Thursday, 2023-10-26

opendevreviewmelaku alehegn proposed openstack/manila master: change status and error when /shares api fails to handle share_type in request
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Stop skipping test on volume existence detection
clarkbfyi also I've been trying to encourage project leaders for projects with mirrors in github to subscribe to github notifications for those repos to help catch these15:07
gouthamrty clarkb - good point; will subscribe to notifications here15:09
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila master: [Pure Storage] Fix connection issue on network failure.
whoami-rajatcarloss, hey, cinder team is free now, if Manila team is free to join for the cross project? else we can go on a break for next 15-20 mins :D15:42
gouthamrwhoami-rajat: we're running late in the manila room :( 15:42
whoami-rajatgouthamr, okay, then we can go on a break and be back at 1530 UTC15:43
gouthamrwhoami-rajat: 16:30? we're past 15:3015:44
whoami-rajatgouthamr, sorry 1600 UTC15:44
whoami-rajatsometimes i mess up the TZ conversion (IST TO UTC)15:45
carlosswhoami-rajat: o/ 16:00 sounds fine15:45
whoami-rajatcarloss, gouthamr thanks!15:45
whoami-rajatcarloss, we never talked about this but i assume Manila team will be joining the cinder room? or do you want us to join the manila room?15:54
carlossyeah, we'll join the cinder room15:55
whoami-rajatcarloss, great, here is the link to the cinder room
carlosswhoami-rajat: thanks! :D15:58
carlosswhoami-rajat: we are wrapping up a discussion wrt the Barbican integration, be there in a sec16:00
whoami-rajatcarloss, sure, no worries, the cinder team is also returning from break which might take a few mins16:00
gouthamrclarkb: o/ iirc there was automation to close github pull requests with directions to submit code via gerrit... has that been turned off atm? 17:30
clarkbgouthamr: it still runs but daily I think17:30
clarkbas part of the periodic job runs starting 0200 UTC17:30
gouthamrah! thank you clarkb 17:31
gouthamrthe contributor's contacting us over IRC and email, but i'll add a response on that PR as well 17:31
opendevreviewmelaku alehegn proposed openstack/manila master: Change status and error handling for /shares API

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