Thursday, 2022-12-01

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Dec  1 15:00:26 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosswelcome back ashrodri :D15:01
carlosscourtesy ping: vkmc vhari gouthamr15:01
carlosshello everyone :D15:04
carlossglad to see you here today15:05
carlosswe have plenty on the agenda for today, so let's get started15:05
carlosso/ carthaca 15:05
carloss#topic Announcements15:06
carlossSchedule and Deadlines:15:06
carlosswe're on our way to m-215:07
carlossyou will notice that manila trackers aren't there yet15:08
carlossI had a patch proposed for that purpose weeks ago:15:08
carlossI'd say one way to make some noise is to have some zorillas voting there15:08
carlossso the predicted date for spec freeze is supposed to be in 12 days, but as we didn't merge that into the official schedule and there are still some pending reviews, I'd say we could become more flexible with it15:09
carlossand also for another reason: this is a month that lots of people get holidays and PTO15:10
carlossother than that, I'd say the dates would follow the same15:11
carlosswe could try to buy one more week in the official schedule for the specs15:12
carlossand the second announcement is about the RBAC hackathon :D15:13
carlossthat we needed to postpone before15:13
carlossbut, now we have new dates!15:13
carlossS-RBAC test Hack-a-thon (vhari/lkuchlan)15:13
gouthamrlooks like vhari is having irc troubles15:14
carlossyep :D15:14
carlossI can cover that ;)15:14
vharigouthamr, ack 15:14
vharigouthamr, intermittent network issues today :) 15:14
carlossthe new dates are supposed to be next week - (Dec 7th to Dec 9th)15:15
carlossso we'd have a call to kick off on Wed, use the slot of this meeting as a mid-term checkpoint and maybe have another call on Friday, to close the event15:16
carlossLiron will be sending the details on the mailing list in the beginning of the next week15:16
carlosshackathons with this group are usually pretty fun and you get a chance to learn by doing and also interacting with all the Zorillas15:17
carlossthey are also good for who is starting to understand better manila's codebase - so highly recommended to sharpen your skills and have some fun15:17
carlossso wait for the details on the openstack-discuss mailing list, and let's have some fun next week!15:19
gouthamrand like usual, there are excellent code examples this time too15:19
gouthamrthere’s a lot of small RBAC patches that have showed up, mostly props to lkuchlan++15:19
carlossgouthamr: great point :D15:20
carloss - this is the kanban board we intend to use. If you can't access it, please ping me and I can grant you access!15:20
carlossthat's all I had for $topic15:21
carlossis there something you'd like to share with us today?15:21
carlosstaking silence as no... let's continue with our agenda15:23
carloss#topic CI Status15:23
carlossso in previous meetings you might have seen me talking about the community-wide goal to migrate CI images to use ubuntu jammy15:24
carlossand there was a target-date to switch the images: m-115:24
carlossI had proposed a patch to see if our jobs were going to be okay:15:25
carlossas you can see, they were not15:25
carlossbut we didn't have time to check the failures and fix them on time15:25
carlossand as we got to m-1, the image officially changed, making our jobs to fail!15:26
carlossit was impacting CI, so we decided to make the images use the previous ubuntu version for now15:26
carlossthat's a band-aid15:26
carlossour jobs are using ubuntu 20 now, but we *need* to make the changes to migrate it to 2215:28
carlossthe only voting job that is failing is LVM15:28
carlossI have opened bugs against all of the drivers failing, see:15:28
* carloss added the migrate-to-jammy tag to all so it's easy to filter and check on status15:28
carlossLVM as I said is more critical and it's an issue we already saw in the FIPS lvm job in the past: it fails to install quagga15:30
carlossthe idea is that it should be replaced by FRR, as I state in the bug15:30
gouthamrthanks for pushing on this effort carloss! With the number of jobs we run, it’s a huge pain moving these along as the infra changes15:30
carlossno problem gouthamr :D15:32
carlossthe thing is: we have 4 jobs to fix... the bugs I reported contain the current issues the jobs are facing, but we don't know if something will fail other than the issues we are catching15:32
carlossnot trying to discourage anyone, but as one issue is fixed, another one might show up15:33
carlossand I'm saying I'm not trying to discourage anyone? well, I believe this is a good thing to be shared with the community15:33
carlossthe ownership of these bugs I mean15:33
carlossthe help there would be much appreciated and the bulk of the work would not be in only one of us15:34
carlossso the idea is not to have one person working on all of the bugs, but share the effort with other maintainers... it's also a good opportunity and you would have some help as you need15:35
carlossso, is there someone here that would like to volunteer on getting any of these bugs to work on?15:35
gouthamr+1; I can take a look at the ceph jobs15:36
carlossand for some triaging now, I believe the priorities for the bugs should differ a bit: LVM, as is a voting job, the priority should be High and for the other two, it could be Medium15:36
carlossgouthamr++ thanks!15:37
gouthamri think you got a start already, but the ceph nfs job has the same issue with quagga15:37
carlossso I believe I'm halfway through with the glusterfs job, I have tentative fix and yet it fails :|15:37
carlossoh, yes gouthamr - the issue with frr would possibly address the LVM job as well15:38
carlossokay, I can own the glusterfs15:40
carlossboth native and nfs15:40
carlossif you'd like to contribute, please let us know15:40
carlossjumping to the next topic:15:41
carloss#topic Review Focus15:41
carlosswhat I'd say our eyes should be focused atm is kpdev's spec proposal:15:42
carlossI had a few interactions, and I see haixin had some too15:43
carlossas he also had some reviews there15:43
carlossis there something else you'd like to shed some light on?15:45
carlossor better, to get some eyes on15:45
kpdevthanks carloss15:46
kpdevexpecting more reviews on this spec15:46
carlossgouthamr: could you please take a look when you have some time? :)15:46
* carloss jumping to the next topic :p15:48
carloss#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:48
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:48
vharity carloss .. 15:48
carlossvhari: it's been a long time since we don't have the time to do some bug triaging :D15:48
vharilooking for initial triage of some old bugs in the queue 15:48
vharicarloss, ack .. will get a jump of a few today 15:49
carlossinteresting one vhari 15:50
gouthamrinteresting, I think we memoize the mon IPs, they want a way to invalidate this without restarting the service15:51
gouthamrdecent ask; we wanted to avoid the round trips to storage for such infrequently changing data15:52
gouthamrI wonder if we can use sighup as a way to do this15:53
gouthamrcarloss vhari this is a good getting started bug with the ceph driver imo15:53
vharigouthamr, agreed15:54
carlossI'd like to take this one :)15:54
gouthamroh wait, I’m not thinking about old exports with that thought15:54
gouthamrthis is probably where we can trigger ensure shares15:55
gouthamrif we detect the change15:55
carlossin terms of timeline, i'd say m-3 as we are too close to m115:57
carlossand medium prio15:57
carlosseven though if shares get inacessible, this might be high15:57
carlosss/even though/though15:58
* carloss checks time15:59
carlosswe've one minute left15:59
carlosssorry for leaving a small amount of time for bug triaging vhari 16:00
vharicarloss, quick  wrap for bugs :)16:00
carlossthank you for joining today's meeting, zorillas!16:00
carlosssee you on #openstack-manila16:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Dec  1 16:00:41 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:00
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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