Tuesday, 2021-09-07

redrobot#startmeeting keystone15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Sep  7 15:00:33 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is redrobot. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.15:00
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'keystone'15:00
redrobot#topic Roll Call15:00
redrobotCourtesy ping for ayoung, bbobrov, cmurphy, crisloma, dpar, dstanek, gagehugo, hrybacki, knikolla, lamt, lbragstad, lwanderley, kmalloc, rodrigods, samueldmq, spilla, jdennis, ruan_he, wxy, sonuk, vishakha,Ajay, raildo, rafaelweingartner, redrobot, xek15:01
redrobotHi gagehugo!15:01
redrobotHi lbragstad!15:02
redrobotLet's get started.15:02
redrobotAs usual the agenda is over here:15:02
redrobot#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/keystone-weekly-meeting15:02
redrobotWe do have a few topics with next week's date15:02
redrobotso I'm going to assume the date is wrong and talk about them today :D15:02
redrobot#topic     Allow approving of backports by one core15:02
redrobotI am not sure who added these topics?  lbragstad maybe?15:03
lbragstadi didn't?15:03
redrobotgagehugo ?15:03
gagehugowasn't me15:03
gagehugomaybe knikolla?15:04
redrobotMaybe they really can't make it until next week?15:05
redrobotLooks like it's just one topic with three bullet points15:06
redrobotall RE: maintenace branche15:06
lbragstadi'm not opposed to looking at that policy 15:07
lbragstadi'm concerned about not having a second set of eyes on the patches, but we also need to be able to backport things15:08
lbragstadand patches definitely stall out15:08
gagehugoyeah, the stable ones sit around for a long time15:11
redrobotWe've had a single backporter policy in Barbican for a while15:11
redrobotIT's worked out for us15:11
knikollai'm okay with either dropping to one core for backports or adding/merging -core and stable teams. 15:14
lbragstaddoes anyone have an interest in reviewing more stable patches?15:14
lbragstadif so - maybe we can setup a path to stable coreship?15:15
knikollai can spare some more time on keystone as of late, so i'd be happy to15:15
lbragstadcool - that sounds good15:20
lbragstadshould we approach the core team about getting you added? 15:20
lbragstadthey might want to see some more reviews though?15:20
lbragstadi think that was the feedback i received when morgan wanted to get me added to the stable-core team15:21
lbragstadin the mean time - if i add knikolla to a review and he +1's it, i'll treat it as a +2?15:22
lbragstadsame with you gagehugo?15:22
knikollaadded an item to the agenda once we're ready to move on15:27
* lbragstad is good15:27
lbragstadi don't think i have anything else on this - but i don't think it was my topic15:28
redrobotmoving on15:32
redrobot#topic PTG Planning15:32
redrobot> Do we want to reserve time for the keystone team? Deadline of this Thursday to fill the survey15:32
redrobotI think it would be good to meet.  Maybe just a short 2 hr block one of the days?15:33
lbragstadyeah - i imagine people will want to talk about secure rbac, and we used keystone sessions for that at the last ptg15:33
redrobotknikolla will you fill out the survey/ethercalc?15:35
knikollado you have a preference for day of the week? 15:36
redrobotMy only ask would be to avoid overlap with Barbican15:37
redrobotBut I haven't added our blocks to the ethercalc yet15:37
knikollai don't think i'm attending other ptg sessions, so i don't have possible conflicts15:39
redrobot#action kinkolla to schedule PTG slots15:44
knikollahow about wednesday october 19, 15-17utc?15:44
gagehugoOct 19th is a tuesday15:47
knikollaerr, 20th15:47
gagehugoI may have a conflict at that time, but I'll try to join15:48
knikollaMonday is also pretty wide open if that works better. 15:49
knikollalbragstad: any preference? 15:49
knikollaredrobot: ^15:50
lbragstadi do not15:50
lbragstadi can be flexible 15:50
redrobotMonday or Wed works.  I'll probably reserve the spot we don't choose for Barbican15:50
redrobotActually, I'll be out that Wed now that I double checked15:52
redrobotSo any other day but Wed works for me.15:52
knikollaMonday 15UTC-17UTC?15:53
knikollagagehugo: would you have any conflicts then?15:53
redrobotlooks like Security SIG is Monday @160015:53
gagehugoI can show up for the first half though15:54
redrobotHow about Monday 1400-1600, so right before Security SIG15:54
gagehugoI'm likely going to have conflicts regardless of time tbh15:54
gagehugothats fine with me15:55
knikollafilled it in15:55
knikollaif that doesn't work for someone, i'm sure we can find a way to revise15:56
redrobotWe've only got a few minutes left15:56
redrobot#topic Open Discussion15:56
redrobotAnything else y'all want to talk about?15:56
knikollathanks for chairing the meeting redrobot! :)15:57
redrobotYou're welcome! :D15:57
gagehugoyes, thanks redrobot!15:58
redrobotThanks for joining, everyone!15:58
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Sep  7 15:58:27 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)15:58
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/keystone/2021/keystone.2021-09-07-15.00.html15:58
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/keystone/2021/keystone.2021-09-07-15.00.txt15:58
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/keystone/2021/keystone.2021-09-07-15.00.log.html15:58
johnsomlbragstad Hey, I have already re-written most of the scoped token code you posted for Designate. It was not functional when I turned on a test job. Please see this patch chain: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/designate/+/80072718:26
lbragstadjohnsom ok - cool, i added you to about 5 reviews fixing some of those issues, but i'll take a look at what you have18:27
johnsomYeah, I think all five of those are duplicate to the patches already posted.18:28

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