Wednesday, 2022-07-13

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whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jul 13 14:00:01 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
geguileohi! o/14:04
whoami-rajatwe've the usual people around14:04
whoami-rajatlet's get started14:04
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:04
whoami-rajatfirst, Deliverables check and library release14:04
whoami-rajatso all deliverable files exist for cinder projects (I've checked) so we don't need to do anything here14:04
whoami-rajatforgot to mention, it's from the release team mail14:05
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enriquetasohello 14:05
whoami-rajatthe release team has proposed some patches for cinderclient, brick and brick-cinderclient-ext for Zed milestone 2 release14:05
whoami-rajatI think we've some fixes for os-brick that should be released14:06
whoami-rajatnot sure about other 2 projects14:06
geguileowhoami-rajat: I added a topic later because I'd like to have 4 patches in the release14:06
geguileo(for os-brick)14:06
whoami-rajatgeguileo, ack, yeah i was referring to them14:06
whoami-rajatnot sure about other projects, if we've something that needs to be released14:06
geguileoyeah, but I was slower writting it  ;-)14:06
whoami-rajatI will check after the meeting and add a comment to the patches14:07
simondodsleywhat about your NVMe patches for os-brick?14:07
whoami-rajati think we can target them for the non-client lib release of Zed14:07
whoami-rajatdue to our current priority of drivers, and long list of Nvme patches14:08
geguileosimondodsley: I would love to get those in, but those are huge, so I'm not sure we'll be able to get them14:08
simondodsleyhowever in those long list of drivers are at least 3 NVMe divers14:08
whoami-rajatyep, those drivers will be part of Zed release and we are planning to get all Nvme brick patches in the same14:09
aneeeshp13I just want to mention about This is a needed patch for the Fungible driver.14:09
rosmaitawell, releases are cheap ... we can get the M-2 one out as soon as the ceph detach fix is in, and then do another shortly after with nvme changes14:10
rosmaitawhich it sounds like we will need to do with all the nvme drivers proposed14:10
whoami-rajataneeeshp13, ack, i think we've them covered in the driver review list (that we will discuss later in the drivers topic) but thanks for mentioning14:11
aneeeshp13okay thank you14:11
jbernardre releases, i have stable and z-2 patches pending, just let me know if i need to hold off, or update the hash to include something particular14:12
whoami-rajatjbernard, i think we will need to hold the os-brick z-2 patch until we get geguileo's changes in14:12
geguileoyeah, since I broke the RBD connector and we backported the broken patch  :-(14:13
whoami-rajatbut it's not released so we're kind of good? ^14:13
whoami-rajatso moving on14:14
whoami-rajatnext, M-2 week14:14
whoami-rajatthis week is milestone 2 release14:15
whoami-rajatas per the schedule, we've new volume drivers and new target drivers deadline this week14:15
whoami-rajatbut i will discuss that in a later topic14:15
whoami-rajatjust wanted to mention that as an announcement14:16
whoami-rajatI don't think we've any new target driver proposed this cycle?14:16
whoami-rajatI remember geguileo working on fixing the nvme target driver in cinder but that already exists so not new14:17
geguileoyeah, I have a buch of bug fixes and improvements so that anybody can test NVMe-oF without real hardware14:18
rosmaitageguileo: ++14:18
whoami-rajatsounds great14:18
whoami-rajatso let's move to topics14:19
whoami-rajat#topic Requesting 4 os-brick patches to be included in the release14:19
whoami-rajatgeguileo, that's you14:19
geguileoI wanted to ask for reviews on 4 os-brick patches that I think are kind of important14:19
geguileoand I'd like to see them in the release14:19
geguileothe first one is the one that fixes the RBD connector14:20
geguileoit's horribly broken for encrypte volumes14:20
geguileoit's a small one14:20
geguileothe next one is to make extending LUKSv2 volumes work14:21
eharneynot sure if you saw my question there, but i convinced myself it's probably fine14:21
geguileobecause they currently don't work14:21
geguileoeharney: I didn't, was fighting a different battle, will look after the meeting14:21
