Tuesday, 2020-03-17

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openstackgerritBrian Haley proposed openstack/octavia master: Remove all usage of six library  https://review.opendev.org/70129001:10
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Add oslo middleware healthcheck to Octavia API  https://review.opendev.org/71112701:12
openstackgerritBrian Haley proposed openstack/octavia master: Remove all usage of six library  https://review.opendev.org/70129001:32
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cgoncalvesdawzon, alternatively and maybe easier: 1) clone octavia Git repository, 2) git review -d $YOUR_GERRIT_CHANGE_ID_IN_THE_URL07:32
cgoncalvesfor example, to download https://review.opendev.org/#/c/711376/, run "git review -d 711376"07:33
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ataraday_rm_work, Please revisit https://review.opendev.org/#/c/709696/ :)08:07
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rm_workI find git review command needs a little more setup sometimes, the checkout commands are more reliable13:45
rm_workBut yes, on your main dev system, definitely use `git review -d CR#`13:46
rm_workOk ataraday_ ! I have a few urgent things for this morning but I'll look ASAP13:46
johnsomcgoncalves Where did you see the error on https://review.opendev.org/#/c/711127/6/octavia/common/config.py14:16
johnsomAh, maybe when it is disabled..... Yeah, let me test that.14:16
johnsomThis is what I was fighting with and brought up at the oslo meeting. How oslo middleware handles the config settings is .... poor at best14:17
cgoncalvesI get it even when healthcheck is enabled14:17
johnsomReally? can you past a log traceback?14:17
johnsomIt passes for me and in the gates, so curious14:18
johnsomThank you14:19
cgoncalvesoctavia.conf: https://paste.centos.org/view/e44ec97214:20
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johnsomYeah, ok, so I may need to go back to my old design for that. Bummer. Easy enough though. It's because you do have it enabled.14:25
johnsomcgoncalves Thanks for the review!14:25
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rm_workataraday_: +W :)15:21
rm_workjohnsom / cgoncalves: anything I should look at today at the top of your lists? I'll have time to review a couple of things today15:23
rm_workah, and speaking of which, i found this patch that could use a review still from johnsom: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/70516515:24
johnsomhttps://review.opendev.org/713039  https://review.opendev.org/713016 https://review.opendev.org/71303215:24
johnsomhttps://review.opendev.org/705317 grin15:24
johnsomhttps://review.opendev.org/711127 This one, but I still need to fix it for the issue Carlos found.15:24
johnsomhttps://review.opendev.org/701290 probably15:25
rm_workwow starting me off with some easy ones, eh15:25
johnsomThough I don't understand by we need a non-utf-8 conversion there15:25
johnsomYeah, just the ones I know have +2 already15:26
johnsomAH, i have a fix needed on https://review.opendev.org/#/c/713032/ too. But you could do that if you want.15:26
johnsomStuck in a meeting for a while15:27
johnsomActually I will fix those15:28
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rm_workah i already +W'd that one, you mean adding CONTRIBUTING ?15:28
rm_worknot super concerned15:28
johnsomNo biggy15:28
rm_workit's passing15:28
johnsomThe path mentioned is part of the docs build process, so fine15:29
rm_workyes i commented as much15:29
rm_worki recognize it15:29
johnsomAh, you commented the same15:29
rm_workif it's passing, I don't think CONTRIBUTING matters15:29
rm_workit's never going to change so15:29
johnsomYeah, can get added later15:29
rm_workzero concern15:30
rm_workso you updated this healthcheck endpoint to actually do something?15:30
johnsomThat goal might be a good time to fix that15:30
johnsomI did15:30
johnsomWe can probably add another plugin later that checks the rabbit stuff, but this will at least actually check the API process and DB15:31
rm_workyeah, i would love to also have a RMQ connectivity sanity check there15:31
rm_workthat's a big part of the failures I've had <_<15:31
johnsomBefore it would *always* be happy if the wsgi even started15:31
rm_workyeah lol15:31
rm_workFYI: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/713296/15:32
rm_workfixed senlin a bit15:32
johnsomYeah, on rabbit,we need to figure out *how* to do that check with oslo messaging in the way.15:32
