anyway14:17
zaitcevWell, there was no progress and that is the update. I hate to tell him that.14:18
whoami-rajatthen i can tell him (on the etherpad) :D14:19
whoami-rajati guess that was it for this topic14:20
whoami-rajatnext one14:20
whoami-rajat#topic What are the correct auth caps for Ceph RBD clients of Cinder / Glance / Nova14:20
whoami-rajatI added this as a topic since it came up on the ML14:21
whoami-rajatand it was related to the recent work we did in glance rbd store14:21
whoami-rajatso glance rbd store now requires read access to the cinder rbd pool to check if the image has any childrens (dependents)14:21
whoami-rajatbut similar change wasn't made in the deployment tools hence one of the operator found this as a regression14:22
whoami-rajatall the details are on the ML thread but what i wanted to highlight is regarding the correct rbd auth caps for nova, cinder and glance14:23
whoami-rajatwhich i don't think are mentioned in a central place as a deployment guide14:23
whoami-rajatChristian did write some bullets that can be treated as work items for this topic14:24
whoami-rajatlet's determine the correct caps (least privileges, caps via profiles where possible, ...)14:24
whoami-rajatfix the documentation and code devstack as "upstreams" first14:24
whoami-rajatwrite an upgrade bullet point to release notes for Caracal for operators to check and align their caps from what they might have      become over the various releases14:24
whoami-rajatdistribute this as a reference to the deployment tools and also the Ceph docs    14:24
rosmaitahe mentioned somewhere in the thread that he was working on a docs patch (I think)14:25
whoami-rajatoh thats great then14:25
whoami-rajatand welcome back Brian!14:25
whoami-rajatok, that's all i had for this topic14:26
whoami-rajatlast topic14:26
whoami-rajat#topic Make the s3 backup job non voting14:26
whoami-rajatso i did some digging into it last week14:27
rosmaitathank you!14:27
whoami-rajattried deploying a s3+swift setup but couldn't reproduce the issue14:27
whoami-rajatchecked boto3 docs on our usage of it14:27
whoami-rajatlooked correct14:27
whoami-rajatchecked the changelogs -- doesn't mention any breaking change14:27
whoami-rajattried with a lower version of boto3 (that passed in the previous gate runs) -- same error14:28
whoami-rajatI've mentioned all the details in the commit message of my patch14:28
whoami-rajatbut overall, I really don't know the actual reason of failure14:28
whoami-rajatand i think we're at a point where we need to unblock the gate for other patches to land14:28
whoami-rajatso i proposed a patch to make it n-v14:29
whoami-rajatthe patch is failing on the lvm-multiattach job at this point but hopefully this recheck will pass14:29
whoami-rajat(famous last words)14:29
whoami-rajatanyways, let me know if anyone has any idea about it but this seems to be our solution atm for unblocking gate14:30
rosmaitasounds like a good plan to get things moving14:30
whoami-rajatthat's all i had for this topic14:33
hemnaHappy New Year14:34
whoami-rajatwelcome back Walt!14:34
whoami-rajatthat's all the topics we had for today14:34
whoami-rajatmoving to open discussion14:34
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:35
fricklerI'd like to mention, discovered multiple issues with "cinder-manage quota sync"14:35
whoami-rajatwe have a bunch of review request so good way of getting back is to get some reviews done14:35
fricklerI put up some patches, but help still wanted with testing14:36
frickler(seems this has been broken for at least one year, so some regression testing would be really helpful)14:37
whoami-rajatah, we did a lot of work around DB past couple of cycles, actually Stephen did, need to check which change broke this14:40
whoami-rajatthanks for bringing this up frickler 14:40
whoami-rajatlooks like we don't have anything else for open discussion14:44
whoami-rajatlet's end for today14:44
whoami-rajatthanks everyone!14:44
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jan  3 14:44:34 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:44
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
sp-bmilanovbye all14:45
*** dasm is now known as Guest1272916:20

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