Thursday, 2022-02-03

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gouthamr#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Feb  3 15:00:29 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
gouthamrcourtesy ping: ganso vkmc dviroel carloss tbarron felipe_rodrigues ecsantos vhari fabiooliveira15:00
gouthamr\o hello everyone15:01
gouthamrthanks for joining... here's our agenda for today:
gouthamrlets get started with15:01
gouthamr#topic Announcements15:02
gouthamra reminder that feature freeze deadline is nearing: Feb 25 is the Yoga-3 milestone and Client Library Freeze15:02
gouthamrwe'll discuss the reviews in a bit15:03
gouthamrapart from that, its been a quiet week for news.. 15:03
gouthamranyone else got any announcements?15:03
gouthamralright, lets discuss reviews15:04
gouthamr#topic M-3 feature reviews tracking15:04
gouthamri forget who we tagged with reviewing the scheduler hints patches :) 15:06
sfernandshould multiple subnets be in the m3 as well?15:06
gouthamr#link (manila-ui support for scheduler hints)15:06
gouthamrsfernand: yes, all feature changes should be merged by m315:07
sfernandok will be include our links there15:07
felipe_rodriguesI'm part of reviewers for hints15:07
felipe_rodriguesadding myself in the etherpad 15:07
gouthamrthanks felipe_rodrigues 15:08
gouthamri think this is nearly there15:08
gouthamr#link (Recycle bin support)15:08
felipe_rodriguestempest I'm trying to make it pass on NetApp CI15:08
felipe_rodriguesstill failing15:09
vhario/ 15:09
* vhari sry held up on another call15:10
gouthamrfelipe_rodrigues: oh, do you suspect it has to do with the job configuration?15:11
gouthamri don't see manila tempest plugin in your local.conf:
dviroel"tempest list-plugins" -> nothing15:12
felipe_rodriguesYeah, it seems a NetApp issue, not a problem with the patch itself15:12
andrebeltrami[m]I'll help felipe on that in our CI 15:12
felipe_rodriguesthanks andrebeltrami[m] :)15:13
gouthamrack; ty15:13
gouthamron the recycle bin changes, is still failing CI15:14
gouthamrwe might have to run some tests locally and review this15:15
gouthamrcarloss dviroel and i are assigned here.. 15:16
haixinI need to update the micversion to 2.6815:16
gouthamrhaixin: oh, yes15:16
haixinI am still on Spring Festival holiday, I will change it after work15:17
gouthamrack, and Happy New Year haixin :)15:17
carlossI'm finishing my tests on the change :)15:17
carlossshould post an output soon15:17
gouthamrthanks carloss 15:17
carlossyw :)15:17
gouthamr#link (Metadata for share resources)15:18
gouthamrashrodri: what's the status with these?15:19
ashrodrishares metadata api changes (including admin-only) are ready for review, snapshots not quite but almost there. Running into issues with the CLI unit tests, and tempest tests are on the way15:20
gouthamr> snapshots not quite but almost there 15:22
gouthamrare you hitting any major issues here?15:22
ashrodriunit test failure, though nothing big i think its a viewbuilder thing.15:23
ashrodrishould have that fixed today15:23
gouthamrokay, thanks ashrodri; would the tempest tests be uploaded today as well? the shares patch is refactoring, and you mentioned needing to peel off an existing tempest test: 15:24
gouthamr#link (remove share metadata test) 15:24
ashrodriyeah I can do that15:25
gouthamri want to drive some consensus here - we rarely if ever remove a tempest test15:25
ashrodriright, the test in question involved allowing a key ending with '.json' or '.xml' to be set but not deleted15:27
dviroelcan we just skip the test in new api versions? if the test doesn't make sense anymore15:28
ashrodrii would consider that a bug, if werent for the fact that it was an intentional change and the test was made with that behavior in mind. I guess the question is whether to keep it that way, or let users set whatever keys they want and delete them too15:29
gouthamrdviroel: the problem exists in a layer above version control --> the route mapper which parses the endpoint shaves off ".xml" and ".json" at the end of the url before mapping15:30
gouthamrnone of our APIs end with ".json" or ".xml"15:32
gouthamrbut we had that special casing for some reason, this is something i don't really understand well... 15:33