rm_worki don't think we NEED to send a message, I think we can just initiate the connection and it'll give us an immediate failure or not?15:32
rm_workhmm, maybe not15:33
johnsomYeah, that is the question of *how*. Really I don't want it to go to the backends, just can it get to rabbit from the API15:33
johnsomOnce it is *in* rabbit, then that is a different monitor/check IMO15:33
rm_workugh my task this week is to rebase and address comments on multi-vip, and get testing running on it again15:33
rm_workbut i might ditch that15:34
johnsomNot to mention, the backends are random, so not a good test15:34
rm_workif we think we're going to cut that from ussuri goals15:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-octaviaclient master: Remove the dependency on the "mock" package  https://review.opendev.org/71301615:39
johnsomI would like to see it, but it's a conflict monster15:40
rm_workyes and I really need your help actually15:42
rm_workso I need to wait until we get failover in and you're freed up a bit15:42
rm_workas I'd much rather see that done15:42
rm_workfailover fix is a huge deal :D15:42
rm_worki will start looking today15:42
rm_workcan you merge https://review.opendev.org/#/c/705165? :D15:43
rm_workoh, wait... that actually conflicts with failover flows, rofl15:43
johnsomOk, thanks. I still have some polish to do, but it should be good enough for a first pass review. (maybe some strings->constants, stuff like that left)15:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-octaviaclient master: Align python-octaviaclient to octavia coding style  https://review.opendev.org/71303215:44
johnsomBuild me a list of what you want me to look at. Booked this morning, but will try to get things.15:44
rm_workok the list looks like: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/705165 https://review.opendev.org/#/c/69952115:44
rm_workfollowed by those two about 100 times15:44
rm_workhttps://review.opendev.org/#/q/topic:az-tweaks+(status:open+OR+status:merged) for ease of reference15:45
rm_workhuh, don't care so much about the merged ones, thanks gerrit15:45
rm_workyeah ok the six patch looks much better, thanks haleyb15:57
rm_worki'm ok with this now15:57
haleybrm_work: i think johnsom had a comment on the latin-1 thing15:58
rm_workyes i commented too15:58
rm_worki ALMOST told you to fix it earlier but i looked into it and i get why15:58
haleybwill look...15:58
rm_workit's going to be necessary as long as we're doing our cert parsing the way we do using low-level libs15:58
rm_workthey take/return binary data that we need to deal with15:59
rm_workit's not str/unicode, which is the py2-3 thing15:59
rm_workit's binary/string15:59
rm_workwhich is still a thing even in py315:59
johnsomYeah, if it is exceptions for certain tools, ok. But even when generating certs I would question if non-utf-8 is really the right answer15:59
rm_workoh, i mean if you just want to switch to utf8 sure16:00
rm_worki tested that and even the hexdigest stuff is the same with md516:00
rm_workwhether you encode latin1 or utf816:00
johnsomI think the Octavia way from day one was UTF-8 first16:00
rm_workit's PROBABLY fine to switch16:00
rm_workright it was just an abundance of caution, because the CURRENT code uses latin116:00
rm_workbecause we used six to do it and six used that behind the scenes16:00
rm_workso the no-change way is to keep that16:00
rm_workbut i don't THINK we ever used anything that would cause it to make a difference, so it'd probably be safe to change that to utf816:01
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johnsomYeah, I know we got burnt with a multi-byte string early, I think for a "name" field, so we agreed to focus on UTF-8 everywhere. (also to hopefully make the py3 change easier). So, probably a good time to double check "is this really 8bit" again.16:09
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rm_workwant me to fix https://review.opendev.org/#/c/711127/ ?16:53
rm_workwhatever, just gonna do it ^^ FYI16:53
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Add oslo middleware healthcheck to Octavia API  https://review.opendev.org/71112717:23
johnsomrm_work ummm, I fixed it17:24
johnsomDidn't see your message17:24
rm_workyeah no worries, i was in-progress but got distracted by internal explosion17:24
johnsomFigured out I didn't fix the app conf when I moved the test stuff around. I also found another bug in the functional tests....17:24
