Wednesday, 2014-06-25

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dougwigsbalukoff: I figured you were on vacation or something, since you were so quiet today.00:36
dougwignice to see my inbox light up.00:36
blogandougwig: any word on if your bp goes in soon?00:44
dougwigwell, let's see.00:44
dougwigmestery: did you get a chance to peek at the driver review?  would help with blogan's work.00:45
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VijayBblogan: Hi Brandon, Craig mentioned that you have been making CLI changes, but I don't see your commits on the branches in - is there another repo you're working on? If so I think we should converge on one repo and work on it..01:09
bloganVijayB: i haven't been making CLI changes01:10
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bloganVijayB: hows everything else going?01:11
sbalukoffdougwig: Just busy with other things today. :)01:11
sbalukoffThough in a week I will be away from the office for almost a week.01:12
blogansbalukoff: campaign trail?01:12
sbalukoff(Adding a couple days to the 4th holiday and am going to have a really long weekend. :) )01:12
sbalukoffblogan: Haha! No...01:12
VijayBblogan: ah ok.. I guess Craig got it mixed up.. I'll make those CLI changes in Craig's repo to test out the API.. it needs a bit of work..01:12
sbalukoffMy dad's on that, but that really only starts to heat up in September / October.01:12
VijayBthe routes need to be changed a bit..01:12
sbalukoffAnd I don't know that I'll go on the trail at all with my dad.01:12
bloganVijayB: which CLI changes? just to implement the new API?01:12
ctraceyVijayB: I did not mention that brandon was making CLI changes01:13
ctraceyi said that the CLI changes that I have had to change because the API backend changes01:13
blogansbalukoff: well you could go the black sheep route01:13
VijayBctracey: ah! ok, my bad - sorry for the confusion guys01:13
dougwiglet me know if you do end up in boise, and the beer is on me (trick offer, since i know you don't drink, it'll be free!)  :)01:13
sbalukoffblogan: Oh, I'm very much a black sheep in my family. ;)01:14
ctraceywhich routes need to be changed?01:14
VijayBctracey: the /lbaas/ needs to go01:14
bloganVijayB: whys that?01:14
VijayBctracey: we should use /listeners/ directly..01:14
ctraceywhat is it now? this is what I was told was the route01:15
ctraceyis this code checked into brandon's branch?01:15
bloganVijayB: https://<neutron endpoint>/v2.0/listeners?01:15
bloganis that what you mean?01:15
VijayBblogan: ctracey: sorry, I take that back01:16
ctraceyso now this is a root object for v2.0?01:16
VijayBthe lbaas must be there01:16
bloganlol Vijay, scaring me01:16
ctraceyme too01:16
VijayBblogan: sorry :) Too many things going in my head right now01:16
blogani was ready to fight that!01:16
sbalukoffMe too01:16
VijayBblogan: How are you testing your changes?? Can you please paste a sample URI?01:17
dougwigwe are waving dead chicken heads at the platters and calling it good.01:17
VijayBsay for lbaas-loadbalancer-list01:17
bloganbtw i hate nodepools too01:17
bloganbut it had to be done for now01:17
VijayBblogan: thx01:18
VijayBblogan: nodepools are confusing me :'(01:18
bloganVijayB: its for a lack of a better name01:18
VijayBblogan: ok01:18
bloganif anyone else has a better name be my guest, but it can't be pools01:18
ctraceywhat are nodepools now?01:18
VijayBblogan: yup :)01:18
bloganctracey: just pools01:18
ctraceyand why not pools?01:19
VijayBctracey: because neutron uses the same namespace for the routes and resources, we can't use pools because v1.0 api already uses it :(01:19
VijayBso we have to call it by some other name01:19
ctraceywait what?01:19
ctraceyi thought his is why we are namespacing it under /lbaas01:19
bloganctracey: what VijayB said but its not that we can't use it, its just that the properties of the v1.0 pool will be a union with the v2.0 pool01:19
VijayBctracey: no Mark said that wouldn't make a difference..01:19
ctraceywhy is that?01:20
bloganctracey: me too but that is not the case, i have tested it and tried to get around it but it would require a massive patch in the neutron api code01:20
VijayBblogan: ah ok.. got it.. so when the subattributes are registered by the boilerplate code, they all go with the parent, which is pools in this case..01:20
ctraceywe have been doing this <thing>v2 idiom...which seems silly01:20
ctraceywhy not lb.v2.<thing>01:20
bloganyou mean have a v2 package?01:21
ctraceyas such01:21
dougwiglbpool, lb_pool, pool_lb, the_fucking_deep_end_comma_yo01:22
blogani believe the reason is because the modules and classes woudl be renamed back to the real names once this all gets completed01:22
ctraceydoesnt my idiom make more sense then?01:22
