Thursday, 2021-09-23

gouthamr#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Sep 23 15:00:58 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
gouthamrcourtesy ping: ganso vkmc tbarron felipe_rodrigues ecsantos15:01
gouthamrhello everyone! thank you for joining15:02
gouthamrhere's our agenda for today:
gouthamr#topic Announcements15:03
gouthamrwe shipped the rc1 builds of manila, manila-ui15:03
gouthamrso far we haven't seen any release critical bugs that warrant an rc215:03
gouthamrif you're aware of any, we can discuss them in a bit15:04
gouthamrseveral manila contributors are attending the GHC Open Source Day next week15:05
gouthamrthe open source day is a great opportunity for attendees at GHC who may be either be starting their careers or are mid-career to explore open source communities15:06
gouthamrthe attendees will be going through an overview/onboarding session and will pair-program with us to commit some bug fixes15:07
gouthamrso if you're aware of any minor issues that can be tackled by new contributors in a couple of hours, please do flag them15:08
gouthamrand call attention to them on #openstack-manila15:09
gouthamrthat's all the announcements for today, any one else got any?15:10
gouthamr#topic AIso from Last Week15:12
gouthamri think that was autocorrect15:12
gouthamr#topic AIs for Last Week15:12
* gouthamr checks ethercalc15:12
gouthamrwe were looking to check up on the stale bugs vhari identified15:13
vharigouthamr, :)15:13
* gouthamr is unable to open that link, again 15:14
carlossI think ethercalc is messing with us :D15:14
gouthamroh its not just me15:14
vharigouthamr,  I have it open 15:14
carlossit was okay for most of the week, but since yesterday afternoon it stopped responding (at least to me)15:14
* fabiooliveira having hard time to open 15:14
vharia minute ago .. and now times out!15:14
vharispecial effect for us!15:15
ashrodriethercalc is trolling us15:15
gouthamrsigh, vhari - if you have it open, is it worth transfering the material to etherpad15:15
haixini can not open too.15:15
vhariI lost connection after refresh .. will do 15:15
gouthamrack, thank you 15:16
gouthamrvhari: lets follow up on #openstack-manila when the thing comes back alive15:17
vharigouthamr, ack15:17
gouthamr#topic Reviews needing attention15:17
gouthamrwe're not in the yoga cycle yet officially, so lets use the same etherpad as we were last week15:18
gouthamri wanted to check on the status of the python-manilaclient changes at the bottom of the pad15:19
gouthamrfabiooliveira++ on reviewing these15:19
gouthamrlooks like we're hitting a lower constraints job failure 15:20
gouthamropenstacksdk 0.11.2 depends on decorator>=3.4.015:20
gouthamrThe user requested (constraint) decorator==3.4.015:20
gouthamrthat job's also trolling? 15:20
gouthamr#link (lower constraints job fails on python-manilaclient / trunk branch)15:21
gouthamrsome lower-constraints failures in the client and the manila repo seemed transient last week15:22
gouthamrbut this one persists15:22
gouthamrwe might have to adjust the constraints here as we've done in the past - lets see if we can reproduce this locally15:25
gouthamrthat said, do keep reviewing these patches, and update them 15:26
gouthamrwhile we resolve this unrelated gate issue 15:26
gouthamrany other reviews that need attention?15:26
carlossthere are some changes I think would be nice to have some eyes15:28
carlossdoc ones :)15:28
gouthamrack, which ones, carloss?15:28
carloss and
carlossthanks for reviewing felipe_rodrigues and dviroel 15:29
carlossit'd be nice to get these two moving... they are related to the security service update/add changes introduced during wallaby15:30
gouthamrgreat thanks for calling them out, and for working on them15:31
gouthamri'll take a look in a bit15:32
carlossmy pleasure :)15:32
carlossthanks gouthamr 15:32
gouthamranything else?15:32
gouthamr#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:32
vharigouthamr,   thanks ..   lets look at a few bugs opened last week 15:33
vhari#link  15:33
gouthamrack, this one needs some investigation - and the warning *may* be benign 15:35
gouthamrit was observed in the CI 15:35
gouthamrafter we started using the threadgroup approach over our prior fixed interval looping call15:36
gouthamrmanila.service.Service.report_state is expected to run every second, and in some cases, it takes longer 15:36
gouthamrthe delay could be anywhere in this
gouthamrmy initial suspicion was a busy db handle15:38
gouthamri think we should triage this as pending investigation15:39
gouthamralthough there's no such status on launchpad 15:40
gouthamras far as the severity goes, none of our tests surfaced any issue with this15:41
gouthamrso this warning is probably harmless15:41
gouthamrand it doesn't occur on all the gate jobs either15:42
gouthamrguess the bug needs some more details15:45
gouthamrvhari: can we keep this in "New" and bring it up next week?15:45
vharigouthamr,  sure will do 15:46
vharinext up #link   15:46
gouthamrhmm, TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int'15:48
gouthamrthis is in the zfsonlinux driver15:49
gouthamrs/in the/with the15:49
gouthamrhaven't seen this issue before; provisioned_capacity_gb should always be an integer, and default to 015:50
gouthamrits possible the driver's reporting 'None' and we're not preventing that in the scheduler15:50
gouthamrits not very obvious looking at the code15:52
gouthamranyone looking to investigate this bug? you may not need to reproduce it as much as check if there's any place this "provisioned_capacity_gb" has the potential of being set to None15:54
vharigouthamr,  stale bug list is backup 15:55
vharigouthamr, copied contents here
gouthamrgreat thank you vhari 15:55
vharigouthamr, yw15:55
gouthamralright, i'd suggest setting the zfsonlinux bug to "Medium" and changing the bug title to "Provisioned capacity GB is mishandled in the scheduler"15:56
gouthamrlets chat about the stale bugs on #openstack-manila 15:57
gouthamrany other new bugs for today, vhari?15:57
vharigouthamr, that's all for today 15:58
gouthamrthank you15:58
gouthamr#topic Open Discussion15:58
vharigouthamr, I added links to stale bugs on our usual bug etherpad
gouthamrif you're looking for a heart melt15:59
gouthamrmy grandmother would think those stonks can surely eat some more fish16:01
gouthamrthat's a wrap for today16:01
gouthamrthank you all for attending, see you on #openstack-manila16:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Sep 23 16:01:39 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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