Wednesday, 2022-03-23

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rosmaita#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Mar 23 14:00:13 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
rosmaita#topic roll call14:00
rosmaitahello everyone14:02
rosmaitalet's get started14:02
rosmaita#topic announcements14:02
rosmaitaEuropean Summer Time starts 27 March, so this meeting may be 1 hour later for you next week14:03
rosmaitaand, next week is the final Yoga cycle meeting!14:03
rosmaitaand, as the last meeting of the month, it will be in video14:03
rosmaitausual connection info will be on the agenda etherpad14:03
rosmaitathe week after that is the Zed (virtual) PTG14:04
rosmaitadon't forget to register for the PTG if you haven't yet14:04
rosmaitainfo is on the planning etherpad:14:04
rosmaitathere are a lot of topics proposed, so whoami-rajat will have his hands full doing the planning!14:04
whoami-rajatisn't this meeting as per UTC timing? I never faced a time change during DST or not14:05
whoami-rajatoh or is it just for US Europe region14:05
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: yes, we keep it in UTC, so it's only a relative change for some people14:05
whoami-rajatack got it14:05
rosmaitayeah, i just wanted to give a heads up to Europe region folks14:06
rosmaitatbh, i am not sure if European Summer Time is observed everywhere in Europe or not14:06
whoami-rajatre:  whoami-rajat will have his hands full doing the planning! -- but that shouldn't stop you from adding topics!14:06
rosmaitaI am thinking that if next week's agenda is light (like today's is), we can do a cycle retrospective at next week's meeting14:07
rosmaitaor not14:07
rosmaitai will think about it, if anyone has an opinion on that, let me know14:08
whoami-rajatsounds like a good idea14:08
rosmaitaok, final announcement:14:08
rosmaitaFinal Yoga Release Candidate must be cut *tomorrow*14:08
jungleboyjNever a bad idea.14:08
rosmaitaok, i will put retrospective on the agenda14:09
rosmaitai will probably resurrect the retrospective surveys i posted a few cycles ago14:09
rosmaitato prime the pump, as it were14:09
rosmaitaok, so let's talk about the final yoga release candidate14:10
rosmaita#topic final yoga release candidate14:10
rosmaitaok, the first item is the prohibit managing to an encrypted volume type14:11
rosmaitajungleboyj: could you renew your +2 on ?14:11
rosmaitai had a typo in the commit message that was corrected and wiped out your +214:11
rosmaitaand we need another stable core to look at
rosmaitathe cgroups v1 -> v2 work is delayed14:12
rosmaitaso i will renew the "known issues" about that one14:12
jungleboyj+2 from me renewed.14:13
rosmaitaat this point, i think the throttling for image downloads is unusable because it depends on cgroups v1, which probably is unsupported in most current operating system versions14:13
eharneyi'll look at 83447814:13
rosmaitathanks eric14:14
rosmaitaso we will need to merge the fix early (like, in the next 2 weeks or so), and cut a new Yoga release 14:14
rosmaitaafter backporting it, of course14:14
rosmaitaand it will have to be backported to Xena where it was promised to be fixed14:14
rosmaitanext: nfs encryption fix ... will have to be backported when it's ready in master14:15
rosmaitathe ceph backup-restore issue: there was a request to make sure it was tested, but I'm not sure anyone had the bandwidth to do it14:16
rosmaitahas anyone had a chance to test it?14:17
enriquetasodon't we have a tempest test to try this?14:17
rosmaitaenriquetaso: i am not sure ... i assume not, because otherwise it would have broken our ceph ci14:18
eharneya tempest test that would back up a ceph volume and restore it to iscsi?  seems unlikely since we don't usually have much that goes between different backends14:18
rosmaitai think eharney is correct, we are passing because we probably test ceph-to-ceph, which doesn't show the problem14:19
enriquetasooh cool14:19
eharneyalso needs testing around encrypted volumes, to be thorough14:19
rosmaitai guess it's ok to hold off on this fix since we are already committing to an early Yoga release for cgroups14:19
rosmaitaok, we will not include it tomorrow, but will prioritize working on it over the next 2 weeks14:21
rosmaitafinal issue (not on the etherpad yet)14:21
rosmaitais geguileo here?14:21
rosmaitai see that he filed a big stack of bugs over NVMeOF14:21
rosmaitain enriquetaso's bug report this week14:21
rosmaitalooks like that connector is broken for encryption (among other things)14:22
rosmaitaso I will need to write a "known issues" note about that14:22
rosmaitai will follow up with geguileo14:22
toskywe have tests that check the migration between different backends (if configured), but I doubt we have tests that configures the source and destination backend for a backup14:22
rosmaitatosky: thanks, i was thinking of your matrix CI job14:23
toskywe would need a multibackend job also (I think enriquetaso  was working on such a job iirc)14:23
