Monday, 2021-08-16

opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-manila master: Support Puppet 7
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-manila master: Support Puppet 7
kinpaa12389what is correct way to mention dependency for change in manila and manila-tempest-plugin. I see failure in PR, and same failures in manila for PR
vkmckinpaa12389, hi, with the full url11:13
vkmcin the commit message for
*** dviroel|out is now known as dviroel|ruck11:26
kinpaa12389vmkc, so manila-tempest-plugin(1) will have reference of manila, but what about manila PR, zuul execute tempest-plugin tests there too and it might consider master instead of (1).11:29
vkmckinpaa12389, so I believe what you are trying to do is not possible12:40
vkmcperhaps what you want to do is to get the manila change first, and then get the manila-tempest-plugin change 12:41
vkmchaving the depends-on from manila-tempest to manila change allows you to test your manila change with the tempest test you added 12:41
vkmcso presumably it is working as expected 12:41
vkmcbut I might be wrong 12:41
vkmcyou can ask in #openstack-infra for more details on how dependencies work 12:42
opendevreviewkiran pawar proposed openstack/manila master: Add "share-network" option for replica create API.
opendevreviewkiran pawar proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: Update share replica create CLI
opendevreviewkiran pawar proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Update tests for share replica create
kinpaa12389vmkc, I have update PRs, can you please check ?15:13
vkmckinpaa12389, sure15:30
opendevreviewkiran pawar proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Update tests for share replica create
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opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila stable/ussuri: Filter shares by share type "extra_specs"
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila stable/ussuri: TrivialFix: Fix the filter name in config helper
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila stable/victoria: Filter shares by share type "extra_specs"
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila stable/victoria: TrivialFix: Fix the filter name in config helper

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