Wednesday, 2017-11-29

jamielennoxmost of that's not hard to fix, just move the references, but i think that's the thing that gets dumped out to policy00:01
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ayoungjamielennox, what is going on with RequestContext?  How does it get populated?00:04
ayoung  is called with00:04
ayoungHow does it get the token data?00:05
ayoungDoes that code assume it is set via authtoken middleware?00:06
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jamielennoxhmm, yea, it still gets populated from there00:06
jamielennoxwell that's getting populated from auth_context00:06
jamielennoxbut it's supposed to do request_context = RequestContext.from_environment()00:07
jamielennoxwhich gets the values from auth_token middleware00:07
ayoungbut we are not using auth_token middleware00:07
jamielennoxyes we are00:08
ayoungin keystone?00:08
jamielennoxfor > year00:08
ayoungummmm I don't see it jamielennox00:09
jamielennoxclass AuthContextMiddleware(auth_token.BaseAuthProtocol):00:10
ayoungclass AuthContextMiddleware(auth_token.BaseAuthProtocol):00:10
jamielennoxit's subclassing auth_token00:10
ayounggot it00:10
ayoungI can't read00:10
jamielennoxBase just abstracts the actual fetch so we can read from the database instead00:10 how do I kill the tests that are all using the code I wrote....00:11
ayoungOh, maybe I just need to kill more code00:11
jamielennoxso have a look at the current oslo_context.RequestContext object and remove the stuff we duplicate00:12
ayoungjamielennox, can I kill all the code like:  request_context.user_id = auth_context.get('user_id')00:12
jamielennoxyes, for example that has been redundant for ages now00:12
jamielennoxchange creation of the context to use from_environ()00:12
jamielennoxthat'll catch like 90% of the options00:13
ayoungjamielennox, care to write it and I'll review?00:13
jamielennoxbut i think there's a few things like trustee_id and stuff that auth_token doesn't handle00:13
ayoungwe can add it on to an extended context for now00:14
jamielennoxi'll give it a go quickly00:14
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ayoung    File "/opt/stack/keystone/.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oslo_policy/", line 280, in __call__00:20
ayoung        if 'roles' in creds:00:20
ayoung    TypeError: argument of type 'RequestContext' is not iterable00:20
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jamielennoxdon't pass the whole context to oslo_policy00:23
jamielennoxthere's a function context.to_policy_values() which gives you the dict00:23
jamielennoxeventually there was the intent that all this would be wrapped up behind helpers but for now there's no direct dependency between these components that we can hide that bit00:24
jamielennoxthe advantage of to_policy_values being a function is it's something the service can overload00:25
jamielennoxwhich is how we were handling deprecations00:25
jamielennoxgah, how do you install the prereqs on mac00:36
jamielennoxwhat's the equivalent of ldap-devel00:36
lbragstadwxy_: when you met up with sdague on the unified limit work, did he mention if regions were required at all?00:46
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wxy_lbragstad: no, but I think it should be. A keystone may manage more than one Nova. How to distinguish their limits if no region is specified?00:59
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lbragstadwxy_: yeah - i think it makes sense, but theoretically, it's possible to have a service and a endpoint with a region, right?01:00
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wxy_lbragstad: yes.01:07
lbragstadwxy_: ok - i'm just walking through this, thinking about what happens if we require reqions for limits01:07
lbragstadthat'd require a deployment to move to regions in order to have limits in keystone?01:08
lbragstadi wondering if that's too high a bar01:12
ayounglbragstad, nah, that is fine01:13
lbragstadcc kmalloc ^01:13
ayoungadding in a default region after the fact should be a minimally invasive procedure01:13
wxy_lbragstad: good point. A deployment's endpoint can be None.01:13
lbragstadayoung: yeah?01:14
lbragstadi suppose endpoints and services can be updated01:14
ayounglbragstad, yep01:14
jamielennoxcan you create an endpoint without a region?01:14
lbragstadyeah - a few of us asked that same question today :)01:15
lbragstaddoes it make sense? maybe not....01:15
jamielennoxit'd probably confuse some client stuff - maybe?01:15
lbragstadi think most people just assume it to be required since so many deployment projects use one01:15
jamielennoxwell when we added the /regions API i thought we might have actually been enforcing that link01:16
lbragstadsomeone correct me if i'm wrong, but the only reason to make regoin required for a limit it so that we don't have to have unique IDs for limits, right?01:19
kmalloclbragstad: wow, regions are 100% optional01:20
ayoungIf it does not break backwards compat, and it makes the abstractions easier moving forward, I think its a good idea.  So long as you can get away iwth only specifying project id, and get the region id implied, I don;t think it will impact anyone01:20
jamielennoxi expect it'd be because typically the service only exists in a region to know that info01:20
