Wednesday, 2020-04-08

openstackgerritCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: Add new share replica quotas to the CLI
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila stable/train: [NetApp] Fix driver to honor standard extra specs
openstackgerritCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: Add new share replica quotas to the CLI
openstackgerrithaixin proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Add function to test user messages query by timestamp
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila master: Add new quota for share replicas
openstackgerritCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: Add new share replica quotas to the CLI
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openstackgerritCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: Add new share replica quotas to the CLI
openstackgerritCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila master: Remove experimental flag from share groups feature
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openstackgerrithaixin proposed openstack/manila-tempest-plugin master: Add function to test user messages query by timestamp
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/manila-ui master: Imported Translations from Zanata
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila master: Remove provisioned calculation on non thin provision backends
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openstackgerritYong Huang proposed openstack/manila master: [Unity] Manage/unmanage share server/share/snap
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openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack/manila stable/train: Remove provisioned calculation on non thin provision backends
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openstackgerritAndre Beltrami proposed openstack/manila master: [ZFSonLinux] Create share from snapshot in different backends
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openstackgerritDouglas Viroel proposed openstack/manila master: Create share from snapshot in another pool or backend
openstackgerritCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila master: Remove experimental flag from share groups feature
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-ui master: Imported Translations from Zanata
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-manilaclient master: Add new share replica quotas to the CLI
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gouthamrdviroel: ping, re:
gouthamrdviroel: wondering if you had a chance to re-review the dell/emc CI issues around testing this feature - since you/carloss are more familiar with the manage/unmanage feature, i needed your input on how to proceed15:06
dviroelgouthamr: already took a look, didn't find any issue regarding the code15:06
dviroelgouthamr: its seems that the CI is now passing on manage/unmanage tests15:07
gouthamrdviroel: thanks, yes - but they're being skipped for the most part15:07
dviroelgouthamr: will post my concerns as soon as possible.15:07
dviroelgouthamr: didn't take a look on the test log, just seen their email15:07
gouthamrdviroel: the manage share server tests are being skipped, because they're using a pre-configured share network15:08
dviroelgouthamr: i see15:08
carlossgouthamr: will take a look as well15:09
gouthamrack, i don't entirely understand the issue with their setup - but i'm guessing it'll take more work on their part to conform15:10
dviroelgouthamr: yes, I'm also not so familiar with lots of configurations on our env  and it will take some time to debug their issue15:12
dviroelgouthamr: for sure they won't be able to fix everything for FF in their setup15:12
gouthamrdviroel: ack, they're currently working around the issue with preconfigured networks and sharing them by creating all test accounts under the same project15:13
gouthamrdviroel: this makes them skip the recently committed negative tests to test RBAC between projects15:13
gouthamrdviroel: the tests don't check that the creds have the same project_id, and promptly fail15:14
gouthamrdviroel: it feels like they need to file an LP against their driver and work on it beyond FF15:14
dviroelgouthamr: got it, it try to find a time window to review again this patch, that is not so fresh anymore15:21
gouthamrdviroel: ty, please do15:40
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gouthamrdviroel carlosmon , joining18:02
dviroelgouthamr: ok18:02
gouthamrcarloss ^18:02
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gouthamrdviroel carloss: we didn't get to the questions on - my bad21:01
gouthamr(^ tbarron andrebeltrami as well)21:01
gouthamrwe discussed some of them, is there anything pending to talk about?21:02
dviroelgouthamr: oh, we can answer them there perhaps21:02
gouthamrdviroel: ack, when you get a chance, do that - i don't see anything pressing21:03
gouthamri did have second thoughts about using periodic interval, since the default is too short21:04
gouthamri was thinking this can be more of a one-every-5-mins check practically speaking21:05
gouthamrwant to know what your thoughts are on that21:05
carlosshi gouthamr ... I don't think so21:32
carlosssorry for the delay, I was in a meeting :)21:32
gouthamrack ty carloss21:33
dviroelgouthamr: thinking on production env, yeah, make sense to be a greater value21:41
dviroelgouthamr: we still have time to create a new internal :)21:41
gouthamrdviroel: yeah, maybe we can discuss it a bit more and gather some more opinion21:42
gouthamrdviroel: so don't worry about it in your next PS21:42
dviroelgouthamr: ok21:42
dviroelshould we provide a more generic message like: failed while checking for share status.22:27
gouthamrdviroel: as a log?22:28
dviroelor a specific message regarding creating from snapshot22:28
dviroeluser message22:28
gouthamrdviroel: oh, you mean for
gouthamrdviroel: a message about creating from snapshot - you can indicate that the user can try again, or contact their cloud administrator22:29
dviroelgouthamr: yes, both actually, we are expecting that the driver can raise exception and we need to tell user that it has failed22:30
dviroelgouthamr: message: ack22:30
dviroelbesides the log itself22:30
gouthamrdviroel: yes, the log will be helpful in case of an exception - in case of error, the driver should have logged stuff22:31
dviroelgouthamr: ack22:31
openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: [Unity] Manage/unmanage share server/share/snap
openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: [Unity] Manage/unmanage share server/share/snap
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openstackgerritAndre Beltrami proposed openstack/manila master: [ZFSonLinux] Create share from snapshot in different backends
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