Wednesday, 2022-05-04

carlossadded my 2 cents - I think the workaround would work just fine00:33
carlossI found some issues in the name and description as well, but the workaround should cover it too00:34
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: [Native CephFS] Don't fail to deny missing rules
opendevreviewMaurice Escher proposed openstack/manila master: [netapp] retry requests
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Add waiters in access metadata tests
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Remove ping_ip_address & _log_console_output
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-manilaclient stable/xena: Drop lower-constraints.txt and its testing
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opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila master: Change manila generated key type to ecdsa
gouthamrethercalc RIP19:27
ashrodriomg theyre retiring ethercalc... is there a similar service we can use to track things like in our bugsquashes?19:32
gouthamrmy google fu didn't fetch any viable alternatives19:39
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opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila master: Add exception handling to share server deletion

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