Monday, 2023-04-03

*** dasm is now known as Guest975806:52
opendevreviewHervĂ© Beraud proposed openstack/oslo.limit master: Moves supported python runtimes from version 3.8 to 3.10
opendevreviewHervĂ© Beraud proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: Moves supported python runtimes from version 3.8 to 3.10
*** Guest9758 is now known as dasm13:32
zaitcevd34dh0r53: Do you happen to remember just why did I promise to unpin flake8? I started working on it, and it rolls pretty easily, but I forgot just what has happened in the backports that created the conflict. It occurred to me that hard version pins that we have are intented to prevent any conflicts due to updates in the available packages.22:20
zaitcevBTW, here's the patch

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