enriquetasooh i thought the question was closed, my bad14:21
rosmaitaeharney: i think your question was more about hardening and not about the patch being incorrect?14:22
geguileothere is a Nova and Tempest test that depend on that one14:22
eharneyrosmaita: it was about whether we had actually considered all the types of objects that could be passed into that method14:22
rosmaitayeah, that's what i meant14:23
geguileoeharney: oh, I see your question now...  I don't think we return anything that's not a str14:23
geguileoeharney: I'll have a quick look at the different connectors and reply14:23
geguileothe 3rd patch is a simple one, it's about removing a traceback from the os-brick logs every time the get_connector_properties method is called14:24
geguileoit happens if the nvme command is not installed on the system14:25
eharneyre: 836059 i'm a little unsure if we should be adding any functionality to the cryptsetup encryptor, but i'll leave a comment for later discussion14:25
geguileoeharney: ok, we can continue the conversation there14:26
geguileoI admit that I wrote that code 4 months ago, so I'll have to refresh my memory  ;-)14:26
geguileoThe last patch is a patch related to the path_lock configuration option from oslo_concurrency14:27
geguileoos-brick now uses file locks for some critical sections14:27
geguileoand it uses the lock_path from the service that uses os-brick14:27
geguileobut there are cases where multiple services need to use the same location for os-brick locks14:27
geguileofor example HCI systems14:27
geguileoGlance using Cinder as the backend and running on the same host14:28
geguileoone solution is to configure all the services with the same lock_path14:28
geguileobut then you have ALL services using the same directory for their locks, which is not "clean"14:28
geguileothe patch adds support for os-brick to have its own lock_path independent of the one from the service (though defaulting to it)14:29
geguileothis effort has patches on other projects14:29
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rosmaitaquick question about that one ... you explained clearly in the commit message why the fix requires calling os_brick.setup by consuming services ... what happens if they forget? I think we don't get current behavior, lock_path will be None and in that case oslo.concurrency code will barf an exception?14:29
geguileonova, cinder, glance, glance-store, devstack14:29
geguileorosmaita: oh, good point!14:30
rosmaita(or maybe we discuss later in cinder channel after bug squad meeting)14:30
geguileorosmaita: I'll see if the best way to do it is to fix that scenario in os-brick14:31
geguileoor if we need to merge the other patches first to ensure services use it...14:31
rosmaitayeah, we have a chicken-egg problem14:31
geguileorosmaita: yea, but I think it should be ok to fail if services don't call the method14:32
geguileoI'll have a look to see if there's a nicer way of doing it14:33
rosmaitayeah, i was hoping maybe14:33
rosmaitalet's talk after bug squad14:33
geguileoI may be able to do it automagically14:33
geguileowell, those are the 4 patches I'd like to see merged14:33
geguileoand thanks for those questions now!!14:34
whoami-rajatthanks geguileo for all the fixes and also giving a brief overview so it becomes easier to review14:34
rosmaitayes, geguileo is the master commit-message-writer14:35
whoami-rajatgeguileo's commit message should be examples in the doc "How to write a commit message"14:35
rosmaitathe doc could just be a gerrit search for geguileo's patches14:36
whoami-rajatso coming back to the topics, let's move on to next topic14:36
whoami-rajatthat should also work great14:36
whoami-rajat#topic Extend driver merge deadline14:36
whoami-rajatWith the limited amount of time and a big number of drivers proposed this cycle, I would like to extend the deadline to R-1014:37
whoami-rajatactually rosmaita and I have discussed this14:37
whoami-rajatI will send out a mail to ML, but before that i wanted to bring this to the cinder team14:37
whoami-rajatas per the current schedule, other projects also have driver merge after M-214:37
whoami-rajatlike R-10 is also Manila new driver merge deadline so it shouldn't be too controversial to reschedule the cinder deadline14:38
