Wednesday, 2021-09-01

rosmaita#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Sep  1 14:00:14 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
rosmaita#topic roll call14:00
rosmaitagood turnout!14:01
rosmaitalet's get started14:02
rosmaita#topic announcements14:02
rosmaitaclient library releases have to happen this week14:02
rosmaitanamely, tomorrow14:02
rosmaitawe have 2 libraries that fit this14:03
rosmaitathere are a few tiny patches sitting there, let's get them reviewed and merged14:03
rosmaitadefinitely need the dropping lower constraints patch merged14:04
rosmaitaand the other 2 are very nice as well14:04
rosmaitaand the other library, of course, is the fabulous cinderclient14:05
rosmaitathere are a couple of changes that look L, but that's because they remove a bunch of code14:06
rosmaitawe need to talk about however14:06
rosmaitathat depends on mv 3.66 merging into cinder14:06
rosmaitai suspect no one saw my email about this, i think it was held up in the intertubes14:07
enriquetasoread the email, I was reviewing it earlier 14:08
rosmaitaso i have two questions: 1. what are the odds of merging today?14:08
rosmaitai mean, does anyone have reservations about it?14:08
rosmaitait's ok to have reservations, it's just that it would be really helpful for me to know that14:09
rosmaitathe other question is about the cinderclient patch, it turned out to be a bit more complicated than i expected14:10
rosmaita(i actually expected that it didn't require a code change, but i was sorely mistaken)14:10
sfernandreviewed this week and patch looks good.. Do you folks need someone to test it or something?14:10
rosmaitathat patch is
jungleboyjI was going to look at the in-use volumes one.  I don't have reservations.14:11
rosmaitaok, thanks jungleboyj and sfernand ... so it is at least possible that mv 3.66 will merge into cinder14:12
rosmaitaso then it comes down to whether is a good approach to handling it on the cinderclient side14:12
rosmaitaso, please review as soon as possible and leave comments!14:13
rosmaitathank you14:13
rosmaitaonce we know what's going into cinderclient, i'll get the final release notes patch up14:13
rosmaitawhich will be easy for people to review14:13
rosmaitai looked at the requirements, which we updated aggressively in wallaby, and they look OK for xena14:14
rosmaitaso I won't be proposing a requirements update14:14
rosmaitaok, the other exciting thing happening this week is14:14
rosmaitafeature freeze and soft string freeze14:15
rosmaitathese technically happen tomorrow, but I think we can say Friday14:15
rosmaitaso, stuff not merged by Friday 20:00 UTC will require a feature freeze exception14:15
abishopI anticipate several exceptions will be requested14:16
rosmaitawhich consists of an email to the openstack-discuss list with "[cinder] xena FFE request" in the subject line14:16
rosmaitaand in the body of your email say what blueprint and patch(es) you are requesting14:16
sfernandack, netapp has two major features this release and we are kind of desperate for reviews14:16
rosmaitaright, so if we get mv 3.66 sorted out in the next few hours, we can review features like crazy for the next few days14:17
rosmaitareview prioritization is: reviews associated with ^^14:18
sfernandso should drop the feature freeze exception on Friday morning if necessary, right?14:18
rosmaitawell, more like Friday afternoon14:18
sfernandI've notice there are some bps in the list that are not supposed to reach xena I guess14:19
sfernandlike sizing-encrypted-volumes14:19
rosmaitai think it's traditional to have an FFE request deadline, I will say Tuesday 7 september at 20:00 UTC14:19
rosmaitasfernand: good point, i was forgetting14:19
enriquetasosizing-encrypted-volumes is not going to make it for this Friday14:19
enriquetasoI'm still working on it14:20
rosmaitayes, let's all open the page and look at what is postponeable to Yoga14:20
jungleboyjrosmaita:  ++14:20
sfernandI miss that etherpad with the critical patches to review for the release to be honest. It makes more easier to focus reviews on14:20
rosmaitasfernand: i agree entirely, thank you for bringing it up14:20
rosmaitaenriquetaso: are you going to ask for an FFE, or is it more an early Yoga kind of thing?14:21
enriquetasoguess more an early Yoga kind of thing14:21
rosmaitaok, thanks, i will move it to Yoga14:22
enriquetasowhat is a FFE?14:22
geguileosfernand: shouldn't we be using the review priority for that purpose?14:22
jungleboyjFeature Freeze Exception14:22
enriquetasosadly I'm still too green on that14:22
rosmaitawell, the problem is review priority disappears when a new PS is pushed to gerrit14:22
rosmaitaabishop: are you working on
sfernandgeguileo: I believe this also works, just mentioned the etherpad because I was really used to it and also could drop some comments there14:23
