Thursday, 2021-09-16

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gouthamr#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Sep 16 15:00:28 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
gouthamrcourtesy ping: ganso vkmc vhari15:01
gouthamro/ hello everyone!15:01
gouthamrlets get started, here's the meeting agenda:
gouthamr#topic Announcements15:02
gouthamrfirst off, the first xena release candidate for manila and manila-ui is due today15:02
gouthamrso far, we have not spotted any release critical bugs 15:02
gouthamrwe do have some pending reviews that would be good to close out on15:03
gouthamrthere will also be a release tag for manila-tempest-plugin sometime in the next week 15:04
gouthamrso if you're working on a tempest change, please call attention to it15:04
gouthamrwe're *nearly* done with the xena release :) 15:06
gouthamri appreciate the time folks have been spending on the yoga cycle planning etherpad :)15:06
gouthamrPTG planning etherpad*15:06
gouthamrthanks for adding these topics, and details - if you're looking to add more, please keep doing so15:07
gouthamrthat's all i had for announcements today, anyone else got any?15:08
carlossI do, it might be quick though :D15:08
gouthamrmake it exciting carloss 15:08
* carloss will try to15:09
carlossI have joined Red Hat earlier this week \o/15:09
carlossI'll surely continue to be around, as I've joined the Zorilla team15:09
carlossso you can still be counting on me, more than never :D15:10
felipe_rodriguescongrats carlos! Sad for NetApp team, happy for u, though15:10
* gouthamr pictures a new zorilla with a hat15:10
carlossthan ever*15:10
ashrodriThe Zorilla team is very happy to have you! 15:10
haixinI will go to another company in the near future too :D15:10
tbarronThe good news is that Carlos will still be on Manila, and we see new FIT/NetAppers here too.  So Zorilla growth!15:11
ecsantoscarloss: we miss you on our daily meetings. congrats man! :D15:11
tbarronhaixin: I hope you can still work on Manila.15:11
gouthamrhaixin: good to hear that! :) yes ^15:11
haixinyes, i will 15:11
tbarronAnd that it will be a good change for you!15:11
tbarronSo awesome!15:11
carlossawesome haixin :D15:11
carlossthank you folks :D15:12
carlossthat's all I had15:12
gouthamrthanks carloss15:12
gouthamrany other announcements?15:13
* gouthamr inserts topic 15:13
gouthamr#topic Outreachy May-Aug '21 wrap up15:14
* gouthamr meeting-bot mic test, is this thing on15:14
gouthamri'd like you all to join me in congratulating kafilat and archanaserver on successfully completing their outreachy internships with the team15:15
tbarroncongratulations kafilat and archanaserver!!!!15:16
ashrodrikafilat++ archanaserver++  You guys did some amazing work, congrats!!15:16
felipe_rodriguesGood work, congrats! :))15:16
carlosscongrats kafilat archanaserver! great job15:17
vharicongrats kafilat and archanaserver :)15:17
kafilatthanks everyone15:17
archanaserverthank you everyone :) 15:18
gouthamrover the past several months, not only have learned a lot working through their respective projects on openstacksdk and the manila/openstackclient - and have also been diligent participants in the manila bug squash and hackathon this cycle15:18
gouthamrand in the outreach efforts we've been involved in like presenting at the openinfralive, grace hopper conference's open source day event and much more15:18
gouthamrso thanks for the grit and enthusiasm you've shown during this period, archanaserver and kafilat 15:20
gouthamras always, vkmc continues to bring the best talent around here and grooms them to do their best15:21
gouthamrthanks vkmc, this was my second term co-mentoring  - and i got to hold the ropes by myself a bit more this time, and there was quite some learning15:23
gouthamrthat said, both archanaserver and kafilat are exploring career opportunities in this space15:23
gouthamrso if you're/someone you know is looking to hire some talented engineers that are quick learners, do ping them :)15:25
gouthamrlastly, we've not merged everything that archanaserver and kafilat are chasing: 15:26
gouthamr#link (OpenStackSDK pending reviews)15:26
gouthamr#link (python-manilaclient pending reviews)15:27
gouthamr^ reviews here would be much appreciated15:28
gouthamranything else regarding $topic?15:28
felipe_rodriguesmy quota osc patch is not there. I need more review. Can I add there ? 15:30
gouthamrfelipe_rodrigues: i think i got it into the review focus etherpad15:31
felipe_rodriguesI'll  chevk. Thks15:32
gouthamrlets proceed to that topic, so we can shed some light on the pending patches for RC115:32
gouthamr#topic Reviews needing attention15:32
gouthamrthere's one manila-ui change that's pending15:33
gouthamr#link (Add update share-type name description and/or public access)15:33