kmallocayoung: unfortunately... requiring regions would be incompatible01:20
jamielennoxlike nova in us-west doesn't know how to enforce anything globally01:20
ayoungkmalloc, not for everything, just for people that then wanted to do limites01:20
ayoungI really don't have a dog in this race...I just want jamielennox top make my oslo-context problems go away01:21
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ayounghhmmm create_trust broken all over the that has to do with trustee_id01:22
kmallocayoung: i am getting tired of beating the drum of "please don't create things that change how keystone's API works based upon deployment choices"01:22
kmallocbut... ^^ that view applies to "we require regions if we want limit data" type feature adds. but i'm slowly getting to the "don't care, just implement it however" phase.01:23
jamielennoxso if the 'service' user stuff we talked about in denver goes ahead then regions become really important and we'd need a way to start enforcing that link01:23
lbragstadjamielennox: so requiring regions for limits is the way to do that?01:24
lbragstader - *a* way to do that?01:24
kmallocnow... i am 100% ok if we have limits require a region.01:24
kmallocjust changing behavior where say endpoints now require one... that is a no go imo01:25
lbragstadyeah - that'd be backwards incompatible01:25
jamielennoxso i haven't read these specs, but i'd say there is a need to at least have them per region01:25
jamielennoxand it depends on the mechanism as to whether global works at all01:25
ayoungkmalloc, I've been at the "don't care, just implement it however" phase for about 4 years now01:26
kmallocjamielennox: use case for limits that are for the entire deployment (aka, you get 100 vms in each region)? would you just require non-region endpoints to be fixed?01:27
jamielennoxso there is a definite use case for limit/region - which is basically defaulting to 0 to say that a user only has access to specific regions01:28
jamielennoxbut this all depends on whether keystone is the decision point (make a request, keystone says yes/no) or whether the service is fetching limits and doing the enforcement there01:29
lbragstadjamielennox: the later01:29
jamielennoxdecision point lets you be way more flexible01:29
kmallocjamielennox: yeaH.01:29
lbragstadjamielennox: keystone would supply the information01:29
lbragstadand the service enforces it01:29
kmallocjamielennox: i agree. you should be able to enforce limits on a specific region.01:29
jamielennoxok, the later means that if you have nova in west, south, and east they can't know about each other01:29
jamielennoxand so you basically _must_ make it per region01:29
jamielennoxlike nova-west only cares about quota for itself01:30
kmalloci just was wondering for the "we want customers to have same limits in all regions" do you need to specify for each, or just a region-less limit?01:30
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jamielennoxbecause nothing is syncrhronizing the nova-global is enforced amongst the 301:30
kmallocand then the edge case of regionless-endpoints01:30
lbragstadkmalloc: i would think if you want to enforce the same registered limit for each region01:31
lbragstadinstead of having a global limit01:31
kmallocso perhaps:  Order of enforcement: [Project-Override] > [Region-specific] > [Non-Region] ?01:31
jamielennoxi'd say config option that you deprecate having region as a string and start making it relate to a region object, and push limist as a requirement of that01:31
kmallocjamielennox: oh god no. no no no no... you know what, whatever, make it config-deployer selection and change keyston's behavior based on that01:32
* kmalloc is done arguing against those types of configs01:32
jamielennoxkmalloc: i super dislike deployer specific config options, however they are the only way of evolving an API like this01:33
kmallocjamielennox: just make non-region endpoints unable to have a limit (we just don't enforce on it at all, regions are required in limits)01:33
kmallocand deployers can update their broken endpoints to have a region01:34
lbragstaddoesn't that essentially do the same thing01:34
jamielennoxbut the endpoint region is just a string currently01:34
kmallocjamielennox: no in the DB it's a FK01:34
jamielennoxi mean actually link it to something that you created via /regions API01:34
jamielennoxkmalloc: oh?01:34
jamielennoxoh - then nevermind me01:35
kmallocjamielennox: we just "autocreate" the region if a region_id (or region) is specified in the endpoint json01:35
kmallocif no region_id or region element is specified you have and endpoint w/o a region01:35
jamielennoxcool, i remember a bunch of pain around that stuff, i just thought it was still a string in json01:35
jamielennoxoh, autocreate, ugh01:35
kmallocyep. but we at least have reliable data on the backend /s :P01:36
jamielennoxok, understood, autocreate is kinda funky01:36
jamielennox(like this fish smells funky)01:36
kmallocyeah. i only know this cause i just looked this all up01:36
kmalloci think the autocreate was to "fix" the json thing01:36
kmallocwhere you were dealing with a string01:37
kmallocw/o breaking api contracts01:37
kmallocstill smells bad.01:37
kmallocbut, eh.. *shrug*01:37
