Thursday, 2018-04-12

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openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack/keystone master: WIP Handle LDAP Server Down in Pool
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openstackgerritjessegler proposed openstack/keystone master: Corrects spelling of MacOS
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openstackgerritwangxiyuan proposed openstack/keystone master: Unified limit update APIs Refactor
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openstackgerritwangxiyuan proposed openstack/keystonemiddleware master: Double quote www_authenticate_uri
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pooja_jadhavkmalloc: I am not passing logger object explicitly. I am getting session object from line and then I am just setting seesion object with split_logger parameter like  (_SESSION._split_loggers = True).04:29
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openstackgerritwangxiyuan proposed openstack/keystone master: Do not return all the limits for POST request.
openstackgerritwangxiyuan proposed openstack/keystone master: Unified limit update APIs Refactor
Horrorcatso we’re looking into reselling with openstack. (I asked over in #openstack last week, but haven’t gotten a chance to work on this until today. I was directed here.) From web searches, it isn’t entirely clear to me how the domain/project hierarchy should be set up for reselling and how to do that.07:00
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Horrorcatspecifically, we want to have a domain/project in which the admin is allowed to create subprojects, manage their quotas (but not surpass the quota assigned to the domain/project), does *not* have access to manage cloud-wide resources.07:02
HorrorcatI thought that creating a sub-domain would be the correct path, but openstack domain create appears to actually not support that.07:02
Horrorcat(and shouldn’t be able to see other projects not belonging to their domain)07:03
Horrorcatthis in on pike btw07:04
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Horrorcatokay so if I’m reading this correctly, nested domains never were actually merged.07:26
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openstackgerritwangxiyuan proposed openstack/keystone master: Enable Foreign keys for sql backend unit test
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h3yduckhey folks, We are trying to configure an environment where users log in via SAML2 and get their group names in 'niifEduPersonAttendedCourse' attribute, which is an array of course names in the SAML response. It works well when there are groups already for all course names. However we cannot create all groups, only some of them unfortunately. Therefore authentication fails if someone logs in with a course name assigned that has no corresponding08:33
h3yduckgroup in OpenStack yet. A working solution for us would be if Keystone would create the group if it didn't exist yet or if Keystone would map the authentication to already existing groups only, ignoring unexistent ones. Here is our mapping: Could you guys suggest a solution for this?08:33
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Xinranhi guys. I'm doing the quota management in cyborg. please allow me to ask a question here.09:13
Xinranhave you already implement the unified limits in keystone?09:14
wxyXinran: Sorry, Unified limits is not ready for other services to adopt. We are trying to make it available in Rocky.09:15
wxyNow Keystone has the APIs to allow services store the limit. But the enforcement part is still missing. And the hierarchical limit model is still under designing . Once it's done, I think Cyborg can call oslo.limit library to enforce the resource usage.09:19
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wxyXinran: here are two related specs: feel free to leave any opinions09:23
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pooja_jadhavkmalloc : Hello10:04
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HorrorcatAm I undestanding this correctly that nested Projects acting as Domains (or nested Domains in general) are not a thing yet? In the sense that it’s not possible to have a user which is able to manage resources and users within a subtree of projects, but not outside of that subtree?11:23
Horrorcat(which includes not seeing those users at all, ideally)11:23
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kmallocpooja_jadhav: hello11:24
kmallocHorrorcat: projects acting as domains can only exist at the top level. The main reason for this is due to some complications in how domains work. Right now there is no plan to allow a domain to be nested under another domain **11:25
kmallocHorrorcat: there is one exception. We have an internal "domain" that is our11:26
kmallocthat is hidden from users [may be exposed for administration reasons in the future]11:26