johnsomMissed a config override, so my local config got pulled in for the functional test. Fixed it.17:26
johnsomAh, I can fix that workaround too. Just a sec17:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack/octavia master: [Amphorav2] Fix noop driver case  https://review.opendev.org/70969617:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack/octavia-lib master: Remove the dependency on the "mock" package  https://review.opendev.org/71303917:36
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johnsomOk, running the tests and I will push a version that fixes that pecan import issue.17:52
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Add oslo middleware healthcheck to Octavia API  https://review.opendev.org/71112717:54
johnsomMixing import and from x import can lead to this partial module loading bug in python17:55
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Add oslo middleware healthcheck to Octavia API  https://review.opendev.org/71112718:07
johnsomHa, self review realized I wasn't consistent in the import naming.18:07
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Add oslo middleware healthcheck to Octavia API  https://review.opendev.org/71112718:08
rm_workhuh, have a link on that bug? sounds interesting18:11
johnsomI tracked it down once. it has to do with how the module loader "caches" modules names it has "loaded". So if a partial, i.e. "from x import y" is first, x.y is imported, module x is cached as loaded, but the rest of module x is not actually loaded. so a later file with "import x" will cause the module loader to say "done" and move on. So references to x.z in that file will fail.18:17
johnsomIf you want an example, checkout https://review.opendev.org/#/c/711127/7 (i.e. version 7), then delete line 22 the pecan rest import.18:18
johnsomrestart the api and it will blow chunks with rest not found18:19
johnsomNote that rest isn't used in that file. The error will be rest not found in other files18:19
rm_workI was right, that is interesting :D18:35
johnsomBurned many brain cells when I first hit it.18:35
johnsomI use it as an interview question now. If they know about it, they have done significant work in python....18:36
rm_worklol I often ask the mutable default args one18:39
rm_workBut at the same time, I feel like it's a bit mean to ask questions where it's entirely possible for someone to just never run into something and still be quite skilled, and then judge them on it18:40
rm_workBut I think that one is likely enough to come up that it's ok18:40
johnsomOh yeah, that is just one of many clues you get during the interview19:06
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TrevorVHey guys, been a while (again), but quick-ish question:  Why is "acpid" installed on the amphora-agent?19:51
TrevorVI can't seem to find it specifically used anywhere in the code, but I'm also probably looking for it incorrectly19:52
johnsomIt is not used by Octavia directly, it comes in the base cloud images (linux). The hypervisor will use it for controlling some actions on the VM. For example, if you stop the VM via kvm or libvirt, that signal can be (depending on how you call it) passed from the hypervisor, kvm, down to the guest linux running the amphora code.19:58
TrevorVSo its a hard requirement to be used on *any* architecture amphorae, is that right?19:59
johnsomNo, again the amphorae don't care, it's the OS in the VM that cares. It is also typically only on x86 architecture OSes.20:00
johnsomThough I think there are exceptions.20:00
TrevorVOh oh I gotcha, sorry, I misread that as "needed", my fault.  Alright.  I might have my first octavia patch in a while coming soon.20:01
johnsomIf the OS the amphora is running doesn't have it, we will not care nor notice it is gone20:01
TrevorVI was reading through that already, just didn't find anything I was seeing in the octavia codebase, that's all :)20:01
johnsomRight, it's not an Octavia thing at all20:02
TrevorVCool, thanks a bunch!20:02
johnsomPurely an OS thing20:02
dawzonHow do you install octavia-lib from source?  I couldn't find anything in the docs20:05
johnsomIf you have it cloned, cd into the directory, then "pip install ." (there is a period there)20:05
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/python-octaviaclient master: Fix doc8 check  https://review.opendev.org/71353120:39
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Remove the barbican "Grant access" from cookbook  https://review.opendev.org/71353320:48
