Wednesday, 2023-10-11

whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Oct 11 14:00:01 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
whoami-rajatwe've a new etherpad14:02
whoami-rajathello everyone14:04
whoami-rajatlet's get started with the announcements14:04
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:04
whoami-rajatWelcome to the first meeting of 2024.1 (Caracal)!14:04
simondodsleyand so the cycle begins again14:05
whoami-rajatas i said we've a new meeting etherpad, please add your topics to that from now on until the end of 2024.114:05
whoami-rajatfor which we've quite some time14:05
whoami-rajatok moving on14:06
whoami-rajatnext, Congratulations Brian for becoming TC vice chair!14:06
simondodsleyAll the power -- use it wisely 14:06
rosmaitathanks, though i prefer to refer to myself as the "chairman of vice"14:06
whoami-rajatcongratulations Brian!14:08
whoami-rajatwe've another major related announcement14:09
whoami-rajatCongratulations Jon Bernard for becoming cinder stable core!14:09
rosmaitacongratulations Jon!14:09
whoami-rajati think he's not around since i can't find his irc but Jon has been managing stable releases for past 3 or 4 cycles14:10
whoami-rajatso totally deserved, congratulations Jon14:10
whoami-rajatand thanks rosmaita for proposing him14:10
whoami-rajatok i see jbernard joined14:11
whoami-rajatjbernard, we were just congratulating you for becoming a stable core14:11
jbernardthanks everyone14:11
jungleboyjCongratulations and thanks for helping out!14:11
jproque-delldidn't receive the reminder14:11
whoami-rajatjproque-dell, did you change your irc nick? you can add it to the list here
whoami-rajatnext, PTG Details14:13
whoami-rajatRoom: Cactus14:14
whoami-rajatDate: 24 Oct - 27 Oct, 202314:14
whoami-rajatTime: 1300-1700 UTC14:14
jproque-dellI just realized that I logged in with my alternative nickname, thks womai-rajat14:14
whoami-rajatI've booked the Cactus room on the following date and time ^ as you can see in the PTG link i provided14:14
whoami-rajatjproque-dell, no problem14:14
whoami-rajathope to see everyone at the PTG14:16
whoami-rajatcinder usually has the highest strength, which is really good to see14:16
whoami-rajatrelated to that, we've the PTG planning etherpad14:16
whoami-rajatso please add topics that you would like to be discussed during the PTG14:16
whoami-rajatremember we plan the next 6 months items during the PTG so it would be good to bring things up that you would like to work on during the 2024.1 cycle14:17
whoami-rajatlast announcement, OpenInfra Live: 2023.2 Bobcat Updates14:17
whoami-rajatso we had the open infra live last week in which project PTLs provided their project update14:18
whoami-rajatthe projects represented were nova, ironic, manila, neutron and cinder14:18
whoami-rajatwe've the recording on youtube if you would like to watch ^14:19
whoami-rajatthat's all the announcements from my side14:19
whoami-rajatanyone has anything else to announce?14:19
whoami-rajatguess not14:22
whoami-rajatlet's move to topics14:22
whoami-rajat#topic PTG video conference tool14:22
whoami-rajatso as i announced earlier, we've upcoming PTG for 2024.1 release14:23
whoami-rajatunfortunately bluejeans is not available anymore and we need to switch to a new video conference tool14:23
whoami-rajatZoom is the default option provided by the community14:23
whoami-rajatrecently we've been keeping meetings on gmeet which has worked fine for us14:24
whoami-rajatbut in the past, contributors from China had issues joining it14:24
whoami-rajatalso rosmaita can correct me but TC is planning to use jitsi-meet this time14:24
rosmaitanot sure about that14:25
whoami-rajati read it in the TC meeting agenda, maybe it was just a discussion topic14:25
rosmaitathere's discussion to hold the monthly TC meeting that's in video in jitsi-meet instead of zoom14:25
whoami-rajatah ok14:25
rosmaitathere's a limit on how many connections it can handle, that's why the foundation uses zoom14:26
SumitGupta1503Is that jitsi-meet browser based?14:26
rosmaitaSumitGupta1503: it uses a lot of browser capabilities, iiuc14:26
whoami-rajatCinder usually has good strength at the PTG (20+ sometimes 30+ on initial days)14:27
whoami-rajatbasically i just wanted opinions from the team if they've tried different tools and something which has worked best for them14:28
sunrajeshZoom works best for us :)14:28
rosmaitayeah, i am not sure what the jitsi-meet limit is14:28
jproque-dellwe use Zoom as well14:29
jproque-dellworks fine14:29
SumitGupta1503Internet says 100 users with good performance for jitsi14:29
SumitGupta1503Thereafter, lag..14:29
SumitGupta1503I have seen zoom working with 300+ users few times..14:30
rosmaitai think the problem with jitsi for us is it doesn't have native recording capability14:30
whoami-rajatSumitGupta1503, that might be the ideal limit but practically it might differ, but I haven't used jitsi so can't comment really14:30