jamielennoxok, so yea, your options are to have a default region (it's already a hierarchy, default is just the root) or endpoint must have a region to have a limit01:37
jamielennoxalthough good luck to whomever has to figure out the hierarchical component of limits01:38
kmallocjamielennox: wait are regions hierarchical?01:38
kmalloci forgot about that01:38
jamielennoxyep, that was a jaypipes drive by a few years ago01:38
kmallocmy solution: ignore region hierarchy for limits01:39
kmallocreally, i would say limits are for their region and only thier region... none of the hierarchy bits01:40
jamielennoxso it's the same problem as which roles propogate and which don't and yea, i'd just ignore it for now01:40
ayounghierarchies are fun01:41
jamielennoxif you design them from the start01:41
kmallocso, i also am ok if we implement a default root region that anything without a region gets assigned to01:41
ayoungjamielennox, I might actually have this context thing working here shortly01:41
kmallocif that solves the issue(s)01:41
lbragstadkmalloc: like a migration?01:41
kmalloclbragstad: basically db migration01:41
jamielennoxayoung: i've got the base done01:41
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ayoungjamielennox, tests passing?01:41
ayoungthat is the PITA part01:41
kmallocand the case where we use it is: fix any region-less endpoints01:41
jamielennoxwell, i'm trying to make the docker bits go to actually run the tests01:42
kmalloclbragstad: and any time an endpoint has no region on create01:42
jamielennoxgot assigned a mac :(01:42
ayoungjamielennox, I mean unit tests01:42
kmalloclbragstad: pretty straight forward.01:42
kmallocjamielennox: run vms. don't try and do it all native containers :P01:42
lbragstadkmalloc: wxy_so that sounds like step one?01:42
ayoungjamielennox, what he said01:42
jamielennoxergh, really01:43
kmallocjamielennox: really.01:43
kmallocit is the easiest way (short of just installing linux on the hardware... it does work pretty darn well)01:43
kmallocat least it did last time I did it. was impressive.01:43
lbragstadjamielennox: my old mac worked great as an ssh terminal01:44
kmallocthough thinkpads are still better linux boxes01:44
lbragstadkmalloc: ++01:44
jamielennoxi have a linux machine on ec2 because sometimes you actually need to get work done01:44
jamielennoxbut i don't have anything like this set up there01:44
kmalloci have a linux box [trying to debug an issue with the i210 intel nic chipset] that manages a chunk of my home network for "getting things done"01:45
lbragstadwxy_: kmalloc if we do the whole migration/auto-create thing, we should probably hit up the operator list, yeah?01:46
kmalloclbragstad: yeah probably.01:46
kmallocwe should be clear the only thing we are changing is the case where and endpoint does not have a region01:46
lbragstadright - so we'll create RegionOne iff there isn't a region in the deployment01:47
kmalloci'd call it __DefaultRegion__01:47
lbragstader - $RegionOne lol01:47
kmallocbecause you might have a case where $RegionOne is used but some endpoints aren't part of it01:47
jamielennoxi'd try not to, becasuse that string ends up in the catalog01:48
kmallocor whatever, pick a name01:48
kmallocand services are already region agnostic01:48
kmallocso, we don't need to change that01:48
gmannjamielennox: np. i now my name spell is complex :)01:50
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ayoungjamielennox, anyways, when you get it working, put me on the review.  I'll be looking for it.01:54
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/keystone master: Clean up RequestContext
jamielennoxayoung: going to test via zuul because i don't have the setup atm ^01:57
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ayoungjamielennox, that works.  post it and I'll run the tests here01:57
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/keystone master: Clean up RequestContext
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ayoungjamielennox, you missed the trust values02:00
jamielennoxayoung: where? i thought i left them assigned from middleware02:00
ayoungAh...nope it was user_id02:00
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ayoungthis line02:01
ayoung        self.assertEqual(self.user['id'], req_context.user_id)02:01
jamielennoxmy laptop is about to die02:01
jamielennoxand then i have to relocate02:01
jamielennoxso if you don't see me push anything again assume i'm gone and just fix the little mistakes02:02
ayoungrequest_context = context.RequestContext.from_environ(  does not fill out  request_context.user_id02:03
jamielennoxit should02:03
jamielennoxbecause it goes via auth_token which adds it to environment02:04
jamielennoxit's just whether the tests correctly set up that path02:04
jamielennoxoh - and also02:04
jamielennoxmake sure you pull #202:04
jamielennoxwas dumb mistake that might have caused that02:04
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jamielennoxall i get is: pkg_resources.ContextualVersionConflict: (osprofiler 1.1 (/keystone/.tox/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages), Requirement.parse('osprofiler>=1.4.0'), {'keystone'})02:05
jamielennoxand i don't have time to debug that one02:05
ayoungyeah, that was 202:05
jamielennoxok, then need to take a deeper look02:07
