Friday, 2021-05-14

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openstackgerrithaixin proposed openstack/manila-specs master: Manila share support Recycle Bin
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openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-manila stable/train: Prepare the final stable/train release
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openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila stable/train: [CI] Adjust EM branch jobs
openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Add stable branch jobs on the plugins master gate
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tbarronsimondodsley: we were just chatting about your (Pure, DHSS=False driver) scenario tests.  You have your CI working well except for these and the main issue there is that NFS mounts fail because allow-access is targeting the wrong client address.22:15
tbarronsimondodsley: do I have that right?22:15
* tbarron has mushy mind but wants to get this in channel in case anyone has thoughts/bandwidth/insight before next working week22:16
tbarronsimondodsley: I was saying that I think the client source address will be S-NATEd since you are using DHSS=False and only the single private tenant nic network out to the NFS server (your array) so that the access-allow cmd should target22:17
tbarronthe address on the public side of the relevant neutron router but22:18
tbarronhonestly my mind is mush atm and I may be confused so we're checking here in case there is a good example for simondodsley to follow for this aspect of the scenario tests with a dhss=false driver22:19
tbarronthat's all for now -- sorry simondodsley, but I will return to this and am glad you have made good progress otherwise :)22:20
simondodsleyglad to be breaking new ground... again22:20
gouthamrnot entirely new ground22:25
gouthamrIf you have a common IP, you can override that option to the allow-access interface22:26
gouthamrYou could even set it to ‘’ if it’s bothersome to grab the host IP22:26
gouthamrsimondodsley: thought this was outside your time zone :) I had a question regarding the PureStorage CI - it seems to be running against older stable branches - can you fix that? I think a simple regex branch config opt will be required if you’re using zuulv3 style job manifests22:28
toskygouthamr: (unrelated) in it may be future-proof to add the focal nodeset for victoria and wallaby22:30
gouthamrtosky: ++ will do :)22:37
gouthamrThanks for pointing that out!22:37
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