Wednesday, 2022-05-18

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whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed May 18 14:00:04 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
whoami-rajatgood turnout, let's wait few more minutes for others to join14:02
whoami-rajatguess that's all, let's get started14:03
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:03
whoami-rajatthere are a bunch of announcement so i won't explain anything in depth but there are links if people want to know more14:03
whoami-rajatUpdates from TC Meeting14:04
whoami-rajatmost of the announcements are from the TC updates which i thought would be good for awareness of the cinder team14:04
whoami-rajatfirst is, FIPS goal is selected community-wide goal now14:04
whoami-rajatsecond, Release naming change14:05
whoami-rajatWe are moving away from release names and will use release number which is the year of release followed by 1 or 2 (6 months release model)14:05
whoami-rajatEg: 2022.2 for AA, 2023.1 for BB14:06
whoami-rajatRelease naming will be handed over to OpenInfra Foundation and will be used for marketing purposes (TC won't be involved now)14:06
whoami-rajat^ that's what is written in the proposal and TC updates14:06
whoami-rajatnext, SLURP (Skip Level Upgrade Release Process)14:06
whoami-rajatAs per OpenStack legal team, it is not OK to use tick-tock naming so we will be shifting to SLURP (previously tick) and not-SLURP (previously tock) names14:07
whoami-rajatagain, this is not a major change but you can visit the review of the change proposed to know more14:07
whoami-rajatnext, Releasenote handling in the new release candence (SLURP now)14:08
whoami-rajatBrian has a patch up for 3 approaches on how to handle it14:08
whoami-rajatthe details of the 3 approaches are in the commit msg14:08
whoami-rajati think TC will resolve to one and that we will follow with the new SLURP release model14:08
whoami-rajatlast announcement is regarding cinderlib release14:09
whoami-rajatCycle trailing release for cinderlib (yoga)14:09
whoami-rajatThe deadline is 23rd June which is far away but i already discussed this once with geguileor14:09
whoami-rajatand release team had a mail regarding it so good to mention14:10
whoami-rajatthat's all the announcements from my side, anything else from anyone?14:10
tobias-urdinforgot to wave o/ everybody14:11
whoami-rajatok, we can move on to topics then14:11
whoami-rajat#topic Add image_conversion_disable config14:11
whoami-rajatrosmaita, mnaser ricolin that's you14:11
mnaserso the main reason behind this is that we have environments where we allow both qcow2 and raw images being uploaded14:12
mnaserreason being that if a user uses qcow2, they can use local storage on the hvs and its easier to use qcow214:12
mnaserhowever, if they use qcow2 + volume, then bad times for your control plane14:12
mnaserwhich is why we would like to allow disabling conversion for these environments14:13
mnaserand the user can get a note saying they are using a bad image and they need to upload the right image14:13
mnaseraka a raw format image in order to do bfv14:13
rosmaitajust to have it in the meeting log, here's the links to what we're talking about:14:14
whoami-rajatthanks rosmaita 14:14
whoami-rajati went through the replies in the patch and i think this is a good use case14:14
whoami-rajatcurrently what we're doing is rejecting a format that we think is bad (not matching the volume) and asking users to manually upload a new image satisfying the criteria14:15
whoami-rajati was thinking if we could do something in glance to automate this to avoid the manual work14:15
mnaseryep, that's the idea/goal.  it's also allowing to close a potential for a end user to effectively dos a cloud's control plane14:15
rosmaitayeah, i don't know that we can push it to glance14:15
mnasermy "bigger" long term goal would be to optimize the conversion to be backend specific14:16
rosmaitayou can restrict what disk_format glance will allow, but mnaser's use case is that you want multiple formats14:16
mnaserfor example, qemu-img can write directly to the ceph cluster14:16
ricolinconsider it as a two step plan?:)14:16
rosmaitayou just don't want to convert them14:16
mnaserso instead of convert to local disk, then upload to ceph -- you can convert straight to ceph, which can maybe potentially allow us to re-enable this14:16
mnasersince the disk i/o is really what hurts our control planes really bad14:17
mnaserbut that is a _faaaar_ bigger project, and this is a good interim option14:17
whoami-rajatack, i wasn't aware of the idea of handling this better in the coming future (hence this discussion is useful)14:18
rosmaitaso as far as end users go, they'll get a 400 if they upload a volume as an image requesting a format that would require conversion14:18
rosmaitaon the download side, we have create-volume and reimage-volume14:18
rosmaitafor both of those, we don't know the volume format until after the REST API has returned a 20214:19
mnaser^ this is the 'bug' for the more 'efficent' way of doing things14:19
rosmaitabut the patch adds user messages for when the volume goes to error14:19
whoami-rajatwas just going through the bug report, looks like 2 is something we should discuss about in the midcycle14:22
rosmaitai agree14:23
whoami-rajatbut i also remember a discussion that concurrent requests wait for image cache to be created by the first one and then use the cache14:23
whoami-rajator maybe not14:23
abishopyes, it does wait for the cache to be seeded14:23
whoami-rajatso I don't have much objections given this is a short term solution/workaround for a problem that is being worked upon14:24
rosmaitayeah, i thought we had addressed that, not sure if the conversion means it's handled differently14:24
whoami-rajatok, then 2 in the bug should not be true since the image cache is the first volume entry we create (after conversion) and clone from it14:25
rosmaitai guess my feeling is that it's a good idea not to kill your cinder-volume nodes, and as long as you communicate to your users what their expectations should be about volume-image format relations, this is ok14:26
