Friday, 2016-08-19

openstackgerritAndrew Kerr proposed openstack/manila: Implement share revert to snapshot
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openstackgerritJay Mehta proposed openstack/manila: HPE 3PAR driver pool support
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openstackgerritAndrew Kerr proposed openstack/manila: Implement share revert to snapshot
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openstackgerritClinton Knight proposed openstack/manila: NetApp: Support share revert to snapshot
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zhongjun_tbarron: ping02:54
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openstackgerritThomas Bechtold proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Remove ordereddict from test-requirements.txt
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Add dedupe report in HNAS driver
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openstackgerritzhongjun proposed openstack/manila: Implement share backup
openstackgerritzhongjun proposed openstack/manila: Implement share backup
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openstackgerritYingzhe Zeng proposed openstack/manila: Implement replication support in huawei driver
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/manila: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritAlexey Ovchinnikov proposed openstack/manila: Adding NFS support to container driver
openstackgerritAlexey Ovchinnikov proposed openstack/manila: Adding NFS support to container driver
tbarronzhongjun_: pong10:49
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Precise tests on OSIC provider are currently failing, please stop your checks until the issue is resolved.11:16
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: DSVM jobs on OSIC currently failing because of IP collisions, fix is in the gate - - please hold rechecks until merged11:21
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: OSIC has burned through the problematic IP range with failures, things should be back to normal now.11:49
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openstackgerritTiago Pasqualini da Silva proposed openstack/manila: Rename and move HNAS driver
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila-ui: Updated from global requirements
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rrajaganso: gouthamr: , would be great if you can provide feedback when you've the time.12:55
gouthamrrraja: sure12:56
gansorraja: I got comments on draft12:56
gansorraja: I am testing it12:56
rrajagouthamr: thanks!12:58
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rrajagouthamr: ganso: sure! you've a got a lot on your plate already. really appreciate your help.12:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-manilaclient: Remove ordereddict from test-requirements.txt
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openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack/manila: Use ipaddr module for IP network validation
gouthamrrraja: ping13:17
rrajagouthamr: pong13:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Updated from global requirements
gouthamrrraja: hey.. any reason why you want a dict back from the drivers?13:18
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gouthamrrraja: i'm asking because it's kinda confusing if the drivers were to actually build/apply access rules serially.. in that case, i would suggest a list of dicts, because we may take back more values per access_id in the future..13:20
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rrajagouthamr: hmmm. maybe. but we agreed upon in this spec.13:21
rrajamaybe we can improve it later. it's not a public facing structure. so we can always modify it, right?13:22
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gouthamrrraja: sure.. just curious if there was a reason beyond "works for now" :)13:23
gouthamrrraja: improving driver interfaces is harder than APIs, we don't have microversions.. no big deal, for now, we're okay.13:24
rrajagouthamr: cool! maybe it was intuitive to do a simple access ID to access key mapping. also we can extend the access_keys's dictionary value, correct?13:26
gouthamrrraja: yeah, we could.. we'll tackle it when we get there..13:28
rrajagouthamr: :)13:29
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gouthamrrraja: okay, imma bug you a while..13:37
gouthamrrraja: when you have two share instances, what happens?13:38
gouthamrrraja: are both the share instances expected to have the same access_keys for a CEPHX user?13:38
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rrajagouthamr: np13:42
rrajagouthamr: yeah. it's like allowing two shares to the same IP13:43
rrajajust that IP cred is already authenticated externally, while to authenticate cephx ID you need a access key13:43
rrajagouthamr: for reference,
