Thursday, 2022-06-30

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jun 30 15:00:38 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: ganso vkmc dviroel felipe_rodrigues ecsantos vhari fabiooliveira gouthamr15:01
carlosso/ hi all15:04
carlossgreat to have you here today15:04
carlosslet's get started with our meeting agenda15:04
carloss#topic Announcements15:05
carlossSchedule and Deadlines:15:05
carlosswe are ~1 month away from our driver deadline15:06
carlossand we have one candidate for this release:15:07
carlossfzzf[m] has been working on the driver and the CI15:08
carlossthe CI seems to be reporting success and the logs are posted there, but apparently the tests are being skipped15:09
carlossI'll ask the author15:09
carlossbut it would be nice if we could start giving some attention to this driver now, to have some anticipated feedback15:10
carlossI have added it to our review focus etherpad15:12
carlosscan I have some eyes on this?15:12
carlossI can be one of the reviewers15:13
carlossgouthamr, dviroel_15:13
carlossalso would be nice to have some NetAppers eyes15:13
carlossto help with other third party driver being added15:14
carlossfelipe_rodrigues ecsantos[m] sfernand15:14
gouthamrcarloss: ack, can do15:14
dviroel_me too15:16
carlossthank you folks15:18
carlossthat's all I had for announcements15:18
carlossis there any other announcement you would like to share with us today?15:18
* carloss will take that as a no15:20
carloss#topic Rechecks without reason/comments15:20
carlossI briefly talked about this over the PTG where in a call the TC was chatting with the community about some rechecks without further comments15:21
carlossthey were trying to get us to spread with the community that it is important to add a comment to our rechecks15:21
carlossit helps to make a bit more understandable why we are doing some rechecks15:22
carlossand thinking more before actually triggering it15:23
carlossthis surfaced because we have lots and lots of jobs being run for every repository and sometimes our jobs fail due to lack of memory15:23
carlosslack of memory which causes rabbit and mysql to fail as side effect15:24
carlossso the whole point is to try to reduce the amount of jobs being run so everyone can get clean runs and CI won't have that many jobs running at the same time15:24
carlossyou may have seen an email from the openstack-discuss mailing list earlier today15:25
gouthamrthe stats are interesting15:25
carlossthey shared some stats with us :)15:25
gouthamrapparently we had 160 rechecks in the last 30 days15:25
gouthamrand 108 of them we didn't provide a reason.. 15:27
carlossyep - that leaves us with a 67.5 rate of what they call "bare rechecks"15:27
gouthamri doubt this number a bit, but a bunch of this is probably our current issues with the stable branches 15:28
gouthamrbut, point taken - we should triage the failure and recheck with reason15:29
felipe_rodriguesI have never added the reason, btw :/ 15:29
gouthamrfire this guy ^15:30
carlossno problem, felipe_rodrigues - I have to confess that I used to do not add messages to the rechecks15:31
carlossI've been doing it lately15:31
carlossthe only type of rechecks with messages that won't work are the experimental ones (I hit that issue some times)15:32
carlossbut yeah, only wanted to bring that up today to talk a bit again about those stats and the reasons why people are caring about those rechecks15:33
carlosson to the next topic...15:33
carloss#topic Review Focus15:33
carloss#link (Review Focus Etherpad)15:34
carlossone of the changes of the review focus we have already talked about (the new driver)15:34
carlosswe have recently merged some code for OSC functional tests as well, so other changes may need a rebase15:34
carlosswe also have ashrodri's metadata api changes15:36
carloss#link (Metadata for Share Snapshots Resource)15:36
carlossthank you for the reviews felipe_rodrigues15:36
gouthamrfelipe_rodrigues++ thanks; /me will review this one today15:36
carlossI will get back to that change, but as far as I've seen, it was looking good on the last time15:36
ashrodrihey! yeah the snapshots metadata changes are still up for review. I recently added some share access rules ones im working though test failures on15:37
felipe_rodriguesI promise review until Friday15:37
gouthamrfelipe_rodrigues: -- you asked about the tests on your review; they're here15:37
felipe_rodriguesall.. that's too long away15:37
felipe_rodriguesI thought is another patch15:38
felipe_rodriguesI already gave my +1.. I just asked to know15:39
felipe_rodriguesit's fine to me!15:39
carlosscool :)15:39
carlossis there any other change you would like to highlight?15:39
gouthamri wanted to see if we could review-jam some of the OSC changes15:40
gouthamr#link 15:40
gouthamrand ashrodri carloss maaritamm ecsantos[m] felipe_rodrigues, fix the merge conflicts here:
carlosssure gouthamr 15:42
ashrodriwill do :)15:42
gouthamr++ thank you15:44
carlossthanks for sharing these, the OSC parity is quite close, let's make this final push to get the remaining commands15:44
gouthamri guess we spoke about co-authors and reviewers for the code patches above15:44
carloss++ - we have that on the PTG notes15:44
gouthamrah true15:46
gouthamrthanks for the pointer, i'd forgotten where we'd noted these15:46
gouthamr#link 15:46
carlossyep, this one15:46
gouthamrso its mostly myself, carloss vkmc and maaritamm 15:46
gouthamrguess we certainly could use some help! 15:47
gouthamrso if you've some bandwidth this week, please help.. 15:47
gouthamrthat's all i wanted to highlight15:50
carlossthanks gouthamr :D15:50
gouthamrnope, thanks for the reviews!15:50
carloss#topic Bug Triage15:50
carlossI think we still have some minutes for some bug triage15:51
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:51
carlossvhari couldn't be here with us today, but kindly gathered the list for us to talk15:51
carlosswe have two stale bugs to talk about today15:51
carloss#link (Share Replication: File-based locks don't provide concurrency control in multi-node/multi-AZ deployments Edit)15:52
* carloss : please ignore the edit at the end of the title15:52
carlossthis has been up for a while - is this in your future plans gouthamr?15:53
gouthamrah, this one is still an issue … we could bump down the importance; the fix is relatively simple but hasn’t been a priority15:53
gouthamrWe need to switch out the Oslo concurrency locks in the share manager with tooz locks (which we have the code for)15:54
gouthamrhasn’t been a user concern though - just tech debt15:54
gouthamrlet’s bump this down to low and set a target - perhaps z315:55
carlosssure gouthamr - thanks15:55
carlossagree with you on that15:55
carlosscool, bug #215:56
carloss#link ([db] default value for project_only allows non-secure access )15:56
gouthamrhaha - both that im procrastinating on15:57
gouthamrSo this is a wishlist bug … we had a CVE that allowed cross project resource access; and someone suggested this as an alternative15:58
gouthamrwe could change the default and see if any existing regression tests catch anything15:59
gouthamranyone interested in picking this up as a low-hanging-fruit?16:00
carlosscool one to work on :)16:00
* carloss checks time16:01
carlossthanks for mentioning the context on the issue gouthamr 16:01
carlosswe can link the minutes of this call to  the bug too16:01
carlossand if there is someone willing to pick it up, pleas let us know16:02
carlossor just update the assignee on launchpad :p16:02
carlossalright, we are 2 minutes over16:02
carlossthank you all for joining this meeting today16:02
carlosslet's continue on #openstack-manila16:02
gouthamrthanks carloss 16:02
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jun 30 16:02:41 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:02
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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