Thursday, 2022-01-27

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gouthamr#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jan 27 15:00:53 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
andrebeltrami[m]hello! 15:01
gouthamrcourtesy ping: ganso vkmc dviroel carloss tbarron ecsantos15:01
gouthamrsmall crowd today :)15:01
gouthamror not; hello all o/15:02
gouthamrlets get started15:02
gouthamr#topic Announcements15:02
gouthamrlets start with the deadlines 15:03
gouthamrFeature Proposal Freeze deadline is this week15:03
gouthamrand Yoga-3 milestone and Client Library Freeze15:03
gouthamris on Feb 2515:03
gouthamrunlike FPF, the client release is expected to occur on or before thursday/Feb 25th15:04
gouthamrFPF - please use the weekend as the deadline, since we're not shipping anything15:04
* gouthamr isn't suggesting making zuul work on weekends - you don't want to anger him 15:05
gouthamrper that ^15:06
gouthamrFPF = All new Manila features must be proposed and substantially completed, with unit, functional and integration tests by the end of the week.15:06
sfernandabout that folks15:07
* gouthamr checks calendar for real, Feb 25th is a Friday15:07
gouthamrsfernand: lets dig in about that in a few15:07
gouthamrjust a call out that release deadlines are usually the Thursday of the week, so the M3 deadline is really Feb 24th15:08
gouthamrat the M3 deadline, we'll be shipping the final python-manilaclient for the yoga cycle15:09
gouthamrand placing a feature freeze on manila and manila-ui (alongside a soft string freeze for this repo)15:09
gouthamrbetween M3 and the RC1 target week (Mar 07-Mar 11), we will only be making bugfixes in manila and manila-ui15:10
gouthamrat RC1, per usual, we'll transition the main branch to the zorilla cycle15:11
gouthamrand features can merge15:11
gouthamrhowever, we'd be conservative until March 30th when the final yoga release is expected to be; only in case we'd have to release a further release candidate15:12
gouthamrthat's all the release announcements15:13
gouthamr#link (help jungleboyj decide to vote for Zorilla) 15:13
gouthamr^ :) just lobbying for our favorite name 15:14
gouthamrin other news15:14
gouthamr#link (2021 OpenInfra Foundation Annual Report Now Available)15:14
gouthamrmany a mention to the manila team in this report15:15
gouthamrkudos archanaserver kafilat and ashrodri for being featured (alongside our other interns)15:15
gouthamr't was a great year as any to be a zorilla 15:16
jungleboyjHe he he.15:17
gouthamro/ jungleboyj 15:17
gouthamrthat's all the announcments i had today, any other announcements, folks?15:18
gouthamrooh yes, congratulations on becoming tripleo-ci core dviroel!15:18
dviroelgouthamr: yey thanks o/15:18
ashrodridviroel++ congrats!15:19
sfernandcongrats :D15:19
vharidviroel++ 15:19
fabiooliveiracongrats o/15:19
vkmccongrats dviroel o/15:19
gouthamrawesome, lets move on :D15:20
carlossdviroel++ :D15:20
gouthamr#topic FFE requests for drivers and FPF15:20
dviroelty all o/15:21
gouthamrlet me pause here, and ask you folks if there are any questions regarding the release timeline 15:21
gouthamralright, time to discuss the feature proposal freeze15:23
gouthamri think we have a bunch of patches being worked on at the moment, lets cycle through them and understand what stage they're at15:24
gouthamr1) Scheduler stats changes15:24
gouthamr#link (Add support of scheduler_hints in share replica create)15:24
gouthamr#link (onlyHostFilter: Fix follow-up suggestions)15:25
gouthamr#link (Api 2.65, Add Share Affinity/Anti-Affinity Scheduler hints when create share)15:25
gouthamr#link (Add tests for only_host scheduler hint(15:25
gouthamr#link (Add --scheduler_hints to share replica create command)15:26
gouthamr^ and some prior patches have merged15:26
gouthamrany concerns with this turning out to be a risk?15:27
* gouthamr frames a leading question15:27
gouthamrdoes anyone think this is risky to get done for this cycle?15:27
sfernandshould I include netapp patches to the list now, maybe? :P15:29
gouthamroh, i was going to pick on those next sfernand 15:29
gouthamrunless there's a related scheduler stats/replication patch?15:30
sfernandok great15:30
* gouthamr s/stats/hints :|15:30
sfernandwe don't have any15:30
gouthamrwe'll keep this on the review focus etherpad 15:30
gouthamrnext up15:30
gouthamr2) Multiple Subnets per AZ15:31
gouthamr#link ([WIP]: add multiple subnets per AZ support)15:31
gouthamr#link (Container: Multiple subnets per AZ)15:31
gouthamr#link (NetApp ONTAP: Add support to multiple subnets per AZ)15:32
gouthamr^ am i missing any patches here?15:32
andrebeltrami[m]we will include the manila-tempest soon15:33
felipe_rodriguesbtw, we need to set a topic 15:33
carlossany tempest change planned?15:33
carlossoh, thanks andrebeltrami[m] 15:33
gouthamrfelipe_rodrigues: yes, please do15:33
gouthamrandrebeltrami[m]: ack15:33
gouthamrwill this require any client changes?15:33
sfernandyep I didn't submmited any patch but this shall be done soon15:33
felipe_rodriguessmall.. just bump API version.. the REST calls are the same15:34
gouthamri see15:34
