Wednesday, 2022-12-07

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whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Dec  7 14:00:24 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
whoami-rajatdid people get my ping in cinder channel? or maybe there is some sort of holiday ...14:03
jungleboyjI saw your ping.  :-)14:03
whoami-rajatoh ok, good to know14:04
rosmaitacould be ... tuesday and thursday are holidays in some locations, so people may be taking today off too14:04
whoami-rajatrosmaita, ok, sounds good, just wanted to confirm if people weren't notified14:04
whoami-rajatso we can get started14:04
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:05
whoami-rajatfirst, Midcycle summary14:05
whoami-rajatwe had a very productive midcycle last week where we discussed about the current specs and drivers proposed14:05
whoami-rajatalso other topics14:05
whoami-rajatthe summary is available here14:05
rosmaitathanks for writing up the summary, it looks good14:06
whoami-rajatI would recommend to go through the etherpad/recording for detailed version of topics since the summary is minimal14:06
whoami-rajatthanks rosmaita and jungleboyj for taking a look14:06
whoami-rajatand jungleboyj uploaded the recording so you can find it on youtube!14:07
whoami-rajatthe link is in the summary14:07
jungleboyjAlso in the ehterpad.14:07
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for joining the midcycle and making it useful14:08
whoami-rajatnext announcement, cinderclient tests failing with python 3.1114:08
whoami-rajatso some of the cinderclient tests are failing with py31114:09
whoami-rajatthe report is in the debian bug reported14:09
rosmaitakind of concerning that taskflow has a 3.11 bug14:09
whoami-rajatI will take a look at them later this week but feel free to take a look14:09
whoami-rajatI'm not very familiar with taskflow so can't comment14:10
whoami-rajatcurrent runtimes of Antelope are 3.8 and 3.10 so we are good14:10
whoami-rajatbut good to get them fixed early14:10
rosmaitayeah, i was going to say, you can back-burner this14:11
whoami-rajatyes, doesn't seem to be an issue for this cycle at least14:11
whoami-rajatnext, Cinderlib release14:12
whoami-rajatso the time has come to release cinderlib which is next week14:12
whoami-rajatI'm not sure if any changes were made but i think we are still on the gate failure situation?14:13
rosmaita211 unit test failures at this point14:13
whoami-rajatthat's pretty bad14:13
rosmaitaeyeballing it, it's mostly in the persistence module14:13
whoami-rajatmaybe it's time we can drag geguileo in since we only have a week left for the release14:14
rosmaitathat said, i haven't looked closely, but will do so today14:14
whoami-rajatgreat, thanks for keeping track of it14:14
rosmaitahe will be on holiday tomorrow14:14
rosmaitamy goal is to at least narrow it down to what exactly the failures are14:15
whoami-rajatyes, what i meant was he can take a look when he's available14:15
whoami-rajatbut if you think things are under control14:15
whoami-rajatthen that's good as well14:15
rosmaitayeah, most of the errors look like this:14:16
rosmaitaValueError: Backend named fake_backend already exists with a different configuration14:16
rosmaitaso I'm hoping there's just one change to make and we'll be golden14:16
rosmaitaand also a bunch of these:14:17
rosmaitaoslo_db.exception.NoEngineContextEstablished: No TransactionContext is established for this <cinder.context.RequestContext object at 0x7f95228e28e0> object within the current thread; the 'session' attribute is unavailable.14:17
whoami-rajathmm, that's a strange error, looks like multiple backends with same name 'fake_backend' are defined14:17
rosmaitawhich looks like stephen's change14:17
whoami-rajatyeah the session thing was removed14:17
whoami-rajatdo you have a link for the failed job(s)?14:17
whoami-rajatmaybe i can take a look as well14:17
rosmaitano, ran them locally, i don't think the logs are available on the "open for zed" patch anymore14:18
rosmaitabtw, if you want to look into this, you need to apply the "open for zed" patch first, otherwise everything passes14:18
whoami-rajatok, i will recheck that then to get it since I'm out of local envs14:18
whoami-rajatoh ok14:18
whoami-rajatthanks for the heads up14:19
rosmaita(just so you have the patch)14:19
whoami-rajatthanks again, rechecked it14:20
rosmaitait's getting toward the end of the day for you, i will email an update at the end of my day saying how far i got looking into this14:21
