Thursday, 2023-08-31

pas-ha[m]hi manila cores, I'd like to bring your attention to
pas-ha[m]recent change in oslo.messaging is breaking Manila due to a certain bug in manila's subclass of RequestContext (that you guys inherited from cinder which is also affected)07:24
pas-ha[m]effectively for manila it means it can not send any oslo.messaging notifications, which e.g. leads to HTTP 500 on share type create (the easiest to test if you install oslo.messaging from git)07:25
pas-ha[m]fixes are here
pas-ha[m]and will have to be backported to where the oslo.messaging patch was or is about to be backported 07:26
opendevreviewkiran pawar proposed openstack/manila master: Fix count in the response of shares/snapshots list API
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: Bump tox version
carlosso/ hi pas-ha[m] thanks for the fix10:32
carlossI'll take a look10:32
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-manilaclient master: Bump tox version
opendevreviewThiago José de Andrade Alvoravel proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Add manila.conf parameters for NetApp Active IQ weigher
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-manilaclient master: Implement share backup
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/manila stable/2023.1: Add default to read_deleted in context's from_dict
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/manila stable/zed: Add default to read_deleted in context's from_dict
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/manila stable/yoga: Add default to read_deleted in context's from_dict
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/manila stable/xena: Add default to read_deleted in context's from_dict
*** dviroel_ is now known as dviroel14:59
felipe_rodriguesHi guys... NetApp CI is failing, it seems that this change that was recently merged broke it (guess)16:43
felipe_rodriguesIf you see, NetApp CI didn't pass on the merged patch.. The scheduler failed excatly with the added lines:16:44
felipe_rodriguesAug 16 09:48:23.769685 ubuntu manila-scheduler[106143]: ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server   File "/opt/stack/manila/manila/db/sqlalchemy/", line 1926, in share_instance_sizes_sum_by_host16:44
felipe_rodriguesAug 16 09:48:23.769685 ubuntu manila-scheduler[106143]: ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server AttributeError: type object 'ShareInstance' has no attribute 'share'16:45
felipe_rodriguesThe patch added this line with joining the "share" field of the ShareInstance model: 16:46
felipe_rodriguesFrom my view, "ShareInstance" model hasn't any "share" field.. is it right ? 16:46
felipe_rodriguesThe community CI passed but my guess is that it is not testing the merged line, the code is only reached if:  "self.thin_provisioning and self.provisioned_capacity_gb is None"16:49
felipe_rodriguesNetApp code has that condition, it is now broken. 16:49
felipe_rodriguescarloss and gouthamr and the patch owner, can you help us ? Am I missing something ? Since we are close to the merge date, I think it seems urgent16:51
carlossfelipe_rodrigues: hi I think you're reading it correctly - shareinstance table only has a share_id16:54
carlossmaybe we should do that join differently16:55
carlosscarthaca: was this change working properly on your CI/env?16:55
felipe_rodriguesCan we revert this merge ? So we can unblock netapp CI and we can work on this scheduler improvement with more info and more detail.. 16:56
carlossI believe fixing would be the right thing rather than reverting IMHO16:57
felipe_rodriguesI guess the idea should be as you pointed.. however, we have to test manually, wait for CI and get the approvals from patch owner and so on.. it could take long.. 16:57
felipe_rodriguesMy idea is more like: rever the patch, let to the patch's owner the fix and we can merge it when it has the correct solution.. with at least a QA and NetApp CI happy.. 16:59
felipe_rodriguesRevert the patch is faster.. fixiing the problem consumes time.. tomorrow would be the FF.. My ActiveIQ patch is not passing because of it.. So, I would say that we could speed up the solution by reverting17:00
felipe_rodriguesjust an idea17:00
gmanncarloss: reminder
carlossfelipe_rodrigues: we wouldn't need to get the owner's approval in case the NetApp CI is able to QA it and ensure it works17:05
carlossanyway, both approaches work for me17:05
carlossis the netapp ci healthy? wondering because I didn't see its vote on the change, and we couldn't see the failure.17:06
carlosso/ gmann on it, sorry for the wait17:06
gmanncarloss: np! thanks17:07
caiquemello[m]Hi carlooss, actually the netapp ci voted in the change.17:10
felipe_rodriguesup to u carloss.. I am ok with both.. my only concern is about merging the ActiveIQ weigher on time.. I mean, it is blocked while this problem is part of the master.. 17:11
caiquemello[m]both dhss-no and dhss failed for the same reason pointed by felipe17:12
carlosscaiquemello[m]: it isn't showing up in the zuul summary tab, and if it isn't, some comments are swallowed by gerrit sometimes, unless you expand them17:12
carlosswich was the case.17:12
felipe_rodriguesno worries carloss.. which approach do you prefer ?17:12
caiquemello[m]carloss: ack17:14
carlossgmann: might be a "stupid" question, but I was checking the hash on the commit (9cefa379a5b482f19e4f821986b1d92ec5ac84c5) and it doesn't match with a release thing, it matches with: instead... so, is the hash correct?17:20
gmanncarloss: oh checking 17:21
carlossfelipe_rodrigues: considering time constraints, let's revert the change. the author has until rc1 to fix the issues pointed out17:21
carlossplease comment the issue you found in the change and also launchpad17:21
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila master: Revert "Improve scheduler performance when thin provisioning"
gmanncarloss: the hash is this one
carlossah, thanks gmann - sorry, looked only on gerrit, I forgot to look at the github repo for the hashes 🤦‍♂️17:29
carlosslgtm, sorry for the wait17:29
gmanncarloss: np!, you need to take rest :). thanks btw17:30
carlossnp :)17:30
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-manilaclient master: Deprecate "manila" CLI client
opendevreviewBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/manila master: Fix openstack-tox-py311 job
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila master: Add default to read_deleted in context's from_dict
opendevreviewThiago José de Andrade Alvoravel proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Add manila.conf parameters for NetApp Active IQ weigher
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila master: Revert "Improve scheduler performance when thin provisioning"

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