Monday, 2024-01-08

opendevreviewmelaku alehegn proposed openstack/manila-ui master: Implements: bp share-network-subnets
opendevreviewmelaku alehegn proposed openstack/manila-ui master: Create share network panel workflows
sharkww[m]carloss: Hello carloss, I'm sorry to bother you, but I have a problem that cannot be solved for the time being. I would appreciate it if you could give me some help.10:02
sharkww[m]I have mounted two NFS file systems on a centos client and am copying files using the copy function in, but my log shows the following error.... (full message at <>)10:02
* sharkww[m] uploaded an image: (223KiB) < >10:04
* sharkww[m] uploaded an image: (15KiB) < >10:04
carlosshey sharkww[m] sorry for the delay16:34
carlossI'll take a look16:34
opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed openstack/manila master: fix: Stop using batch_op for rename_table

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