Friday, 2018-10-12

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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/loci master: Always build requirements image in the pipeline
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/loci master: Always build requirements image in the pipeline
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/loci master: Always build requirements image in the pipeline
evrardjpgood morning06:55
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/loci master: Always build requirements image in the pipeline
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hrw shows how fast my arm64 devbox is08:51
evrardjphrw: thanks for the vote :)08:57
evrardjphrw: haha08:58
evrardjphrw: good to see a comparison. I sometimes see ppl comparing cores as equals where they are effectively comparing apple to oranges08:59
hrwhm. I have access to 2x48 cores machine...09:00
hrwgood that I logged in. 7.7GB left of storage...09:02
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hrwwhat do you think about adding squashing to loci images?11:08
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evrardjpI trust you hrw :)15:00
evrardjpbut... there is a meeting today, and I'd like to chat with people about what I did recently and what's pending15:01
evrardjpso maybe it could be something we can talk about too?15:01
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evrardjpis there someone here for the meeting?15:28
evrardjpcc: portdirect pbourke hogepodge  ^15:29
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evrardjpI'd hope we have more than 2 or 3 pairs of eyes for this meeting, do we have a quorum?15:40
hogepodgeWe need to get the project back on track. portdirect and samyaple can we confirm for next week?15:40
evrardjpI have plenty of things pending there15:40
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evrardjpAt some point we can't wait anymore15:40
evrardjp(at least I have employer pressure there)15:41
evrardjpthanks hogepodge15:47
hogepodgeevrardjp: I'm very reluctant to merge
hogepodgeI think that adding project-specific bindep files is a bad idea.15:52
evrardjpthe previous iteration which was including a full bindep copy was approved by sam15:52
evrardjpI thought this was already better15:53
evrardjpbut I am open to discussion ofc :)15:53
hogepodgeI like this one
hogepodgeYeah, I see I +2ed that also.15:55
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/loci master: Introduce extra *dep parameter
evrardjpyeah the extra *dep file was used as basis to have OSH image building basically15:56
evrardjpthe limitation of Docker in terms of file path makes it easier to carry OSH file into a subfolder of loci vs being external, as far as I am told15:57
hogepodgeWould be sufficient for you? I've really refined my views and don't want to host project-specific enhancements for a whole bunch of reasons.15:58
evrardjpexternal and on the filesystem I mean15:58
hogepodgeKubernetes cloud provider work has really opened my eyes to how bad things can get once you open the door to it.15:58
evrardjphogepodge: I think it's worth being explicit15:58
evrardjpcould you tell us more?15:58
evrardjpI think I kinda agree with you15:58
evrardjpbut I'd rather have it documented somewhere -- and we should explain the reasons why15:59
hogepodge* There's no guarantee that any project will live longer than Loci. If that happens, who becomes responsible for removing that code. What's the condition or trigger for it?15:59
evrardjpI mean the trend was, currently, to have kolla and OSH images inside LOCI umbrella.15:59
evrardjploci code is still managed by loci team16:00
evrardjpit can arbitrary remove or add code16:00
hogepodge* What's the criteria for allowing an external project to store their configuration in a general repository? How do you guarantee fairness?16:00
evrardjpthat was my concern16:00
evrardjpyou hit it! ;)16:00
hogepodge* If there's a critical bug in project-specific files that impacts an external project, how do we get quick review in on a project they don't own?16:01
evrardjpI think with the fact that we can chain bindeps/pydeps we could technically have project jobs that are building images based on LOCI images, by having a pre-job creating a webserver to publish said bindep/pydep file, and point to those in extra_*16:01
hogepodgeHaving a pluggable mechanism solves every one of those potential problems.16:01
evrardjpThat's why I implemented both into separate commits :D16:02
evrardjp(btw I have updated 60218016:02
evrardjphogepodge: I think it's fair to document this in the README that LOCI won't ship extra bindep/pydep files16:03
hogepodge+1 to that. I can still be overridden by other cores, but that's my stance on it right now.16:04
evrardjpI am not core but my experience tells me it's a better path. I proposed the other patch due to willingness of others, and my willingness to advance :)16:05
evrardjpbetter advance and fail, than standstill16:05
evrardjpI have two other topics I'd like to discuss16:05
evrardjp and
hogepodgeevrardjp: I hope you don't think I'm beating up on the patches.16:06
hogepodgeI definitely should have been reviewing earlier also.16:06
evrardjphogepodge: not sure what you meant there. Patches are meant for review? :)16:07
evrardjpI have those kinda of ideas in my head for a while, but we didn't get the chance to discuss this. Now I need to discuss it and go further16:07
evrardjpso those two patches are important for a contributor named Iago Santos16:08
evrardjpit would also be usable by other consuming projects.16:08
hogepodgeSo on the first, I don't fully understand why we were caching requirements. I wish SamYaple were here to talk a bit more about it.16:08
hogepodgeI'm going to ask in the infra room because I don't want to hit them with something that may but burden on them16:09
evrardjpportdirect: maybe you have more background there?16:09
hrwhogepodge: what you by 'we were caching requirements'?16:09
hrws/you/you mean/16:09
evrardjpI don't believe my reasoning to be false though, but I am willing to see if there are constructive ways to do things in zuul that would have the best of both (fan out jobs?)16:10
evrardjphrw: see l23 to 46 on the right there:
evrardjpon the right side*16:10
hrwthat makes sense16:11
hrwas 'that change'16:11
hrwwhen we want to build new set of images we get whole set16:11
hrwand on x86 building requirements takes moments16:12
evrardjpthe other patch brings branching, which means we could create branch job for every project. I like the idea of building multiple branches with the same codebase, and have these jobs.16:13
evrardjphogepodge: I didn't remove said feature. I just don't believe it's the right thing to activate by default in checks/gates.16:13
hogepodgeevrardjp: right, I just want to make sure infra is good with the addition workload and bandwidth16:14
evrardjpshould someone want to reuse he can still pass the flag. It makes sense for example to pass the flag to EOL branches or EM branches.16:14
evrardjphogepodge: yes, and maybe constructive ideas on how to build the jobs in a fanout fashion16:15
evrardjphogepodge: would you be okay for adding jobs per (project,branch) ?16:15
evrardjpalso if I can get an extra vote on, that would be cool16:17
evrardjpthat's all I had for this meeting16:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/loci master: Add 'opensuse' key in distro check
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/loci master: Introduce extra *dep parameter
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