whoami-rajatrosmaita, ah, that's a big issue then ...14:31
rosmaitathough maybe that has changed with more recent versions?14:31
zaitcevSo, what are downsides to Zoom? If there are none, let's just agree to it, prepare rooms, write links to Etherpad and move on (I am dumping all this work implicitly on Rajat, sorry).14:33
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whoami-rajatrosmaita, a quick search says it does allow recording but maybe it's a premium feature14:34
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whoami-rajatzaitcev, right, based on the feedback here i feel zoom should be good for us14:35
rosmaitawe'd have to check with #openstack-infra14:35
whoami-rajatzaitcev, it's the PTL responsibility to do all that so no worries :D14:35
rosmaitaactually, should be no work if we pick zoom, it's the default for the ptg tooling14:35
zaitcevRight. If they veto Zoom for whatever reason, then tough luck.14:35
whoami-rajatok great14:37
whoami-rajatlet's try out Zoom this time and see how it goes14:37
whoami-rajatactually the PTG schedule link defaults to the zoom link so there is actually less or no work to do here14:38
whoami-rajatanyways, thanks everyone for feedback, we will go with Zoom this time14:38
whoami-rajatnext topic14:38
whoami-rajat#topic Operator Hour at PTG14:39
whoami-rajatthis is another discussion that i need some help with14:39
whoami-rajatI'm not sure what would be the best time for the operator session14:39
whoami-rajatI've proposed 2 dates and 2 different times14:39
whoami-rajatWednesday: 1400-1500 UTC or 1500-1600 UTC14:39
whoami-rajatThursday: 1400-1500 UTC or 1500-1600 UTC14:39
whoami-rajatI haven't kept it as the starting session since everyone is gathering usually for the first 10-15 mins14:40
rosmaitagood idea14:40
whoami-rajatalso the last session for these two days are booked for cross project (just today)14:41
whoami-rajatlet me just announce that as well14:41
whoami-rajatwednesday 1600-1700 Nova cross project14:41
whoami-rajatThursday 1600-1700 Manila cross project14:41
whoami-rajatso yeah, enough from my side, please let me know which time seems more suitable for operators14:42
rosmaitai think just grab whichever one you prefer14:42
whoami-rajatok, let's go with Wednesday 1400-1500 UTC14:43
whoami-rajatit also matches what we had the last time (IIRC)14:44
whoami-rajati guess everyone agrees to it14:46
whoami-rajati will book it after the meeting14:46
whoami-rajatlast topic for today14:46
whoami-rajat#topic Having CI issues here14:46
whoami-rajatdrencrom, that's you14:46
drencromYes, that patch had a wf+1 last week but zuul is failing14:47
whoami-rajatlooks like timeout issue on the last run14:47
whoami-rajatthe job cinder-tempest-plugin-lvm-lio-barbican passed on the last run so it looks unrelated14:48
whoami-rajatbut we've been seeing these failures quite a lot14:48
eharneyi stopped an lio-barbican failure related to oom-killer again today, is anyone still looking into that area?14:48
drencromYes, it seems it is just flaky14:48
eharneyi spotted*14:48
rosmaitayeah, looks like it can't ssh into the instance for the test14:49
whoami-rajatdrencrom, one recommendation for recheck is to also mention the reason for failure after the recheck keyword14:49
whoami-rajatdrencrom, eg: recheck lvm-lio-barbican job failed with reason <>14:49
drencromack, will do14:49
rosmaitaeharney: do you have a patch?14:49
rosmaitaoh, when you said "stopped" i thought you meant "fixed"14:50
eharneyyeah typo14:50
whoami-rajatI haven't really got time to look at the failures, but would be good if someone wants to volunteer to look into our gate issues14:53
eharneyis "we're running out of memory and oom-killer is killing mysql" still a commonly seen problem?14:54
rosmaitalooks like no oom on drencrom's patch for lio-barbican, just the instance didn't respond14:54
rosmaitaeharney: your patch has 4 oom killed processes: mysqld, cryptsetup, qemu-system-x86, qemu-system-x8614:55
eharneymy hunch is to either lower test concurrency or throw more swap space at it14:56
rosmaitabut my impression is that mysqld getting killed is still pretty common14:56
eharneyok, i wasn't sure if we thought we had gotten that sorted out or not14:56
rosmaitayeah, i don't think so14:57
whoami-rajatwe're out of time14:59
whoami-rajatthere are a lot of review requests14:59
whoami-rajatsome are follow ups from past cycles14:59
whoami-rajatso remmeber to take a look14:59
whoami-rajatalso I'm planning to cancel next week's meeting since we will be meeting at the PTG14:59
whoami-rajati will send a mail regarding that to ML15:00
jproque-dellthks Rajat15:00
whoami-rajatthanks everyone, see you at the PTG!15:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Oct 11 15:00:33 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:00
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