Wednesday, 2023-02-15

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whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Feb 15 14:00:10 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
roquejhello Rajat14:00
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whoami-rajatwe've good amount of people around so let's get started14:03
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:03
whoami-rajatI've proposed candidacy for PTL for 2023.2 (Bobcat) cycle14:03
roquejyou're the perfect candidate, I'd say Yay!14:04
whoami-rajatthanks everyone :)14:04
whoami-rajatif anyone would like to become a core or PTL, they can contact me regarding it and i can help them provide guidance for the same14:05
whoami-rajatmoving on, Deadlines: Cinderclient, requirement freeze, feature freeze on 17th Feb14:05
whoami-rajatwe've a lot of deadlines this week14:06
whoami-rajator should i say in 2 days14:06
whoami-rajatlet's go project by project14:06
whoami-rajatmost of the changes are merged, thanks everyone for the reviews14:06
whoami-rajatthere is 1 patch remaining where I've suggested an alternative14:07
whoami-rajatlet's see if we get a response on that14:08
whoami-rajatit's not critical but good to have fix in the release14:08
whoami-rajatnext, python-brick-cinderclient-ext14:08
whoami-rajathere the gate was broken due to tox4 issues but we didn't notice because no patch was proposed during Antelope cycle14:08
whoami-rajatcurrently the gate fix is merged, the requirements are updated (they were very old)14:09
whoami-rajatI updated the release patch with new hash and few minutes ago release team approved the release patch14:09
whoami-rajatso we should have a release by today14:10
whoami-rajatat least this one is sorted14:10
whoami-rajatnow to the concerning part, Feature Freeze14:10
whoami-rajatwe had 12 features initially14:10
whoami-rajat3 are merged14:10
whoami-rajat9 are remaining14:11
whoami-rajat8 of them are driver features and one is related to a spec we merged this cycle14:11
whoami-rajatbut it's a nova dependent feature and last i checked, the nova patch didn't had any reviews14:11
whoami-rajatok i see it's been crossed out in the etherpad with the reasoning what I'm trying to explain here14:12
whoami-rajatso we've 7 driver patches and one related to the restoring into sparse volumes14:12
whoami-rajatthe driver ones should be doable, I'm not sure about the restore one, we don't have a spec for it which seems strange but maybe it's fine14:14
whoami-rajatanyways, what i would really like to convey is please respond quickly to the review comments14:15
whoami-rajatI've review comments on 2 patches that aren't addressed for quite some time14:15
whoami-rajatso if you would like the feature to be included, kindly lower the feedback time14:16
akawaiI see.14:16
whoami-rajatthat's all on the features14:16
whoami-rajatthe last one is Requirements Freeze14:16
whoami-rajateharney, has two changes that update the hacking version to 5.0 in os-brick and cinder14:17
whoami-rajatmy query regarding that is, the latest version mentioned in pypi is 5.0.0 so do we want the minimum and max to be same version here?14:18
eharneyi'm not sure i understand the concern exactly14:18
whoami-rajatnot a concern but wanted to know if is it OK to have the min version = max version?14:19
whoami-rajats/is it/it is14:20
eharneyyeah, just means we'll run with 5.0.x14:20
whoami-rajatok, then no concerns from my side14:20
rosmaitawe are running with the max version anyway14:20
rosmaitathe version specified in upper-constraints is what pip will install14:20
whoami-rajati don't see hacking in u-c14:21
rosmaitai really don't understand why we specify any minima in the requirements file at all14:21
eharneyi'm not sure that's true for hacking...14:21
rosmaitaah, well, test-only stuff is an exception, that's true14:21
eharneyit's handled differently because upgrades typically cause breakages, so we have to manually bump it up14:21
rosmaitawell, as long as we're passing with 5.0.0, no reason not to specify it14:23
whoami-rajatI've reviewed both changes14:24
