Thursday, 2021-12-02

opendevreviewAlp Tutkun proposed openstack/manila master: Fixing cast_rules_to_readonly type from string to boolean for share instances and share replicas.
opendevreviewAlp Tutkun proposed openstack/manila master: [api-ref] Fix datatype of cast_rules_to_readonly
opendevreviewhaixin proposed openstack/manila master: remove usage of six library in api layer
opendevreviewhaixin proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Remove all usage of six library
opendevreviewhaixin proposed openstack/manila master: remove usage of six library
opendevreviewhaixin proposed openstack/manila master: remove usage of six library
opendevreviewhaixin proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Remove all usage of six library
opendevreviewhaixin proposed openstack/manila master: remove usage of six library
*** dviroel|out is now known as dviroel11:01
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila master: [api-ref] Fix datatype of cast_rules_to_readonly
carlossHello, folks! We are gathering in ~7 minutes for our second session of this bugsquash in this meeting room:
carlosswe are having a review collab today :D14:54
carlossas mentioned in this email:
felipe_rodrigueshi folks, I have a netapp meeting right now, so I cannot attend, I'll be working on my fixes/reviews, have a good meeting!14:56
carlossthanks felipe_rodrigues :)14:57
gouthamr 15:33
gouthamr^ please join this 15:34
carlosso/ folks... thank you all for joining the review collab16:08
carlossas we mentioned, we'll continue the review assignments here :)16:08
carlossto start, there are three changes related to this bug squash bugs16:09
carlossfirst of them: - Add export location information to share replica show command16:11
carlossfabiooliveira vkmc, can you also be reviewers on this? :)16:13
fabiooliveirayes I can :D16:14
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vkmccarloss, yes yes 16:18
carlossty fabiooliveira vkmc :)16:38
opendevreviewBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/manila master: Set service specific rpc control_exchange defaults
carloss - Force share server selection on nondisruptive migration16:46
carlossgouthamr felipe_rodrigues, can I have your eyes on this? :)16:46
carlossit would be good to have NetApp CI migration tests output here too16:46
felipe_rodriguesyeah, for sure! We do not have access yet to nondisruptive migration in our CI16:47
gouthamrcarloss: you got it16:53
opendevreviewBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/puppet-manila master: Do not hardcode generic openstack control exchange
carlossfelipe_rodrigues gouthamr thanks!17:18
carlossand this: - Add validation to share network17:43
carlossI can be one of the reviewers, but we'll need another volunteer17:44
nahimsouza[m]carloss, I can review this one ^18:26
carlossthanks nahimsouza[m] :D18:27
carlossmuch appreciated18:27
nahimsouza[m]yw :) 18:28
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opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: [devstack] Use OSC to set up share types
opendevreviewMegharth Lakhataria proposed openstack/manila master: Handle successful deletion of snapshot if quota commit fails
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: [devstack] Use OSC to set up share types
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: [devstack] Use OSC to set up share types

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