Thursday, 2021-07-22

gouthamr#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jul 22 15:00:38 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
gouthamrcourtesy ping: ganso vkmc dviroel carloss tbarron felipe_rodrigues ecsantos vhari15:01
gouthamr^ sorry for the double ping15:01
gouthamrhello everyone, thank you for joining.. extracting myself out of another meeting15:02
gouthamrhere's our agenda for today:
gouthamr#topic Announcements15:02
gouthamrschedule announcements, the new driver submission deadline is next week15:03
gouthamr"By the end of the week all new backend drivers for Manila must be substantially complete, with unit tests, and passing 3rd party CI. Drivers do not have to actually merge until feature freeze."15:03
gouthamrwe've already merged one driver, and from what i see on the channel, and from the PTG, we *may* have some more that haven't hit gerrit yet15:04
gouthamralthough, given we only have a week - it's possible the driver authors will hold off until the Yoga cycle15:04
gouthamrno other announcements for today15:05
gouthamrdoes anyone else have any?15:05
carlossI do15:05
gouthamrgo ahead caiquemello 15:05
gouthamrcarloss :)15:05
carlossI'd like to introduce a new Zorilla!15:06
* gouthamr oh boy its an infestation15:06
carlossrfluisa joined our team and we will be seeing contributions from her :D15:06
gouthamrrfluisa: o/ welcome to the community!15:06
carlosswelcome rfluisa :)15:06
rfluisaThanks!! :)15:06
ecsantoswelcome rfluisa o/15:06
dviroelrfluisa: hey o/, welcome 15:07
felipe_rodrigueswelcome! 15:07
tbarronwelcome rfluisa!  just saw a patch announced on #openstack-manila by Luisa.  Is that y ou?15:07
rfluisaThat's me!15:07
carlossoff to a good start :D15:07
gouthamrentering the community in style :) great work rfluisa15:07
tbarronrfluisa ftw!15:08
ashrodrirfluisa +115:08
gouthamrgreat :) any other announcements? 15:08
carlossthat's all I had gouthamr... thanks!15:09
gouthamrthank you carloss - glad to see your team growing! 15:09
carlossme too :)15:09
gouthamr#topic AIs from Last Week15:09
gouthamrso we had a discussion about transitioning stable/rocky and stable/queens branches in manila, python-manilaclient and manila-ui to EOL15:10
gouthamrwe're just waiting to see if anyone expresses objections on the ML15:10
gouthamrfeel free to +1 those changes - barring any objections, these should get merged soon15:11
gouthamrwe also discussed our draft schedule for the Yoga PTG15:12
gouthamr#link ([manila][ptg] Yoga cycle Project Teams Gathering information)15:13
gouthamr#link (Yoga PTG Planning etherpad)15:13
gouthamr^ this etherpad is to gather ideas, interests and form discussion topics 15:13
gouthamrplease feel free to add your intent to attend, and any topics you're planning15:14
gouthamrspeaking of last week, we also had a successful GHC OSD \o/15:15
gouthamrvkmc kafilat archanaserver ashrodri vhari maaritamm diablo_rojo ildikov 15:16
gouthamr^ was a fun zorilla convention as well :) 15:16
ashrodriit was a great experience! excited to participate again in the fall :D15:17
gouthamrwe had fewer contributors this round; and we implemented a lot of feedback from the last round and learned a bit more.. 15:17
gouthamrashrodri++ totally15:18
gouthamrgreat job, and thank you mentors - i was especially happy to see archanaserver and kafilat join us as mentors! 15:19
ashrodriarchanaserver++ kafilat++15:20
archanaserveryes it was a amazing experience indeed, thank you to openstack community :)15:20
gouthamralright, the other item to follow up from last week was our devstack external connectivity issues15:21
gouthamr#link ([devstack][neutron][manila] Instances having trouble getting to external network with OVN)15:21
gouthamrwe don't have any responses from neutron/ovn folks yet on that thread15:22
simondodsleyYes - this is still an issue for 3rd Party CIs - can we ping the Neutron PTL directly?15:23
gouthamrsimondodsley: yes - that was my next step, slaweq was ooto until this week; will ping him after this meeting15:23
gouthamralright, lets move on.. 15:24
gouthamr#topic Yoga Goals15:24
* gouthamr like a new year, new me resolution15:24
gouthamrricolin started a discussion ^ concerning pain points with openstack services; and contemplating a goal to eliminate one in each project 15:26
gouthamr#link (Pain Point Elimination etherpad)15:26
gouthamr\o ricolin 15:27
ricolinThanks for raising this topic15:27
ricolinI'm working on collecting known pain point from teams15:27
ricolinand see if we can make this as a Yoga goal15:28
gouthamr+1 so the AI here is for manila operators, contributors to identify what they think is painful about manila today 15:28