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia stable/train: Remove the barbican "Grant access" from cookbook  https://review.opendev.org/71353520:53
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia stable/train: Remove the barbican "Grant access" from cookbook  https://review.opendev.org/71353520:55
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia stable/stein: Remove the barbican "Grant access" from cookbook  https://review.opendev.org/71353620:56
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia stable/rocky: Remove the barbican "Grant access" from cookbook  https://review.opendev.org/71353720:56
johnsomIf you haven't guessed, I'm working with our downstream docs guy a bit today.... lol20:57
johnsomrm_work FYI: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-barbicanclient/+bug/186767621:06
openstackLaunchpad bug 1867676 in python-barbicanclient (Ubuntu Bionic) "Fetching by secret container doesn't raises 404 exception" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:06
johnsomThe issue with the fallback to the legacy barbican container was a bug in barbican client.21:07
johnsomOr two I guess21:07
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sorrisonAre there any examples/docs on how to use the octaviaclient (not CLI reference) can't seem to find anything and it looks like the client is set out differently to other openstack clients21:47
johnsomThere is no "octaviaclient" only python-openstackclient and the Octavia plugin.21:56
johnsomSo, when you install python-openstackclient, then install python-octaviaclient. You will then have "openstack loadbalancer <...>" available that aligns to all of the other openstack services.21:57
sorrisonI am building a python application21:58
sorrisonwhat is python-octaviaclient then?21:58
johnsomThe separate clients were all going deprecated, so we never created an "octaviaclient", just the OpenStack client plugin.21:59
johnsomOh, so you are looking for an SDK?21:59
sorrisonI don't know exactly, I just want a client library for octavia22:00
sorrisonusually that means python-<project>client22:00
johnsomThe python SDK for the openstack services is openstacksdk22:00
sorrisonyeah ok, haven't used that yet but will give it a go, all our code uses the client libs as it was pre SDK when we started.22:01
johnsomYeah, all of those proprietary clients are basically deprecated. The /api/v2/octavia.py is there to support the OSC plugin until we switch it over to openstacksdk22:01
sorrisonok ta22:01
johnsomYeah, we got caught up in the transition, so....22:01
sorrisonI love the openstack client space......22:02
sorrisonyeah fun times :-)22:02
johnsomAt least the openstackclient is clean and unified. The commands for the most part work the same, etc.22:02
sorrisonesp when glance and nova says they only support python-glanceclient and not openstacksdk/osc22:02
johnsomYeah, well, you probably saw the e-mail list on that22:03
johnsomCareful or you will get rm_work fired up on that topic too.... grin22:03
sorrisonmissed that but I can assume what it was about22:03
johnsomWe ditched the legacy glanceclient a long time ago and have not missed it.22:04
sorrisonabout time I learnt the SDK anyway, I was going to put in a patch to it for supporting AZ attribute in LBs but someone beat me to it :-)22:04
sorrisonAiming to update the horizon plugin to support AZs too, unless you or rm_work working on that already?22:05
johnsomrm_work may have had a conversation about that with Jacky. I can't remember.22:06
dawzonDoes it make sense to set the TLS cipher field even for listeners that aren't TERMINATED_HTTPS?  Or would it be better to fill in the field at the time when a listener is switched to https-terminated mode?22:06
johnsomHe is our resident dashboard expert22:06
sorrisonok I'll hold off starting something until I hear from them22:07
johnsomdawzon If the listener is created with non-terminated-tls I expect the TLS cipher field to be None22:07
johnsomdawzon Also, you can only specify the protocol at listener create time, it can't be changed after it is created via the API22:08
dawzonOh.  That makes my job a bit easier22:09
johnsomThe ciphers can be changed on a terminated HTTPS listener though22:10
johnsomI.e. they can be updated once the listener is already created with HTTPS22:10
johnsomsorrison FYI, the dashboard uses openstacksdk already if you want a reference.22:11