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gouthamrrraja: thanks..14:00
rrajagouthamr: you're welcome.14:00
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gansoxyang1, gouthamr, tbarron, bswartz, markstur: Could you please take a look at ? This has to merge before all migration patches14:11
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bswartzganso: you have a -114:13
gansobswartz: I replied to comments14:14
gansobswartz: he isn't online to ping to talk about it14:14
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tbarronganso: what does get_progress() return if self.current_copy is None at line 50?14:23
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openstackgerritAlexey Ovchinnikov proposed openstack/manila: [Do not merge] Check scenario tests
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gansotbarron: just a sec14:26
gansotbarron: line 46 above14:27
gansotbarron: returns total_progress = 014:27
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tbarronganso: if the "else" for line 50 is handled earlier at line 46 then you should rewrite the logic so that you don't have an "if" at line 50 :)14:29
gansotbarron: yes, possibly. I should look at this again if it is not clear14:31
tbarronganso: your decision tree may be correct, but the style at this point is quite confusing14:32
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openstackgerritGraham Hayes proposed openstack/manila: Get ready for os-api-ref sphinx theme change
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zhongjun_tbarron: ping15:09
zhongjun_tbarron: in
openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila: Fix fallback share migration with empty files
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tbarronzhongjun_: sorry, my net connection appears to be bouncing ...15:14
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zhongjun_tbarron: It is ok15:15
tbarronzhongjun_: i missed whatever you said :(15:15
zhongjun_tbarron: I used the ipaddress.ip_network(access_to) for check the ipv6 format, but it doesn't work15:17
tbarronzhongjun_: ?15:18
tbarronzhongjun_: I thought it worked when I tried it, what is the issue?15:18
zhongjun_tbarron:first: for example: 'AD80:0000:0000:0000:ABAA:0000:00C2:0002/64', ip_network will raise "ValueError: .. has host bits set"15:20
tbarronyes, that's not valid for the reason given :)15:21
tbarronyour validation method allows it though15:21
tbarronthat's why I favor not writing our own ip ipv6 validation rouutines, it's hard to do15:22
tbarronthere is a semantic as well as a syntactic aspect to ip/ipv6 addr parsing and validation15:23
zhongjun_tbarron:  but this is a valid format for manila15:23
tbarroneven the syntax is hard b/c of the various forms in whith e.g. v6 addrs can be presented15:23
tbarroni think it's a bug in manila15:24
zhongjun_tbarron: We can see it in command description in manilaclient15:24
gansozhongjun_: aren't you missing [AD80:...:0002]:/...15:24
zhongjun_tbarron: such like ip formart15:24
tbarronmanila can't redefiine what is valid for ipv6 or ipv4 :)15:24
tbarronwe have some hand written validation routines that are too lax15:25
tbarronin the strawman patch I put up to re-do the ipv4 validation I added unit test case that would currently pass but should not15:26
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zhongjun_tbarron: Does you means we only support AD80:0000:0000:0000:ABAA:0000:00C2:0002 ?15:27
tbarronzhongjun_: i mean that host bits shouldn't be set (bits past the netmask)  This isn't my opinion, it's the standard.15:28
tbarronfor any particular example you provide, my reply is "run the standard library routine to find out if it is valid"15:29
tbarronzhongjun_: I think the only reason we have these authored-by-us validations is that the ipaddr module wasn't orignally backported to python2 from python315:30
tbarronso historically, it is quite understandable that we wrote our own validation15:30
tbarronbut now there is no reason not to use the official module to do this stuff15:30
zhongjun_tbarron: Ipv6 frefix is the part of the ipv6, Does we not need to pass it?15:32
tbarronzhongjun_: whatever the official library says, it's not a matter of my opinion :)15:33
zhongjun_tbarron: The ip_network function can check the both of ipv4 and ipv6, Does you means we need to conbine it togeter?15:33
zhongjun_tbarron: together15:33
tbarronzhongjun_: i think that would be good, but might be a second step15:34
tbarronzhongjun_: if the other cores want to wait and do ipv6 and ipv4 together as a second step and use your roll-your-own validation in the mean time, that's OK15:34
tbarronby me15:34
tbarronI personally favor at least doiing the new code with the standard validation module now.15:35
zhongjun_ganso: Hi, What's your opinion?15:35
