Wednesday, 2023-12-13

whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Dec 13 14:00:04 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
whoami-rajatwe've a lot on the agenda14:03
whoami-rajatlet's get started14:03
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:03
whoami-rajatfirst, OpenInfra Live: PTG Recap14:04
whoami-rajatlast week we discussed PTG recap in open infra live14:04
whoami-rajatyou can watch the recording for an overall openstack update14:04
whoami-rajatalso there was update from StarlingX community14:05
whoami-rajatnext, Festival of XS reviews14:05
whoami-rajatwe will be conducting festival of XS reviews this Friday14:05
whoami-rajatDate: 15th December14:06
whoami-rajatTime: 1400-1600 UTC14:06
whoami-rajatMeeting link:
whoami-rajatnext, Upcoming deadlines14:08
whoami-rajatCinder spec freeze - 22nd December14:08
whoami-rajatwe discussed specs 2 weeks ago14:08
whoami-rajatout of the 4, there is only one that needs attention14:08
whoami-rajatEncrypted backups14:08
whoami-rajati think Jon updated the patch and will continue to work on it14:09
whoami-rajatand i don't want to turn the announcement into a topic14:09
whoami-rajatany other announcements?14:09
whoami-rajatokay, let's go to topics14:10
whoami-rajat#topic cinderlib deprecation14:11
whoami-rajatrosmaita, that's you14:11
rosmaitaannouncement was sent to the ML earlier this week:14:11
rosmaitathe governance patch to actually do the deprecation has been posted:14:11
rosmaitait would be good for whoami-rajat as PTL and jbernard as release manager and maybe gegulio as primary contributor could +1 it14:12
rosmaita(just so it's clear that the entire project is behind this)14:12
* jungleboyj sneaks in late14:12
rosmaitathat's all14:13
simondodsleyis Gorka going to reply to the email about Ember?14:13
rosmaitai would hope so14:14
whoami-rajatrosmaita, done, thanks for driving the effort14:14
rosmaitais there an email about ember, or do you mean reply to my email mentioning that ember community is OK?14:14
whoami-rajati think Gorka already replied regarding Ember and oVirt that they are happy with older cinderlib releases14:14
rosmaitajust noticed what whoami-rajat said14:15
simondodsleyi didn't see it - i'll have a look14:15
simondodsleyyep - so he did - no worries14:15
rosmaitaok, that's all14:16
whoami-rajatwe can move to the next topic then14:16
whoami-rajat#topic train, ussuri EOL14:16
whoami-rajatand that's you again rosmaita !14:16
rosmaitayeah, the key thing is that we can't delete the branches if there are open patches14:16
rosmaitathis is what we have:14:16
rosmaita(hopefully that link works)14:17
whoami-rajatit does14:17
rosmaitai think back in June when we first discussed EOLing everything, we informally agreed "no more merges"?14:17
whoami-rajatis there any benefit of merging those patches? since we are not going to release those branches14:18
rosmaitai am inclinde to say "no benefit"14:18
rosmaitai can abandon them all with a note14:18
whoami-rajatsounds good to me, also most of them have negative votes with unaddressed comments14:19
whoami-rajat+1 to abandon them (unless the team thinks otherwise)14:20
rosmaita+1 to abandon from me14:20
rosmaitajungleboyj: ?14:20
happystacker+1 for me too14:20
rosmaita(i think train may have been jungleboyj's last release)14:20
jungleboyjI am ok with that decision.14:21
rosmaitaok, that closes out this topic14:21
jungleboyjWelcome.  :-)14:21
whoami-rajatthanks rosmaita 14:22
whoami-rajatmoving on to next topic14:22
whoami-rajat#topic Glance Image Encryption14:23
whoami-rajatthis was originally proposed for midcycle but we went out of time so added it here14:23
whoami-rajatI don't think the author is here14:23
whoami-rajatthere were some questions added to the topic14:23
whoami-rajat1. openstackclient now depends on and pulls in os-brick, because it needs the same encryption/decryption functions that Cinder uses to offer encrypted image upload/download to/from Glance14:23
whoami-rajatI need to check but OSC using os-brick seems wrong to me14:24
rosmaitai guess that's kind of heavyweight, but the original idea behind the encryption being in os-brick is that all the services that need encryption also use os-brick already14:24
whoami-rajatno usage of brick in OSC14:25
rosmaitawell, you win some and you lose some14:25
rosmaitaOSC pretty much imports everything else, so why not os-brick, too?14:26
whoami-rajati think you are right, the main idea is to have common code in os-brick to allow all services to consume from it14:26
rosmaitai don't think there's a technical reason why the encryption *must* be in os-brick, though14:26
rosmaitai'm pretty sure it was just so that there wouldn't have to be a new project with a new library14:27
rosmaitai guess the key thing here would be to get feedback from the OSC team14:27
whoami-rajatokay, i can check with stephen regarding that14:29
whoami-rajatbut i don't see any use case of OSC (a client) needing to interact with brick for any operation14:29
rosmaitathat would be good, if he is like really negative, then we may have to reconsider14:29
whoami-rajatit should ideally be the service owning the resource14:29
rosmaitaunless someone plans to add the os-brick-cinderclient-ext functionality to OSC?14:30
whoami-rajatmaybe, i think the idea of brickclient was testing and debugging but i might be completely wrong on this14:31
whoami-rajatbut i will check with tehm14:31
whoami-rajatnext question, do we need new microversion in Cinder and cinderclient for the new API params?14:32
whoami-rajati think there will be a microversion change on cinder side14:34
