Thursday, 2023-04-27

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Apr 27 15:00:13 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping:  dviroel felipe_rodrigues15:00
carlosso/ hello everyone15:02
carlossgood to be back15:02
carlossand special thank you to gouthamr that ran apr 13th meeting! :)15:03
carlosstoday's meeting agenda:15:03
carlossfirst topic:15:03
carloss#topic Announcements15:04
carlossSchedule and Deadlines:15:04
carlossManila milestones are already listed in the official release schedule15:04
carlossand we are ~10 days away from m-115:05
carlossso it would be good to take a look at bugs we are targeting for m-115:06
carlossdon't have more announcements today15:07
carlossis there an announcement you'd like to share with us today?15:07
carlosstaking silence as no15:10
carloss#topic Review Focus15:10
carloss#link (Bobcat review focus etherpad)15:11
* carloss thanks gouthamr for creating the review focus etherpad for Bobcat :)15:12
carlossI will be updating this review focus etherpad with more content, but I see some things listed there that we could focus for m-115:12
carlossand if you have a change you would like to get some attention, please add it to the etherpad15:13
felipe_rodriguesI added the spec-lite propose:
felipe_rodriguesIf you guys could take a look.. it has a deadline, so it must be merged until there15:14
carlossack, ty felipe_rodrigues15:14
felipe_rodriguesthank you15:15
carlossI believe we have more specs coming before the specs deadline, I'll keep bringing those up15:15
carlossfelipe_rodrigues: still for review focus or changes we'd like to get merged15:15
carloss#link (metadata for share network subnets)15:15
carlossI see some comments from gouthamr there, could you please take a look?15:15
felipe_rodriguesFor sure, try to fix asap15:16
carlossthanks :)15:16
* gouthamr was in a netsplit; reconnected15:16
carlossis there another change you would like to bring up in this meeting?15:17
gouthamrthe sqlalchemy ones15:19
gouthamrthere's a lot going on here, and this is my second appeal to find reviewers.. getting these patches merged asap would give us adequate time to react to any bugs that might slip through because of test gaps15:20
gouthamrwe can't avoid sqlalchemy 2.0, so i'm looking for help/wider attention to get these patches in :D 15:21
kpdevI will review few from this topic. 15:22
carlossthank you kpdev - reviews will be much appreciated15:22
carlossand thanks for bringing this up gouthamr15:22
carlossthese are in my list of reviews, I'll get to them asap15:22
gouthamrthank you both... 15:23
kpdevI have added few PRs at, specifically share-backup pending for months.15:23
gouthamrthink i tagged renan in our last meeting; and felipe_rodrigues before that... as you can see this is a huge chain of patches, the more reviewers, the easier it gets15:23
carlossokay, on to the next topic...15:27
carloss#topic Bug Triage15:27
carlossvhari has a conflicting meeting, but kindly groomed the list of bugs for today15:27
carlossthanks a lot! :)15:27
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:27
carloss"share export location not updated with netapp driver"15:29
carlossapparently a bug with the multi-subnet feature introduced not long ago15:30
carlossthe export locations not being properly updated with the new list of IPs the share server has15:31
felipe_rodriguesyep.. I can take a look 15:31
felipe_rodriguesplease, add me15:31
carlossoh, I think the author assigned self to the bug - but don't see a change15:32
carlosswe can ping and ask if there's a bugfix already in the works15:33
carlossas for milestone and priority: I'm tempted to say this is a low-prio, considering it doesn't block someone from mounting the share, or share creations and so on15:34
gouthamrthis is interesting15:34
gouthamri mean, we didn't expect anyone using multiple subnets without replication15:34
carlossfix would sound feasible for m-1 15:34
gouthamrwouldn't a share server be plugged only onto one subnet? 15:35
felipe_rodriguesactually, we have one scenario that multiple subnets can be used without replication.. 15:35
felipe_rodriguesthe lack of IPs of one subnet.. that was the main use case for this multiple subnet feature15:36
felipe_rodriguesFrom what I know, the customer hasn't played yet with this feature.. I mean.. it still on test phase.. we can find some bugs 15:38
gouthamrah i see15:39
gouthamrthanks; that makes sense 15:39
gouthamris this also a lack of tempest tests on our end/15:39
felipe_rodrigueswe have tempest tests.. I don't know if they are asserting the number of export locations.. it should... it seems the basic assert from my view..15:40
carlossso, low - m2?15:42
carlosshow does that sound?15:43
felipe_rodrigueslow +115:43
carlossnext one is a revisit15:44
carloss#link (Manila's share networks API exposes privileged network information)15:45
carlossluizsantos[m] worked on a fix for it (thanks)15:45
carlossand there are some comments to solve + a merge conflict to resolve15:45
carlosscould you please take a look at it?15:45
luizsantos[m]Yeah, I can take a look to fix this conflict15:47
carlossack, thanks!15:48
carlossokay, that's all for bug triaging15:48
carloss#topic Open Discussion15:48
carthacaHi, I was wondering if someone is already working on implementing and just hasn't commited their code, yet?15:50
felipe_rodriguesNot from NetApp team side15:51
carthacaThanks, I would not want to miss reviewing :)15:53
carthacaNext one, to carloss: you are assigned to, are you working on this or is it up for grabs?15:55
carlossI haven't been working on it and I'd say I am happy to hand it over in case someone is willing to take it :)15:56
carthacaGood, there will be someone hopefully ;)15:57
carlossfelipe_rodrigues: is someone at netapp willing to take a look at this? I think we have addressed similar bugs in the past15:58
carlossshould be a fun/rewarding bug to take15:58
felipe_rodriguesit is part of our bug list.. You can add me from now, but we have other bug priorities. 15:59
carlossack, thanks16:00
* carloss checks time16:00
carlosswe're at the top of the hour16:00
carlossthank you for joining this meeting today!16:00
carlosscarthaca: if you have more changes you'd like info about, please bring them up in #openstack-manila :)16:01
carlosssee you all in #openstack-manila16:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Apr 27 16:01:50 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:01
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