Wednesday, 2023-09-13

toheeb 13:55
whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder13:59
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Sep 13 13:59:36 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:59
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'13:59
whoami-rajat#topic roll call13:59
whoami-rajathello everyone14:03
whoami-rajatlet's get started14:03
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:03
whoami-rajatfirst, Cycle highlights for 2023.2 (Bobcat)14:03
whoami-rajatthe highlights for cinder (and other projects) is up14:04
whoami-rajatwe have a good amount of features, fixes, etc this cycle14:05
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for all your contributions14:05
whoami-rajatnext, RC1 for cinder14:05
whoami-rajatthe patch for RC1 is up, I've updated the hash to point it to the latest commit14:06
whoami-rajatI don't think we have any release critical patches as of now14:06
whoami-rajatthe release seems pretty stable and bug fixes after RC1 can be backported14:06
whoami-rajatso not an issue there14:06
happystackerWe do have a few patches pending approval for bobcat, would it be possible to have them into Bobcat still?14:07
simondodsleysame here14:07
whoami-rajathappystacker, simondodsley is it in the review request section?14:08
happystackerYes it is14:08
whoami-rajathappystacker, simondodsley ack, I've created this etherpad and added one patch as a sample, please add the ones you would like to prioritize14:12
whoami-rajatit seems hard to make it into RC1 but we can surely target it for RC214:12
whoami-rajatthanks for bringing that up14:14
whoami-rajatso moving on14:14
whoami-rajatnext, 2024.1 (Caracal) PTG Planning14:14
whoami-rajatI've created this planning etherpad for the upcoming 2024.1 (Caracal) PTG14:15
whoami-rajatit's going to be held from 23-27 October14:15
whoami-rajatwe still have more than a month left but no harm in starting the planning early14:15
whoami-rajatif you have topics for the upcoming PTG, please add it to the planning etherpad14:16
whoami-rajatafter that i will arrange them into our main etherpad day wise14:16
whoami-rajati will send an email later today or tomorrow but this is just a heads up to start planning for the PTG14:17
whoami-rajatnext, PTL/TC Elections14:18
whoami-rajatso now the poll is open for PTL/TC elections14:18
whoami-rajatlast date to vote is 20th september so please cast your vote before that14:19
whoami-rajatvoting link14:19
whoami-rajatfinally we have some upcoming milestones14:20
whoami-rajatRC1 deadline: September 14 (R-3 week)14:20
whoami-rajatFinal RC deadline: September 28 (R-1 week)14:20
whoami-rajatFinal 2023.2 Bobcat release: October 414:20
whoami-rajatthat's all from my side for the announcements14:20
whoami-rajatanyone has anything else to announce?14:21
whoami-rajatguess not14:22
whoami-rajatlet's move to topics14:22
whoami-rajat#topic What ever happended to the "new" quota system?14:23
whoami-rajatI guess crohmann is not around this week as well14:23
whoami-rajata quick update on that would be, I'm planning to work on it next cycle14:23
whoami-rajatbut the effort could span across to more than 1 cycle14:23
whoami-rajatso it's not guaranteed that we will be able to close it in caracal but hopefully make some progress there14:24
whoami-rajatif that's helpful14:24
happystackerIf I can be of any help, let me know14:24
whoami-rajatsure, thanks!14:25
whoami-rajati guess that was it for the topic14:25
whoami-rajatnext one is again by crohmann14:25
whoami-rajat#topic Implementation of merged spec to externalize backup_status14:25
whoami-rajatThe ask here is if anyone is planning to work on it during the 2024.1 (Caracal) cycle14:26
whoami-rajatany takers?14:26
zaitcevNot me. I need to focus on backup performance with S3 and backup backends used together.14:27
whoami-rajatzaitcev, sounds good, does that have an existing spec or you are planning to propose a new spec?14:27
whoami-rajatanyway, i think that was also an ask from crohmann but we can evaluate that later in the PTG14:29
zaitcevFor performance, I'm using this:
zaitcevit's not a feature, so no spec14:29
zaitcevfor two back-ends I am not sure.14:29
whoami-rajatsounds good, thanks for your efforts on cinder backups14:31
whoami-rajatlet's see if we get any takers during PTG14:31