whoami-rajatthis one requires another review14:24
rosmaitagot it14:24
whoami-rajatgreat, thanks14:24
jungleboyjwhoami-rajat:  Done.14:25
whoami-rajatthanks Jay!14:25
whoami-rajatI've sent out a mail highlighting all the review priorities mentioned here14:26
whoami-rajatone last thing is regarding the PTG14:27
whoami-rajatif you haven't signed up already, please do14:27
roquejoh yes good catch14:27
roquejwill do14:27
whoami-rajatthat's all for the announcements14:27
whoami-rajatlet's move to topics14:27
whoami-rajat#topic Vulnerability scanning14:28
whoami-rajatI don't see happystacker around14:28
roquejI'm here14:28
roquejmy nickname changed14:28
whoami-rajatoh, good to know14:28
roquejquestion is are we doing such as scan when pushing code?14:28
eharneywe have bandit, which does some14:29
roquejwhat is bandit?14:29
eharneyit detects known bad patterns of python code that could be security concerns14:29
whoami-rajatI don't think we've any guidelines in place for this, for security purpose we were working on FIPS some time ago14:29
roquej ?14:29
eharneybut most vulnerability prevention, by far, is just based on having thorough enough review14:29
roquejit says it's no longer maintained14:30
whoami-rajati mean FIPS job in gate14:30
roquejI see, nothing automatic then14:30
roquejjust based on review14:30
eharneyit's no longer maintained as an openstack project, it is still maintained14:30
roquejdo we plan to do something around this kind of scanning? Or we assume bandit + review is enough?14:31
roquejoh I see, thls14:31
eharneyi'd be interested in proposals, but i think we really have to rely on review14:31
roquejok makes sense14:31
whoami-rajatdoes anyone know what's the status of the fips work?
eharneynot really, other than that i think the CI pieces still need some effort14:32
eharneyunsure if they settled on the plan fully for which OS to run them on, maybe rosmaita has info14:32
toskythere is an effort to simplify that work, the idea is to patch devstack so that we don't need to carry the playbook into each and every repository14:33
toskyso that we would need to just set a variable to enable fips:
toskyI'm not sure whether this means we should merge the existing proposed changes now or wait for that devstack change to merge and then adapt the code14:34
rosmaitawhat's made me a bit worried about that job is that it and it's dependencies have never all been green at the same time14:34
rosmaitaat least not when i looked14:34
roquejdo we have doc about fips ?14:34
rosmaitai think it's a community goal, should be some docs there14:35
roquejexcellent thank you14:36
whoami-rajatthat helped us elimiate md5 being used for security purposes, so looks useful to have14:36
whoami-rajatbut as eharney said, new proposals to strengthen security are always welcome14:37
roquejsure, I understand14:37
whoami-rajatgood, anything else on this topic?14:38
roquejI'm good for now14:38
whoami-rajatcool, thanks for bringing this up14:38
whoami-rajatlet's move to next topic14:38
whoami-rajat#topic Outreachy 202314:38
whoami-rajatenriquetaso, that's you14:38
enriquetasojbernard is going to mentor to reduce the gap with the openstack client/sdk. If anyone is interested in co-mentor for the project please let me know! 14:38
enriquetasoThe outreachy coordinator for openstack suggested that I keep the proposal really simple and then go deeper in the details of the task once the intern had been selected. 14:39
enriquetasoI have one question regarding the intern task. Are the interns going to work on testing the openstacksdk and document what are the gaps or is work to be done on the openstacksdk side?14:39
whoami-rajatso i think first part should be to fix all the issues we've noticed in openstackclient14:40
whoami-rajatonce the CLI is fully operational then we can start working on sdk to eliminate the parity and skip cinderclient completely14:40
whoami-rajatI haven't looked into the sdk part so not sure what kind of work there is to do14:41
whoami-rajator if it's suitable for intern to address14:41
whoami-rajatbut I can surely help with the openstackclient part14:41
