Wednesday, 2024-03-06

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:34
*** mklejn_ is now known as mklejn07:09
d34dh0r53Hi folks, my apologies, I need to cancel the weekly meeting this week, I just realized that I have a meeting conflict today13:11
*** dansmith_ is now known as dansmith15:02
fricklerd34dh0r53: while you're around, maybe you can add the eom patch to your review list?
mnasiadkahello, any plan for the passlib/bcrypt drama? It just broke the CI in Kolla - so I guess either pin ( gets merged or we'll be in that drama for longer16:20
gtemamnasiadka: the plan was to try to get rid of passlib asap once next release starts16:24
mnasiadkagtema: I assumed that, current cycle phase is not really good for such big changes16:26
gtemanope, neither is the change itself "trivial"16:26
mnasiadkathat's obvious16:27
gtemaon the other side we wait the outcome of the passlib community discussion - it is "impossible" that it will be abandoned since it is used so heavily in crucial places16:27
gtemain the sense - it is abandoned now but discussion is ongoing on taking it over16:27
mnasiadkathe requirements change mentions an FFE is needed to get the pin merged - probably that's the obvious course of action that needs to be done now16:28
gtemamost likely16:28

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