Thursday, 2023-11-30

opendevreviewkiran pawar proposed openstack/manila-specs master: Add spec for share/share-snapshot deferred deletion
akhodoshi everyone! I am trying to implement encryption at rest in our Manila driver and was thinking of using barbican to store keys. Is there some sort of integration of barbican in Manila or I should just use the barbican pythonclient in the driver? Maybe there are some examples of implementing this that I wasn't able to find, would appreciate any advice 16:46
*** tkajinam is now known as Guest866617:02
gouthamrhey akhodos; there's a proposal to integrate barbican in the caracal release for the same use case17:04
gouthamrakhodos: is this an existing driver? or a new driver?17:05
akhodosthis is for an existing driver - Nexentastor nfs17:18
akhodos@gouthamr thanks for that info, this should be very helpful17:19
akhodosgouthamr: thanks for that info, this should be very helpful17:23
gouthamrakhodos: nice; thanks... please do help review the spec! :) 17:24
akhodosgouthamr: as this is just the spec review, I assume there was no work on code change yet, right?18:05
gouthamrakhodos: that's right18:05
gouthamrakhodos: kpdev's working on it.. he's afk now, but would be around during IST hours if you'd like to chat18:06
akhodosgouthamr: just wondering if this is going to make it in caracal18:07
gouthamrakhodos: ah, that's the plan.. it'll be hard to tell unless the code shows up18:08
opendevreviewAlexey Khodos proposed openstack/manila-specs master: Add spec for share encryption

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