Thursday, 2023-08-31

*** dviroel_ is now known as dviroel14:59
carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Aug 31 15:00:20 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: carthaca15:02
carlosstoday's meeting agenda ^15:04
carlossI believe we can make it brief today 15:04
carlossa big part of the crowd is on PTO15:04
carlossso our first topic:15:05
carloss#topic Announcements15:05
carlossSchedule and Deadlines15:05
carlossso today is feature freeze day15:05
carlosswe'll get to the changes in a few15:07
carlossbut I believe we are in a good shape. Also, for the client release. The client deprecation patch is in the gate now15:07
carlossthe next manila-specific theme in the schedule is the manila bugsquash15:10
carlosswhich should happen in a couple of weeks... We might need to change the dates but we'll check on that15:10
felipe_rodriguescarloss: can you explain what bugsquash is ? We have some new NetApp members15:11
carlossand last bit of announcements: on the day of the next week's weekly upstream meeting (Sep 7th) is a big holiday in Brazil and I have the feeling that we'll have a smaller audience, because some people might be still taking PTO after the US holidays15:12
carlossso I'll check with more people, but if it is the case, are you okay if we cancel the next week's upstream meeting?15:13
carloss> carloss: can you explain what bugsquash is ? We have some new NetApp members15:13
carlossah, thanks felipe_rodrigues - that is a great question15:13
felipe_rodrigues+1 cancel15:14
carlossso the bugsquash is an event we try to promote once or twice in the cycle, and we try to get closure for bugs...15:14
jayaanand+1 cancel15:14
carlossthere were bugsquash events where we would be targeting getting open bugs and focusing on fixing them over the course of the week, so the authors of the changes and the reviewers would have more focus on reviews and such bugs among the list15:15
carlosswe usually come up with a list based on launchpad bugs, but we will always discuss if it makes sense to keep the bugs on the list or not15:15
carlosslast release, we did something different15:16
carlosswe are currently seeing a trend in launchpad: number of bugs "in progress" (aka fix proposed but not merged yet) was increasing15:17
carlossso we came up with the list and had an open chat. we focused on getting as many bugs from the list merged as possible15:17
msaravanthank you carloss 15:18
carlossso the essence of the event is: having a specific time frame in the cycle where we'll attempt to close a lot of bugs15:18
carlossthat doesn't mean we shouldn't be closing bugs throughout the cycle, it's just us trying to do like a "final" push for some bugs or an incentive to get some fixes landing, and making operators/users happy :D15:18
carlossso, it's usually fun because we can get together, discuss some changes and do things collaboratively15:20
carlossnp msaravan15:20
msaravangot it; 15:20
carlossI'll also provide a summary in the mailing list15:21
carlossit's important to get a lot of people participating, because that will mean we will have more reviewers and likely more bugs being fixed... so if you can't make it in the dates, please let me know and I'll be happy to accommodate changes 15:22
carlossI'm happy to take questions if you have any :)15:22
msaravanGood for now. We'll participate. Thank you. 15:24
carlossthanks :D15:24
carlosswe'll be happy to have you guys15:24
carlossokay, so that's all I had for announcements15:24
carlossdo you have an announcement to share with us today?15:24
carlosstaking silence as no...15:26
carloss#topic Review Focus15:26
carloss#link (Review focus etherpad)15:27
carlossso most changes we were targeting are now merged15:29
carlossthere are only a few left:15:29
carloss#link (NetApp Active IQ scheduler weigher)15:30
carlossand the cephfs driver changes15:30
carlosson the NetApp Active IQ: you've got my positive feedback, felipe_rodrigues15:31
felipe_rodriguesshould we wait for gouthamr ? He reviewed it15:31
felipe_rodriguesI mean take a FFE to get his approval15:31
carlossfelipe_rodrigues: gouthamr is on PTO, I'm afraid we'll need other reviewer if we want to get this merged over this week15:31
carlosshe'll be back next Thursday15:31
felipe_rodriguesI got it. I think we dont have enough time to wait him 15:33
felipe_rodrigueswho can take it ? I solved his comments.. Just one about adding a cache I explained why not now. 15:34
carlossso, another option is: we try to get as many reviewers and feedback as possible on this change and merge it, if there is something shows up, it can be addressed as a follow-up15:35
carlossthe only two more active reviewers at the moment are haixin and dviroel - and both are super busy15:35
felipe_rodriguesyeah.. works15:35
dviroelI will take a look at my EoD15:36
felipe_rodriguesthank you dviroel :)15:36
felipe_rodriguesit is a single patch with not many lines.. we have. NetApp CI testing it too15:37
carlosstyvm dviroel 15:37
carlossso if all other netappers that already provided feedback on the change could circle back and post their +1/-1 would be good too15:38
carlossso as for features and the big changes, that's it15:39
carlossthank you very much everyone for all the effort on reviewing the changes and pushing patches15:40
carlossI am pursuing the client release today. The gate was broken until this morning15:41
carlossbut we managed to unblock it by bumping the tox version15:41
carlossthere is only one change in the gate yet to merge:15:42
carlossthis is the patch that adds the deprecation warning to python-manilaclient and I can't express how happy I am to see this change getting merged15:42
carlossthis was a multi-cycle effort15:43
carlossfingers crossed15:43
* carloss doesn't want to provoke zuul's wrath15:43
dviroelrip manila client :(15:43
carlossrip :(15:43
carloss> fingers crossed15:44
carlossI'll expand on this later, because I'm not taking it as a win until it's actually merged :p15:44
carlossthe cephfs driver changes IMO can be considered as bug fixes, as they address the driver upgrades (that wouldn't work without them)15:47
carlosswe'll make an effort to get them in asap though15:47
carlossso that's all I had for Review Focus... the other changes in the list are mostly bugfixes15:47
carlossis there another change you'd like to bring up?15:47
carloss#topic Bug Triage15:48
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:48
carlossso thanks vhari for the bug list15:49
carlosswe have one new bug in the list15:50
carlossapparently an RFE15:51
carlossso I'd say low-prio? we can target this to the beginning of the next cycle15:52
felipe_rodriguesgood improvement.. It seems that without it there is low impact to the end user15:52
felipe_rodrigueslow too15:52
carlossmight be a good option for an outreachy or university intern15:53
carlossack, so setting prio to low, won't target it right now15:53
carlossso that's all for bugs15:54
carloss#topic Open Discussion15:54
carlossis there something else you'd like to bring up today?15:55
carlosstaking silence as no15:57
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Aug 31 15:57:42 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:57
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