enriquetasoI think I proposed something but I'm not sure if it's okay
toskyor that multibackend job, yes, it could run also an hypotetical test which performs cross-backend backup and restore14:24
rosmaitaok, we have something to look at for this14:24
rosmaitathanks enriquetaso and tosky14:24
rosmaitai am thinking that we have a lot of combinations that could be tested14:25
rosmaitawe could run them on periodic jobs in zuul so that we don't consume too many resources on each patch14:25
rosmaitaor only run them on patches that touch the backup service14:25
rosmaitaor something ... anyway, my point is that it's worth putting this into tempest so that the testing is available14:26
whoami-rajatI think neutron has modified their CI jobs quite a bit to run them on only the code affecting them, although i haven't checked or have a deeper insight on it14:27
rosmaitathat's good to know14:27
rosmaitai guess we can deal with it when people complain that we are doing too much testing14:28
rosmaitaok, so other than , it looks like the only outstanding stuff for final RC is release notes14:29
rosmaitaso i will work on those today and ping people to review14:29
rosmaitai guess i should also put up a release patch with a -1 so the release team knows we intend to do an RC-214:29
rosmaitai'll do that right after the meeting14:30
rosmaita#action rosmaita put up a release patch with a -1 so the release team knows we intend to do an RC-214:30
rosmaita#action rosmaita "known issues" for yoga release14:30
rosmaitaok, is there anything else brewing?  anyone working on an absolutely critical bug?14:31
rosmaitaguess ont14:33
rosmaita#topic open discussion14:33
enriquetasoI have a bug that it's not critical but I'd like to mention it here14:33
enriquetasoDuring exporting and exporting a backup record the original backup gets deleted. 14:34
rosmaitai just left a comment on that one14:34
rosmaitathat's definitely a bad bug14:34
enriquetasooh, cool14:35
enriquetasothanks rosmaita++14:35
rosmaitadon't think it's release critical (though i am happy to consider other opinions)14:35
rosmaitafix looks pretty straightforward14:35
rosmaitai'm not sure we want to jam through a fix and backport it in the next 24 hours, though14:36
enriquetasoi don't think so14:36
rosmaitaso the question is, should we mention this as a known issue?14:36
jungleboyjYuck.  I think it would be a good idea to mention.14:37
eharneyyeah, seems worthwhile to document14:37
rosmaitaguess it won't hurt ... though in that situation, presumably if you make the call to import a second time, it should work because now the record is deleted14:38
rosmaitaok, i will add it to knows issues14:38
rosmaitain the meantime, it's worth looking at where this happens in the code from an engineering perspective14:39
rosmaitanested try statements, where the outer one catches Exception ... it is a code smell14:39
whoami-rajatI've a query regarding one multiattach test i proposed, I'm doing a dd on the block device from /dev/urandom but when trying to read it, it fails14:41
whoami-rajatif anyone has time to take a look on it
eharneyfails when reading the data from the block device to verify it?14:42
whoami-rajateharney, yes14:42
whoami-rajatUnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x9c in position 2: invalid start byte14:43
whoami-rajatthis is the error14:43
eharneyprobably trying to convert bytes to str in a place it shouldn't14:44
rosmaitamaybe you want to explicitly read in binary mode?14:44
rosmaitawhat eharney said .. make sure you are reading bytes and not strings14:44
rosmaitathat will definitely be a nice test to have14:45
whoami-rajatyeah i think tempest is decoding the data somewhere it shouldn't, i will look for an option to skip it/read bytes14:45
eharneyi suspect it's the ssh transport14:45
whoami-rajatthanks rosmaita eharney for the help14:45
eharneymaybe instead of shuffling the data blocks over ssh, just pipe the read into sha1sum instead and check that14:45
eharney(i'd have to look deeper to see if that's really the issue)\14:46
whoami-rajati guess you're right, the ssh module in tempest is doing the decode14:47
whoami-rajat  File "/opt/stack/tempest/tempest/lib/common/", line 225, in exec_command14:47
whoami-rajat    out_data = out_data.decode(encoding)14:47
whoami-rajathere's the test failure if you would like to see the whole traceback14:47
eharneyyeah it's probably only setup to interact w/ text output and not binary data, so using a checksum seems like a good fix14:48
whoami-rajatack, will try that, thanks14:48
rosmaitathat was productive! anything else for open discussion?14:49
rosmaitaeasy docs patch for someone to review:
jungleboyjrosmaita:  I will look at that now.  14:56
rosmaitaok, guess that's all for today14:56
rosmaitathanks everyone! see you next week14:57
jungleboyjThank you!14:57
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Mar 23 14:58:22 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:58
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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