bloganwell honestly naming the module v2 or loadbalancerv2 would essentially be the same thing01:23
bloganthe old extension module is, the old db one is, are you saying just name those
ctraceynot really01:24
ctraceymy objects are named Listener, Pool, etc01:24
ctraceynot <thing>V201:24
bloganso you're talking about the models then?01:24
ctraceyim talking about namespacing the whole version under a v2 module01:25
dougwighe's talking about namespacing with an alternate character (other than '/').01:26
ctraceyinstead of mangling the names with v201:26
ctracey(i dont mean 'mangling' in the bad sense...the comp sci sense)01:26
bloganwell there's no way to get around mangling the model names01:26
bloganbecause duplicate model names can't be used in the same declarative base01:26
bloganeven if they're in a different module01:27
ctraceythe alchemy models need to be unique (yay databases)01:27
ctraceyhowever, the routes are something different, no?01:27
blogani guess im still confused, sorry01:28
bloganthe routes are defined in the extension?01:28
bloganminus the ?01:28
bloganthat was a statement01:28
bloganso are you saying name the extension instead of
ctraceyso i dont understand why we need /lbaas/nodepools vs /lbaas/pools01:29
bloganokay that has nothing to do with the name of hte modules or anything01:29
bloganthats just the dynamic extension building neutron has built in and how extensions are supposed to be created01:30
blogannow it would work fine if we weren't planning on having v1 and v2 running at the same time, and we could go with pools01:30
ctraceydoesnt that feel like we are being painted into a corner only for the sake of supporting something that really isnt used?01:31
bloganyou mean v1 isn't really being used?01:31
bloganwell from the meeting last week it sounds like there are people running it in production...01:32
ctraceyso now we are creating these artificial names that will live on?01:32
bloganoh no they won't live on01:32
VijayByeah we can't assume that nobody's using it..01:32
bloganthey will rename01:32
ctraceyi didnt say we cant assume no one is using it...that is a given01:32
ctraceythis just feels very dirty from an API perspective01:32
blogani was going ot talk about the nodepools thing with mark soon and see what his htoughts are because we don't want to have to rename a resource01:32
blogana route01:32
ctraceyAPI's should bump versions - not routes01:33
blogani totally agree01:33
bloganbut since this is an extension, and we are bound by neutron we can't really do that01:33
bloganeven if we went with /lbaas/v2.0/pools it'd still be the same problem01:33
ctraceyi dont know the code well enough01:33
bloganlol i still dont either but i tried to get around this all night the other night01:34
ctraceybut that seems like a restriction that will be the "gift" that keeps on giving01:34
sbalukoffBurn it to the ground and start over.01:34
ctraceyregardless...back to the original question...01:34
ctraceyi can modify the routes easily in my code01:35
blogani'll talk to mark and make sure we do not have to use a different name than pools by the time this gets merged in, but for now, for the sake of getting something done it is what i used01:35
ctraceyi have been spinning some cycles on getting a test env going01:35
sbalukoffSeriously, though-- given the restrictions Brandon is talking about, I don't see a better way to do this. :/01:35
ctraceyall im sayin is that we shoudl verify that this is a strict restriction01:35
ctraceyimho, changing an established api (as would be case with a rename) is a no-no01:36
blogansbalukoff: all that is really needed to fix it is a patch that puts the attr_map (which is the expected body) in an additional dictionaly with the key being prefix, but that would be a huge change and probbaly a fight in itself to get in01:36
sbalukoffblogan: In other words, definitely not before Juno.01:37
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bloganbut like i said, i don't want this going in with the route nodepool either, but its just a stopgap for now until i can talk to mark about his thoughts on it01:38
bloganif its changed to nodepools, or any bastardized name other than pools, then we'd have a real problem01:38
ctraceywell this extends into all of the other like-named objects, doesnt it?01:39
ctraceylike members?01:39
bloganhealth monitors are not an issue since no attributes have been removed01:40
bloganand same with members for the v2 api01:40
ctraceyok now i am more confused01:41
bloganlol i know01:41
bloganits tough to explain01:41
bloganlet me try to better explain it01:41
ctraceyif a field is removed, isnt that in our favor?01:41
ctraceyjust blackhole it01:42