jamielennoxoh, it goes to 0%02:07
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errrIm using stable/newtown and trying to use `openstack token issue` but I keep getting __init__() takes exactly 7 arguments (6 given)03:07
errrI think my openrc is wrong but I am having trouble finding an example of a good openrc that uses saml2 federation03:07
lbragstaderrr: do you have a trace?03:08
errrI have the output of doing that command with --debug03:08
lbragstadthat works03:08
errr1 sec while I make sure my password isnt in it before I link to it03:09
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errrjust an fyi the federation stuff does work using horizon. at this point im just trying to get it working from the cli now03:11
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lbragstadthe cli using federation?03:17
errrwell thats what Im trying to do anyway03:17
errrwithout federtion it works, but when I try to use federation I get that error above03:17
lbragstaderrr: here is an example using ksa to do federated auth
lbragstadknikolla: or cmurphy might know more about that off the top of their head though03:19
errrthats my openrc Im using03:20
errrIm using okta as my idp03:22
jamielennoxayoung: so the reason my patch fails is that the part of auth_token that populates the environment variables is not being used by keystone03:22
jamielennoxso we can't use from_environment as there is no environment03:22
jamielennoxi'm guessing there was a reason i didn't do that, but i have nfi what it was03:22
lbragstadjamielennox: is is possible to do federated authentication with osc?03:23
jamielennoxshould be03:23
lbragstadok - that's what i though03:23
jamielennoxshoudl just be a matter of setting up the auth plugin correclty03:23
jamielennoxerrr: that's an odd error that i feel like i've seen before03:25
jamielennoxfailing at that point is a bug - either in OSC or keystoneauht03:26
jamielennoxmy suggestion would be to put a print statement in at this line:03:27
jamielennox return self.plugin_class(**kwargs)03:27
jamielennoxand see what the kwargs are it's trying to pass03:27
errrjamielennox: while digging through the keystoneauth code I feel like the saml2 plugin requires identity-provider-url to be set but after adding debugging logs to the client that param is not being passed in and when doing openstack --help its also not listed as a valid param03:27
errrheh yeah thats where I added my debugging03:28
jamielennoxso i'm concerned that the plugin is in a module called _saml203:28
errryeah thats the one03:28
jamielennoxwhich would indicate it's private03:28
jamielennoxonly reason i can think it's private is it wasn't working03:28
errrsad panda.03:29
jamielennoxso what's the kwargs contain03:29
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jamielennoxso it looks like identity_provider_url is required but not marked as required03:34
errrand its being ignored when I pass it in03:35
errrIve tried passing it in manually via --os-identity-provider-url and setting it as an env variable03:35
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errrbut its never one of the kwargs when it gets to that return self.plugin_class(**kwargs) line03:36
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/keystoneauth master: Mark SAML loader properties as required
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jamielennoxhmm, so that's weird because OSC shouldn't be messing with those options03:41
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errraddng your patch still doesnt help, it just gives me an error about the param missing despite me setting it03:46
errrsomething is keeping that param from being used03:46
jamielennoxyea, that would just show it03:49
jamielennoxi'm just setting up an OSC environment03:49
jamielennoxhaven't got something i can test with at the moment03:49
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack/keystoneauth master: Mark SAML loader properties as required
jamielennoxerrr: are you running master?03:59
errrno, stable/newton but Im not sure what version of the openstack client or those libs it uses. let me check those04:01
errrkeystoneauth1 (2.12.3), python-openstackclient (3.2.1)04:02
jamielennoxso i've just loaded that up on osc and ksa master04:03
jamielennoxand it's passing that point04:03
jamielennoxi don't have a saml idp that i can actually test with but it's trying to make a connection04:03
errrwhat version of those do I need to install? I use openstack-ansible so Ill need to pin those versions and rerun some playbooks to update04:04
jamielennoxerrr: no idea on the actual version04:05
jamielennoxbut install the latest pip version into a venv and tell me if you still have the same problems04:05
errrok. Ill try that04:06
errrsame error04:09
errrthe latest from pip from those 2 packages now: python-openstackclient (3.12.0)  keystoneauth1 (3.2.0)04:11
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openstackgerritwangxiyuan proposed openstack/keystone master: Deprecate member_role_id and member_role_name
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openstackgerritwangxiyuan proposed openstack/keystone master: Deprecate member_role_id and member_role_name
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cmurphyerrr: can you paste the full debug output?08:20