whoami-rajatfor now i guess no one in this meeting is planning to work on that feature14:31
whoami-rajatthat feature = Spec to introduce new backup_status field for volume14:31
jbernardwhoami-rajat: what is the link?14:32
jbernardwhoami-rajat: im interested possibly, count me as a maybe14:33
happystackerIf I can help in any way, you can count on me as a maybe as well14:34
whoami-rajatjbernard, great, I've added your name to the topic (as a maybe), you can contact crohmann for more info around this (as he has mentioned in the topic itself)14:34
jbernardhappystacker: maybe we can work on it together, will sync later14:34
happystackerok jbernard14:35
whoami-rajati think that's all for this topic14:36
whoami-rajatlast topic for today14:37
whoami-rajat#topic Patches for a current round of stable release is posted and awaiting review14:37
whoami-rajatI've already reviewed the patches and it also has a +2 from a release core14:37
whoami-rajatsince it doesn't concern the team, i guess i can consider it resolved?14:37
jbernardi think so, i just wanted to raise awareness in case someone needed a patch considered for a stable release14:38
whoami-rajatjbernard, ah ok, got it14:38
happystackerWe still have Zuul complaining for a few patches14:38
whoami-rajati was thinking in terms of reviewing the stable branch patches, but looks like it does concern the team14:38
happystackerI kept on rechecking but no success so far14:39
whoami-rajatso anyone has pending stable branch patches that they would like to get in into the stable releases14:39
whoami-rajathappystacker, is that happening on stable branches?14:39
happystackerthis one for example
happystackerI saw a few more yesterday14:40
whoami-rajatthat patch is in master14:40
happystackerbut haven't the time yet to recheck14:40
happystackeroh yes master sorry14:40
whoami-rajatso we can discuss the gate failures in open discussion14:41
whoami-rajatright now the topic is about stable branches14:41
whoami-rajatjbernard, wanted to know if someone has any patches they would like to get in into the proposed stable releases14:41
whoami-rajatif there are, leaving a comment on the release patches proposed14:43
whoami-rajatelse we can go ahead with releasing the branches as it is14:43
whoami-rajatthat's all the topics we had for today14:44
whoami-rajatlet's move to open discussion14:44
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:44
whoami-rajathappystacker, we have an on going problem with gate failures due to certain jobs OOMing or timing out14:44
happystackerIndeed 14:45
eharney887081 is an nfs fix and the nfs job is the only one that failed...14:45
whoami-rajatI remember we proposed a patch to reduce concurrency in tempest, not sure if tosky has any luck on that one14:45
drencromI'd like a review on, I think it needs another +214:45
happystackerok so no other solution than rechecking it?14:46
eharneythe tempest test that failed is one i'm not too familiar with, but it looks related14:46
toskywhoami-rajat: that received some pushback (also a related patch in glance) so I'm thinking about abandoning them and it will be sadly someone's else problem14:46
eharneyi think we need to verify that the patch isn't causing a real failure...14:46
happystackerI don't see any error related directly to the patch or at least it's not obvious14:46
whoami-rajattosky, oh, that's bad, we might need another way to tackle the issue then, which I'm not sure what is ...14:47
akawaiHow are the patches, which have not merged yet are in Bobcat's feature lists? Do the patches still have a chance to merge into Bobcat by Sep 14th?14:49
whoami-rajatakawai, sorry but there is no way to include them in the current cycle, they will be moved to the next cycle14:51
whoami-rajatsurely we can target them for early next cycle14:51
akawaiI see. 14:52
whoami-rajatI'm planning to improve the review situation so we don't face similar bandwidth issues in future (hopefully)14:53
whoami-rajatwe are out of time14:59
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for joining14:59
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Sep 13 14:59:41 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:59
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
zaitcevyeah we're still fighting with that damn tempest15:00
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