Thursday, 2023-03-16

carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Mar 16 15:00:50 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
* dviroel is not going to be in ping list today 15:01
carlosscourtesy ping: gouthamr15:01
carlossdviroel o/ :D15:02
vkmchaha courtesy ping only for gouthamr 15:03
* gouthamr blushes15:03
carlosso/ hello everyone15:04
carlosstoday's meeting agenda:15:04
carloss#topic Announcements15:04
carlossSchedule and Deadlines:15:04
carlosswe are one week away from the Antelope release15:05
carlossand two weeks away from the Bobcat virtual PTG15:05
carlosscode/ci looks stable so far, so we are okay for the release15:07
carlossnext week, I will be presenting the manila highlights for the Antelope release in the OpenInfra Live15:08
carlossthe live will start at 13:30 UTC and run to 15 UTC - I should be able to run this meeting as usual15:09
carloss#link (OpenInfra Youtube Channel)15:09
carlossso please join us to listen to some good things that happened during the Antelope release across some OpenStack projects!15:10
carlossand the last announcement I have:15:10
carlossPTG planning!15:10
carlossI sent an email to the mailing list earlier today:15:11
carlosswith some details on the slots we will be meeting and the PTG planning etherpad15:11
carlossif you would like to bring up a topic during the PTG, please add the topic until next Tuesday EOD, so I can organize things and share a tentative schedule with you next Thursday15:12
carlossand we would have some hours to accommodate the changes if necessary15:12
carlosswe can have our usual happy hour on Friday, during the last slot15:13
carlossor if you have a different idea, we can move the happy hour around :)15:14
carlossthat's all I had in terms of announcements. Is there something you would like to announce today?15:14
carlosstaking silence as no15:17
carlosssome extra time for bug triaging today :)15:17
carloss#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:17
vharihi carloss et al15:18
vhariwould like to start with latest bugs and work our way back 15:19
vharipls chime in if you have a urgent bug to discuss ..15:19
vharihave a bit of a backlog past couple of sessions15:19
vhari#link   15:19
vharilooking for minor triage atm 15:20
gouthamrlow, bobcat-1? The fix has been proposed by kpdev15:22
vharias of this AM bugs is in progress .. 15:22
carloss> low, bobcat-1? The fix has been proposed by kpdev15:22
carlosssounds more like an RFE than a bug15:22
felipe_rodrigues+1 RFE15:23
gouthamryou’d now have to find the equivalent NetApp REST API and get that in alongside if possible15:23
felipe_rodriguesgood point gouthamr 15:24
felipe_rodrigueswe can catch it with reviews 15:24
vharinoted, if no other thoughts 15:25
vharinext up #link   15:25
vhari#link   15:25
carlosshmm, sounds like medium to me15:28
carlossgouthamr: are you aware of any deployment stuck with this issue?15:28
gouthamryes, but not stuck - issue has existed for a while and there’s a workaround; I’d vote for low, bobcat-115:29
gouthamrthe workaround is to reset the counter based on the existing exports manually15:29
vharimoving on 15:31
vhari#link   15:31
gouthamrah, we did some more triage on #openstack-manila when carthaca reported this15:32
gouthamrthe db query to pull up share replicas and “pending” snapshots takes around 10 minutes in his environment causing the periodic tasks to back up and outlast their intervals15:33
carthacayep, I'm working on the improvement  - seems '' is much faster on "with_share_data=False"15:34
carthacaand the extra data is not even used anywhere down -.-15:35
gouthamrthere’s also probably something we can learn about the periodic task API or find an alternative so we can avoid interference from other tasks we’re running serially… so thanks for reporting a bug against Oslo.service carthaca15:35
vharilow,  bobcat-3?15:39
carlosscould be, but would this be solved in manila without having a fix for oslo.service?15:40
gouthamryes - the db retrieval lag can be addressed… I think medium is good15:41
vhariack , will leave target as it for now due to dependency 15:43
vhari#link  15:43
vharilooking for minor triage and discuss felipe_rodrigues soln 15:45
gouthamrgood catch and sounds like a good fix15:45
carlossfelipe_rodrigues: I think I've run into this before15:45
carlossthanks for the report15:45
carlossI like the fix too15:46
carlosss/the fix/the idea of the fidx15:46
carlossfelipe_rodrigues: are you willing to work on this or have any other netapper proposing the fix?15:46
felipe_rodrigueswe will propose a fix soon15:51
vharity felipe_rodrigues++ 15:51
carlossack, thanks15:52
vharinext 3 bugs are missing docs 15:52
vharito quickly triage 15:52
vhari#link  15:52
vharicarloss, time check looking ok?15:53
carlossyes, I think we have the time to cover those15:53
carlossgouthamr: thanks for the report. kpdev might be the one more familiar with this change15:54
vhariawesome .. 15:54
carlossI can ping and see if he can propose some docs15:54
vharisound good carloss :)15:54
vharinext up 15:54
vhari#link 15:54
carlossfelipe_rodrigues: good docs exercise for the share network metadata APIs15:55
carlosscould you or someone at the netapp team please take a look?15:55
felipe_rodriguesfor sure..15:55
carlossi'd say it's low prio and we can backport the docs to the user/admin guide15:55
vharifinally the last one !15:56
vhari#link  15:56
carlossthanks for the report gouthamr 15:56
carlossashrodri might be the person more familiar with this change, so we can ask her if she can work in the docs15:57
carlosssame priority as the former I'd say15:57
gouthamr++ we were identifying work items on OpenStackSDK and finding some of these doc gaps15:57
vharicool so that's a wrap for bugs ... 15:57
vhariawesome progress .. thanks everyone :)15:58
carlossthank you very much vhari15:58
carloss2 minutes left in the meeting :p15:59
vhariyw 15:59
carlossthank you for joining! and please don't forget to add your topics for PTG until next Tuesday!15:59
carlosslet's continue chatting in #openstack-manila16:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Mar 16 16:00:23 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:00
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