whoami-rajathey enriquetaso 14:21
enriquetasosorry, Im late14:21
whoami-rajatrosmaita, that would be great, although i will probably check after few hours14:22
whoami-rajatenriquetaso, no problem, it's been a light agenda14:22
whoami-rajatso we've no other announcement or topic for the day14:22
whoami-rajatbut one thing i remembered that i missed14:22
gansoo/ whoami-rajat I actually just added one item to the list, sorry the delay14:23
rosmaitaganso: i have your patch open with some comments, but haven't published them yet14:24
whoami-rajatganso, oh the review, let's discuss it after my last announcement (which i just added)14:25
whoami-rajatfinal announcement, Spec freeze next week14:25
whoami-rajatso we have 3 specs in discussion for this cycle14:25
whoami-rajat1) Encrypted backups14:25
whoami-rajatI've reviewed it, others can review it as well so geguileo can update it in one go14:26
whoami-rajat2) extend volume support in FS drivers14:26
whoami-rajatwe had the original proposal of using a sync API but that was recently rejected by nova14:26
whoami-rajatso kgube_ had to write another spec for an alternative method14:26
whoami-rajatthis again needs reviews14:27
whoami-rajat3) backup specific field in volume attributes14:27
whoami-rajatthis was discussed during midcycle and is solution to the problem when we want to live migrate an instance with attached volume that is backing up14:27
whoami-rajatChristian is working on it but i don't see any new spec14:28
whoami-rajatso we can probably focus on the first two for the time being14:28
whoami-rajatthat's all the announcements for the day14:29
whoami-rajatmoving on to topics14:29
whoami-rajat#topic Requesting review of
whoami-rajatganso, I need to check again where we left the reviews last time but will take a look14:29
gansowhoami-rajat: Rafael has updated the patch to only remove the properties when uploading the volume back to glance14:30
gansoso now the metadata properties are being saved in cinder14:30
whoami-rajatthat sounds in agreement to what was proposed last time14:30
whoami-rajatand also in sync with nova14:30
rosmaitaactually, it looks like the filtering is only being done in the backup driver?14:32
whoami-rajatanything else on this ganso ?14:32
gansothat's all I had to mention, just a reminder for re-review14:32
rosmaitaganso: i will publish my half-baked comments, please tell Rafael not to take it personally if they are stupid because i missed something14:33
gansorosmaita: I do not have direct contact with Rafael, but maybe we can discuss it in the comments14:34
whoami-rajatrosmaita, yeah that looks to be the case but maybe I'm missing something with a quick look14:34
whoami-rajatthat's all we had for topics14:37
gansorosmaita, whoami-rajat: that seems to be the case for me too. The other modifications are just refactoring14:37
gansoare there other ways to upload the volume back to glance, such as not using the backup driver ?14:37
whoami-rajatganso, yes, we've upload volume to image operation14:37
whoami-rajatganso, refer to upload_volume method in image_utils14:38
whoami-rajatalso in volume_utils, not sure where exactly the metadata is passed14:38
gansowhoami-rajat: ok, so maybe it is missing that. I compared all methods before and after the latest update and it didn't seem like something was missing, but perhaps it was a side-effect fix when we were removing all properties. Now that we no longer are, it is missing filtering in that scenario14:39
whoami-rajatack, I'm thinking do we even need to filter things out when restoring backup to a volume since it doesn't involve glance14:41
whoami-rajatanyways i will leave comments on the patch14:41
gansowhoami-rajat: thanks!14:41
whoami-rajatthanks for working on that14:42
whoami-rajatsince we don't have any more topics, let's move to open discussion14:42
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:42
gansowhoami-rajat: at the moment I'm just "shepherding", Rafael is doing the actual work14:43
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whoami-rajateven following up and discussing is an important part :)14:45
whoami-rajatlooks like there is nothing more to discuss, let's end the meeting early14:46
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for joining14:46
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Dec  7 14:47:00 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:47
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jungleboyjThank you!14:47
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