whoami-rajatagreed and since default is False (which is current behavior) this won't harm anyone not opting for it14:27
whoami-rajatany other concerns or observations on this?14:30
rosmaitai guess for the record, for the upload use case you could push this to glance using image import, but then you could kill the glance node instead of cinder-volume14:30
rosmaitaand we'd have to modify cinder to use image import14:31
rosmaitaon the download sides, i don't think this could be handed off to glance14:31
rosmaitabecause the use case is to have multiple formats stored in glance, and only a subset of those would be accepted by cinder for create-volume or reimage-volume14:32
mnaserrosmaita: could be an idea for glance to have multiple types the same way it has multiple backends14:32
rosmaitaso the end user could always pick the wrong format image by mistake14:32
mnaserso then cinder requests a specific format and glance provides it, but yeah, that's also a 'perfect world' scenario 14:32
whoami-rajatthat's a good motivation to adapt to import plugin but we might not have enough bandwidth to work upon it14:33
rosmaitamnaser: that was what Glare was for (remember that?)14:33
mnaseropenstack lore :)14:33
mnaserglare was a bit ahead of its time14:33
mnasernow we have OCI14:34
whoami-rajatmaybe I'm wrong but a use case of glance image carrying multiple locations is to have different formats of the same image linked with a single image?14:35
whoami-rajator not, maybe it's more of a redundancy feature14:36
mnasermultistore is multiple locations for the same format for hte same image14:36
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: well, that was what Glare was for14:36
mnaseri.e.: edge cloud where you have 1 image identifier, but it can be stored in a ceph cluster in each site14:36
rosmaitaglance is supposed to work with immutable images14:36
mnaserso there would be multiple locations, but all hosting the same exact data14:36
whoami-rajatack, thanks for the clarification14:37
rosmaitaok, as far as the patch goes14:37
rosmaitai would feel better with functional tests, but not sure we can do those with something that involves the image service14:37
tobias-urdinwhich fwiw is a real world issue when storing for example glance images in a ceph cluster and then needing to copy that to another ceph cluster in another availability-zone14:38
tobias-urdinsorry kinda semi-unrelated to cinder tho14:38
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: i am thinking that we don't have tempest coverage for reimage yet?14:39
whoami-rajatrosmaita, I've proposed a patch in tempest which I'm working on14:40
whoami-rajatit's failing for unknown reason as of now as I've already tested the flow manually multiple times and it works14:40
rosmaitamnaser: are you already running a version of this patch?14:40
whoami-rajatbut i will try to get that fixed and merged in Zed14:40
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: yeah, you definitely need more stuff to work on :)14:41
mnaserrosmaita: we are not, no14:41
mnaserricolin has been putting in most of the work14:41
rosmaitaok, i think the unit test coverage is good, i'm just worried about it blowing up in an unexpected way14:41
ricolinthe test was only run against my local test environment14:42
rosmaitafor no particular reason (my being worried, i mean)14:42
rosmaitawell, it will ship with the option "off"14:42
rosmaitaso that makes me feel a bit better14:43
whoami-rajatwould be good to get assurance if it's running in a functional cluster (but maybe that's a lot to expect)14:43
ricolinrosmaita: yeah, so it should not make difference to current use cases14:43
mnaserIf the team is +2 on this14:44
mnaserThen we can run it as a patch on top of your env and see if it blows up14:44
mnaserSince we were gonna cherry pick it back internally anyways14:44
rosmaitayeah i think we have enough test coverage that we can be confident of no regression when the option is "off"14:44
mnaserThat way we don’t have to land follow ups out of the box14:44
rosmaitaso as far as the discussion has gone, it sounds like there's no objection to the concept?14:45
rosmaitaeharney: you should like this patch, it adds a new user message14:46
eharneyi like the concept14:46
whoami-rajatnot from my side14:46
whoami-rajatlooks like the major concerns on this are resolved and we are short on time so let's move on to the next topic14:46
rosmaitathanks mnaser and ricolin14:47
whoami-rajatthanks mnaser ricolin and rosmaita  for the discussion14:47
whoami-rajat#topic Getting pylint job into shape 14:47
ricolinthanks rosmaita whoami-rajat 14:47
whoami-rajateharney, that's you14:47
eharneywell, i looked at our pylint results, and found broken code with it14:47
eharneyi think it would be useful to get this integrated back into the review process, but the job is kind of noisy14:48
eharneyso i'm submitting patches to clean up all the code it complains about14:48
eharneyreview them and look at the pylint output, especially on large patches14:48
eharneythat's about it14:48
eharney(there's more to clean up yet, but it's a start)14:49
rosmaitaeharney: is it the pylint job or the mypy job that doesn't post html output?14:49
rosmaita(i forgot to follow up on that)14:49
eharneythe pylint job shows a bunch of red errors:
whoami-rajatcool, thanks eharney for keeping an eye on the pylint job14:49
whoami-rajatmoving on14:51
whoami-rajat#topic Open discussion14:51
whoami-rajatwe've a bunch of review requests on the etherpad (looks like it's beginning to be a trend for open discussions)14:51
whoami-rajatjust a mention that we won't have a bug squad meeting today since Sofia is not around but she has posted a mail covering the bugs this week14:53
whoami-rajatanything else for open discussion?14:54
whoami-rajatlooks like everyone is busy reviewing the patches so we can end 5 minutes early14:55
whoami-rajatThanks everyone!14:55
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed May 18 14:56:02 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:56
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jungleboyjThank you!14:56
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