ashrodriI could potentially skip this test starting with the admin-only microversion (which also has tests on the way) since microversioning the refactored code doesnt make much sense to me15:33
* dviroel looking - and blaming15:33
gouthamrmost of our URIs will have UUIDs at the end15:33
gouthamrthe only place you'd ever have names and not UUIDs would be metadata and extra-specs15:33
gouthamrdviroel: i'll take the blame :D i asked for a test when we were putting that code in, assuming it'd never be a problem - i didn't anticipate us splitting out our routes the way ashrodri is doing15:34
gouthamrwith ashrodri's changes, we now have the router handling the end portion of the URL properly 15:35
gouthamrso there's no need for additional "connect"s 15:35
gouthamrso we don't use that code path with metadata any more15:35
dviroelyeah, didn't have the chance to dig into ashrodri's work (sorry ashrodri)15:37
felipe_rodriguessince tempest is branchless, older stables branches will stop testing this wrong behavior15:40
felipe_rodriguesright ?15:40
gouthamra skipUnless(max_microversion<2.xx) could work - but its wonky; i'd like to see a proper explanation in code15:40
gouthamrif we do that15:40
gouthamrfor posterity15:40
felipe_rodriguesCould it be treat as a bug fix and backport it to older releases ? so we could drop the test, since it does not make any sense for any  branches 15:41
felipe_rodriguesjust the router part15:41
gouthamrit's possible, but is it worth it? 15:42
felipe_rodriguesi dont think so.. kkk15:42
felipe_rodriguesi prefer the skip one15:42
gouthamrlets play this out for real users ---> we're letting them set something they can't ever delete15:42
gouthamrthe only way to delete an "offending" key would be to delete the share or have an admin perform direct db changes15:43
fabiooliveirakkk = hahaha for brazilians15:43
felipe_rodriguesthks fabiooliveira 15:43
gouthamrhaha :) /me got that 15:43
gouthamri like to think the key was never offending to begin with15:44
ashrodrifor users if they have a "foo=bar" and "foo.xml=bar" attempting to delete foo.xml, would actually delete foo which is not great15:44
gouthamr^ +115:44
gouthamrso is the agreement that we skip the test? 15:46
gouthamror delete the test?15:46
felipe_rodriguesif the skip is possible, I'd prefer since older stables should check that behavior15:47
felipe_rodriguesI don't have a strong opnion on that.. I'm fine to delete too15:48
carlossI don't think it's a big of a problem to delete it tbh15:49
dviroeli'm ok with deletion too - a skip will need a little bit of context 15:51
gouthamrthanks, i prefer deletion too15:52
* dviroel rip test_try_delete_metadata_with_unsupport_format_key15:52
ashrodririp haha15:52
gouthamralright, lets move on.. 15:53
gouthamr#link (Add support to multiple subnets per AZ)15:53
gouthamrhow's this one going?15:53
gouthamri see status updates inline15:54
sfernandok so we removed all WIPs from patches, we have a few of them already with Zuul +115:54
gouthamrgood stuff15:54
sfernandwe basically forgot to make the alembic upgrade tests so we are working on it right now15:54
ecsantos[m]Container only waiting on the manila-tempest-plugin-lvm job to pass15:55
gouthamrack ty15:55
sfernandandre is about to start testing our driver changes with the new tempests tests we implemented15:56
sfernandbut should take some time to have the results15:56
gouthamrokay; you'll be posting them in review?15:57
gouthamror do you have some CI smarts in place?15:57
andrebeltrami[m]maybe we need to post the results in an experimental pipeline15:58
andrebeltrami[m]to enable the new flags in our CI 15:58
andrebeltrami[m]for NetApp driver15:59
sfernandandrebeltrami[m]: +115:59
gouthamrokay thanks for the updates15:59
gouthamrwe have 1 min left15:59
gouthamrwe can't do bug triage again here15:59
gouthamrvhari: are there ones we want to catch up on in #openstack-manila?16:00
vharigouthamr, no new bugs .. good for now16:01
gouthamrah good :)16:01
gouthamrawesome, thanks everyone for participating16:01
gouthamrand for reviewing patches16:01
gouthamrsee you all here next week, and on #openstack-manila in the meantime16:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Feb  3 16:01:58 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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