kmallocthe root-domain is the parent of all other domains11:26
Horrorcatokay. so our use-case is essentially reselling. is there another sane way to do this without resorting to federation?11:26
kmallocHorrorcat: but, in short: no domains cannot be nested under other domains.11:26
Horrorcatthanks for the replies :)11:27
kmallocI don't think you can do reselling with domains as the container. you could have users in a domain and resell/only give access to project trees under that domain11:28
HorrorcatI can’t quite follow. what "container" do you mean?11:29
kmallochere is how it would need to work right now:11:29
kmallocReseller owns a domain and can add/manage users in the domain11:29
kmallocreseller creates a user and gives the user access to a specific tree of projects (and "project-admin" rights)11:30
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kmallocthat user, unfortunately cannot manage her own users.11:30
HorrorcatI think that might be sufficient for our use case actually.11:30
kmallocit just means that all accounts for the "user" must be managed/maintained by the reseller11:31
kmallocman, sometimes our terminology is confusing (overloaded words)11:31
kmalloci hope that helps you out11:31
Horrorcatthis is already helpful insofar that I don’t need to try to get that nested project/domain thing to work anymore ;)11:32
kmallocwell glad i could help simplify it11:32
kmallocyou caught me at the right time, i was just poking at something because i couldn't sleep11:32
kmallocit's 0430 here =/11:33
Horrorcathow do quotas work in this setup? can we set quotas on the reseller domain the reseller themselves can’t change? so that the amount of resources they resell is restricted?11:33
Horrorcat13:30 *waves at overseas*11:33
kmallocthat is a tougher situation, hierarchical quotas are ... spotty at best.11:33
kmallocand we're working on unified limits that are hierarchy aware11:34
Horrorcatmm, I already read that somewhere that it isn’t there yet.11:34
kmallocbut that is Rocky, S, and T release timeframes11:34
Horrorcatokay, thank you for all that input. gonna figure out now how we move on from here.11:34
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kmalloc:) you can write your own quota driver[s] (i know... i know... suboptimal) if that helps11:35
kmallocbut that is definitely a rabbit hole.11:35
kmallocHorrorcat: def look into the hierarchical quotas, they may work -- but honestly i just don't know what the support in all the projects is.11:36
Horrorcatthanks. we figured that quota on the reseller domain is not a strict requirement for now. (I assume that the reseller can manage quotas of the resold-to users?)11:40
kmalloci can't answer that, it is on Nova/Cinder/Etc to deal with quotas atm11:43
pooja_jadhavkmalloc:  I am not passing logger object explicitly. I am getting session object from line and then I am just setting seesion object with split_logger parameter like  (_SESSION._split_loggers = True).11:43
Horrorcatkmalloc: okay, thanks11:43
kmallocpooja_jadhav: ah.11:43
kmallocpooja_jadhav: hm. so a logger was passed in on the session creation.11:44
kmalloci think it would be fair to fix that to allow a clear override for split-loggers even if logger is passed in11:44
pooja_jadhavkmalloc: If I comment out the code of that if/else block and set the split_loggers=True Then i am able to see request-ids as well11:46
kmallocpooja_jadhav: yeah, so i think we should allow an explicit split_loggers=True pass in.11:46
kmallocpooja_jadhav: i'd be happy to take a bit of code like that: cc mordred ^ re ksa split-loggers11:46
pooja_jadhavkmalloc: Can you help how it can be done?? so that it will solve my issue :)11:47
kmallocpooja_jadhav: i'll need to poke at it, but it's most likely changing how .request() works on the session11:49
kmallocand allowing for explicitly overriding the passed in logger11:49
kmallocpooja_jadhav: if you want to take a stab at it, i'll review it, otherwise it'll need to be something I stare at a bit when it's not 4:49am ;)11:50
kmallocand i've not had coffee11:50
pooja_jadhavkmalloc: np11:50
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ayounglbragstad, can you update bug 968696 with the plan to close it out over time?  A detailed document that we can point to that says both why this has taken so long to fix, and what the overall process is to eventually close it out?  It needs to cover where we are, where we are going to be, and, most important,  the stepes that are going to happen to get us there without breaking people's deployments15:26
openstackbug 968696 in OpenStack Identity (keystone) ""admin"-ness not properly scoped" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Adam Young (ayoung)15:26
ayoungfor example, how we will convert people from Admin on project to system scoped admin15:27
ayoungand where we need to check integrations, like making sure the openstack-cli and middleware all honor the system roles.15:27
