Thursday, 2022-09-08

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Sep  8 15:00:20 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: vkmc dviroel vhari gouthamr15:00
carlosshello everyone! good to have you here today15:03
carlosstoday's meeting agenda:15:04
carlosslet's start with our announcements for today15:05
carloss#topic Announcements15:05
carlossI would like to share with you today that francie_'s outreachy internship ended two weeks ago15:06
carlossand I would like to publicly thank her for all the amazing work she did for manila in such short time15:06
carlosswe can still see her around working on changes (which is awesome)15:06
carlossthank you for all the work francie_!15:07
carloss - I'm glad to see all of these changes merged15:07
carlossand also glad to see how much you enjoyed working on every single change on this list15:08
gouthamrindeed; great job francie_!15:08
carlossI would also like to appreciate the work of maaritamm during this Outreachy internship cycle :D15:09
francie_Thanks all15:09
francie_It was a great pleasure working with you guys15:11
carlossmaaritamm and I were co-mentors and she was impressive with organization and her OSC skills15:11
carlossit was great!15:11
carlossremember that you'll ever be welcome in this community francie_ :)15:11
carlosssecond thing on announcements:15:13
carlossSchedule and Deadlines:15:13
carlosswe're 1 week past the official feature freeze15:13
carlossI bought some of our candidate changes one extra week to be merged15:13
carlosswe can go over the mentioned changes in a few, they are not merged yet but they are getting close15:15
carlossand the last announcement I have for today:15:15
carlossAs you might have seen in the mailing list: Bugsquash postponed for next week! (Sep 13th to 15th)15:15
carlosswe had a bugsquash event scheduled for this week but due to the feature freeze exceptions we needed to postpone it for a week15:16
carlossso we would keep the reviewers and change owners attention on the FFE changes15:16
carlossthat's all I had for $topic15:17
carlossdo you have an announcement you'd like to share with us today?15:17
* carloss taking silence as a no15:20
carloss#topic Review Focus15:20
carloss#link (Review Focus Etherpad)15:20
carlosslet's go over the three changes that are our focus now15:22
carlossstarting with15:22
carloss#link (Metadata for Share Snapshots Resource)15:22
carlossthis change got more reviewers' traction since last week and issues found were solved and comments addressed15:23
carlossI'm testing this issue again now15:23
carlossI see the rebase on top of share transfer and the conflict resolution (thanks ashrodri for anticipating that)15:24
carlosss/testing this issue/testing this change15:25
carlossI intend to post my tests result soon, so there is enough time to act on them15:26
carlosssomething else to add to this change?15:27
carlossthank you to the reviewers and ashrodri for solving the comments :)15:28
carlosssecond change in the list is:15:28
carloss#link Update micversion to 2.73, support share transfer between project | 15:29
carlossthis has also received more reviews since last week - thanks haixin for addressing all the comments15:29
carlossthis is the next to test on my quere15:29
haixinthanks for review:)15:29
carlossyou're welcome haixin15:30
gouthamri'm looking at this right now; if there are minor/non-breaking issues, i'll note them so we can get the patch merged and push up a change later for minor fixes 15:30
felipe_rodriguesthanks Haixin, there is still an open point.. it's a corner case, If it's too complicated to be solved now, we could merge this way and work on it as a follow-up.15:30
felipe_rodriguesoverall looks good, nice work haixin :) 15:31
carlossgouthamr++ felipe_rodrigues++ - thank you for the reviews on this change15:32
carlossand thank you for the work haixin 15:32
carlossthird change on the list:15:33
carloss#link Refactor the Ceph NFS driver to use Cephadm NFS15:33
carlossI feel this is getting quite close too - thank you for addressing the comments related to latest review vkmc 15:34
gouthamrwaiting on results here:
gouthamrif the ceph-nfs job does better here than on the manila patch, we can merge this - we've run into resource exhaustion :/ 15:36
gouthamrresource exhaustion makes manila-share, nova-api, nova-cpu etc lose connection to the db and fail tests15:37
gouthamrand its apparent this only happens when scenario tests are run - so we may have to think of some better/long term strategies here15:39
carlosshmm - I see concurrency on the new job set to two... would if help if we bump down? that's one approach we took with the generic driver job when we switched to a more recent image that needed more resources15:41
carlossI think there's a chance to hit timeout in the job15:41
carlossbut I'm unsure what would happen more often: the resource exhaustion or timeout in the job15:42
gouthamryeah, hard to tell; also this could be a test node on a slow hypervisor 15:44
carloss^ that's a possibility as well :)15:44
dviroelwhat about create a DNM change, with a new job which runs only scenario test, with concurrency set to 115:45
gouthamrsome other strategies: run api tests with max concurrency, then run scenario tests with concurrency 1 --- it'll need a new custom job definition 15:46
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gouthamror do multi-node testing like we were planning and isolate ceph on a node by itself -- we can still hopefully run with a good test concurrency with this15:47
gouthamri like dviroel_'s idea for now though - we can do a DNM patch if the manila-tempest-plugin change suffers the same fate15:48
carloss++ - that would help to validate at this point15:49
dviroelmulti-node approach is a good one, but may take some time to get everything working. 15:50
* gouthamr net-split and a disconnect? 15:53
gouthamr 15:53
gouthamr^ testing with concurrency=1 in parallel because i'm impatient :D15:53
carlossthanks gouthamr 15:54
carlossokay, so we have a direction - thanks for checking the tests gouthamr 15:57
carlosswe can follow up on the test approach15:57
carlosswe have ~3 minutes on this meeting yet15:57
carlosssorry we didn't have time to go over the bugs list again today vhari :(15:58
carlossokay, that's all I had for $topic15:58
carlossand I think we can get back two minutes to our days :D15:59
carlossthank you for joining, let's continue the reviews to get these changes moving15:59
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Sep  8 15:59:55 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:59
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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