whoami-rajatand 2 weeks time should be sufficient to get most (if not all) of the drivers in a working condition and merged14:38
simondodsleyMy concern is that the NVMe drivers can't merge without the os-brick patches they depend on14:39
whoami-rajatsimondodsley, oh, I might have misunderstood the concern before, so we need those os-brick changes released for NVMe drivers to work ...14:39
simondodsleyyes - the patches are related to multipathing and a complete refactor of the connector14:40
rosmaitawe may have to adjust our ordering of reviews, i guess14:40
whoami-rajatI guess we can do what rosmaita suggested, is to do another brick release shortly14:40
whoami-rajatyeah, need to prioritize the brick patches14:41
rosmaitaalso, powerflex nvme/tcp driver does not seem to have a patch up14:41
simondodsleynot sure if the other NVMe drivers are aware of the patched geguileo has created14:41
rosmaitaso we can eliminate that one14:41
simondodsleyFungable, Pure and the other DEMC driver 14:41
rosmaitaand is anyone here from fungible?  i can't find a third-party CI for them14:41
simondodsleythey should all depend on the new patches14:41
whoami-rajatyeah if the patches aren't proposed yet then no point in prioritizing them after the extended deadline14:41
whoami-rajatfor the powerflex nvme driver i mean ^14:42
rosmaitawhat i mean is that i think a pre-requisite for getting an extension is that the ci should at least be partially working14:42
aneeeshp13rosmaita I represent Fungible. I am actively working on the CI. It should be up by end of this week hopefully.14:42
whoami-rajataneeeshp13, i think you're from fungible?14:42
amalashenkoDEMC here, we updated our CI for NFS driver14:43
rosmaitaamalashenko: ok, thanks14:43
rosmaitaaneeeshp13: i think we should not prioritize fungible driver for reviews until after the ci is available14:44
rosmaitabecause it cannot merge without the ci working14:44
rosmaitasucks, i know, but we have too many drivers and too few reviewers14:44
whoami-rajatwith that note ^ let's move to the next topic which is the main topic for drivers and we can discuss more things in that14:45
whoami-rajat#topic Driver review14:45
rosmaitaok, sorry14:45
whoami-rajat(and we also have less time)14:46
aneeeshp13rosmaita okay. np. Will try to bring the CI ASAP.14:46
whoami-rajatBrian and I have worked on the etherpad to include all the drivers that are proposed for Zed14:46
whoami-rajatSince there are 8 drivers, it is not feasible for only few cores to review all the drivers14:46
whoami-rajatHence each core should adopt at least 1 driver for review14:46
whoami-rajatThere is a reviewers section below the driver patches, cores interested in the driver review can add their names14:46
rosmaitabefore we do that, let's quickly look at the ordering14:47
whoami-rajat(just pasting notes from the meeting etherpad to quickly summarize it)14:47
sfernandcould you paste the link here14:47
sfernandI will help with reviews14:47
rosmaitaanyone here from yadro?14:48
simondodsleywhen did it become a requirement for 3rd party CIs to respond to os-brick patches?14:48
rosmaitai thought it was always a requirement?14:49
rosmaitamaybe i just made it up, though14:49
simondodsleynever been flagged before that i know of - i can do it, but just wondering14:49
simondodsleyit does make sense14:49
rosmaitacinder tests using a released os-brick, so if we dont' test against brick directly, we don't know that something is broken until too late14:50
whoami-rajati don't think a lot of drivers do it right now but looks like a good thing to do14:50
simondodsleyyes - i'm seeing that now with my NVMe driver14:50
eharneyIIRC, it was a bit of an issue recently that no FC drivers were reporting on os-brick14:50
rosmaitaif it's a new (unstated) requirement, we can make it a nice-to-have for cinder driver approval in Zed, and change it for 2023.114:51
simondodsleyall the nvme patches for os-brick are not being tested without it and so the current nvme drivers are testing against bad code14:51
whoami-rajatrosmaita, sounds good, would be good to add that in the driver review checklist doc14:51
rosmaitaok, i will post an update14:52
whoami-rajatgreat thanks14:52
rosmaitaand also update the wiki14:52
sfernandyep I believe it  makes sense to test os-brick14:52
sfernandbut I wasn't aware it was a hard requirement, my bad14:52