bloganwhen you send in a create call to v1/pools you are specifying lb_method and subnet_id, if you issue a create call to v2/pools you are specifying lb_algorithm and not a subnet_id since that is removed from the v2 pool01:42
bloganwith v1 and v2 active, the api is expecting lb_method, lb_algorithm, and subnet_id for both v1/pools and v2/pools01:43
ctraceyisnt this the point of the alternate route?01:44
blogani thought so too01:44
bloganbut since the neutron api bundles it all expected attributes of a pool into dictionary['pools'] and if 'pools' key already exists it just does a dictionary.update()01:45
ctraceyi think i see the issue01:46
ctraceyso here is how I handled it...01:46
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ctraceyinternally the resource is namespaced01:46
blogannow we can blackhole the lb_algorithm and v1 api, and the lb_method and subnet_id in the v2 api, but i want to make sure with mark that is okay01:46
ctraceybut from the front-end it would still be /lbaas01:47
ctraceyer /lbaas/listeners01:47
ctraceyat the end of the day i think it would be *really* poor form to change the API01:47
ctracey(read: this is the kind of shit that makes developers crap on openstack)01:48
bloganand i promise I'd do that if I didn't have to change the neutron api code01:48
bloganactually i'd do dictionary['lbaas']['pools'] instead of just dictionary['pools']01:49
bloganbc thats how they store the attribute map01:49
ctraceywhere is this dictionary?01:50
bloganone sec01:50
bloganthe loop at line 47701:53
VijayBwhy in the world am I hitting "DEBUG routes.middleware [-] No route matched for GET /lbaas/nodepools.json from (pid=21602) __call__ /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/routes/" when trying curl -i -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOK" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-neutronclient" ??01:54
bloganthe attr_map is what contians the attributes expected in the resource body01:54
bloganVijayB: have you enabled the config with the v2 stuff01:54
VijayBblogan: I thought we did that during the hackathon right? Let me check neutron.conf again...01:55
blogan./ will clear that out01:55
bloganso everytime you run ./ it'll reset your config01:55
VijayBI don't think I ran ./ again though.. just ./ does that do that too?01:56
ctraceysounds like you didnt python install01:56
ctraceypyc for the win01:57
blogani dont think so but isn't reliale for me01:57
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ctraceyrejoin stack just drops you into the screens afaik01:57
VijayBctracey: hmm..01:57
bloganit'll restart the services as well and drop you into the screens01:57
bloganor start the services that aren't already started01:58
VijayBblogan: yeah it starts them up if they're down..01:58
ctraceyyeah...thats what i mean01:58
ctracey(re)starting a python service does not install new code01:58
ctraceyassuming you did a git pull or something?01:59
VijayBstill no luck - I must be missing something in neutron.conf...01:59
VijayBblogan: can you please share your neutron.conf, I'll run a quick check against mine..02:00
VijayBhave put up mine at
bloganVijayB: add this to the end of the service_plugins line under the DEFAULT section02:10
VijayBblogan: ok02:11
bloganlol thanks ctracey02:11
VijayBblogan, ctracey: awesome, thanks a ton! :)02:12
VijayBNow I hit newer issues, which is a lot more relief :p02:12
bloganactually ptoohill wrote a script to do it automatically but it keeps appending to the service_plugins right now so I or him need to fix it02:12
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bloganmy bash/sed/awk skills suck02:13
VijayBblogan: ok :) btw, what's ptoohill's real name?? Sorry for asking, I'm catching up on everyone's irc handles02:13
ctraceyfire it my way02:13
ctraceyi can get it fixed02:13
TrevorV_VijayB: Its "phillip toohill"02:14
VijayBTrevorV_: cool, thanks! :)02:14
bloganalright ctracey i give up
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VijayBblogan, ctracey: Finally! I can successfully see no lbaas listeners!! :D02:27
VijayBThx a ton guys!02:27
ctraceywhat was issue?02:27
ctraceyback - looking at sed02:27
VijayBI had some issues with the db - stale tables... manually deleted them all and reran the upgrade --delta 1 using Brandon's new alembic script..02:27
VijayBI'll call it a day for now.. catch up with y'all tomorrow!02:28
VijayBHave a good night everyone02:29
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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed a change to stackforge/octavia: Populate repository with common initial files.
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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed a change to stackforge/octavia: Populate repository with common initial files.
