Wednesday, 2021-06-16

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rosmaita#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jun 16 14:00:05 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
rosmaita#topic roll call14:00
rosmaita(#topic doesn't work, but i will use it anyway)14:00
rosmaitaok, that doesn't work either14:01
rosmaitaa lot on the agenda today, so let's get started14:02
rosmaita#topic announcements14:02
rosmaitacinder-tempest-plugin-lvm-lio-barbican job is failing because sqlalchemy 1.4 broke barbican's alembic migration14:02
rosmaitathis is now fixed, courtesy of geguileo14:03
rosmaitabarbican isn't currently included in the requirements check job14:03
rosmaita^^ proposes a barbican crosscheck job14:04
rosmaitaare there any other projects we depend on that should be checked?14:04
* jungleboyj sneaks in late14:04
geguileorosmaita: I don't think that would have detected this issue14:04
geguileorosmaita: isn't that the unit tests?14:05
rosmaitageguileo: it would have caught the ut failures you fixed14:05
rosmaitanot the migration, though14:05
geguileorosmaita: which was the one that blocked our gate14:05
geguileothey need something like our cinder/tests/unit/db/test_migrations.py14:06
rosmaitawe can suggest that, but the barbican team seems to be under staffed these days14:07
geguileogood to know  :-(14:08
rosmaitaalso, i noticed that the nova functional tests are run14:08
rosmaitacould add ours, not sure how much that would help detect problems14:08
rosmaitawe should keep this in mind for the next time sqlalchemy is updated to 1.5 or 2.014:09
rosmaitanext item: vulnerability:managed tag accepted for os-brick14:10
rosmaitawhich doesn't really change anything because we all thought it was already managed14:10
rosmaitanext item: request from jungleboyj14:10
rosmaitaHelp me vote for the Y release name:
rosmaitajungleboyj: when is the deadline for that?14:11
jungleboyjYes.  :-)  Just a note that I have a naming poll out there for the Y release.  Have had good participation.14:11
jungleboyjI need to submit by vote today, so, if you want to help me pick the name.  Please vote.14:11
rosmaitamy personal favorite is "You"14:12
rosmaitaso that no one will know what release you are talking about14:12
* jungleboyj isn't surprised14:12
rosmaitanext item: reminder about festival of reviews on Friday14:12
eharneyYoghurt but no Yogurt?  i dunno...14:12
jungleboyjEnter the Chaos Monkey14:12
rosmaitainfo here:
rosmaitafriday is a holiday in some locations, but not enough to reschedule14:13
rosmaitaat least that's my impression?14:13
rosmaitahearing nothing to the contrary, next item:14:14
rosmaitacinder-coresec: need comments on before 23:59 UTC on Friday14:14
rosmaitaso please comment at your earliest convenience14:14
rosmaitafinally, reminder that the spec freeze is next friday14:14
rosmaitaso we need to review specs in a responsive manner, that is, right away14:15
rosmaitathat's it for announcements, unless someone else has something to share?14:16
rosmaitaok, moving on14:16
rosmaita#topic Two cinder patches blocking glance feature14:17
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: that's you14:17
rosmaitanot sure whoami-rajat is around14:18
rosmaitabut he left enough info in the agenda14:18
rosmaitahe's been working on hardening the glance_store cinder driver14:18
rosmaitaand found a cinder issue that needs to be addressed14:18
rosmaitai think ^^ is fine and corrects a mistake when the validation schema stuff was added to cinder14:19
rosmaitasee my comment on the patch14:19
rosmaitathe other one is a cinderclient change14:19
rosmaitai think that one addresses a similar problem in the cinderclient, that is, it is requiring an optional parameter14:20
rosmaitaanyway, please review so rajat can get that glance_store patch out of his life, which will allow him to concentrate on cinder14:21
eharneymakes sense14:21
rosmaitaok, next topic is a big one14:21
rosmaita#topic some concerns about the frequency of Cinder failures in the gate14:21
rosmaitajungleboyj is getting pressure from other members of the TC14:21
rosmaitaand in turn, is passing some pressure onto us14:21
jungleboyj:-)  Yes.14:22
eharneyis there anything going on here other than the known issues with LVM crashing?14:22
jungleboyjBased on the discussion yesterday it appears that that is the likely cause for concern.14:22
rosmaitaeharney: it's hard to tell14:22
whoami-rajatrosmaita: sorry was afk, thanks for covering it14:22
jungleboyjBut it is hard to tell.14:22
eharneywell it should be easy to quantify the LVM issues with elastic-recheck, has anyone tried that?14:22
rosmaitaeharney: "should be" and "no"14:23
enriquetasoLVM issues is ?14:23
eharneyyes but it fails on more operations than just volume delete14:24
rosmaitashort-term, i would like to propose no more naked rechecks14:24
jungleboyjrosmaita: ++14:24
rosmaitafor one thing, the first two items i looked at weren't cinder's fault14:24
jungleboyjWe should also work on getting the LVM crashes fixed.14:26
rosmaitayes, i agree14:26
jungleboyjAnd fix the barbican issues.14:26
eharneywe know how to work around them in a messy way, i think we don't have a way to properly fix them14:26
eharneythe barbican issues are already fixed AFAIK14:26
rosmaitaanyway, short term i propose that when you issuue a recheck, do this:14:26
rosmaitarecheck <job> <failed test name>14:26
rosmaitaand maybe some info about the failure if relevant14:27
rosmaitaand you can add info here:14:27
rosmaitabut if someone has time to set up an elasticsearch query to automate this, that would be better14:27
rosmaitabut short term it would be good to get some quick data about what is going on14:27
rosmaitai thought that most of the failures are in teardown, and not related to actual tests,  but i am not sure whether that's true or not14:28
rosmaitaany questions about our short term data collection?14:29
whoami-rajatfrom personal standpoint, gates were passing consistently before this barbican issue and now also it's working, maybe failure is more often seen in other project gates14:30