sfernandNetApp CI used to have a os-brick job on Zuul v2 but we haven't ported it yet 14:52
whoami-rajatyeah, some vendors reference from the wiki ...14:52
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whoami-rajatsfernand, i don't think it's a hard requirement as of now but it will be good if vendors do it14:53
sfernandwhoami-rajat: yes got it! 14:53
whoami-rajatso quickly discussing the main point, there are a lot of drivers and few reviewers, so wanted everyone to take one driver for reviewing14:54
whoami-rajateach driver requires 2 cores14:54
whoami-rajatI've added a reviewers section for each driver in the etherpad14:55
whoami-rajatplease add your names if you're interested in looking at a particular one14:55
rosmaitai will sign up for yadro, just because i feel bad about having to postpone them in yoga14:55
whoami-rajatrosmaita, cool, I've already added my name for it so we've 2 for that14:55
whoami-rajatData core is merged so no need to worry about that14:55
rosmaitawho said they are from DEMC?  do you know the status of the powerstore nvme/tcp CI ?14:56
whoami-rajateharney has signed up for nfs, great!14:56
amalashenkoI am from DEMC and Oleg14:57
olegnestrosmaita: working on it, will be done within this week14:57
whoami-rajatso people can add names after the meeting as well, just wanted to mention it here14:57
rosmaitaolegnest: thanks14:57
jungleboyjI put my name on a couple.14:58
whoami-rajatwe've 2 minutes, i guess we can quickly discuss geguileo's topic14:58
rosmaitasince we are running out of time, whoami-rajat and i will re-order the patches after the meeting so that they are in priority order14:58
whoami-rajat#topic Enable Ceph CI jobs14:58
whoami-rajatrosmaita ++14:58
enriquetasoi think powerstore CI shouldn't be working due to
geguileowell, just wanted to mention that I broke the RBD connector in os-brick14:59
geguileoand we didn't notice because we all forgot to check the ceph job  :-(14:59
geguileoso I wanted to bring up the topic we discussed a couple of weeks back14:59
geguileoenabling ceph jobs on os-brick and cinder14:59
whoami-rajatyep, discussed for nfs ceph jobs to make them voting15:00
rosmaitathat os-brick job looks pretty unstable15:00
olegnestsry, i'm a new here. Can I ask one question or probably I should do it in another channel?15:00
rosmaitamaybe we could only run it on changes to the rbd connector or something?15:00
whoami-rajatolegnest, you can ask in the #openstack-cinder channel anytime15:00
rosmaitabecause i dont' think we can make it voting and ever merge anything15:01
geguileorosmaita: can we make it always run and only voting if there are code changes to its connector code?15:01
rosmaitawe can specify irreleveant files for that job15:02
geguileorosmaita: but that's different...15:02
rosmaitaand i think there's a relevent_files also15:02
geguileothat means it only runs when that file changes, which is different15:02
geguileobecause we may be breaking the job when changing something that is not in the Ceph job15:03
geguileosorry, not in the rbd connector code15:03
geguileoso fi the job doesn't even run then reviewers don't even have the possibility of seeing that it's failing15:03
rosmaitawell, we could have 2 jobs, one nonvoting on everything, and the other voting only on rbd changes15:03
geguileoor we can make the non-voting not vote when there are changes to RBD connector15:04
geguileothat way only 1 of them runs, right?15:04
geguileois that possible?15:04
rosmaitanot sure15:04
geguileorosmaita: you don't like any of my ideas  :-P15:04
rosmaitabut maybe15:04
whoami-rajatnot sure if that is possible but rosmaita's idea looks clean15:04
geguileook, I think we should at least have RBD job vote for its code changes15:04
rosmaitai agree, it's too easy to miss otherwise15:05
whoami-rajatokay we're way overtime than our schedule, let's continue the discussion in cinder channel after BS meeting15:05
rosmaitaok, i will take an action item to try to get something together, if geguileo can give me what files should be relevant for voting15:05
whoami-rajatthanks everyone!15:05
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jul 13 15:05:54 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:05
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
geguileorosmaita: thanks!15:05
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