Thursday, 2018-07-19

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hrwfetching wheels image is weird12:28
hrwocker build .  --build-arg PROJECT=keystone --build-arg FROM=debian:stretch  --tag keystone:master-debian --build-arg
hrwException: Cannot detect protocol for registry: due to error: <urlopen error [Errno 110] Connection timed out>12:28
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SamYaplehrw: `--build-arg WHEELS=haerwu/luci-requirements:debian-0718`12:47
hrwurllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized12:49
SamYaplehrw: sounds like your repo isn't public12:50
SamYaplewe arent loading credentials in the container12:50
SamYapleif you have a need for private wheels, you can also use a local private registry instead of dockerhub12:50
SamYaple(im not sure is a thing)12:50
hrwSamYaple: uses it12:51
SamYaplehrw: it doesn't. it uses ``12:52
SamYaplethe port is 44312:52
hrw~curse hub.docker web interface12:54
hrwit scales to 10 images ;(12:54
SamYaplehaha yea man12:54
SamYaplei use a local private registry or a wheels tarball hosted by apache or similiar12:54
SamYaplein the gate, we push to a local registry as well12:54
hrwhave to dig out my 'docker-hub-remova-tag-from-images' script and drop all images from hub12:55
SamYaplei just delete the image and push a tag again :P12:55
hrwSamYaple: I have over 200 images...12:55
portdirecthrw: I'd love a copy of that!12:56
SamYaplehrw: are you familiar with the dockerhub api? its actually decent12:56
portdirectI had one ages ago but lost it12:56
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: is offline, causing POST_FAILURE results from Zuul. Cause and resolution timeframe currently unknown.12:56
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SamYapleaparently you are ;)12:56
portdirectMy docker hub is like a junk draw of failure :)12:56
SamYaplehrw: any changes you want to make to , go for it. After those scripts i trust you :D12:57
hrwSamYaple: haha12:57
SamYaplewhatever you think would make it work better, we will probably agree12:57 was a fairly quick script thats just... been working for us so we havent realyl touched it12:57
hrw13:57 (45s) linaro@c1n1:loci$ docker build .  --build-arg PROJECT=keystone --build-arg FROM=debian:stretch  --tag keystone:master-debian --build-arg WHEELS=
hrwurllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found12:58
hrwwill drop loci for a while and do some housekeeping instead12:58
SamYapleand `docker pull` works?12:58
hrw10.101.16.1 is local machine12:58
SamYaplebecause if so thats a bug12:58
SamYaplemind you you type `luci`12:59
hrwSamYaple: 3>12:59
hrwSamYaple: so improvements can be done in a way "check, maybe you misspelled name" :D13:01
SamYapleif only13:02
SamYapleunless you just want a generic warn, in which case we can probably catch the 404/401 errors and make better messages13:02
SamYaple"seems like a private repo" "repo not found"13:03
hrwSuccessfully tagged keystone:master-debian13:04
hrw14:02 (0s) linaro@c1n1:loci$ for project in cinder glance heat horizon ironic keystone neutron nova octavia;do docker build .  --build-arg PROJECT=$project --build-arg FROM=debian:stretch  --tag ${project}:master-debian --build-arg WHEELS=;done13:04
hrwlet it flow and I can do other stuff13:04
SamYaplecool. i recognize the for loop :)13:08
SamYaplerememeber to include `--build-arg PROFILES="ceph openvswitch"` or whatever profiles you want13:08
SamYapleyou can specify the same flags for all projects and only projects that can use ceph (glance, nova, cinder) will install ceph packages13:09
SamYaplecontrolled via bindep.txt13:09
hrwwould have to add CEPH_REPO (or how it was) too13:11
SamYaplehrw: we have some examples of how to do that.