haixinthat is api 2.5015:34
gouthamrit does introduce new user facing strings that have translation markers15:34
gouthamrwe're currently in a "soft-string-freeze". can we defer this to yoga? 15:35
gouthamrtaking that as a yes... 15:37
gouthamrshare replica list is not checking project owner15:38
gouthamrah, looks like a stale change, needs a rebase15:38
gouthamrDont run "periodic_share_replica_update() on active replicas15:38
carlossjust rechecked it... logs are gone15:39
gouthamrthanks carloss, ^ as well? 15:39
gouthamrearly return for _share_replica_update() if there is no active replica 15:40
gouthamr#link 15:40
gouthamrsame here, rechecked15:40
gouthamrOptimize the query logic for share network list 15:41
gouthamr 15:41
carlossreviewed it, code LGTM... the only thing is that I didn't have some time to give it a try15:41
carlossdo you have some data on how was the speedup for these queries, haixin?15:42
haixinAt the very least, you don't have to find everything and filter it again at the API layer15:43
haixinthat is why put "created_since", "created_before" search opts into database15:44
gouthamri did test this locally, but didn't do a comparison of the time to filter/paginate15:44
haixinIf you want a clear comparison, you must have a large number of share network records in the database15:45
gouthamrits in line with us attempting to move these resource filtering from the python layer down to the database queries15:45
carlossyeah, it is a great improvement to have15:45
carlosssounds good to me, will post my vote in the change15:46
carlossthank you!15:46
gouthamrgood stuff - lets see if we can get this in, thanks carloss haixin 15:46
gouthamrthat's a wrap for changes/bugfixes tagged with RC1 as target15:46
gouthamrlike we're seeing none of these bugs were introduced in this cycle, so while its good to have them in today, i wouldn't consider them release blockers15:47
gouthamrif we end up fixing them later, we can always backport the fixes, the older supported stable branches could also benefit from these15:47
gouthamrthat said, we're still on the lookout for release critical issues - please do bring attention to any that you see in the upcoming RC1 builds15:48
gouthamrfelipe_rodrigues: could you add your python-manilaclient change to the end of the pad - i.e., section on line 27915:49
gouthamrlets move to the next section15:50
gouthamr#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:50
gouthamrfloor is yours vhari 15:50
vharigouthamr,  thanks15:50
vhariwe have a few minutes to talk about stale bugs15:51
vharithe plan is to update or close abandoned bugs15:51
vharithe criteria is any  stale bug > 2 years 15:51
vharihere is the worksheet   15:51
vharithe workflow will be something like this15:52
vhariadd  your name in the comments field for bugs you plan to work on 15:52
vharireview bug, set status to incomplete and add the comment on line 2 to the bug 15:52
vhariwe are planning to follow progress on  #openstack-manila15:53
* gouthamr is it just me or is ethercalc.openstack slow to load15:54
* carloss ^ was about to say the same15:55
vharino I lost access to the site earlier 15:55
vharistill down it seems15:55
gouthamroh not just me then15:55
vharigouthamr, no, and not just this list :)15:56
gouthamrdo you remember how many of these bugs we had?15:56
vharigouthamr, > 31 bugs15:57
gouthamri see, so if 6 of us were to look at 5 bugs each, we'd get it done by next week :)15:57
* vhari like how gouthamr thinks :)15:57
* gouthamr does simple math like a product manager15:58
vhariso anyone interested pls access the list when available and ping us if any questions 15:59
gouthamrwe want to see if the issue is still relevant, and if we need to keep it around or add details and close them?15:59
vhariack 15:59
gouthamroh, you suggest setting them to "incomplete"15:59
gouthamrand let the auto-expiry kick in15:59
gouthamri like that15:59
gouthamrany volunteers that want to help us get through this list? 15:59
vhariwe set the bug to incomplete if it makes sense to do so, otherwise add a comment that it's still relevant 16:00
* gouthamr looks at the clock16:01
vharigouthamr, that's a wrap for bugs .. 16:01
gouthamrvhari: thank you! we'll wait for the ethercalc to come back online and find some help16:02
vharigouthamr, sounds good.. ty16:02
gouthamrthanks for compiling these and checking!16:02
gouthamrsorry we don't have time for an open discussion folks - if you need to chat, please join us in #openstack-manila16:02
gouthamrthanks all for attending, see you here next week!16:03
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Sep 16 16:03:16 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:03
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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