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cmurphythis has worked for me (tested recently)
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jsheerenhi all08:57
jsheereni have a question about the catalog list08:57
jsheerenwhen we request a catalog list, we get the endpoints08:57
jsheerenall are configured on, lets say, https://thecatalog.list08:57
jsheerenso keystone is https://thecatalog.list:5000 and so on08:57
jsheerenhow can i create a second domain name for the catalog list08:58
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/keystone master: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/keystoneauth master: Updated from global requirements
jsheerenso keystone is also available on, lets say, https://thesecondcatalog.list:500008:58
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/keystonemiddleware master: Updated from global requirements
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jsheerenwhat i want to accomplish is, when users approach the api's using https://thesecondcatalog.list, and they request the catalog list, they will receive the endpoints with name https://thesecondcatalog.list  instead of https://thecatalog.list09:04
openstackgerritwangxiyuan proposed openstack/keystone master: Add new tables for unified limits
cmurphyjsheeren: you can create new endpoints on different interfaces (public, internal, admin) or you can create new endpoints in different regions09:12
cmurphyi'm not sure there's a way to make it look seamless like you describe09:12
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/pycadf master: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/python-keystoneclient master: Updated from global requirements
jsheerencmurphy, ok thanks09:24
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lbragstadcmurphy: we had an interested discussion last night about the region id stuff with unified limits14:16
cmurphylbragstad: hmm i guess i'll have to read the scrollback14:19
cmurphyunless you want to tldr it for me :)14:19
lbragstadwell - we pretty much validated that regions are completely optional14:25
ayoungerrr, I had SAML working with the CLI.  It also requires an IdP that supports ECP.14:25
lbragstadso the question becomes, what do we do about deployments that don't have them but want to use limits14:25
lbragstad1.) we provide a migration that introduces a default region iff there isn't one available14:26
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cmurphyayoung: that's what i was thinking but it's still weird for it to manifest as a missing cli argument14:27
lbragstad2.) provide a configuration option to start requiring regions for services and endpoints (changing the API depending on deployments)14:27
ayoungcmurphy, let me see what I had for config14:28
ayoungits been a few years14:28
ayounglbragstad, that was my thinking, too.14:29
ayounglbragstad, I started thinking along these lines:  what if a deployment has a bunch of stuiff not in a region, and a few things  in a few different regions.14:30
ayoungshould we treat that unregioned stuff as the default region, or one layer down?14:31
ayounglike:  nothing goes into the root region except other regions14:31
cmurphyayoung: i'm not sure v3unscopedsaml still works, we have v3samlpassword
ayoungor, does it make more sense to have the unregioned endpoints etc go into the root region, and then they would be Parent-owned resources14:32
ayoungcmurphy, I'm surwe you are right.  That was from 3 years ago14:32
ayoungOct  5  201514:32
ayoung2 years, anyway14:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone master: Add New in Pike note to using db_sync check
lbragstadi don't think i like the configuration option idea because it kinda shoots interop to crap and we've been trying to move away from things that change the API like that14:34
lbragstadbut the other bit is - what do you specify as a default region?14:34
lbragstadbecause that will end up in the catalog14:35
cmurphyi'll need to go over the spec again because requiring regions when we don't currently sounds very heavy handed to me14:35
lbragstadthat was another question i asked last night14:36
lbragstadwhy are reqions required for unified limits14:36
lbragstadwould an alternative be to make them optional and add in a unique id14:37
lbragstadare they only there because they are part of the unique key for a limit?14:37
cmurphyif that's the case couldn't 'None' be the region id?14:38
ayoungNone is the default region?  Makes sense to me14:41
ayoung"My ID?  You don't need to see MY ID.  I am THE REGION!"14:41
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lbragstadI suppose that would work...14:46
lbragstadi need to white board some of that today when i review the spec14:46
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cmurphylbragstad: i was hoping i could get zane or mordred to ack it14:47
lbragstadcmurphy: ++14:47
lbragstadthat'd be good14:48
cmurphyalso noticed an inconsistency in the roles property but can fix that in a followup14:48
ayoungcmurphy, I think we'd need to be able to do roles ids14:48
ayoungwith domain specific roles, you might have some masking.14:50
cmurphyayoung: ++14:50
