Wednesday, 2023-02-01

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whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Feb  1 14:00:05 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
geguileohi! o/14:00
whoami-rajatgood amount of people are around, let's get started14:04
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:04
whoami-rajatfirst, Combined PTL+TC elections14:04
whoami-rajatit's that time of cycle where we're closing on on Antelope and preparing for Bobcat14:05
whoami-rajatand part of the planning is that elections will start soon14:05
whoami-rajatthe current mail only says about nomination for PTL and TC and also the elections will be combined14:05
whoami-rajatrelated to this, active contributors who do not have a commit won't be allowed to vote14:05
whoami-rajateven though you're active on IRC or ML, it won't be counted as contribution in the voting, so I would advise to have some contribution in terms of commit14:06
whoami-rajatand also Nominations begin Feb 01, 2023 23:45 UTC14:07
whoami-rajatnext, python-cinderclient yoga gate is broken14:07
whoami-rajatI've been looking at this for past 1-2 weeks and i THINK I've some idea about what is happening14:08
whoami-rajatI wrote a mail to the requirements team regarding the fix (according to me)14:08
whoami-rajatI've sent another mail describing what seems to be the issue14:08
whoami-rajatthere could be other possibilities to fix this but currently I think we need a requirements bump in u-c in the yoga branch14:09
eharneythat looks like an incompatibility between rtslib and the system/kernel14:09
whoami-rajatyes, i came to the same conclusion14:09
whoami-rajatso let's wait for the requirements team to comment on it but until then yoga gate is broken for python-cinderclient14:10
eharneyso another option might be to pin the yoga gate to older nodes if bumping the reqs doesn't pan out14:10
whoami-rajatthat seems reasonable as well, just we don't bump into other dependency issues14:11
whoami-rajatok final announcement, Supporting SQLAlchemy 2.0 in OpenStack14:12
whoami-rajatthis came out minutes ago but i thought it's important to mention14:13
rosmaita"Has a lot of things changed?" YES!!!14:13
whoami-rajatwe've already done a lot of work for making cinder compatible with sqlalchemy 2.014:13
whoami-rajatcurrently we've a requirements patch bumping the version of sqlalchemy and cinder job is failing there14:14
whoami-rajatI haven't looked but hopefully it won't be too much work (since we've already done a lot)14:14
whoami-rajatmight be a matter of replacing removed libraries with their alternatives14:15
whoami-rajatbut yeah we need to be ready for it next cycle14:15
whoami-rajatthat's all i had for announcements today14:16
eharneywe need to finish reviewing the db re-work patches currently in flight14:16
whoami-rajatah, i lost track of them14:17
whoami-rajatok there is one more announcement which i forgot about14:19
whoami-rajatos-brick release next week14:19
whoami-rajatthis is a list of open patches in os-brick, i haven't taken a careful look to see which all are important but if you've any patches that need to be part of release14:20
whoami-rajatdo let me know14:20
eharneythere's at least one requirements change in there14:20
whoami-rajatthis one?
whoami-rajatok, I've created an etherpad so people can link their patches after the meeting as well14:22
simondodsleywe should try and clean up all the old patches with merge conflicts14:22
simondodsleyie abandon them??14:23
whoami-rajatsome looks kind of important, maybe good to leave a comment asking if they're actively working on it14:24
eharneyprobably not abandon them, we should assess them and just rebase some of them14:24
eharneysome are refactors that have been sitting for ~2 years that we need to chase down14:24
whoami-rajatmaybe they didn't get reviews initially and the author forgot about them14:26
whoami-rajatI can create a comment template asking them to revive it14:26
whoami-rajatelse we can follow Eric's suggestion to rebase them ourself14:26
whoami-rajat(given they're important enough changes)14:26
whoami-rajatthis can be followed up, we also have topics so let's move to them now14:28
whoami-rajat#topic PyPi additional external maintainers audit & cleanup14:28
whoami-rajatrosmaita, that's you14:28
rosmaitaok, the email explains the issue14:29
rosmaitathe problem is that having extra maintainers in pypi means that someone can do a release14:30
rosmaitawhich happened with xstatic-font-awesome, and i have no idea where the source code is for what was released14:30
rosmaitaanyway, there's some cleanup proposed14:30
whoami-rajatpretty bad that i missed that email, looks like I've some work to do14:31
rosmaitawell, the only work really is to discuss with the external maintainers whether they object to openstack-ci becoming the sole maintainer14:31
rosmaitai suspect most of them will not14:32
rosmaitabut if they object, the current TC proposal is that we just hand the repo back to them and let them maintain it14:32
rosmaitaand if there are arguments later, we fork it and do it ourselves14:33
rosmaitabut it's possible that there are additional solutions that can be proposed at the bobcat vPTG14:33
rosmaitathe key thing is that we don't want the xstatic-font-awesome situation to arise again14:34
rosmaitaanyway, i think we (or actually Rajat) can send an email to sean, Ivan, and thingee ... i think they will have no objection, they haven't been involved in those projects recently14:35
rosmaitai think they are holdovers from the initial creation14:35
rosmaitafor cinderlib and rbd-iscsi-client, they are more active, and may have a stronger opinion14:35
rosmaitathat's all from me14:36