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dougwiggood morning16:55
TrevorV_blogan actually waited so he could say that17:04
ctraceyAll: please come to the webex with thoughts on octavia-core/-ptl17:11
ctraceywe need some people there in order to get stackforge code accepted via gerrit17:11
TrevorV_ctracey: right now17:13
blogantoday at 3pm central? crap I'm not going to be able to make it today17:14
TrevorV_Was there someone other than sbalukoff that wanted to be PTL for Octavia?17:15
bloganstill would need to decide on core though17:15
TrevorV_Oh, right.17:15
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ctraceyyeah - we def need to figure this out17:22
ctraceyi would rather keep the momentum behind things moving17:22
sbalukoffblogan: Can you work with your team to make sure your views on this are represented?17:22
bloganis that a requirement for stackforge gerrit acceptance?17:22
ctraceynot being able to merge code will be a drag17:22
blogansbalukoff: yes17:22
sbalukoffblogan: It appears to be.17:22
ctraceyis what a requirement?17:22
bloganso why were people saying not to decide on that in the thread on the ML?17:22
ctraceyonly core or ptl can merge code17:23
sbalukoffblogan: Because the mailing list is public and everyone's an armchair project manager.17:23
sbalukoffI was entertained that the only people shouting down the idea were people who have absolutely nothing to do with neutron lbaas or octavia thus far, and hence don't know the history going into getting octavia to be a stackforge project.17:23
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bloganwell i think they were speaking from experience in starting their own project out17:24
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ctraceyi have started a project on stackforge17:24
sbalukoffblogan: You're more charitable than I am. ;)17:25
ctraceyand we didnt have issues with this17:25
ctraceyi dont think there is any concept that this work has been happening for 6+ months17:25
blogansbalukoff: yes i'm more of a fence rider17:25
ctraceyand there are already interested and contributing parties17:25
bloganctracey: you're probably right, im not arguing against it i was just wondering if that would bite us in the ass17:26
ctraceyi cannot see how it would17:26
ctraceyi think they are trying to circumvent infighting17:26
ctraceywhich i do not see a problem with17:26
bloganthats why they call it getting bit in the ass, you don't see it coming17:26
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blogani dont see a problem with it17:27
sbalukoffWhat are you talking about, I totally have eyeballs near my asshole.17:27
sbalukoffOh wait, maybe that's my mouth hole.17:27
blogani would just like the core people to be very active17:27
ctraceyi seriously dont care if there is a single member of core from each company17:27
ctraceyblogan: that is the trick17:27
sbalukoffblogan: +117:27
ctraceywe use reviews as the measure17:27
ctraceyon the other project(s) i am on17:28
bloganyeah thats what is normally done i believe17:28
ctraceyyou review you get street cred17:28
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bloganbut since we don't have that one from each active company wouldn't be a bad starting place17:28
blogani need to learn to use commas17:29
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ctraceywe should do that with a finite time for a "real" election17:29
ctraceyin order to bootstrap17:29
sbalukoffThat's actually what I would suggest, too!17:30
blogansounds good to me17:30
ctraceylunching: bbiab17:30
dougwigi'd say skip the mailing list on this from here on out, and just set it up.  i didn't hear any other suggestions other than malevolent dictator... umm, i mean stephen, so i'd call it done.  and i don't think stackforge requires 2 cores to sign off, btw.  i've had stack forge reviews go in with just one.17:34
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sbalukoffI'd also be fine with more than one person from Rackspace in particular being a core since y'all seem to have the most active developers of any of our companies on this project, eh.17:37
dougwigremember mark's advice to keep the core group small.17:37
TrevorV_What is small dougwig?  4?17:38
dougwigi'd think 3-4, yeah.17:38
TrevorV_Then I don't think multiple core on RS team would be appropriate... That would make half the core on our time.17:38
TrevorV_Then again blogan is putting in 16 hour days, so he's got a few time-zones covered :P17:39
sbalukoffOk, that makes sense.17:40
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TrevorV_If "small" was 6, maybe I'd say 2 could be filled by RS, but I wouldn't say 3-4 ya know?17:41
blogani think one per company will be fine and if after some time we have enough data to show who is the most active reviewer/contributors then multiple from each company would be appropriate17:41
TrevorV_blogan I think that makes the list like 8 people large then, right?17:41
sbalukoffOh, in other news, I heard back from the USPTO office about the "octavia" trademark. They've got my application, and in approximately 3 months, they'll assign it to someone on their team to glance over real quick!17:42
sbalukoffGovernment efficiency! Huzzah!17:42
blogan3 months...17:42
bloganif only i could get away with taking me 3 months to look over a document at my job17:42
TrevorV_sbalukoff: is it going to be YOUR trademark, or is it going to be under "Openstack Foundation"?17:42
sbalukoffFrom what I recall this is also the usual timeframe. XD17:42
dougwighell, i usually don't even get 3 minutes.17:42
sbalukoffTrevorV: Intially, I'll be the owner, but once it's granted, I'll be looking into getting it transferred to the OpenStack Foundation. My guess is the OpenStack Foundation isn't going to be interested in maintaining it until octavia is incubated, at least.17:43