cmurphyayoung: with trusts we do [{'id': XXX}] or [{'name': XXX}] so we should probably have the same thing here14:50
ayoungcmurphy, what happens if roles are specified for an app credential that the user does not have assigned?14:51
ayoungright now it reads14:51
ayoung`roles` is a list of role names or ids. It is informational and can be used by the14:52
ayoungConsumer to verify that the Application Credential inherited the roles from14:52
ayoungthe User that the Consumer expected. This is not a policy enforcement, it is14:52
ayoungsimply for human validation.14:52
ayoung(I made an edit)14:52
cmurphyayoung: that's the response14:52
cmurphyayoung: in the request it would error14:52
openstackgerritayoung proposed openstack/keystone-specs master: Repropose application credentials to queens
ayoungcmurphy, if you +1 my changes, I'll +2 the proposal14:53
ayoungok...I butchered another line...1 sec14:54
openstackgerritayoung proposed openstack/keystone-specs master: Repropose application credentials to queens
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cmurphyayoung: let me make another quick edit14:56
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack/keystone-specs master: Repropose application credentials to queens
lbragstadcmurphy: do roles {} have to have IDs and names?15:00
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cmurphylbragstad: i'm using the trusts API as a reference, in a request it's either or and in the response it's both15:02
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lbragstadi was wondering if it would be tough for someone to figure that information out without being an admin15:07
lbragstadbut it's all in the the token response, so...15:07
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errrcmurphy: openstack: error: argument --os-auth-type: invalid choice: u'v3samlpassword' (choose from 'v2token', 'password', 'admin_token', 'v3oidcauthcode', 'v2password', 'gnocchi-noauth', 'v3password', 'v3oidcaccesstoken', 'token_endpoint', 'token', 'v3oidcclientcredentials', 'v3tokenlessauth', 'v3token', 'v3totp', 'v3oidcpassword', 'aodh-noauth', 'gnocchi-basic')17:13
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cmurphyerrr: are you using the latest version of python-openstackclient and keystoneauth?17:14
knasim-wrshi folks, what is the maximum character limit on keystone user passwords?17:15
errrcmurphy: yes, that happened in my newton env, and the new virtualenv I made last night to test the latest version available via pip17:15
knasim-wrsin Newton, I had a test case that would provide 2075 character passwords that would go through. That is failing in Pike17:15
knasim-wrsexceeds the limit of column password(CHAR(128)). (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-7ae07943-6b13-44e8-bae1-4a0ba4fa6788)17:15
knasim-wrswonder if this was changed as part of the new AES user encryption BP?17:16
openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack/keystone master: Migrate jobs to zuulV3
errrcmurphy: python-openstackclient (3.12.0)  keystoneauth1 (3.2.0) is whats in my new virtualenv17:17
cmurphyerrr: is that the original error message? I thought you were seeing something about missing method args17:17
errrcmurphy: this is a new error using the command you provided via the pastebin17:17
cmurphyerrr: sorry, could you paste the whole debug output of the original error? (sorry if i missed it)17:18
errrcmurphy: the whole debug, or just the stack trace?17:19
cmurphyerrr: the whole thing17:19
errrok, give me just a moment17:19
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cmurphyI see export OS_AUTH_TYPE=v3samlpassword in your openrc which is equivalent to --os-auth-type v3samlpassword so i'm not sure what changed17:24
gagehugolbragstad do we use the experimental gate?17:25
cmurphyerrr: do you have access to the keystone logs? the debug logs there are sometimes helpful17:31
errryes I do17:32
errrlet me go look at those17:32
cmurphyerrr: i'm going to have to drop off in a bit but you could file a bug report against keystoneauth for this17:33
errrcmurphy: but is this even getting to keystone since its an error from openstack-client telling me Im sending the wrong params to the function?17:34
errrand then using the command you gave me to try its openstack-client telling me the auth plugin is not valid17:35
cmurphyerrr: i think i left out --os-identity-provider-api 3 in that command17:38
cmurphyer sorry17:38
cmurphy--os-identity-api-version 317:38
lbragstadknasim-wrs: that did go in during pike17:38
cmurphybecause OS_AUTH_TYPE and --os-auth-type are the same thing, the only reason to get a different reaction is if that api version is set wrong17:38
knasim-wrslbragstad: Thanks, I see there was an OSSN - Security Advisory as well for this17:39
knasim-wrsthat would explain it17:39
cmurphyerrr: and you're right, the debug output doesn't make it look like it's hitting keystone at all17:39
lbragstadyeah - it was an issue with the way keystone was hashing passwords17:39
errrcmurphy: adding that still gave me the same output of invalid plugin17:39
lbragstadwe had to update the implementation to support more secure hashing17:40
cmurphyerrr: hmm :/ i have to go but i'm going to try to reproduce later17:40
errrcmurphy: ok thanks for the help, and I loved your talk about this. I watched it on youtube several times.17:41