geguileosfernand: that is true, being able to write something there was helpful14:23
abishopI submitted the patch that implements that bp, so I'm just requesting reviews14:23
whoami-rajati think we can do R+2 since feature freeze is so near? that doesn't disappear IIRC14:24
sfernandI think the integration with the people interest in have stuff merged works better14:24
rosmaitaabishop: that's a different bp14:24
abishopthe feature is entirely policy based, so doesn't need a mv or cinderclient change14:24
abishopoh, duh, wrong one :-/14:24
abishopgive me a moment14:24
abishopno, I have not been working on that14:25
abishopnot sure why it's assigned to me14:25
rosmaitaok, ,i will move it to yoga and you can decide if you want to abandon it14:25
abishopI worked on a similar feature that only affected the client, back in W14:25
rosmaitafix-snapshot-create-force is the mv 3.66 patch we discussed earlier14:26
rosmaitai saw that TusharTgite has patches up for reset-state-robustification, so that's good14:27
rosmaitaok there are 3 netapp BPs, and open-e-jovian-dss14:27
rosmaitaand hitachi consistency groups14:27
rosmaitanimble-change-location may not be a thing ... the developer who was working on it, is not any more, and i haven't heard anything from his successors14:28
rosmaitaok, so plenty of stuff for everyone to review14:29
rosmaitaand as always, people who are waiting for reviews of bugfixes, etc., can help out14:30
rosmaitaok, final announcement14:30
rosmaitathe first community goal for Yoga has been announced14:30
rosmaitait's "implementing secure and consistent RBAC"14:30
rosmaitacinder strategy is to do this partly in Xena, partly in Yoga14:31
rosmaita^^ has an "implementation strategy" section you can look at14:31
rosmaitaand there's another patch that gives more technical details about the changes14:31
rosmaitaok, that's all from me14:32
rosmaitaany announcements i missed?14:32
rosmaita#topic Request review of "user visible extra specs" feature14:33
rosmaitathis is a legitimate request, we just saw that it's among the Xena features14:33
rosmaitaabishop: any other comments about that?14:33
abishopjust a repeat of what I mentioned already, the feature is entirely policy based, so doesn't need a mv or cinderclient change14:33
abishopthat's it, thx!14:34
rosmaita#topic Backup user messages14:34
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: that's you14:34
whoami-rajatso Brian has a concern with the patch that we are doing some message handling in backup side which should be done with messages API14:35
whoami-rajatwould appreciate more opinions on it14:35
rosmaitaok, everyone has opinions, please express them!14:37
whoami-rajatjust to summarize, the concern is regarding the ``message_created`` variable which is checking if a previous user message was created and doesn't create more messages14:37
rosmaitayeah, my position on that may be overly cynical14:38
rosmaitabut you can read the discussion on the patch14:38
rosmaita#topic stable release update14:39
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: you again14:39
whoami-rajatthanks :D14:39
whoami-rajatso we've some progress14:39
whoami-rajatAll open changes in stable/wallaby merged and I've proposed a release patch14:39
rosmaitai saw that, thanks for getting the release together14:39
whoami-rajatthanks for all the reviews, specially Jay and Brian14:39
whoami-rajatand i just saw a comment from herve14:40
whoami-rajatwhich i think we can discuss now14:40
whoami-rajatthere's a change for Pure storage driver, "652c3bf31 changed the minimum SDK version required for pure storage."14:40
rosmaitaherve really does pay close attention!14:40
whoami-rajatwhich for Herve is asking a minor bump14:41
whoami-rajati think that makes sense? it's a driver change but also a requirements change14:41
rosmaitawell, we decided that the change wasn't a block to backporting14:41
rosmaitaand he's not objecting to that, so i think a minor version change is fine14:41
whoami-rajatok, thanks for inputs14:42
whoami-rajatthat's all for me14:42
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: go ahead and update the patch, and I will re-vote on it14:42
whoami-rajatand hope the reviews continue for victoria and ussuri as well :)14:42
whoami-rajatsure, thanks14:43
rosmaita#topic open discussion14:43
rosmaitajust want to pass along a request from zenkuro, to please please please review the open-e-jovian-dss changes!14:43
rosmaitahay! this patch was review and Ive addressed recommendatyions and issues please review it 14:44
rosmaitaalso here is verry small patch that enables feature for driver
rosmaitaand here is a naming and code style fix
rosmaita^^ that's in zenkuro's own words14:44
eharneywhat's the deadline for ?14:44
rosmaitait's a bugfix, so RC-week14:45
