Wednesday, 2024-03-20

opendevreviewtspyderboy proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: "--wait" option added for managing/unmanaging a share snapshot
AachalSaxena[m]hello, I am actually new to open source, please guide me as I want to contribute for outreachy04:50
ccokeke[m]<AachalSaxena[m]> "hello, I am actually new to open..." <- Aachal Saxena: you can find these links helpful for setting up devstack on your environment:05:05
ccokeke[m] --- use this in conjunction with the local.conf from
AachalSaxena[m]Am on linux system, it is necessary to work with vm ware?07:23
ccokeke[m]AachalSaxena[m]: Use virtualbox unless your host OS is window 07:26
AachalSaxena[m]sure! thanks07:31
opendevreviewchristian okeke proposed openstack/manila master: Add delete CLI helper to ShareCommands
opendevreviewchristian okeke proposed openstack/manila master: Add delete CLI helper to ShareCommands
ccokeke[m]carloss_: please review  Add delete CLI helper to ShareCommands
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-manila master: Add max_over_subscription_ratio parameter
* ccokeke[m] sent a code block:
ccokeke[m]Hi gouthamr:  I just to clarify, I suppose I also need to pass the admin context in this command. I believe that is why the test failed here16:50
gouthamrccokeke[m]: is this failure on the CI? 16:51
gouthamrccokeke[m]: was asking to see if its code i can look at on gerrit; but it looks like you're using a fake string for the context, instead of a mocked context object16:52
gouthamrccokeke[m]: there must be examples in teh tests for mocking context correctly.. 16:53
ccokeke[m]gouthamr: yes16:53
ccokeke[m]gouthamr: I am mocking the admin context with `admin_ctxt`16:55
gouthamrccokeke[m]: yeah, you're invoking a real db method; that might be an issue - here's an example on how to create a fake context object: ; try this instead.. 17:01
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila master: Fix the link to get the next share replica
tspyderboy[m]Hi gouthamr to get the changes merged, do I have to do something more? 17:48
gouthamrtspyderboy[m]: i presume you're referring to ?18:03
tspyderboy[m]<gouthamr> "tspyderboy: i presume you're..." <- Yup18:09
gouthamrtspyderboy[m]: you need another review; i've copied carloss ... 18:09
* carloss on it18:09
gouthamrthanks carloss 18:10
tspyderboy[m]gouthamr: Thanks, for correcting Topic name, will follow the specified format from next time18:10
gouthamrtspyderboy[m]: no worries; it just helps us track stuff; what's your launchpad ID?18:11
gouthamrnvm, found it.. assigning the bug to you18:12
tspyderboy[m]Thank You carloss and gouthamr18:53
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila stable/2024.1: Fix the link to get the next share replica
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-manilaclient master: "--wait" option added for managing/unmanaging a share snapshot
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila master: [doc] Admin only modifiable metadata
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila master: [doc] Mount options in the ceph native driver
opendevreviewjayaanand borra proposed openstack/manila master: Human readable export location documentation
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: [doc] add instructions regarding healthchecks
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: [doc] add instructions regarding healthchecks

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