ayoungI think we are close, and I'd like to be able to walk people through the steps that will get us to the end15:28
lbragstadmost of that information exists in the system scope specification i think15:28
* lbragstad starts planning a vacation for the day that bug closes15:29
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openstackgerritjessegler proposed openstack/keystone master: Corrects spelling of MacOS
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lbragstadkmalloc: re domains:identity provider requirements
openstackLaunchpad bug 1760843 in OpenStack Identity (keystone) "Identity Provider domain is not unique" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to wangxiyuan (wangxiyuan)15:40
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kmalloclbragstad: will look shortly, need foods. Late breakfast.17:07
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lbragstadkmalloc: thanks18:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone master: Follow the new PTI for document build
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kmalloclbragstad: is openstack user password change-password or patch?19:36
lbragstadmm let me chekc19:36
kmalloclbragstad: because i think that is update user19:36
kmallocnot change-password api19:36
kmallocwhich, should succeed19:37
lbragstadweird... because i used it as a non-admin user19:37
lbragstadinteresting thing about token responses19:40
lbragstadif you get a trust scoped token, the list of roles will contain domain_ids19:40
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lbragstadthat was probably backwards incompatible19:41
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack/keystone master: Allow blocking users from self-service password change
kmalloclbragstad: bug in the test(s) and min_password_age functionality19:44
kmalloclbragstad: we're consistently broken -- new code and old. I'll get a patch spun up to fix the behavior and the tests as a followup.19:45
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lbragstadi suppose we can't fix that19:47
ayounglbragstad, how are we going to migrate people from anyproject:admin to system:admin19:47
lbragstadsupport a compatibility window19:48
ayoungmy approach with is_admin_project made it a deliberate choice in the config file19:48
ayoungwhat if...19:48
ayoungwe added a utility that would create a system scope role assignment for a specific project?19:48
ayoungsomething off keystone-manage19:48
lbragstad"a system scope role assignment for a specific project?"19:49
lbragstad^ what do you mean?19:49
ayounglbragstad, so we are going to default that to false starting now, and switch it to true after a deprecation-type period19:49
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lbragstadeventually down the road19:49
ayoungis_admin_project is tagged on one project, so convert every user and group with a role on that project to having a comparable system role assignment19:50
lbragstadgive projects time to fix their policies, remove hardcoded admin checks, and implement scope types19:50
ayoungsomething like19:50
kmallocayoung: it's mirroring is_admin_project until ${deprecation}19:50
ayoungkeystone-manage convert-project-roles-to-system  --project-id=<uuid>19:50
openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack/keystone master: Handle LDAP Server Down in Pool
ayoungcould even be outside keystone manage, just a code example, I guess19:51
ayoungcould even be19:51
kmallocayoung: might need to be "copy-project-roles-to-system"19:51
ayoungkeystone-manage convert-project-roles-to-system  --project-id=<uuid>   --role19:51
kmallocsince ... admin_project could need the roles for silly things19:52
ayoungcopy...yeah that makes sense19:52
kmallocso we need copy/not replace.19:52
kmallocand sure. however we want to implement that19:52
ayoungand we might not want to do it for _member_  just for admin19:52
kmallocimplementation detail (might even be a migration)19:52
kmallocto build the initial support19:52
kmallocsince we can already know what is_admin_project is19:53, needs to read the config file, I think that it needs to be a deliberate step19:53
kmallocmigration can read the config19:53
kmallocwe did it for _member_19:53
ayoungwe don't read the config files in other migrations, though19:53
kmallocwe don't anymore19:53
kmallocbut we did for a special one19:53
kmallocnot saying it is a good idea19:54
kmalloci'm mostly just saying "i don't care how we implement that, as long as we plan for it"19:54
ayoungthey also might not have is_admin_project set up19:54
ayoungin fact, I would assume that they do not19:54
ayoungmost people are running with the default policy etc19:54
kmallocor add some extra bootstrap-system-roles19:54
ayoungand those are the people I want to help out here19:54
kmallocif they are running standard policy, i wouldn't migrate any roles, i'd offer bootstrap-system-roles (or maybe we should do that regardless)19:55