felipe_rodriguesI'll submit the client changes soon15:34
sfernandyep also we should submit a patch to the cli by tomorrow15:34
gouthamrack; would be you dropping the WIP by tomorrow as well?15:35
sfernandyes we will, our only concern is that may be we wont have enough time to fix all tempest tests by the end of the week15:36
felipe_rodriguesI think so.. 15:36
felipe_rodriguessfernand +115:36
sfernandso we would like to ask for a few days to have all patches passing in tempest and with the proper unit test coverage15:36
gouthamrokay; if that's just it, i don't think it'll hurt to push this out till next thursday, would that be okay?15:37
sfernandthat would be ok15:37
sfernandwe will be dropping WIP for our patches by the end of the week so if someone have time to take a look at the core patch and give first impressions that would be nice15:38
gouthamrthanks for the updates15:39
sfernandand we should also be able to work on reviews starting next week15:40
gouthamryes please; feel free to put all of these onto the review focus etherpad15:40
gouthamrand sign up for reviews there15:40
sfernandmaybe helping reviewing the scheduler stats of something you guys thinks that require attention15:40
gouthamr3) Share Transfer between projects15:40
gouthamr#link (share transfer between project)15:41
haixinThe company has been a little busy recently, so it will take some time to develop this15:41
gouthamrah thanks haixin 15:41
gouthamrso we can push this one out to zorilla?15:41
gouthamrthe next one is yours as well15:42
gouthamr4) Manila share support recycle bin15:42
gouthamrthis one's been ready for a while15:42
haixinthis need review15:42
haixinit's micversion 2.66 has change to 2.68 :|15:43
gouthamryes, sfernand and team, this could use help :)15:43
felipe_rodriguesI'm having a look15:43
gouthamrokay, with the review attention, i feel this isn't risky - as long as you can keep the review comments addressed haixin 15:44
haixin:) ok15:45
gouthamr5) Metadata APIs15:45
gouthamr#link (Metadata for share resources)15:45
ashrodrithats me!15:46
gouthamrashley is meta15:46
* gouthamr doesn't know what that means, but says it to sound cool15:47
ashrodriI've got some good progress this cycle. The metadata api ive been implementing has been whittled down to just two resources, it proved too big a beast to get all the resources in now. 15:47
ashrodriWas looking at tempest tests and found this one that tests a weird behavior regarding key values with ‘.json’ or ‘.xml’ in it: 15:47
ashrodri#link 15:47
ashrodriBasically such keys are allowed to be set, but not deleted. i was hoping to strike a quick discussion about this behavior and how to move forward with it. 15:47
ashrodrithough that can wait til Open Discussion if needed. Besides that, i do have some changes gearing up for the CLI ill need review before the M3 deadline to make sure that ships out, does anyone want to be pinged for that?15:48
gouthamrfrom the code, you're looking to modify the share metadata -- but there're no behavior changes really15:49
gouthamr(except the tempest test failure you're citing) 15:49
gouthamrand you're adding metadata apis for snapshots15:49
gouthamrso the real change here is the latter, and the former is mostly a code refactor15:50
ashrodrisounds about right, though regarding shares theres also the admin-only metadata changes in a separate patch15:50
gouthamr#link (Add admin only keys to share metadata(15:51
gouthamr^ this one's ready for review15:51
gouthamrashrodri: when do you think you can drop the WIP on the other patches?15:52
ashrodrion the api changes probably by tomorrow, pending the tempest test failures and how to address it15:52
gouthamryes, lets talk about those15:52
gouthamrwe're short of time today15:53
gouthamrcan you bring it up on #openstack-manila, or here during the next meeting?15:53
ashrodrilets talk on #openstack-manila15:54
ashrodriid rather address it sonner than later15:54
gouthamrit = the tempest test, if you need folks' take on what to do here15:54
gouthamrthanks, alright... this will require some review attention, do we consider this a risk if we provide time to wrap stuff up? 15:55
gouthamrokay... 15:56
gouthamrsame thing as to sfernand and party, ashrodri -- don't work over the weekend or something.. but, if things have to slip - its not a problem, let us know15:57
gouthamrwe'll hope to see this complete by next week's meeting though, and discuss any fall out15:57
ashrodrii think i can manage that15:57
gouthamram i missing any other feature change?15:58
gouthamrsounds like none15:59
gouthamrwe're short of time to discuss reviews and bugs today16:00
gouthamrso lets wrap up here16:00
gouthamrin the next meeting, we'll discuss any critical client changes and follow up on these items16:00
gouthamrif you have anything to bring up, please feel free to add it to the agenda:
gouthamrthank you all for attending, and for pushing patches, and reviewing :)16:01
gouthamrsee you on #openstack-manila now, and here next week16:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jan 27 16:01:37 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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