Wednesday, 2022-03-02

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rosmaita#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Mar  2 14:00:37 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
rosmaita#topic roll call14:00
angioluccihi everyone14:01
jungleboyje0ne: !!!!!14:01
rosmaitahello everyone, let's get started14:02
rosmaita#topic announcements14:02
rosmaitafirst: we are now in Yoga Feature Freeze14:02
rosmaitalet's take a quick look at that email14:03
rosmaitayou will see several Feature Freeze Exceptions14:03
rosmaitathose are our review priorities14:04
rosmaitawe especially need reviews on the "complete transition to Alembic" effort14:04
rosmaitafor TusharTgite's "reset state robustification" effort, i believe that the base patch has merged14:04
rosmaitaso we can concentrate on its children patches14:05
rosmaitafor the driver features14:05
rosmaita#3 has merged14:05
rosmaitawe need eyes on the hitachi stuff (#4 and #5 plus the parent patch )14:06
rosmaitaas far as the Questionable stuff goes14:06
rosmaita#3 applied for a FFE and it was granted14:07
rosmaitait's now passing third party CI, etc, so looks ready14:07
rosmaita#2 did not apply for an FFE14:07
rosmaita#1 is part of a community goal, so we will be doing something with that14:07
rosmaitaprobably a stripped-down version14:07
rosmaitaanyway, my main concern is the alembic patches14:08
rosmaitaso please take some time to look them over14:08
rosmaitanext item: Yoga RC-1 is Thursday 10 March14:08
rosmaitathat's when the stable/yoga branch will be cut, and after that only release-critical bugs can be included in Yoga14:09
rosmaitathe final RC is scheduled for Thursday 24 MArch14:09
rosmaitaafter that, no changes are allowed into yoga unless the release team agrees (it will no longer be up to us)14:10
rosmaitaafter that, we have the Zed PTG 4-8 April14:10
rosmaitawhoami-rajat is organizing it14:10
rosmaitaas usual, please add topics to the etherpad14:10
rosmaitai had a question: is there interest in a special driver maintainers' session?14:11
whoami-rajatas rosmaita said, please do ^14:11
rosmaitawe have a bunch of new driver contributors, and I'm not sure everyone understands our processes, what the deadlines are, etc14:11
rosmaitaso, if you would be interested in such a session, please leave a note on the etherpad14:12
rosmaitaalso, we need input on videoconf software to use14:12
rosmaitawe'll use bluejeans by default14:12
rosmaitaso if you have a different suggestion, please communicate it to whoami-rajat14:13
whoami-rajatthat would be a good idea, I've thoughts about emphasizing on the driver contribution documentation which surely some vendors missing while adding a new driver14:13
rosmaitai guess we could schedule something and then publicize on the ML14:13
jungleboyjrosmaita: Nice to have new contributors.  Been a long time since we have had to do an education session like that.  :-)14:13
rosmaitathough i learned earlier this week that some maintainers don't subscribe to openstack-discuss14:13
rosmaitaalthough, at least one driver maintainer now does!14:14
jungleboyjwhoami-rajat:  ++ We used to do something like that back when I was PTL and we had more new people.14:14
whoami-rajatzoom was a potential candidate but BlueJeans is more tried and tested with out past PTGs so that seems to be the best default choice14:14
yuvalI would love that14:14
yuvaleducational session14:14
rosmaitaok, at least one vote!14:14
rosmaitaok that's all the announcements14:15
rosmaitavery light agenda today14:15
sfernandwe intend to bring an overview of NetApp's CI for the ptg, goal would be to demonstrate software factory and advantages in its adoption..14:15
rosmaitanow that is something I would like to see!14:15
sfernandwould that be relevant for new maintaners?14:16
rosmaitai think yes, but also think it should be its own session14:16
yuvalsimon is here?14:16
jungleboyjsfernand:  That is awesome!14:16
rosmaitayeah, i think simondodsley will be interested in that!14:16
yuvalyes, me to14:17
rosmaitaat one PTG we had a "drivers day", so maybe we can do that for Zed PTG14:17
rosmaita#topic  "artificially inflated requirements in os-brick"14:18
rosmaitajust want to give a quick update since i brought this up last week14:18
rosmaitathe tc discussed this last week14:18
rosmaitathere will be more discussion at the PTG ... the tl;dr is14:18
rosmaitathe brick changes are fine, but i was asked to be more conservative with cinderclient (which i was) and cinder14:19
rosmaitabut there's going to be some rethinking about what info exactly the requirements.txt file is meant to convey14:19
rosmaitapossibly removing minimum versions altogether, and just relying on upper-constraints14:20
rosmaitabut we can worry about that later14:20
rosmaita#topic PTG timings14:20
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: that's you14:20
whoami-rajatso I didn't receive any feedback on the timings so i guess everyone is fine with it14:21
whoami-rajatbut again i didn't send out an ML (my bad) so I'm thinking will do that before confirming the timings as 1300-1700 UTC14:21
rosmaitathat sounds good14:21
whoami-rajatagain, if anyone has any concerns regarding timings, do let me know14:21
rosmaitawe need to add a reminder to the "silence is assent" assumption when people are asked to look at things at meetings, or on the ML14:22
whoami-rajatalso we can schedule the topic timing as per the author's TZ convenience (in the booked time slot) so it shouldn't be an issue14:22
rosmaita(for the new driver maintainers PTG session, i mean)14:22
rosmaitaok, great14:23
whoami-rajatthat's all from my side14:23
rosmaita#topic Open Discussion14:23
rosmaitai want to say Hi to e0ne who's been off irc to conserve power14:24
e0nerosmaita: thanks Brian!14:24
e0neI'm still safe and alive14:24
rosmaitai don't know if everyone knows e0ne is physically located in Ukraine14:24
rosmaitaso it is very nice to see him here today14:25
e0neKharkiv, east of Ukraine :(14:25
jungleboyj:-(  You neighborhood has avoided bombing?14:25
TusharTgitei have a question my base patch is merged but in related chain section all other patches shows (not current) and i rebased them already is a issue or a normal thing
yuvale0ne: stay safe14:25
e0neyuval: will try, thanks14:26
enriquetasostay safe enriquetaso 14:26
enriquetasooops, e0ne :P 14:26
jungleboyje0ne: We are all keeping Ukraine in our thoughts and prayers here.  Stay safe buddy.14:27
sfernandjungleboyj ++ 14:27
raghavendratStay safe. Take care.14:27
geguileoe0ne: glad you are safe!!14:27
whoami-rajatTusharTgite, rebase looks right from the dependency chain in this patch
TusharTgitee0ne: stay safe ,sry to interupt conversation in beetween. take care14:28
whoami-rajate0ne, take care and stay safe14:28
TusharTgitewhoami-rajat: ok14:28
enriquetasoTusharTgite, think looks fine and they share the same Topic14:28
rosmaitaas long as the patches that need review aren't showing Merge Conflict, don't worry about it14:29
rosmaitatbh, i am not sure what you usually see on the parent patch after it merges14:29
TusharTgiterosmaita: ok14:31
rosmaitaok, well if there's no more to discuss, we can end early14:32
rosmaitaand use the free 1/2 hour to review the alembic completion patches!14:32
rosmaitae0ne: best wishes to you and your family, and hope you all stay safe14:32
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Mar  2 14:33:07 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:33
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jungleboyjThank rosmaita !14:33
e0nerosmaita: thanks!14:35
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