cmurphyerrr: heh thanks :)17:41
knasim-wrslbragstad: the default value for the [identity]/max_password_length is still 4096. And this length cannot be supported with the new bcrypt hashing algorithm17:42
knasim-wrsthe generated hash, if you provide a 4096 character password (default value of max_password_length configuration option), is more than the SQL backend's 128 character column length and you get a DB insert error17:43
lbragstadcc kmalloc ^17:45
kmallocit shouldn't be using the 128 character length column17:48
lbragstadknasim-wrs: we updated that colume to have a longer length17:48
kmallocit should be using the 255  password_hash = sql.Column(sql.String(255), nullable=True)17:48
kmallocthere is a different column used with bcrypt. if you're trying to backport bcrypt support -- it is not backportable17:48
lbragstadknasim-wrs: do you know if the database migration has been run yet?17:48
kmallocthat said, a 4096 length password should hash down to the same length regardless, it is based upon the hash settings.17:50
kmalloclbragstad:  i can remove the shim for bcrypt/legacy now in Q.17:51
kmalloci should add that code.17:51
lbragstadkmalloc: yeah - i just noticed that as i read the comments17:51
knasim-wrslooks like the DB migration didn`t run for me17:51
knasim-wrsthe password db table is still 128chars17:51
kmallocthat would cause issues17:51
kmallocno, there is a new column17:52
lbragstadknasim-wrs: yeah - that might be giving you problems if you have a Pike node talking to a pre-Pike database17:52
kmallocthe password column remains 128 characters17:52
lbragstadI'd try running the migrations and give it another shot17:52
knasim-wrsok thanks guys17:53
knasim-wrsthis is not an upgrade btw, its a fresh install17:53
lbragstadknasim-wrs: let us know if that works for you17:53
knasim-wrsso I do a keystone-manage bootstrap17:53
knasim-wrsand db_sync17:53
knasim-wrsas opposed to expand_repo / migrate_repo etc17:53
kmalloclbragstad: what is the order of operations for db migrations17:54
lbragstadexpand, migrate, contract17:54
kmallocand what is required vs optional17:54
kmalloci mean17:54
kmallocyou expand and must migrate17:54
kmallocor is migrate optional?17:54
kmallocuntil later?17:54
lbragstadnone are optional17:55
lbragstadoh - wait17:55
lbragstadwe have docs for this17:55
kmallochave i mentioned i think this whole thing is so very confusing, because i have to ask every single time17:55
lbragstadso - in the upgrade scenario,17:55
kmallocthat also doesn't (doc) help me17:56
lbragstadif you have 3 ocata nodes, you pull one out of rotation and upgrade it to pike17:56
kmalloccan i rely on a migrate step being run before Q code is run?>17:56
lbragstadbut don't turn it on17:56
lbragstadwith the other two nodes running ocata, you can expand the database17:56
lbragstadthen you can migrate the database17:56
lbragstad(expand and migrate are done using the pike node)17:56
lbragstadthen you can put pike into rotation17:57
kmallocright and migrate is *required* before putting pike back in17:57
lbragstads/pike/the pike nodes/17:57
lbragstadyeah - i believe so17:57
kmallocok i'm going to roll a Q patch that makes that assertion17:57
kmalloci'm dropping use of the password column17:57
kmallocbut the data will need to be migrated.17:58
kmallocbasically: set password_hash (if None) to (password value)17:58
kmallocand drop the compat code17:58
lbragstadthis document describes that process in more detail
kmallocand contract will drop the password column.17:58
knasim-wrslbragstad: The link for DB contraction / expansion is only for Upgrade scenarios. I am doing a fresh Pike install. Shouldn't the database be set up properly via DB sync?17:59
lbragstadit should so long as you have pike code installed17:59
lbragstadit seems odd that didn't happen17:59
kmallocknasim-wrs: do you have a "password_hash" column?18:00
kmallocbecause that is supposed to be used for the bcrypt hashes18:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone-specs master: Repropose application credentials to queens
kmalloci'll look at bcrypt in a few mins. it might need an errata.18:00
kmalloccmurphy: ^ yay merge!18:01
* lbragstad ticks things off in trello18:01
knasim-wrskmalloc: I do have the password_hash column but the error is for the password column18:02
knasim-wrsmy schema:18:02
kmallocthe bcrypt data should not be stored in "password" column18:02
knasim-wrskeystone=# \d+ password18:02
knasim-wrs                                                           Table "public.password"18:02
knasim-wrs     Column     |            Type             |                       Modifiers                       | Storage  | Stats target | Description18:02
knasim-wrs id             | integer                     | not null default nextval('password_id_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              |18:02
knasim-wrs local_user_id  | integer                     | not null                                              | plain    |              |18:03
knasim-wrs password       | character varying(128)      |                                                       | extended |              |18:03
knasim-wrs expires_at     | timestamp without time zone |                                                       | plain    |              |18:03