rosmaitajust wanted to bring it up at a meeting, because as you can see in the email thread14:37
rosmaitasome people have strong opinions about opensource "ownership"14:37
rosmaitaand feel that kicking out external maintainers is not good14:37
rosmaitaok, that's really all from me14:38
whoami-rajatsure I will send an email to all external owners, I've updated the cinder situation here
whoami-rajathopefully that's all the projects we have14:38
rosmaitayes, i think that list is accurate14:39
whoami-rajatcool, thanks for checking14:40
whoami-rajatok, I've an action item for this one14:41
whoami-rajatthanks rosmaita for bringing this up14:42
whoami-rajatlet's move to next topic14:42
whoami-rajat#topic EOL pre train branches i.e. rocky, stein14:42
whoami-rajatso rosmaita and I were discussing this in the cinder channel and later that day the release team sent out an email regarding this14:42
rosmaitawe are trend-setters14:43
whoami-rajati agree!14:43
whoami-rajatso I've replied to that email with the current situation in rocky and stein branches14:43
whoami-rajatrosmaita, noticed that our nova-multiattach job is broken because it was defined in nova and removed in the nova rocky release14:44
whoami-rajatwhen nova transitioned rocky to EOL, that job started failing14:44
whoami-rajatso we've a broken job in our rocky repo14:44
whoami-rajatthe last commits to rocky and stein were made in September 202114:45
whoami-rajatclearly these branches aren't very active14:45
whoami-rajatI wanted to bring this up to the meeting to see if anyone has any concerns if we EOL rocky and stein branches14:46
eharneyseems reasonable to me14:46
rosmaitayeah, if they are deleted from nova, i feel like they are effectively deleted from openstack14:47
whoami-rajatalso nova did it earlier this cycle so not a lot of people using cinder EM branches without nova14:47
whoami-rajatok, i don't see any concerns so i will reply to that thread giving it a +1 from cinder side14:49
whoami-rajatthat's all from my side for this topic14:49
whoami-rajatwe've time left so let's move to open discussion14:50
rosmaitai guess the only question is there any final stuff to get in there ... if not, we don't need to fix the gate14:50
whoami-rajatgood question14:50
whoami-rajati see the VMDK security patch in there14:50
rosmaitawell, not proposed by me14:51
rosmaitaand i think it's missing the use-json-from-qemu-img backport that's needed14:51
rosmaitaactually, while we are all here, i should make sure the team supports what i said on the CVE bug:
whoami-rajatyeah we need that one first ...14:52
Tony_SaadHey guys, first time at a weekly meeting. Sorry for interrupting. When is an appropriate time for me to bring things to the table. Is there a time in the meeting for everyone to jump in ?  14:53
rosmaitawhat i said was that as far as the -em branches go (to which we are not obligated to do backports), we went as far as train to cover a release that supports python 2.7, but would not go farther14:54
rosmaitathat way anyone interested has an example to backport farther if they want to14:54
rosmaitaso i think we have gone above and beyond on this one14:54
rosmaita(i just wish we had deleted rocky and stein back in november when nova did!)14:55
rosmaitaTony_Saad: this is the "open discussion" part of the meeting, so you can jump in 14:55
whoami-rajatTony_Saad, we've open discussion but it's after all topics are discussed14:55
whoami-rajatlet me open it14:55
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:56
Tony_SaadThere we go!!14:56
whoami-rajatrosmaita, yeah, I really don't want to review/maintain/fix anything beyond train but we currently have them in EM so not sure what will be the right thing here14:57
whoami-rajatTony_Saad, you can go ahead, we only have 3 minutes left14:57
Tony_SaadThis is a message from Jean-Perrie from Dell "I have published a new blueprint/spec concerning our 8GB rounding issue and ask them when we want to introduce a new option which is not 14:58
Tony_Saaddue to a bug if we still need to open a launchpad or a blueprint is enough"14:58
Tony_SaadI copied and pasted the message to save on time14:58
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: about EM expectations ... see fungi's comment:
whoami-rajatTony_Saad, we open blueprints on launchpad14:59
whoami-rajatTony_Saad, the process is to register a blueprint on launchpad and write a spec pointing to that blueprint14:59
Tony_Saadblueprint will be enough then15:00
whoami-rajatrosmaita, ok, that aligns with our thoughts15:00
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: also, from the release docs: "Without regular comprehensive maintenance, it is quite possible that someone proposing a backport to an EM branch will find that tests have broken since the last successful merge. This means that tests (or test configuration) might need to be fixed, reduced, or reconfigured before the backport itself can be evaluated and merged. The onus for that falls on the backporter or the gr15:00
rosmaitaoup of people looking after a specific release."15:00
whoami-rajatok, so we don't have to do anything in this, that solves everything :D15:01
whoami-rajatTony_Saad, yes a launchpad blueprint and a spec is enough15:01
Tony_SaadAlso we have a bunch of Dell patches for review including powerstore volume caching
whoami-rajatTony_Saad, add it to the review request section and i will try to address it15:02
whoami-rajatwe're out of time15:02
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for attending15:02
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Feb  1 15:02:44 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:02
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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