Thursday, 2023-01-05

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jan  5 15:00:19 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carloss courtesy ping: vkmc dviroel15:01
dviroelhi o/15:01
carlosso/ hello everyone15:03
carlossand happy new year!15:04
carlossit's good to be back15:05
haixinIs the Christmas break over?15:05
carlosshaixin: for many of us, yes :)15:05
carlosssome could have extended15:05
carlosstoday's meeting agenda:15:05
carlosso. thiagoalvoravel 15:06
carlosso/ *15:06
carloss#topic Announcements15:06
carlossSchedule and Deadlines:15:07
carlossso we are past spec freeze and this week is M-2 for Antelope15:07
carlossnext week would be our new driver deadline but apparently we don't have candidates for this cycle15:08
carlossso I think we are good with that15:09
carlossnext deadlines to track, I'd say: feature proposal freeze (in 2 weeks)15:10
carlosswhere featureful patches should be submitted with unit and functional tests to gerrit (also client changes if needed)15:11
carlossand m-3 is in 6 weeks, which is also our client merge deadline 15:11
carlossnext announcement is the PTG, which is in a few months from now15:12
carloss#link https://openinfra-ptg.eventbrite.com15:12
carlossplease register if you intend to participate. I will create the topics etherpad soon and share it with you15:13
carlosson a side note: talk and forums submission for the next OpenInfra Summit in June is still open15:14
carlossso you can propose talks you might want to bring up in the CFP15:14
carloss^ more info here15:14
carlossand last announcement on my side:15:15
carlosswe have a name for the next release15:15
carloss2023.2, aka Bobcat :D15:15
carlossthe foundation shared the name yesterday15:16
carlossthat's all I had for announcements15:16
carlossis there an announcement you would like to share with us today?15:16
MatheusAndrade[m]I have an announcement, we have a new member in Netapp Team 15:19
MatheusAndrade[m]thiagoalvoravel: welcome ^^ 15:19
lucasmoliveira059welcome thiagoalvoravel  ^^ 15:19
dviroelthiagoalvoravel: welcome o/15:19
carlosswelcome thiagoalvoravel! glad to hear the Zorilla team is growing up15:20
gouthamr++ welcome thiagoalvoravel 15:20
felipe_rodrigueswelcome :)15:20
thiagoalvoravelthank you everybody =)15:21
carlossmoving on...15:22
carloss#topic Feedback on deleting service table entries (gouthamr/kpdev)15:22
carlossgouthamr kpdev_: floor is yours15:22
gouthamrthanks carloss 15:22
gouthamrwanted to get some more eyes on a change to clean up the service table entries while bringing down a service15:24
kpdev_i think we can make changes as you suggested15:24
gouthamrthis should be fine in deployments as is where services are deployed on unique hosts 15:24
kpdev_instead of deleting service entry during service stop, we mark it as STOPPED15:25
kpdev_and add per service periodic cleanup task, which checks for STOPPED entries and delete those entries.15:25
kpdev_if entry is marked as DOWN, it wont be deleted as its actual service down and not the stopped in previous iterations.15:26
kpdev_wdyt, gouthamr 15:27
kpdev_in our use case, multiple manila-share backends deployed as PODS and so they does on different host during each deployment, so we want to delete stale entries of invalid/previous deployments.15:28
gouthamrkpdev_: that sounds okay.. do i understand correctly that you'd introduce a new column in the service table?15:28
gouthamrkpdev_: indeed, the use case is perfectly valid - trying to look out for another set of deployments where we configure multiple copies of the service across different hosts by overriding the "host" attribute to the same name15:29
gouthamrthereby making these services look the same, but still have H/A 15:30
kpdev_yes, i will add new column and periodic cleanup task15:30
gouthamrthanks, i like that solution15:32
carloss++ I like it too15:32
haixinwhat is the different between your new column mark STPPPED and the original logic uses service_down_time (60s by default) to determine if the service is down15:32
kpdev_STOPPED is service stopped and if its stopped more than periodic interval, its stale entry.. so should be deleted15:34
kpdev_while DOWN, service down under current deployment15:34
haixinThis means we need to develop a new api to flag the service as stopped?15:35
gouthamrhaixin: won't be necessary; if services need to be taken down explicitly, the "disable" API would work fine.. 15:37
gouthamrthe "stopped" state is only an internal representation of the service15:37
gouthamrnothing should rely on it except this periodic cleanup task15:37
haixingot it, i will check this "disable" api.15:37
gouthamrif a service reports again within the report interval, we pop off the "stopped" state15:38
haixinsounds good15:39
kpdev_this will mostly happen during service start i.e. move from STOPPED to UP15:40
carlosssounds great kpdev_ 15:41
gouthamrkpdev_: we wouldn't wait for start time, if a service reports, we can simultaneously remove the stopped state.. 15:41
carlossthanks kpdev_ gouthamr haixin :)15:42
carlossdo you have something else to add?15:43
gouthamr++.. thanks kpdev_ for this enhancement!15:43
carlossokay, moving to the next topic:15:44
carloss#topic Review Focus15:44
carlossthe etherpad was updated earlier today15:45
carlossthe usual changes are there, some changes in the pad were merged and I removed them from the list15:45
carlossand added some more15:45
carlossstephenfin's changes for making the code compatible with sqlalchemy 2.015:46
carlosswould be good to have some eyes on these changes15:46
carlossthanks gouthamr for the reviews already15:46
carlossI intend to review the changes, but would like to voluntell some people :)15:46
carlossfelipe_rodrigues ashrodri MatheusAndrade[m]: could you please take a look when you have some time? :)15:47
MatheusAndrade[m]sure 15:47
carlossawesome, thanks! :)15:48
carlossis there any other change you would like to bring up during this meeting?15:49
haixinsupport share transfer between project need review15:50
kpdev_I will review15:50
haixinthanks :)15:50
gouthamr+1 me too, haixin can you rebase? should be a trivial one15:51
carloss++, I intend to take a look as well15:51
haixinok, i will rebase it tomorrow15:51
gouthamrthanks haixin 15:51
carlossand our last topic for today:15:52
carloss#topic Bug Triage15:52
carlosswe have one bug we carried from last week:15:53
carlossthanks for filing the bug carthaca15:53
carlossand thanks for working on the fix kpdev_ 15:53
gouthamr+1 ; medium, M-3?15:55
carlossyes, I'd say so15:55
carlossan RFE, good to have15:55
carlosssome netappers eyes on this would be appreciated too :)15:56
* carloss checks time15:58
felipe_rodriguessure, I will15:58
carlossthat's all for bus on the list15:58
carlossthanks felipe_rodrigues 15:58
carlossthank you for joining today's meeting!15:59
carlosslet's get back to #openstack-manila15:59
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jan  5 15:59:32 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:59
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
gouthamrthanks carloss 15:59
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