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TrevorV_yeah that makes sense sbalukoff.17:44
TrevorV_Just wondering17:44
sbalukoffPlus, I'm totally planning on screwing you all over.17:44
TrevorV_sbalukoff: I mean you do want that PTL position too, it wouldn't e impossible :D17:44
TrevorV_be impossible***17:44
sbalukoffI'm subtly subverting the system right under all y'all's noses.17:45
TrevorV_My nose isn't all that big, I'll figure you out soon enough o_017:45
dougwigisn't that what vendors are supposed to do?17:45
sbalukoffAnyone here heard of Vernon Supreme?17:46
sbalukoffVermin Supreme?17:46
TrevorV_Is that some road-kill pizza type?17:46
sbalukoffHe's a presidential candidate. And he's hillarious.17:46
sbalukoffAnyway, that's the kind of leadership you can expect from me as your supreme ruler. Just sayin'17:48
dougwigbefore we talk about cores, i'd like to hear thoughts on whether octavia is purely an opensource ref lbaas using haproxy, or whether it's really more of an lbaas/servicevm framework for using soft backends of choice to do at-scale load balancing with nova?  (i know stephen's answer.)  also, when we spin lbaas out of neutron, will it be yet another incubated17:48
dougwigproject, or will we suck it into octavia?17:48
sbalukoffdougwig: Let me amend my answer: Initially, I want it to only have to worry about an haproxy software appliance-based back end (ie. so we get something functional as a reference implementation at the very least). However, I would not rule out being able to use other soft backends, as long as they comply to standards we set in the project.17:50
sbalukoffNot trying to be exclusionary, just trying to be practical.17:50
sbalukoffAnd hopefully solve some of the (organizational?) problems that have prevented Neutron LBaaS from supporting anything resembling an 'advanced' feature for years now.17:51
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sbalukoffOn the spinning lbaas out of neutron: Where it ends up is something I don't have strong feelings about either way. If it gets sucked into Octavia, then this is by definition an expansion of the Octavia project scope, and thus we will need to alter some policies about how Octavia is run to make this friendly to all kinds of LBaaS back-ends.17:53
bloganwell I have assume octavia is a purely openstack load balancing backend, as in it consumes other openstack services and uses a soft backend to create an HA scalable operator load balancing solution17:53
dougwigi don't have any issues with haproxy being the first (and only) implementation out of the gate.  but it influences design/architecture somewhat if the long-term plan is to be more flexible, and it certainly affects who should be involved.  i look at some of the blueprints out there, for adding lbaas lvx or nginx, and those should clearly be soft appliance17:53
dougwigbased, not sitting on the neutron node.  and every vendor has a more feature-rich soft appliance, which flavors can expose, which can leverage the same thing.17:53
sbalukoffblogan: There's a possibility of using a 3rd party VM to replace / fill the role of the "Octavia VM" in my designs thus far.17:54
sbalukoffBut it would involve another driver layer in the controllers.17:54
sbalukoff(Not a bad thing / show stopper. We should probably have that abstracted out anyway.)17:54
bloganyeah I dont care whether they merge into one, though I think if they are both openstack it'd be better if they were separate so that teh lbaas service can focus on user facing API and octavia can focus on what it needs to focus on17:54
sbalukoffEr... sorry, I mean, have a good abstraction layer there anyway.17:54
blogansbalukoff: i'll ride the fence on the 3rd party VM as well, i originally was thinking that would be a nice to have but I also see the argument that this should only consume openstack services17:55
sbalukoffblogan: Yep, there are good reasons to keep LBaaS separate from Octavia.17:56
dougwigblogan: haproxy isn't an openstack service.17:56
blogandougwig: good points are not allowed17:57
dougwigcan we make that one of our project rules?17:57
sbalukoffAlready in there.17:57
blogani will invoke that rule every time i speak up about something17:58
sbalukoffAlong with "every third sentence must reference fish in some way."17:58
dougwigeh, i was pondering stephen's mailing list email over the weekend, and what octavia was to *me*, and really it was glue between neutron, lbaas, serviceVM, and nova.  and writing/duplicating the parts of those pieces that weren't mature enough for what we wanted.  what actually shuffles the bytes around was secondary in my mind.  though that's just my17:59
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* VijayB_ in_meeting18:03
dougwigbringing this back to the question of who should be core, the answers to the question of what is octavia goes directly to that.  if it wants to be a purely open-source operator love-fest, that's cool, and i'm probably not a useful core reviewer.  if it's more along the lines of what i said above, then we should have at least one vendor in there (and of18:04
dougwigcourse I think that should be me.  :-)   ).  no hard feelings either way, but that's where my head is at.18:04
blogandougwig: are you saying you believe it should consume neutron, serviceVM, and nova, and be a backend for lbaas? but you'd like the actual load balancing application to be configurable?18:06
TrevorV_I guess I'm extremely confused about what Octavia is.  Does it extend higher than just a plugin?18:07
TrevorV_(Am I mixing up terminology??)18:07