whoami-rajatsince we will be sending new parameters to the existing volume upload to image API14:34
whoami-rajatso cinderclient will follow similar microversion bump14:35
rosmaitathat sounds correct14:35
whoami-rajatthanks for confirming14:36
whoami-rajatthere is a notice14:37
whoami-rajatnotice: Josephine Seifert (Luzi) will take over / continue the topic in January14:37
whoami-rajatand that's pretty much it for this topic14:37
whoami-rajatadded our discussion points to the topic so the author can check it later14:37
whoami-rajatmoving on to next topic14:37
whoami-rajat#topic Email to ML regarding increasing size of volume image metadata values had only one response suggesting you should accept my patch14:37
whoami-rajatdrencrom, that's you14:37
whoami-rajatmaybe he's not around14:39
simondodsleystrange as he just added this to the etherpad14:40
whoami-rajatbut i guess he was pointing to Erno's response as to nova and cinder should accept the large metadata fields14:40
whoami-rajatand not restrict it14:40
drencromyes, It had only one response commenting that we should accept the long metadata patch14:41
drencromand that nova should not decide the metadata length14:41
rosmaitaso other than Erno, there seem to be no objections14:41
drencromI commented the fact that different metadata sizes per service could lead to strange behaviour for users14:42
rosmaitai think you are correct about that14:42
simondodsleyseems to me that NOva need to sort out their issues with this rather than dictating to other projects14:42
whoami-rajatI would agree to how glance team wants it to be since image is their resource14:43
drencromBut it seems that only nova is having performance issues with long values (at least I understand that is the reason for the reduced size on nova)14:44
rosmaitai think it's because on list-server-details, they include the image metadata14:44
simondodsleyso maybe cinder and glance adopt this change and nova have to fix their side - maybe someone raises a bug against them once cinder and glance adopt.14:44
rosmaitabut in cinder, i think it  is a different call?14:45
rosmaitano, i am wrong about that14:45
whoami-rajatif we do volume list and the volume is created from an image, it will load the metadata values every time right14:47
whoami-rajatsorry volume show14:47
simondodsleywhat is the actual imapct on list by removing the 255 limit?14:47
rosmaitawell, you may be stuffing a bunch of 65535 char fields into a bunch of volume responses14:48
whoami-rajati think the discussion from nova side was theoretical and there are no performance numbers for it14:48
drencromremember that the 255 limit is just for api changes right now, when the volume is created from a image we get the full 65556 bytes values14:49
rosmaitadrencrom: good point14:49
simondodsleyso why not go with 65535 and see if it causes problems down the line. If it does we revert back to 25514:49
rosmaitathat may be the way to go, we can say that we are making the image-vol-metadata update command consistent with what happens when you create a volume from an image14:50
rosmaitaand if something bad happens, we will blame simondodsley14:51
simondodsleynot to get political, but is this a nova dictatorship or are we a democracy?14:51
drencromIf you want to go that way I just need a WF+1 on my patch14:51
whoami-rajati think nova team had good points for blocking the change but given the cinder team's perspective, it doesn't seem to be that bad for us14:53
simondodsleyeharney: you had already givien a WF+1...14:53
whoami-rajatand as simondodsley said, we can always revert it to 255 and backport14:53
whoami-rajatif it causes an issue14:53
whoami-rajati can W+1, but just to confirm if there are no objections from cinder team regarding this14:54
drencromThe WF+1 was removed later after Sean Mooney comments14:54
rosmaitawell, it only has 1 +2 right now14:55
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: i think add a comment that this really doesn't change anything for cinder because you can have the extral-long values already, and nova apparently deals with those and no one has complained14:56
whoami-rajati will review it after the meeting and also add our discussion logs to it14:56
rosmaitawe're just making our own API consistent14:56
whoami-rajatrosmaita, sure, i can do that14:56
drencromThanks whoami-rajat14:56
rosmaitaand like simon says, if it causes problems, we can reconsider14:56
whoami-rajatgreat, anything else on this topic?14:57
drencromNot for me14:57
whoami-rajatthanks drencrom 14:57
whoami-rajatwe don't have enough time to discuss any other topic14:57
whoami-rajatso i will move them to next week14:57
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:58
whoami-rajat2 minutes for open discussion14:58
Andrei-1what about failing CI?14:59
whoami-rajatAndrei-1, rosmaita, is onto the swap space fix and I'm looking into the concurrency thing14:59
whoami-rajatbefore that we need to figure out the s3 backup job failing14:59
Andrei-1was there any progress? I had 3 sequential failures on my patch from various jobs all related to connectivity15:00
whoami-rajatso that these changes can be merged15:00
whoami-rajatAndrei-1, that usually happens when OOM killer does kill some services like mysql15:00
whoami-rajatwe will update once we have something15:00
whoami-rajatokay, we're out of time15:00
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for attending15:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Dec 13 15:00:56 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:00
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