gouthamrwhile we're collating ideas on a single etherpad, each team will select and work on their own project's pain point15:29
gouthamrfrom what i understand.. 15:29
gouthamrawesome, thank you for proposing this ricolin.. 15:30
gouthamrlets take this as a AI and add things to that list; and please forward this request to operators you know that may not be watching the ML15:31
gouthamrwe have had some feedback from earlier operator forums on a very similar question, when tbarron asked15:31
gouthamrso i'll dig those up and and them there 15:32
gouthamrany questions, while we have ricolin's attention? :)15:32
ricolinfeel free to ping me anytime gouthamr :)15:33
gouthamrawesome, thanks ricolin!15:33
gouthamr#topic Reviews needing attention15:33
gouthamrwe've some good discussion going on on the Affinity/Anti-Affinity hints specification15:35
gouthamr#link (Add Share Affinity/Anti-Affinity Scheduler Filters)15:36
gouthamrplease share your feedback there, we're brainstorming the persistence of the hints in the database and how the share workflows will be affected by them15:36
haixini have see this spec, I actually don't think this feature is any better than share Type15:37
gouthamrhaixin: beyond the reasons mentioned in the use-cases section?15:38
gouthamrhaixin: the biggest reason i see there is having users provide hints dynamically as shares are created - something share types wouldn't be able to help with15:39
haixinMy point is that with share types arranged to be named and corresponding to their respective backends, users can easily distinguish between backends15:39
gouthamri see; yeah that's one alternative - however, cloud operators could be treating share types as service classes rather than creating one per-backend 15:41
gouthamrhaixin: please take a look and add your review to teh spec15:42
gouthamr#link (Early validate for CIFS without security service)15:42
haixinok,i will15:42
gouthamrthanks haixin 15:43
gouthamrcan i have other reviewers for this CIFS early validation change?15:43
carlossI need to circle back on this15:43
carlossWill do so :)15:43
gouthamrthanks carloss 15:44
gouthamralright, the rest on that etherpad are still pending, but have reviewers signed up15:44
gouthamrdoes anyone have any other reviews we need to talk about?15:44
gouthamrif not right now, feel free to add any to the etherpad to gather wider attention15:45
gouthamr#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:45
gouthamrvhari is in another meeting, i'll take this one15:45
gouthamr#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:45
gouthamr#link 15:46
gouthamr^ pretty cool bug; did a user hit this felipe_rodrigues, or did you hit this yourself when testing?15:47
felipe_rodriguesi hit it, while developing other features15:47
gouthamrit's possible other backends that implement revert-to-snapshot may have this issue15:48
felipe_rodriguesi think so.. if they are renaming15:48
felipe_rodriguesthey could save the previous name in the provider_location field15:49
felipe_rodriguesinstead of renaming it for the driver snapshot template name15:49
gouthamrisn't the provider location the actual name on the backend so drivers can locate it 15:49
gouthamrs/it/the snapshot15:50
gouthamrif the field isn't used like that, sure15:50
gouthamrfelipe_rodrigues: i'm okay tagging this medium, do you have a fix in the works? is this xena-3 material?15:51
felipe_rodriguesthe plan is starting working on the fix after the feature freeze.. from now, i am fully busy to deliver it..15:52
gouthamrack, i'll target to rc1; but i'm interested in the fix, and how it should apply generically across drivers 15:52
gouthamrit may be a call out in the driver docstrings and new bugs against specific drivers15:53
gouthamrashrodri: thanks for reporting this bug15:54
gouthamrdefinitely a good ux improvement15:55
gouthamrand can be extended to share types15:55
gouthamrdo you plan on working on this bug?15:55
ashrodriyeah i do15:56
gouthamrokay, feel free to claim it - i'll target this one to rc1 too, but its okay if we can close sooner  or later15:57
ashrodrisounds good!15:57
gouthamrthanks ashrodri 15:57
gouthamr#link 15:57
gouthamrthis one has a fix: 15:57
gouthamr#link 15:57
gouthamrseems simple enough15:58
gouthamrwill target this low, m-3  -> although that's just to triage this :) 15:59
gouthamralright, lets wrap up here for the day 15:59
gouthamrif you'd like to chat about anything else, please hop over to #openstack-manila15:59
gouthamrthank you all for attending - see you next week! 15:59
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