SamYaplebut at the end of the day, its on you to provide an image for the FROM arg that has the appropriate repos13:17
SamYaplethis is the current design that weve all centered around :)13:17
hrwSamYaple: noticed already that it is easier to make own base image then use debian:stretch official one13:19
hrwfar too many rebuilds ;D13:19
hrweasier to use image where apt upgrade was done, proxy for apt is set etc13:20
SamYapleyea thats our recommendation as well13:22
SamYapleeveryones base image use case is unique13:22
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hrwcinder glance heat horizon ironic keystone neutron octavia requirements built.13:45
hrwwent nice - just 3 patches required (including Pillow one which got merged)13:49
* hrw lunch13:52
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SamYaplenice hrw!13:58
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SamYaplehrw: what do the build times look for the non-requirements images?14:57
SamYapleim curious about the speeds on aarch6414:57
hrwSamYaple: w8, will time them14:57
SamYapleoh and a major difference in build process here is you can build keystone independantly from nova14:58
SamYaplethey dont share a base14:58
SamYaplethat said, i tend to rebuild all images when reuqirements updates, but thats a personal choice14:58
hrwI will rebuild requirements one14:58
hrwwith python-scipy installed instead of piping numpy scipy14:59
SamYaplecool. yea based on how the build process works, doing that *should* work14:59
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hrwcinder, glance - 3 minutes, heat 7, horizon 215:18
hrwironic 315:22
hrwnot checked how long it was on x86-6415:22
hrwkeyston 315:25
hrwkeyston 6, neutron 115:30
hrwSamYaple: installing python-scipy will probably make blas/lapack patch not needed ;d15:35
hrwglance 3, heat 3,  horizon 7, ironic 4, keystone 3, neutron 6, nova 5, octavia 215:35
SamYaplehrw: awesome! thats great to hear about the deps15:40
SamYaplethose build times look longer than normal though15:40
hrwSamYaple: that's on 4-5y old machine15:45
hrwin arm64 this cpu is antique15:46
SamYapleoh. then those look good!15:48
hrwstill 8 cores, 64GB ram and 480GB SSD15:49
SamYaple2-4 minute builds are whats normal15:49
SamYapleon nvme you can do under 1 minute builds15:49
hrwI could move docker storage to tmpfs...15:49
SamYapleits normally iops bound, ya15:50
hrwinstalling python-scipy (which depends on python-numpy) is not a solution ;(16:27
hrwgoing back to pip install one...16:27
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openstackgerritMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/loci master: bindep: install blas and lapack headers to build scipy on aarch64
openstackgerritMarcin Juszkiewicz proposed openstack/loci master: install numpy and scipy on AArch64
hrwrebased one, tabs->spaces in second16:31
SamYaplehrw: is python-numpy not packaged for you?16:57
SamYaplepython-scipy is what needs pyhton-numpy, you shouldnt need python-scipy on the build host, but you do need numpy16:58
hrwSamYaple: scikit-learn needs both.17:01
SamYapleweird. i need to get an arm board17:02
SamYaplei guess i could just qemu it17:02
hrwSamYaple: ask gema for some ;)17:10
SamYapleim pretty sure weve talked about it, but i honestly dont remeber the outcome. i think i was asking for remote access17:11
portdirecthrw: do you work with kevinz?17:11
hrwportdirect: yes17:17
hrwportdirect: part of same team under gema's command17:17
portdirectawesome :) I know hes been trying to get OSH up and running17:17
portdirectit would be great to see - if theres any way i can help in that just shout17:18
hrwportdirect: my job is building stuff (includes making it build)17:19
hrwportdirect: so for example I did kolla bringup for aarch64 (and ppc64le as extra) + full debian revival there17:19
hrwportdirect: built images, added building into CI17:20
hrwportdirect: and then other team members used it for deployments and testing17:20
hrwportdirect: with loci it will be probably similar. I got it running, will add to CI (where we have 98 cpu cores and 128GB ram) and other people will deploy/test17:21
portdirectare the images you make public?17:21
portdirectif we could get a 3rd party arm gate for OSH it would rock17:23
hrwportdirect: keeps debian-source-* kolla images17:24
hrwgema: ^^17:24
SamYaplelast PTG i thought linaro was giving infra some arm hardware for gating. if so portdirect , you could do a true infra arm gate for OSH17:26
SamYaplemaybe it wasnt linaro, but i do recall hearing infra was getting some arm stuff17:27
hrwit was us17:27
portdirectoh nice17:27
hrwbut due to some stuff we only had China location available17:27
SamYapleahh got it17:28
SamYaplethat makes more sense17:28
SamYapledots are connecting17:28
portdirecthmm - i dont think our current gate env is very "china friendly" :( I should prob fix that...17:29
SamYapledo like loci and make internal-to-the-test-node mirrors17:29
SamYaplehow you populate those mirrors can be super pluggable then17:30
hrwfrom what I was told Packet uses kolla17:31
portdirectSamYaple: I'll prob reach out next week for help there if i get stuck, we do a few bad things i should really clean up anyway, eg:
hrwportdirect: s/amd64/$(arch)/g and add arch switch17:32
SamYapleportdirect: just a few? if I were to search the git history, how many times would i see "this is terrible, but..."17:32
SamYaplei do see people come back through and cleanup though ;)17:33
portdirectover 9000 i think ;)17:33
hrwportdirect: btdt ;D17:33
portdirectyeah - I think it should be pretty easy17:34
portdirecti may just try a node on packet for a bit17:34
hrwSuccessfully tagged requirements:master-debian-071917:49
hrwreal    60m57.693s17:49
SamYaplethat seems about right if you kill all the parallel stuff17:51
hrwSamYaple: that's with -P2017:54
SamYapleoh... well thats slower than i would expect17:55
SamYapleunless you got rid of the Cassandra thing17:55
hrwno. origin/master + blas/lapack + numpy/scipy on top17:57
SamYaplestill. seems a bit long. but might just be like you said, 4-5 year old processor17:58
SamYapleyou might try tunning the parallel runs17:58
SamYaple-P20 was just a number based on quick expermintation17:59
* hrw off18:32
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