Wednesday, 2023-04-19

whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Apr 19 14:01:03 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:01
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:01
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:01
drencromHi all. Is there an agenda for today's meeting?14:03
whoami-rajatdrencrom, ^14:03
whoami-rajathello everyone, let's get started14:05
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:06
whoami-rajatfirst, Xena EM14:06
whoami-rajatI reviewed all the open patches in xena and saw many of them not merged into more recent branches14:06
* jungleboyj sneaks in late14:06
whoami-rajatso we've excluded them from the final xena release14:06
whoami-rajatlooks like Jon isn't around but i will ping him later to propose a final release patch14:07
whoami-rajatand then move xena to EM (as done in the release patch above)14:07
rosmaitawe can get the "pin tox <4" patches into xena later, but we should get them in (and out of my life)14:09
whoami-rajatah yes, maybe i missed reviewing them or already done it, can't remember ...14:09
rosmaitai think you reviewed them14:10
rosmaitadoesn't matter for release, just thought I'd mention it :)14:11
whoami-rajatyep i see i haven't, will do that after the meeting (since we're sticking with tox)14:11
whoami-rajatnext is, Update on EOL Stein and Rocky14:12
whoami-rajatso Elod replied to rosmaita's email saying that they will put up a rocky-eol patch14:13
whoami-rajatfor all projects14:13
whoami-rajatit's still not clear for stein but hopefully the same will be done for that14:13
whoami-rajatfrom cinder perspective, we won't be actively reviewing patches in those branches14:14
rosmaitai think we (cinder project) can just go ahead and EOL stein ourselves14:14
rosmaitanobody objected on the ML14:14
whoami-rajatyeah that's also possible14:15
whoami-rajatI was thinking if the whole openstack does it, it would be even better14:16
rosmaitaiirc, nova and neutron have done it already14:16
whoami-rajatok, we can do it for cinder then, Jon or I can put up a release patch for it14:18
rosmaitai think Jon is planning to do it 14:18
rosmaitayeah, just checked, nova and neutron both have rocky-eol and stein-eol tags14:18
whoami-rajatok great, let's do it for cinder as well14:20
whoami-rajatfinal announcement, Festival of XS reviews this week14:22
whoami-rajatwe will be having festival of xs reviews on 21 April14:23
whoami-rajatwhich is this friday14:23
rosmaitawow, it's the 3rd week of april already14:23
whoami-rajati will send out a mail later today14:23
jungleboyj:-)  April has been very fast.14:23
whoami-rajatI'm amazed it's April already :D 2023 is also fast14:24
whoami-rajatanyway, that's all the announcements14:25
whoami-rajati see jbernard joined in14:25
whoami-rajatwe were discussing about rocky and stein EOL14:25
whoami-rajatfor rocky, the release team will be putting up patches as written in their email14:26
whoami-rajatand for stein, rosmaita suggested that we put up our own patch14:26
jbernardim workign on it now, no problem14:26
whoami-rajatgreat thanks!14:27
rosmaitajbernard: probably do both rocky and stein so there's no confusion14:27
jbernardthat was my plan14:27
jbernardi can abandon anythign that conflicts with release team proposals14:27
whoami-rajatif the release team hasn't done it already then sounds good ^14:27
rosmaitasounds good14:27
whoami-rajati think that's all for announcements, let's move to topics14:28
whoami-rajat#topic Discuss patch that changes schema validation14:29
whoami-rajatdrencrom, that's you14:29
drencromYes, we discussed this a few weeks ago. The point is that the limit control counts characters but mysql limit is in bytes14:29
drencromI've checked what glance does and it seems it just fails when mysql fails to insert the data14:30
drencromAnd does not control the size14:30
rosmaitaso basically, this changes the request schema but doesn't have to mess with the database because that's already big enough14:32
eharneythe database has a 64k cap?  or is uncapped?14:32
drencromMysql text fields have a 64k limit14:33
drencrombut text can have utf8 chars so that the char limit is not really useful14:33
rosmaitadrencrom: do you mean the mysql field is measured in bytes, not chars?14:34
rosmaitaok, since the stuff is coming in via json, it's definitely utf814:35
rosmaitaiirc, worst case for utf8 is 4 bytes?14:35
rosmaita(i mean to represent a character)14:36
rosmaitaso should we limit the field to 64K / 4 ?14:36
eharneyi'm a bit unsure why our image metadata table uses a Text field when other tables use a String field for such things14:37
drencromglance uses a text field also14:37
eharneyi guess just because we wanted it to hold a larger value14:37
eharneycan we have the schema validator just check it as bytes instead of string length?14:40
drencromIn theory it can still fail with a 16k chars limit if glance has a text shorter than 64k but larger than 16k chars14:40
rosmaitai think eharney is onto something here14:40
rosmaitawe can have the custom validator determine the byte size and reject if necessary14:41
rosmaitakey think is that would give you a 400 before even contacting the DB14:41
eharneythat looks like it shouldn't be too hard to do14:42
drencromI don't know how to do that but can help if you give me some pointers14:43
eharney(add a new jsonschema validator method in etc and change the type to a new type instead of "string")14:43
rosmaitadrencrom: ping me if you don't see a good example in and we can figure something out14:44
drencromok, will look into it, thanks14:46
whoami-rajatcool, is that all for your topic drencrom ?14:49
rosmaitato summarize, sounds like we are OK with increasing the value allowed because no database change is needed, but we would like a validator so that we can reject a string that will be too big in byte size14:51
whoami-rajatthanks for the summary rosmaita 14:55
whoami-rajatthat's all the topics we had14:55
whoami-rajatlet's move to open discussion14:55
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:55
Tony_SaadHey guys can we get a review on
Tony_SaadAlso JeanPierre would like to discuss how to proceed on
jungleboyjTony_Saad: Looking.  :-)14:57
zaitcevTony_Saad: Why is it needed to document a generic feature like image volume cache in a driver documentation?14:59
zaitcevOr actually, let's document my objection with a -1, not here.15:00
Tony_SaadI believe it is documented in Dells other producs15:00
whoami-rajatwe're out of time15:01
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for attending15:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Apr 19 15:01:16 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jungleboyjTony_Saad:  I don't have a problem with verbose documentation.  :-)15:01
zaitcevjungleboyj: have fun updating the redundant entries15:02
Tony_Saadwhere else is it mentioned?15:03
zaitcevIn image-volume-cache.rst duh :-)15:09
zaitcevI can see a need for an anchor though, to improve the discoverability.15:10
zaitcevSomeone who's following the documentation step by step may be not aware of it, so may need a reminder.15:10
zaitcevPlease reply with the clarification. Maybe refer to example of "Replication support" section, which also contains a recipe.15:13

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