tbarronI proposed to show how we *can* do it right; it's too late for it by itself right now but probably it (or the ipv6 equivalent) could go in your review if you choose to do that15:36
tbarronif everyone decides to defer doing it "the right way" (IMO) then I'll propose a revision of to do both IPv4 and IPv6 early in O15:37
tbarronthe only downside of that that I see is that there's a longer time that we allow customers to use invalid network specifications15:38
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zhongjun_tbarron: If ipv6 and ipv4 together as a second step, the ip_network function does not meet our requirement(just for ipv6)15:40
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zhongjun_tbarron: thanks for your new patch, I saw it15:43
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tbarronzhongjun_: I hope it makes clear what my view is :)15:43
tbarronzhongjun_: it would be pretty easy to extend it to handle the ipv6 case as well15:44
tbarronline 453 would change to say "if access_type in ('ip', 'ipv6'):15:45
tbarronin manila/api/v1/shares.py15:46
tbarronand add one more ddt test case in that puts host bits in an ipv6 net specification in test_allow_access_error15:47
zhongjun_tbarron: 'AD80:0000:0000:0000:ABAA:0000:00C2:0002/65'15:48
zhongjun_tbarron:in test_allow_access_error15:48
tbarronzhongjun_: yup15:50
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zhongjun_tbarron: About "if access_type in ('ip', 'ipv6')". If we separate access type to ip and ipv6, we should not use same method to check both ip and ipv6 format. right?15:52
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tbarronzhongjun_: maybe not, i'd have to look more closely.   Offhand I thought it wouldn't matter since the ipaddr module handles both transparently15:54
tbarronzhongjun_: i've got to run out to a meeting for a while.  overall I think your patch looks good but as you know I think that any time we write our own code where there are standard modules that do what is needed we are asking for trouble :)15:55
tbarrononce this little issue is resolved I think your patch is good from my POV15:56
zhongjun_tbarron: If I change the check ip method, most of the manila driver will also need to be changed.15:56
tbarronif that's really true then probably we shouldn't do what I say now then, i've got to run off for a while though15:56
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zhongjun_tbarron: oh, see you later.16:00
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openstackgerritzhongjun proposed openstack/manila: Implement share backup
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openstackgerritzhongjun proposed openstack/manila: Add IPv6 ACL support in Manila
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openstackgerritJay Mehta proposed openstack/manila: HPE 3PAR driver pool support
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mkoderer__gouthamr: bswartz: cknight: can I get a review on
mkoderer__container tempest tests are passing17:52
mkoderer__IMHO it's ready to merge ;)17:52
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gouthamrmkoderer__: IMHO I agree :) Happy Vacation!18:10
tpsilvagouthamr: ping18:10
gouthamrtpsilva: hey Tiago!18:11
tpsilvagouthamr: Hey Goutham!18:11
tpsilvagouthamr: ganso told me that you will not be able to work with the update_access bug, right?18:11
tpsilvagouthamr: since the new snapshot semantics was punted to ocata, I can help you with that18:12
gouthamrtpsilva: i haven't had time to finish it..18:12
gouthamrtpsilva: sure.. had started with it a while ago, but would gladly take help ... :)18:12
tpsilvagouthamr: okay, I'll try to prioritize that into my activities... do you think it's possible to finish that for newton?18:14
gouthamrtpsilva: yes, still on high priority.18:14
tpsilvagouthamr: considering that I would continue what you already started18:14
gansogouthamr: hi Goutham. Sorry to drop in like this, could you please take a look at the comments I replied in when you have some time? I know you're very busy, but if we can address everything in that patch we can look at the others sooner.18:14
gouthamrganso: sure..18:15
tpsilvabswartz: ping18:27
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bswartztpsilva: pong18:33
tpsilvabswartz: I might need a FPFE for the HSP driver but I'm not sure that's a bug or not18:34
bswartztpsilva: which patch?18:34
tpsilvabswartz: lemme explain... the driver merged without a filter function, but that function is needed since the backend does not support shares with less than 128GB18:35
bswartztpsilva: there are no FPFEs btw, just FFEs18:35
bswartztpsilva: a similar issue came up in the cinder context18:35
bswartzyou can't have a manila driver that doesn't support GB-increment shares18:36
bswartzwe can provide a feature that makes it easier for deployers to avoid putting small shares on that backend18:36