jungleboyjAnd the teardown failures are often due to volumes being left around due to something like the LVM crash.14:30
jungleboyjwhoami-rajat:  That is a concern.14:30
rosmaitawell, i think it's mostly in tempest-integrated-storage14:31
rosmaitaso nova, glance, and cinder14:31
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rosmaitaanyway, no more naked rechecks ... at least pretend you care14:33
rosmaitaand i guess, review the lvm patches14:33
eharneyi think we still need to write more lvm patches14:33
eharneylvdisplay is not covered, not sure what else14:33
Guest2396rosmaita: could we somehow keep that kind of info in the cinder wiki or something?14:36
rosmaitaGuest2396: which kind of info?14:36
*** Guest2396 is now known as geguileo14:36
rosmaitabtw, everyone keep an eye on (it's in recheck now)14:36
geguileorosmaita: the etherpad link for ci trakcing, and the recheck job failedtestname thingy14:36
eharney722126 doesn't fix the crash (which was the initial hope)14:37
rosmaitageguileo: glad you asked, i think i want to put it into the channel topic14:37
rosmaitaand the wiki, that is a good idea14:37
geguileorosmaita: having the etherpads we are currently using in the wiki could be useful14:37
geguileo(for those of us with fish memory)14:37
rosmaita#action rosmaita check with opendev team about getting topic changed14:38
rosmaita#action rosmaita add current etherpads to wiki14:38
eharney722126 needs a follow-up to retry on crash14:38
rosmaitageguileo: there's also the spotlight links on the meeting agenda14:38
jungleboyjrosmaita:  We used to have that list in the Wiki.  Needs to be updated.14:39
rosmaitaeharney: what's the best way to track these? use or other bugs?14:40
rosmaitajungleboyj: noted14:40
rosmaita#action rosmaita publicize the ci-tracking effort in all available methods14:40
eharneywe should probably write a new bug for retrying all of the other lvm commands that can segfault that weren't covered by 1901783, since that bug already has backports spanning a few branches14:41
enriquetasoi can help with that eharney14:41
rosmaitaok, let's discuss that during the upcoming bug squad meeting14:41
rosmaitaok, sounds like we have some strategy to address our CI problems14:42
rosmaita#topic Community goal proposal: Test with TLS (formerly SSL) by Default14:42
rosmaitaenriquetaso: that's you14:42
enriquetasoHello, just a quick question around TLS. As this is sort of a community-goal  and I'm not familiar with TLS, I wonder if enabling TLS is a problem for us?14:43
enriquetasoOr should we priority this XS review? maybe for our  XS meeting next friday.14:43
rosmaitawell, the review will not pass14:43
* enriquetaso reading brian's comments on the etherpad 14:43
rosmaitayeah, i looked into this a bit yesterday14:43
rosmaitanot sure how big a deal it is if CI can't reliably use TLS for this one test job14:44
rosmaitamy impression is that there's something going on in the botocore library14:45
rosmaitasince 201414:45
toskyI see a reference to an aws-cli issue, but is it relevant for that different S3 implementation?14:45
rosmaitatosky: i don't know, you wouldn't think so14:45
rosmaitabut i think the cli also uses botocore14:45
rosmaitait's weird that we would also see it in a fake s3 implementation14:46
toskyalternative, not fake :)14:46
rosmaitawell, apparently it is so close to the original that it is causing the same problem14:47
rosmaitai guess at this point, i can leave a comment on ricolin's etherpad about this and send a note to the ML for anyone interested in the s3 backup service to please take a look?14:48
rosmaitai guess file a bug as well if there isn't one already for this14:48
enriquetaso#action(enriquetaso): reply to ricolin's and fill a bug14:48
rosmaitaenriquetaso: thanks!14:49
rosmaitaok, next topic14:49
rosmaita#topic Finishing up snapshotting in-use volumes spec14:49
rosmaitaeharney: that's you14:49
eharneygeguileo found one complication i needed to cover here, wanted to make sure people were generally on-board as we get close to the specs deadline14:50
eharneymy initial spec left out what should happen for people who are, for whatever reason, passing force=False as a parameter to snapshot create14:50
eharneysince i'm not sure those people exist, i'm leaning toward just not allowing that going forward, as part of this change14:51
geguileoeharney: not allowing the force parameter in general, or just the force=false?14:51
eharneythe spec at the moment says the latter, but you have me wondering if we should do the former now14:52
eharneyi outlined some of the options (apparently not including that one) in comments on the previous patchset version14:54
eharneyrosmaita: right, thanks14:54
rosmaitawhat's the use case for force=false ? just to remind yourself that the volume is attached?14:55
eharneyi'm not sure there is a very good use case for it14:55
eharneyit's more just that you could do it..14:55
eharneygeguileo: thoughts?14:56
geguileorosmaita: the case is where you have code and you are unconditionally passing the parameter, but use a variable to pass it to true or false14:57
geguileoeharney: I like the removal of the force parameter14:57
geguileobut failing on force=false is probably less code14:57
eharneythe downside of just removing it altogether is that it's more of a hurdle for people who had just added force=True (which would be the common case)14:57
geguileoyeah, that's a big one14:57
geguileothey may be using the highest microversion and just passing it like you say14:58
geguileothat's a big reason for accepting it14:58
rosmaitaok, we are about out of time ... let's discuss on the spec14:58
rosmaitathanks everyone, join the bug squad meeting in #openstack-cinder15:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jun 16 15:00:22 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:00
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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