ayoungrole assignments19:55
ayoungwe create the default set of roles regardless, I think19:56
kmallocyeah, then we don't migrate.19:56
ayoungI kinda want to force the roleid == rolename19:56
kmallocwe create the roles and provide guidance on how to setup assignments appropriately19:56
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ayoungbut I think henry trashed that with domain-specific roles now that I think of it19:56
kmallocsince ideally the system role assignments should be richer than default policy19:56
ayoungare we going to provide any system roles other than admin?19:57
kmalloci hope so. but ... ask lbragstad19:57
lbragstadspeaking of domain-specific roles, did we ever intend to leak domain_ids via the token API with trusts or was that an accident19:57
kmallocin what context?19:57
kmallocin a domain_scoped token?19:57
lbragstadin a trust scope token exclusively19:57
kmallocwait... what is the bug?19:57
lbragstadevery other token scope doesn't leak that information19:57
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kmalloci don't think we meant to leak the domain_id, trust token body should be the same as any other scoped token body19:58
lbragstadonly trust-scoped tokens copy references from the role API and inject them into the token response19:58
lbragstadhuh - i was afraid of that19:58
kmalloc(with indication it was a trust)19:58
kmallocwhen did we break it?19:58
lbragstadi left a comment there19:58
lbragstadwe broke it here -
lbragstador that's when we started leaking that info19:59
kmalloclets ask for an exception for breaking the contract to undo that19:59
kmallocnot the patch, just the domain info leak19:59
kmallocand lets backport as far as we can, if we get the exception.20:00
lbragstadit can only ever be domain_id: None20:00
lbragstadotherwise the role isn't appended20:00
kmalloci think that was to support domain-scoped tokens20:00
kmallocfuture looking.20:01
kmallocbut trusts never supported domain-scope20:01
ayoungwait...what is the problem?20:01
kmallocayoung: we're leaking domain info into the token body20:01
ayoungtrusts can delegate domain specific roles, I assume that is the start of the problem20:01
lbragstadbut only for trust scoped tokens20:01
kmallocit is always null20:01
kmallocbut we don't strip the data20:02
kmallocso we have a domain_id entry20:02
lbragstadget any type of token and the domain_id of the role won't be in the response, except for trust-scpoed token20:02
kmallocbut only in trust tokens20:02
ayoungdomain specific roles, though, should not show up in the trust scoped tokens20:02
lbragstadwhich is kinda were it doesn't make sense20:02
kmallocayoung: it's a leak of useless data, but it adds to the structure20:02
ayounga standard domain role assignment should show up in a domain scoped token, but not a domain-scoped role assignment20:02
lbragstadi was digging through some old patches ( and recreated it20:03
kmallocayoung: yeah it's just a pointless data structure.20:03
kmallocthat shouldn't be there20:03
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kmallocbut... we started leaking that 2yrs ago20:03
ayoungIf the role assignment is domain scoped, remove it from the token validation response across the board20:03
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kmallocit's an exception to remove that data [it's technically an API break now to change it, even though it was a break 2 yrs ago]20:04
ayoungplease open a bug before fixing it20:04
kmallocregardless of bug, we need TC/API-WG sign off to fix it20:04
ayoungthat is fine20:04
lbragstadfixed -
lbragstadayoung: right - this is only if the domain_id of the role is None20:05
lbragstadso a "global" role20:05
lbragstadwhich is good20:05
ayoungI wonder if that was not due to domain specific roles20:05
ayoungI wonder if that was from HTM20:06
lbragstadwhen we extended the role reference to include another attribute, it was copied into the token response because of that code20:06
lbragstadso it would have been whenever we added that functionality for domain specific roles20:06
ayoungso...yeah, that looks like domain specific20:07
lbragstadat least from what i can tell based on the history of the code20:07
ayounga270766eb9 (Henry Nash                 2016-01-03 21:45:51 +0000 393)                         if role['domain_id'] is None:20:08
ayounga270766eb9 (Henry Nash                 2016-01-03 21:45:51 +0000 394)                             filtered_roles.append(role)20:08
ayoung  Modify implied roles to honor domain specific roles20:08
ayoung    The logic for processing domain specific roles is the same as20:08
ayoung    regular implied roles, except for the fact that domain specifc20:08
ayoung    roles themselves should not be returned by the manager level20:08
ayoung    list_role_assignments() in effective mode, hence ensuring that20:08