dougwigyep.  it's just a serviceVM, which could be running haproxy, nginx, f5, radware...  mix in flavors, and those softVMs could expose the same features as their hardware cousins.18:07
sbalukoffSo, again, if I'm setting the stage, then it'll be a pure opensource love fest until the 1.0 design is realized at least. But I would also advocate not painting ourselves into a corner with that philosophy: That is, we should probably make a driver layer abstraction that the controllers use for talking to VMs.18:07
bloganTrevorV_: it would essentially be another vendor18:07
dougwigsbalukoff: i'm talking philosophy, not 1.018:08
rm_workok, so, just caught up18:08
TrevorV_Except a vendor that has specific other vendor options/configurations?  That doesn't really make sense to me I guess....18:08
blogansbalukoff: thats what I would go for as well, focus on that for the first iteration18:08
sbalukoffthis also means we may feel free to make 'haproxy' based assumptions in how things work.18:08
rm_workmy thought was that Octavia was just a backend -- and that haproxy was our initial provider, but that we could be modular and use nginx or others… but all within the context of novas service VMs18:08
dougwiglet me be clear, i don't think any of us have *ever* suggested anything but haproxy for 1.018:09
bloganVendor applications use tons of 3rd party (vendor) software/libraries/systems to accomplish what they need to be done18:09
sbalukoffPart of the problem I see with the current Neutron LBaaS philosophy / methodology is that they have insisted that every back-end support every feature...18:09
rm_workOctavia would never wrap other services like radware/A10/F5 etc the way neutron-lbaas does today18:09
sbalukoffSo what's really going on is we're appealing to the least common denominator with that project, which doesn't buy us a rich feature set.18:09
rm_workand I don't see Octavia ever doing what neutron-lbaas does18:09
sbalukoffI DO NOT want those same kinds of restrictions to inhibit octavia.18:09
rm_workwhich is actually why i was confused about Octavia going into openstack as a top-level project -- i thought neutron-lbaas would be the OpenStack project when it split off18:10
rm_workcan Neutron-lbaas split off, become OpenStack: LBaaS, and live side-by-side with OpenStack: Octavia??18:11
dougwigsbalukoff: that's a silly restriction that we're busy killing at the lbaas level.  i think the real concern with vendors in octavia would be it getting derailed.  and rm_work: why not?  it's just meta-data passing back and forth during configuration as far as neutron or octavia is concerned.18:11
bloganrm_work: it was never suggested Octavia does the user facing API when it was suggested it become a top level openstack project18:11
sbalukoffrm_work: I would say "yes"18:11
rm_workblogan: right18:11
rm_workjust making sure that's the "end goal" vision18:12
rm_workis two new openstack projects -- LBaaS and Octavia18:12
sbalukoffdougwig: That's certainly a concern, especailly early in the project.18:12
rm_workwhere LBaaS is the API and Octavia is still just a backend18:12
sbalukoffrm_work: I like that especially because it means that each project has a lot of autonomy.18:12
dougwigrm_work: there is also decent chance, if serviceVM ever gets off the ground, that octavia becomes obsolete.18:12
sbalukoffdougwig: Based on what I've read about serviceVM, I would say "fat chance" ;)18:13
rm_workI agree, it's just a little weird to have two top-level projects like that, isn't it? maybe not18:13
dougwigsbalukoff: most of them would say the same thing about octavia.  :)18:13
sbalukoffBut, eh... I suppose it's possible they'll shoot for making a scalable back-end.18:13
rm_worki guess maybe people thought the same thing about nova and neutron18:13
blogani'm up for the challenge for any and all18:14
dougwigpulling up a bit, i don't think i'm suggesting anything revolutionary.  the "scary" bit is the concern that involving vendors will fuck things up, right?18:14
blogani think vendors can provide a lot of valuable knowledge18:14
dougwigand they can also kill a scalable LB in favor of hardware, and they can offer conflicting requirements that grind things to a halt, and they can just not be in tune with operators.18:15
dougwiglet's call out the pros and cons.18:15
rm_worki mean, we're not talking about including Vendors underneat Octavia, are we?18:15
blogandougwig is a filthy vendor18:15
dougwigrm_work: yep.  scroll up to my comments at 10:48 (pacific time)18:16
rm_workjust other sevice-vm related options like nginx/haproxy (not what I would call "vendors" in the same sense)18:16
rm_workyeah I am trying to parse all of this18:16
bloganrm_work: i think thats what dougwig is saying, that if its not going to include vendors then he doesn't think he'd be a good fit as a major contributor18:16
rm_workok, well then my opinion is a clear "no, vendors should not live underneath Octavia"18:16
dougwigrm_work: every LB vendor has a soft appliance, that can do the same thing haproxy or nginx can.18:16
rm_workdougwig: vendors have soft-appliances that live in VMs?18:17
rm_worki mean, in THAT sense, sure, we could include those possibly in the future?18:17
sbalukoffrm_work: Apparently!18:17
rm_workThat is news to me18:17
sbalukoffrm_work: Yep, that's what I've been saying. "After version 1.0"18:17
rm_workdoes F5 have a software LB? lol18:17
dougwigrm_work: example:
dougwigrm_work: yep, f5 sure does.18:17
blogani'd be fine with vendors being able to add their own plugins, as long as the open source soft appliance is the main focus18:17
rm_workyeah, making the LB software that lives in the VM be pluggable makes sense18:18
bloganif its pluggable then nothign stops a vendor from making their own plugin18:18