roquejI can help if needed but not as a mentor14:41
enriquetasomake sense.. so, first i should replace openstacksdk to openstackclient. 14:41
enriquetasoThen i need to make a list or something to make really clear what is the work 14:42
whoami-rajatthat's my understanding14:42
enriquetasoroquej, thank you! that would be helpful, usually potential interns have a lot of question, helping to reply to them is welcome 14:42
roquejI'd be glad to help14:43
enriquetasookay, ill update the etherpad and I think it's ready14:43
enriquetasothanks 14:43
whoami-rajatgreat, thanks for working on this enriquetaso 14:43
whoami-rajatlet's move to the last topic of the meeting14:44
whoami-rajat#topic Skipping the tgt job on cinder-tempest-plugin14:45
whoami-rajattosky, that's you14:45
toskyso: the cinder-tempest-plugin gates are blocked (sorry, missed that for a while)14:45
toskyoriginally linked to the tox 4 migration, and rosmaita proposed a fix14:45
toskybut it looks like the tgt job broke after the switch to jammy (reverting to focal it works again)14:46
toskythere are "interesting" failures in the logs but I don't know enough to debug it14:46
toskynow, the default has been lioadm for a while, and the tgt job is only executed on cinder-tempest-plugin14:46
toskyI don't want to start the discussion about removing the tgt support (even thought it may be a useful topic to discuss)14:47
toskyright now the question is: does anyone disagree making that job non-voting?14:47
toskyif there are no disagreement, I'd kindly ask rosmaita to update to skip it14:47
toskyand unblock cinder-tempest-plugin, and be ready to merge tons of patches which are stuck!14:47
toskythat's it14:47
whoami-rajatah, sorry I didn't notice either14:48
rosmaitatosky: you mean switch the job to focal and make it non-voting?14:48
rosmaitaor just non-voting?14:48
toskyI'm not sure it makes sense to switch back to focal, that's about testing runtimes14:48
toskywe should ask a TC member14:48
toskybut yeah :) I was just thinking about switching it to non-voting for now14:49
whoami-rajatso we should ask rosmaita or jungleboyj 14:49
toskyif it's moved to focal, it can stay voting14:49
rosmaitawell, the tempest runtime situation is weird because it's not branched14:49
whoami-rajatwhere are the failures of tgt+jammy observed? on this patch?
toskybut master cinder-tempest-plugin tests master cinder14:50
toskyso it should use jammy just like master cinder does14:50
toskyif we had branch-specific jobs for the tgt job, sure, those should use focal - but that's we already do for the lioadm jobs iirc14:51
whoami-rajatrosmaita, there the tgt job is working fine (since we switched back to focal)14:51
rosmaitai am not having a good morning14:52
toskywhoami-rajat: check the comments :)14:52
whoami-rajathmm, an iscsi login failure14:54
whoami-rajatanyway, I don't have a strong objection on making the tgt job non-voting so we can unblock the gate and in the meantime look for ways to fix it14:56
whoami-rajatbut others can disagree14:57
toskyok, I'd say: please rosmaita  update the patch and see if there are -1/-214:57
rosmaitaok, will do14:57
whoami-rajatcool, open discussion for 2 minutes14:58
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:58
whoami-rajatthanks for noticing the failing gate tosky !14:58
roquejnothing specific from my side, just a few bug fixes for which I require your attention14:59
inori I've modified the doc that is needed, so could you please have a look at this at your most convenient?14:59
TusharTgitei've also have a bug pending can anyone take a look
whoami-rajatplease focus on the review priorities of this week and also on the review request section every week15:00
whoami-rajatwe're out of time15:00
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for joining15:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Feb 15 15:01:01 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
whoami-rajatthanks for updating logs and minutes (whoever did it)15:01
roquejit's me, lol15:01
roquejtrying to contribute at my humble level15:02
rosmaitaroquej: ++15:02
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