sorrisonall good, I'm on my way22:12
sorrisonjohnsom: Actually a little stuck, can't seem to find a way to get/set LB quotas22:19
sorrisondoesn't seem to be a `get_loadbalancer_quotas` like rest of projects22:19
sorrisonmaybe this isn't supported with sdk?22:19
sorrisonI can see https://github.com/openstack/openstacksdk/blob/master/openstack/load_balancer/v2/quota.py22:20
johnsomYeah, was just going to point to that22:20
sorrisonso it's there somewhere but I'm struggling to find how22:20
johnsomThough I don't see it in the docs, so maybe the docs rendering is broken22:20
sorrisoneg for neutron quota there is https://github.com/openstack/openstacksdk/blob/master/openstack/cloud/_network.py#L63722:21
johnsomHmm, well, here is the patch: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/590193/22:22
sorrisonI see get_network_quota is returning LB quotas so maybe this hasn't been split out to it's own module yet22:23
johnsomYeah, that is a mistake/bug on the neutron side22:23
johnsomSomeone added a bunch of strange quotas to neutron (like lbaasv1 stuff) and they merged it....22:24
johnsomI think they are rolling that back now, don't know.22:24
johnsomI think Brian had a patch up to remove some of that bogus quota stuff from the neutron side22:24
johnsomAnyway, back on Octavia, I see methods on the proxy in the patch: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/590193/20/openstack/load_balancer/v2/_proxy.py22:25
johnsomThose aren't working for you?22:25
sorrisonahh I figured it out now22:26
johnsomAh, yeah, the docs links didn't get updated for quota.... I'll push a patch to fix that22:26
sorrisonconnection.load_balancer.get_quota()  sorry it's slightly confusing as some stuff is connection.get_network_quotas etc.22:26
johnsomYeah, just FYI, neutron/networking never had any features for Octavia there, so if you see something, it is a mirage, ignore it22:27
sorrisonjohnsom: so did you say there are docs for LB quotas somewhere but just not being rendered? The generated docs look wrong as they say they accept 2 params for the update_quota() method but it only accepts one and I'm struggling to figure out how to set a quota22:51
johnsomYeah, I just put a patch together and was about to look at how it renders. The Octavia quotas are just missing from the SDK docs at the moment.22:52
johnsomGive me 10 minutes22:52
sorrisonok thanks heaps!22:52
johnsomThat can get you by until zuul does it's thing on: https://review.opendev.org/71355122:56
sorrisonIt's not clear how to update a quota22:57
sorrisonI tried: client.load_balancer.update_quota('project-id', {'loadbalancer': 10})22:57
sorrisongives: update_quota() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given22:58
johnsomblah, missed that the "resource" is missing too22:58
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johnsomsorrison You need to create the "quota" resource, then call update using the resource.23:01
sorrisonahhh ok23:02
sorrisonnow to figure out how to instantiate one of those23:04
johnsomYeah, I am a bit rusty as well. It was on my recent "I should go look at that again" list.23:07
sorrisonand looks like it will take in any argument you give it, haven't been able to guess it yet. Error from octavia is just a 400, Tried load_balancer, loadbalancer, load_balancers, load_balancer23:08
sorrisonq = quota.Quota(project_id='0bdf024c921848c4b74d9e69af9edf08', load_balancers=10)23:08
sorrisonBadRequestException: 40023:08
sorrisonthis stuff is so hard23:09
sorrisonIt seems load_balancers is the right attribute for the Quota resource but octavia still throwing a 40023:10
johnsomSo, if I read the doc string, you get a qouta resource via get_quota, then use that to call update_quota(<resource>, load_balancers=10)23:11
johnsomCool. The docs update is merging now23:13
sorrisonkinda strange it requires 2 api calls but hey it works23:13
sorrisonthanks for you help23:14
sorrisonThe other confusing thing is that the string representations of the quota resources say openstack.load_balancer.v2.quota.Quota(id=pt-50, load_balancer=10, listener=-1, member=-1, pool=-1, health_monitor=-1,23:21
sorrisonbut the attributes are actually load_balancers, listeners etc.23:22
johnsomYeah, I would call that a bug in that patch, though I know some of the SDK stuff has strange pluralization, so maybe that is an SDK thing???23:22
johnsomFeel free to file an SDK bug for that23:23
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