rm_worki just didn't want hardware vendors under Octavia, because that would be really counter-productive / complicated18:18
dougwigrm_work: yeah, that wouldn't make any sense.18:18
rm_workthen i guess we're on the same page now18:18
rm_workI need to adjust my view of "vendors" to remove the hard-link i had in my brain to "hardware"18:19
blogandougwig: would you be able to contribute to octavia if it was mainly focused on opensource everything up to 1.0? or would you wait until after that?18:19
sbalukoffKEeping in mind that 1.0 might be a ways out.18:20
sbalukoff(though we hope it won't be.)18:20
dougwigyes, as long as the long-term strategy isn't a lock-out (which isn't any more fun than a lock-in, IMO.)18:20
sbalukoffYes, I think the long-term strategy / philosophy is "no lock-outs"18:20
sbalukoffI'm thinking this decision should become part of a general purpose "Octavia Design Philosophy" document...18:21
sbalukoffI'll write something up, unless y'all object.18:21
bloganan octavia constitution18:21
sbalukoffI like it18:21
bloganfirst amendment: good points are not allowed18:22
rm_workwell, i guess we'll see how long that lives. Google's "don't be evil" lasted at least 8 or so years I think18:22
sbalukoffSecond: Every third sentence must reference fish.18:22
sbalukoffrm_work: HAHA!18:22
bloganoctavia shoudl strive for being the least evil18:23
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sbalukoff...with the clear acknowledgement that it will be at least a little evil.18:24
dougwigi might come out of this with schizophrenia, since i was just told that i need to help with serviceVM, and i think they're sending me over to the NFV meetup the first week of july.  three groups, three servicevm agendas.18:24
dougwigsbalukoff: making you the PTL wasn't obvious enough on that point?18:24
sbalukoffdougwig: Just wanted to be transparent. :)18:25
bloganhe's not the PTL yet18:25
dougwigwe know what we're getting.  and a loudmouth operator is perfect for the first PTL.18:25
dougwigooh, a second candidate emerges.18:25
blogandont inflate his ponytail18:25
TrevorV_blogan: +118:25
sbalukoffI had someone on the plane home complain about my ponytail.18:26
bloganwere you draping it over the back of your seat?18:26
dougwigwhat was the nature of the complaint?18:26
sbalukoffI thought he was serious and responded accordingly and only too late noticed that he had one too.18:26
TrevorV_Were you draping it over the back of your seat?18:26
bloganwhoa TrevorV_ exact wording18:26
sbalukoffdougwig: Something like 'I think all them damned hippies need to get a haircut'18:26
TrevorV_I'm kinda... a little... upset about that.18:26
TrevorV_blogan: get out of my head.18:27
dougwigsbalukoff: well, they do.  but.  it's a free country.18:27
sbalukoffI think he was making a self-deprecating joke. But in my defense, I'm a complete boob when it comes to snappy come-backs.18:27
sbalukoffI thought of at least 10 in the 5 minutes following the encounter.18:28
sbalukoffAlso, his ponytail was tiny and only visible from the back.18:28
sbalukoffUnlike my glorious locks.18:28
dougwigyour glorious locks literally ended all conversation.18:37
TrevorV_Someone else noticed that?18:38
TrevorV_I wasn't going to be the one to message first either :D18:38
sbalukoffOk, BBIAB. gonna go foodening before the meeting.18:41
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sbfoxHey lbaas team, I have a problem with the sqlalchemy upgrade path in icehouse. Can someone give me some help?18:56
sbfoxits specific to the members table18:56
blogansbfox: a lot of us are new in here to this project so our knowledge in icehouse is a bit lacking, but I can try to help18:59
sbfoxThanks! I'm trying to run syncdb to upgrade from havana 2.2 to icehouse. it bombs out with sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) (1061, "Duplicate key name 'uniq_member0pool_id0address0port'") 'ALTER TABLE members ADD CONSTRAINT uniq_member0pool_id0address0port UNIQUE (pool_id, address, protocol_port)' ()19:00
sbfoxI've checked the schema before running sync db and that contraint does not exist19:01
bloganwell that woudl have been the first thing I would look at19:02
sbfoxThe file responsible for setting the constraint is and was introduced
bloganthis was during the migration though right?19:03
bloganyeah its the alembic migration that is actually doing it19:04
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bloganhmm im not sure what else to check other than what you already check in that you didn't already ahve that constraint name19:05
bloganyou might get better help in #openstack-neutron19:06
blogansorry sbfox19:06
sbfoxI'll give them a go in there, thanks for listening tho :)19:07
bloganlol thats about all i did19:07
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rm_workvivek-ebay: if you're around and want to talk Barbican, let me know -- i stalled a little bit waiting to find out what happens with Igor's objection19:42
vivek-ebayRigth....i saw that...19:42
vivek-ebaylets talk in some time..i am on another call.19:42
rm_workwe also have the weekly meeting in 20m19:43
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rm_workcan someone link the meeting invite? :P19:57
rm_workpretty please19:57
sbalukoffWebex URL:
sbalukoff1. Access code:715 969 09019:58
sbalukoff2. If requested, enter your name and email address.19:58
sbalukoff3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: Meeting119:58
sbalukoff4. Click "Join".19:58
sbalukoffAlso:  Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-429-330019:58
rm_worklol this looks different every time19:59
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dougwigsorry about the hot mic.  ran out of the room without cleaning up.  :)20:13