rosmaitalet me check the date14:45
rosmaitaweek of 13 sept14:45
rosmaitaso before 16 sept14:46
eharneyi got lost working through where to validate what in my update to that, need to cycle back on it14:48
rosmaitabtw, i have been using f-strings a lot lately, but i seem to remember that people don't like those?14:48
rosmaitai am finding them quite nice14:48
eharneythey're good14:48
whoami-rajatwe should also check grenade with this since the last patch broke gate (even though it was the stable/wallaby patch)14:48
jungleboyjOk, so f"text" is valid?  I have never seen it before.14:48
rosmaitait lets you do easy variable substitutions14:49
rosmaitawithout having to do all that % stuff14:49
eharneyyeah we should be catching up on modern python features14:49
* eharney *cough* type annotations14:49
jungleboyjHmmm.  That is new to me.14:49
jungleboyjOk.  Sorry for the dumb comment on the review then.14:50
rosmaitanp, it's a good chance to make sure we are all ok with using them14:50
rosmaitai somehow have this memory of someone saying "no f-strings in cinder"14:50
rosmaitabut that may have been one of my cinder nightmares14:50
rosmaitaor it's someone no longer working on the project14:51
eharneyi don't remember that14:51
abishopit's a python feature that works great when it solves a problem, but if abused makes the code less readable14:51
abishopmy $.0214:51
jungleboyjNow that I look at it, it makes sense.14:52
rosmaitaok, so our official position is that f-strings, when used appropriately are fine14:52
eharneylike with everything, just try to go for what is most readable14:52
rosmaitabut if a particular string isn't readable, feel free to request a different kind of string14:52
rosmaitaeharney: ++14:52
rosmaitajungleboyj: i can't believe you spotted that extra space!14:52
eharneyworrying about these rules too much has resulted in some pretty weird uses of parentheses when backslashes should have been used, so, don't over do it14:53
jungleboyjrosmaita:  :-)  For some reason that stuff stands out to me.  The kids these days not using two spaces after a '.' drives me nuts.14:53
rosmaita:) i am a two-space-after-a-period kind of guy14:54
rosmaitalet sphinx figure it out14:54
jungleboyjeharney: I updated my vote.  We can fix the space later.14:54
rosmaitaeharney: lmk if you are ok with the changes i made to 14:54
rosmaitathanks, jay14:55
eharneyrosmaita: will do14:55
rosmaitacool, ty14:55
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: you said something about a patch breaking grenade?14:56
whoami-rajatrosmaita, the encryption one, we moved the check from c-vol to c-api and when merged in wallaby it broke grenade job14:58
eharneywe fixed that by running grenade where it needs to run now, right?14:58
whoami-rajatbecause grenade wasn't creating an encrypted volume type properly, but again we've to avoid similar scenario since it broke other project gates as well14:59
rosmaitadid we have that problem in master?14:59
whoami-rajateharney, this was the fix
eharneybecause grenade was creating unusable types and relying on them to be created14:59
rosmaitai don't remember how we fixed it14:59
whoami-rajatwe fixed how grenade creates encrypted volume types (which was the wrong way previously)15:00
eharneywell the main takeaway is, we need to run grenade in our gate, did we fix that?15:00
whoami-rajateharney, the problem is only visible when that patch merges in N-1 branch (like stable/wallaby in that case), because greande creates resources in SOURCE branch and then upgrades to target (N) branch15:01
whoami-rajatwe already run greande in our gate15:02
rosmaitawe are running grenade in gate and check15:02
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: is grenade branched, unlike tempest?15:02
whoami-rajatrosmaita, yes, branched15:02
eharneyi guess i'm not sure what the request is -- we go run grenade by hand looking for issues to make sure it works?15:02
rosmaitaok, so i guess you need to propose a backport of your patch?15:03
whoami-rajateharney, I'm not sure either, somehow with backports we need to be careful if greande is running properly15:03
whoami-rajatrosmaita, someone proposed but since it wasn't needed for gate fix, it was abandoned 15:04
rosmaitaok, but now it is needed?15:04
rosmaita(sorry, it's been a long day already, i am having trouble following the conversation)15:04
rosmaitaand we are over time!15:05
rosmaitathanks everyone, please please please review review review15:05
rosmaitalet's get to enriquetaso's bug squad meeting in cinder channel15:05
whoami-rajatuntil we backport [1] further, we are good for now [1]
rosmaitaok, thanks whoami-rajat15:05
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Sep  1 15:06:01 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:06
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