ayoung    the won't be placed in the token.20:08
ayoungI'll take the blame20:10
ayoungI signed off on it20:10
ayoungonly roles whose domain_id is none are added20:11
ayoungthat is not the problem20:11
ayoungits the case where roles who's domain_id is not none...20:11
ayoungso, the role.domain_id should never be in a token20:11
ayoungso do we ever have a case where role.domain_id != None?20:12
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lbragstadprobably not20:19
lbragstadthe role is only ever copied directly into the token iff role.domain_id = None20:19
lbragstadbut... if we ever added something else to the role schema20:20
lbragstadit would be subject to the same thing20:20
lbragstadsince the representation of the role isn't being declared explicitly20:20
lbragstadit's just being copied from what is returned from the role_api20:20
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lbragstadso - from a security perspective, i don't think there is an issue20:24
lbragstadit's just an oddity in the token response IMO20:24
lbragstadif a role is a domain-specific role, the role.domain_id != None, it should be the id of the domain it was created for20:26
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lbragstadcc ayoung^20:29
lbragstadkmalloc: ^20:30
kmalloclbragstad: ++20:30
kmallocyeah it is a leak of useless data structure20:30
kmallocno security issue(s)20:30
kmallocjust something we shouild cleanup if we are allowed to20:30
lbragstadok - i'll open a bug20:32
ayoungstill, lets do it right.  File a bug, get the TC signoff, remove20:32
lbragstadayoung: you had a question on the systme scope stuff?20:36
lbragstadayoung: right before i drug us into the weeds20:36
ayounglbragstad, ah...lets see what state we left that20:37
ayoung" are we going to provide any system roles other than admin?"20:37
ayounglbragstad, ^^ that was it20:37
ayounglbragstad, my thinking is that if we dont' all system-scoped operations are going to require admin20:37
ayoungand...maybe that is ok?20:38
ayoungI mean, I realize that any role can be a system scoped role20:38
ayoungI meant more "roles that mean things only if they are system scoped"20:38
ayounglike...something specific for system scoped resources like hypervisors and nodes in Nova, or some such20:38
lbragstadwell - each of the defaults that hrybacki is working on can be used on the system level20:42
lbragstadso if you have auditor on the system, you can list endpoints, for example20:42
lbragstadi wouldn't say all system-scoped operations are going to "require" admin20:44
lbragstadi think it would be nice to have policies only require auditor, or member, depending on the API, but then have them require scope20:44
lbragstadrequire system scope*20:44
lbragstadso - it'd be kinda like a matrix20:44
lbragstadkinda like this -
lbragstad^ that would include domain scope20:47
lbragstadwhich would be outside of context of the specification that hrybacki is working on, but eventually20:47
lbragstadyou'd have 9 different personas you could use20:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone master: Corrects spelling of MacOS
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openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone master: Use consistent role schema in token response validation
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone master: Make role reference across token scopes consistent
lbragstadkmalloc: ayoung fixed ^22:03
lbragstadthe first patch in the series could actually be merged22:03
lbragstadi reproposed it in a way that keeps the tests a bit more DRY, but doesn't force us to fix the bug22:03
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Pete_ ^[[1;31mError: /Stage[main]/Pra_openstack::Provision_dsm_user/Keystone_user[dsm]: Could not evaluate: Execution of '/bin/openstack token issue --format value' returned 1: Discovering versions from the identity service failed when creating the password p      lugin. Attempting to determine version from URL.23:03
Pete_We saw error like this23:03
Pete_^[[1;31mError: /Stage[main]/Neutron::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[neutron]/Keystone_user[neutron]: Could not evaluate: Execution of '/bin/openstack token issue --format value' returned 1: Discovering versions from the identity ser      vice failed when creating the password plugin. Attempting to determine version from URL.23:04
Pete_Error: /Stage[main]/Neutron::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[neutron]/Keystone_user[neutron]: Could not evaluate: Execution of '/bin/openstack token issue --format value' returned 1: Discovering versions from the identity service failed when creating the password plugin. Attempting to determine version from URL. Error: /Stage[main]/Nova::Keystone::Auth/Keystone::Resource::Service_identity[nova]/Keystone_23:05
Pete_any idea what happened and how to fix it?23:06
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