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rm_workMeeting notes:20:20
rm_workDefacto PTL: sbalukoff20:20
rm_workMeetings: Continue with video conferences for now, keep minutes in IRC20:20
rm_workOfficial Secretary: TrevorV20:21
rm_workMeeting Time: Still 1pm PST / 3pm CST / 4pm EST20:22
rm_workI'll leave anything further to TrevorV :)20:22
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TrevorV_Oh crap, I was supposed to start right now??!  Totally not prepared today o_020:35
rm_workI was just doing it right when we started talking about meeting stuff20:37
rm_workbefore we actually discussed having someone officially do it20:38
rm_workstarting next time is prolly good, i was just getting some notes down ;P20:38
jorgem1Hey everyone! This is your friendly reminder to please update the weekly standup up etherpad ==>
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jorgemI'll send and email as well :)20:39
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TrevorV_<-- github user:  interminator20:46
jorgemBrandon Logan is interim core-reviewer for Rackspace team20:50
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sbalukoffGithub user: sbalukoff20:52
sbalukoff(Yeah, I changed it from BlueBoxStephen)20:52
sbalukoffGerman (I think) is going to be interrim core-reviewer for HP20:53
sbalukoffVivek and Vijay: Please let us know which of you should be interrim core-reviewer for ebay.20:53
sbalukoffOther notes: We should create (or update if it exists) a "master wiki page" which will contain links to etherpads, blueprints, etc. so that people have a central place to go to know what's going on with and get caught up to speed on both Neutron LBaaS and Octavia.20:54
sbalukoffStephen will be working on getting a skeleton of structure in place for the Octavia project, as well as writing up the "Octavia Constitution" and design goals, and importing the design work done so far for Octavia into a digestible and reviewable format.20:56
sbalukoffWe didn't talk about an official place to record minutes from the meetings. Having them re-iterated in IRC is great, but doesn't work well if you want to find it from history.20:56
sbalukoffI suggest maybe meeting minutes / notes should go in another wiki page or etherpad which gets linked from the master wiki page?20:57
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ptoohill, this may have been overlooked, posted above by jorgem21:00
sbalukoffOh yes! That, too!21:02
sbalukoffPlease update before tomorrow's IRC meeting!21:03
sbalukoffAnd dougwig would like more eyes on his logging noop driver gerrit review.21:03
dougwigyep.  waiting for stephen's -121:05
dougwigmy github is dougwig.  (why are we posting github usernames?)21:06
ptoohilldougwig, ctracey will have a 'central' repo that we can fork/PR to.21:07
ptoohillHes going to add us all21:07
dougwigi see "interim core reviewers".  what was the decision there overall?21:08
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crc32for rackspace its going to be blogan21:08
crc32I thought each company was going to delegate their core reviewer but I'm confused it looks like everyones advocating elections now or something.21:09
german__I chatted with Susanne and HP will nominate me21:09
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german__core reviewers are not really "elected" they are sort of chosen by the other core reviewers21:10
crc32seems awkward to nominate while core reviewer just assign from the nomination list.21:15
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dougwigwe live for awkward.21:25
ctraceyall: here is the org:
ctraceyplease fork and and add your changes to topic branches21:31
ctraceylet me know via PM if there are other repos to fork into the repo21:32
dlundquistctracey: are you going to invite us all to the org?21:32
ctraceyi think we should have a few folks with +2 rights21:32
ctraceynot to stop progress...more to ensure timely and sane merges21:33
dlundquistWouldn't those be the represetitive from each company we chose today?21:33
ctraceysomeone pass me a list and I will add people21:35
ptoohilllist of the 'core-reviewers' or everyone?21:38
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sbalukoffdougwig: After you were offline, I reiterated some of what we talked about here in IRC. You're still going to have to let us know whether you want / intend to be involved in Octavia given it will probably be a while before it'll see support for 3rd party or proprietary VM images.21:55
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sbalukoffctracey: I think the list is:  blogan from Rackspace, German from HP, we don't have an answer yet from the ebay guys.21:56
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sbalukoffctracey: And I'm defacto dictator-for-life for the forseeable future.21:56
sbalukoffWell until "real" elections happen, which we said should be at Juno.21:57
sbalukoffAnyway, need to go AFK for a few... BBIAB21:57
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VijayB_ctracey: vijayendrabvs (github username)22:09
vivek-ebay@ctracey: vivekjain7 is my github username22:18
VijayB_sbalukoff: Can both Vivek and myself be added to the interim list?22:23
sbalukoffVijayB_: If we do that we should allow two people from each org to get added to the interrim list. :/22:26
sbalukoffI'm not against this in theory, so long as we work together effectively.22:26
sbalukoffI think it would be bad form to have two people from the same org +2 something to get it merged, though. :P22:26
VijayB_sbalukoff: yeah pretty much.. I'll leave it to Vivek to decide who among us can be core-review for the interim - I'm fine with either22:27
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