tpsilvathe driver supports GB-increment shares18:36
tpsilvait only does not support shares with less than 128GB18:36
bswartzif "manila create NFS 1" won't work then there's a problem18:36
tpsilvaI would only need to add that filter-function  on the driver18:37
tpsilvaI remember that discussion in a weekly meeting18:38
tpsilvathat I decided to port the driver filter to manila18:38
bswartzwhat I'm trying to say is that you need a weigher and the driver needs to support 1GB shares somehow, otherwise it doesn't meet the contract of what a manila driver is supposed to do18:39
bswartzit's okay to avoid putting small shares on that backend in actual deployments but we've never said it's okay for a driver to simply not support small shares18:39
cknightbswartz: the filter function (just an arithmetic expression) can prevent smaller shares from going to his driver.18:39
tpsilvathe filter function would just prevent that18:40
bswartzcknight: you mean the whole filter function feature didn't get added yet?18:40
cknightbswartz: in a mixed environment, all the smaller shares would go to netapp.  I'm ok with that :-)18:40
cknightbswartz: it did get added18:40
cknightbswartz: tiago led that effort18:41
bswartzwhat what's missing to make tpsilva happy?18:41
tpsilvabswartz: the filter function on the driver... that's what is needed18:41
cknightbswartz: the driver needs to return a filter string in their shares data.  seems like a trivial thing.18:41
cknighttpsilva: would that be a hard-coded string.18:41
tpsilvacknight: yes18:41
cknighttpsilva: then I'd consider that almost a bugfix18:42
bswartzcknight -- it does seem trivial18:42
tpsilvaalright, I'll push that as a bugfix18:42
bswartztpsilva: get it done fast18:42
bswartzas long as it actually merges before FF, if it's trivial in scope we can use our judgement and merge it18:43
tpsilvaalright thanks18:43
bswartzmainly I don't want it to be a habit to wait until the last minute for stuff like this though -- if everyone saves their "trivial fixes" for the week before feature freeze we'll be drowning in trivial fixes18:43
tpsilvabswartz: agreed... I should have included that on the driver patch itself...18:45
tpsilvathat's probably enough for it to be considered a bug though18:45
tpsilvaI'll that quickly, thanks18:45
openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/manila-ui: wDisable creation of public share types per configuration
openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/manila-ui: Disable creation of public share types per configuration
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gansobswartz: ping
gansobswartz: we decided in the midcycle to remove ensure_share19:29
gansobswartz: adjusting all drivers19:30
gansobswartz: seems to me we are a little late for that19:30
gansobswartz: to me it is not a bugfix, or if it is, a risky one19:30
openstackgerritClinton Knight proposed openstack/manila: Implement share revert to snapshot
openstackgerritClinton Knight proposed openstack/manila: NetApp: Support share revert to snapshot
openstackgerritClinton Knight proposed openstack/manila: Add create_share_from_snapshot_support extra spec
bswartzganso: how does this have +2 and -W at the same time?19:35
bswartzganso: if the patch is ready for merge then now is the right time19:35
bswartzI need to review it more to form my own opinion but how do you feel?19:36
gansobswartz: first idea of the patch was to fix logging, then in midcycle we decided to remove ensure completely... Valeriy's +2 was before midcycle19:36
gansobswartz: if we decide that ensure will be removed, patch as-is is pointless19:36
gansobswartz: at least to me, looks pointless19:37
bswartzthen -2 it19:37
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gansobswartz: I did, before, but then we agreed it would change, so I removed -2 so this is worked within Newton, but this seems no longer a valid case19:37
gansobswartz: just asking you if you believe this is risky as well to merge during bugfix week before RC19:38
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gansobswartz, markstur, gouthamr: Jenkins has run:
bswartzif it's a bugfix, then we can merge it any time before RC119:41
bswartzwe'll have to weigh the risk of not merging it against merging it19:41
openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack/manila: Use ipaddr module for IP network validation
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openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila: [DEBUG] PLEASE DO NOT MERGE
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openstackgerritFaiz Abidi proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Allow deletion of multiple resources for some manila commands
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Fix fallback share migration with empty files
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