Tuesday, 2021-10-19

opendevreviewHiromu Asahina proposed openstack/keystone-specs master: OAuth2.0 Client Credentials Grant Flow Support  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/keystone-specs/+/81315203:44
*** vishalmanchanda_ is now known as vishalmanchanda03:51
*** lbragstad_ is now known as lbragstad14:15
vishalmanchandalbragstad: gmann : hi, waiting for you guys about system scope discussion in horizon.16:34
vishalmanchandaare you going to join us?16:35
lbragstadvishalmanchanda ack - i'm working with the cinder team at the moment 16:35
vishalmanchandalbragstad: ok.16:35
lbragstadgmann are you able to hop in with horizon?16:35
gmannlbragstad: joining, thanks16:35
lbragstadgmann thank you16:36
vishalmanchandalbragstad: gmann thanks:)16:36
vishalmanchandaZoom link https://zoom.us/j/91349816875?pwd=MXhBa3gxY280QVVwZzkwQk9JY0xldz09#success16:36
vishalmanchandaetherpad https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-yoga-ptg16:37
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Both Gerrit and Zuul services are being restarted briefly for minor updates, and should return to service momentarily; all previously running builds will be reenqueued once Zuul is fully started again17:00

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