Thursday, 2022-09-22

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Sep 22 15:00:28 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping:  felipe_rodrigues vhari gouthamr15:00
carlosso/ hello Zorillas!15:03
carlossI hope you're all having a nice day15:04
carlossour meeting agenda for today:15:04
carlossstarting with15:06
carloss#topic Announcements15:06
carlossfirst, let's take a look at our schedule and deadlines:15:07
carlosswe're at R-2! which means that we are 1 week past our RC1 week. We are all good for RC1 so far!15:08
carlossbut if you encounter any urgent issues while performing some tests, please let us know ASAP15:08
carlossthe Zed release is ~2 weeks away15:08
carlossand thank you for your collaboration on getting the changes in and answering to the reviewers15:09
carlosswe got a lot done over this cycle and it's a good effort from everyone15:09
carloss(cycle didn't actually end yet haha)15:09
carlossbut I have a good feeling at the end15:10
carlossand changing topics: we had a good bugsquash last week! it was great to see the collaboration and the fixes we managed to get in15:11
carlossthank you for the participation on that! we can stick to the same plan as this cycle: plan the next bugsquashes and hack-a-thons/hackfests during the PTG15:12
carlossspeaking of which, is less than a month away now! :)15:12
carloss - we have an etherpad for planning, so if you haven't yet, please add your topics to this etherpad!15:13
carlossanything you might want to have the community brainstorming on15:13
carlosswe have the slots we will use for this PTG:15:14
* carloss notes that he forgot to add # link in the beginning of the two previous URLs he sent15:15
* carloss facepalms15:15
carlosstraditionally, the last hour of the Friday would be our happy hour, and I intend to keep that15:16
carlossI will send an email between today or tomorrow announcing the slots and the planning etherpad on the openstack discuss mailing list15:19
carlossthat's all I had for announcements15:20
carlosswould you like to share an announcement with us today?15:20
carlossgoing once...15:23
carlossgoing twice...15:23
carloss#topic Review Focus15:23
carloss#link (Review Focus Etherpad)15:23
carlossour last two weeks using this review focus etherpad15:23
carlossi'd say15:23
carlossokay, so there were some changes that got pushed to antelope, and we could get some eyes on it early in the cycle15:24
carlossi.e. Share transfer, API to query quotas in a project15:24
carlossand some others15:24
carlossI'm currently reviewing ashrodri's snapshot metadata tempest tests 15:25
carlossthank you haixin for reviewing that change15:25
carlosswe are willing to get a new manila-tempest-plugin release soon15:25
carlossso more eyes would be appreciated15:25
carlossis there a change you would like to get our attention to?15:27
carlossI see there are some fixes from the bugsquash pending reviews too15:28
carlossI intend to get back on those this week15:28
carlossokay, on to the next topic then15:29
carloss#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:29
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:30
vharity carloss :)15:30
vharilet's dive in with #link
vharicatching up with minor triage of incoming bugs around bugsquash week now 15:31
gouthamrah the famous %s share server :)15:32
carlossyes :D15:32
carlossthis is a low-hanging-fruit - I expected to assign it to someone during the GCH OSD15:32
carlossit should be really straightforward to solve15:33
gouthamrthink ashrodri and fpantano would love to take it for their upcoming outreachy proposal :D15:33
carlossyes! that sounds like a good plan15:33
vhari++ :) great minds think alike15:34
gouthamrlow sounds fine as bug importance15:35
vhariashrodri, would you like to take it for tracking purposes? :)15:36
ashrodriwill do :)15:38
vharicool ashrodri++15:38
vharinext up 15:38
vharilooking for help to increase cephfs driver test coverage 15:40
vharithis is your chance :)15:41
gouthamrtrue; a "low", and another bigger sized "low-hanging-fruit" to sharpen mock and unit testing skills 15:41
carlossindeed - it's more like code related bug, so low sounds appropriate15:43
vhari++ this is fairly straight forward 15:43
vhariupdate the bug 15:43
vhariif no takers or questions 15:43
vhari3 2 1 15:43
vharijumping to next bug #link
gouthamrah; so this one's not a bug on our end - i.e., it isn't the driver or the tests15:45
gouthamrit is reproducible without manila in the picture: 15:46
gouthamrso we have a choice here to skip the test referencing the LP 15:46
gouthamrwe'd set such a skip on the CephFS job manifests15:47
gouthamrsry, specifically cephfs-nfs15:47
gouthamrif folks here don't mind the skip, vhari, perhaps something you or lkuchlan can decide if its worth doing? 15:49
gouthamrwe should subscribe to the ceph side tracker and can drop the skip when the fix is shipped 15:49
vharigouthamr,  sure, we'll follow up15:50
gouthamrthanks vhari 15:50
vhariyw gouthamr 15:51
vhariso that's a wrap for bugs today folks15:51
carlossthank you vhari! :D15:51
carloss#topic Open Discussion15:51
carlossI was wondering if you have any suggestions to our happy hour :D15:53
carlossI still haven't searched much, but I'm open to new ideas15:53
carlossif you have one and would like to share with me, please do so :d15:53
gouthamrgoat yoga15:53
gouthamr:D kidding, although it'd be unique to do it in person 15:54
carlossI didn't even know that goat yoga existed15:54
gouthamri was hunting for stuff a couple of PTGs ago, i did strongly consider getting goats on camera - apparently its a thing people do on virtual happy hours15:55
gouthamrthen i lol'ed and went with bingo15:56
carlossI liked the escape rooms we used some PTGs ago15:57
carlossbut I'll try to find something new too :D15:57
carlossthank you for joining us today!15:59
carlosssee you in #openstack-manila!15:59
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Sep 22 15:59:51 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:59
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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