knasim-wrs self_service   | boolean                     | not null default false                                | plain    |              |18:03
knasim-wrs password_hash  | character varying(255)      |                                                       | extended |              |18:03
knasim-wrs created_at_int | bigint                      | not null default 0::bigint                            | plain    |              |18:03
kmalloconly in password hash.18:03
kmallocthe old hash data is stored in password column18:03
kmalloclet me check a couple things18:03
knasim-wrskmalloc: I am sending you the command and the response18:04
knasim-wrs'openstack --os-username 'keystoneuser005_ber' --os-password 'Li69nux*' --os-project-name admin --os-auth-url --os-region-name RegionOne --os-user-domain-name Default --os-project-domain-name Default --os-identity-api-version 3 --os-interface internal user set --password 'RgJSa?dB&4rH;Q|c,*Ij,zs+nC<bwivV8kEfXePD~pmA2{{K18:04
knasim-wrsI)3Df=<,CqoFScSbO,@5,aMc@MYP4oES0=Ki8L0C*WQ^3KMDt)V<:]ct,,gl2F@[,|5(=Aqbv==c<[C(f<%8V:R@,V<*}}seK~:{{,3zI<c,ish,U86.h,5:<*@uQ,r2' keystoneuser005_ber''18:04
knasim-wrsString length exceeded. The length of string 'RgJSa?dB&4rH;Q|c,*Ij,zs+nC<bwivV8kEfXePD~pmA2{{KUoN3%q6t_h$1Y9Zy]L7.0lM=5:<O@TxuFWG^Ik2|h&>2Y{{A4?2}},vy],9,,j@s?3@9p9G<nYaem@i?wAb_bvZ59>Yd[0~W#8udA[LMpgKXqzqTD<Wpp*:i,gig$#ZVA*N~5QpA@9$Z#,,IdebedJZ57Z#|Nm4{{11z1H#tl*H}};b.O;obLgp?7p],j)LZr;lmP^C(Zl$U1IrM^^oZRBi1N,tw]1VeOwM2YT9e:8,:u,8Y*x:9J&AH#my,PzUS18:04
kmallocknasim-wrs: please use paste.openstack.org18:04
knasim-wrsok sorry18:04
kmallocit's hard to read in IRC18:04
knasim-wrsI thought it would make a link automatically, it usually does18:05
knasim-wrsdidn't do it this time18:05
knasim-wrsno kiwiirc18:05
kmallocmust be broken atm, no worries :)18:05
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kmallocthat doesn't look like a valid hash.18:06
kmallochold on18:07
kmallocthat is a crazy password :P18:07
knasim-wrsits not a hash lol... its the actual password18:07
kmalloci think i see what is happening18:07
knasim-wrsyeah one of those fringe test cases we run everytime we move to a new Openstack release18:07
kmallocit isn't hashing the string with the commandline18:08
kmallocit loooks like18:08
knasim-wrsand kmalloc, I'm using the default Pike configurations for hashing / identity:18:08
knasim-wrsthat's all that I have under that stanza18:08
knasim-wrsthis test case used to work in Newton btw18:09
lbragstadedmondsw: hrybacki
edmondswlbragstad +118:10
lbragstadmake sense?18:10
edmondswlbragstad I would note that I think we should start basic here... not try to boil the ocean with 20 roles off the bat18:10
edmondswadmin, reader, and writer sounds like a reasonable first step18:11
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hrybackiagree wholeheartedly with edmondsw18:11
edmondswI worry that folks will try to use that spec to throw in everything their heart desires and we'll never get it approved18:11
kmallocknasim-wrs: do you have the option: CONF.identity.rolling_upgrade_password_hash_compat set in your keystone config?18:11
kmallocthen nothing should be setting the password column at all18:12
lbragstadhrybacki: edmondsw refresh?18:12
kmallocknasim-wrs: this is a stock pike install?18:13
knasim-wrskmalloc: As far as keystone is concerned: Yes. I haven't rebased our customizations on top of it yet18:13
knasim-wrsits a vanilla pull from stable/pike18:13
edmondswlbragstad sounds like you are allowing that the result might be super simple, rather than saying we should start super simple18:13
lbragstadedmondsw: well - i'd like to keep that enforced by reviewing the spec18:14
lbragstadtrello is only describing the work in my opinion, since it's not an official openstack document18:14
edmondswlbragstad sure. I was just voicing a concern we should be ready for18:14
edmondswnot saying we have to do anything diff in trello :)18:14
lbragstadcompletely agree that is something we need to watch out for in the review process though!18:15
mnasersorry for the partly silly question but I am pretty sure I've seen a documented "role alias" feature in Keystone or I'm going crazy?18:15
kmallocknasim-wrs: i am trying to figure out how the hell your password is being set without hashing on the column.18:16
kmallocsomething very strange is happening.,18:16
lbragstadknasim-wrs: can you verify you're actually using pike code?18:16
lbragstadmnaser: role alias? like implied roles?18:16
kmalloclbragstad: even if it wasn't pike code, it should never ever ever be setting the password directly on the password column w/o hashing18:17
knasim-wrslbragstad: Yes I am. I build it myself18:17
mnaserlbragstad: i think implied roles is the correct term!18:17
knasim-wrslet me reproduce the problem18:17
lbragstadmnaser: then no, you're not going crazy :)18:17
lbragstadmnaser: that is a thing implemented in keystone18:17
mnaseri was searching for role aliases but yeah, implied roles works18:17
mnaserthis is perfect18:17
knasim-wrskmalloc: Reproduced again18:18
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kmallocknasim-wrs: right. i just don't see how it can ever be set on the password column like you're setting it18:18
kmalloci don't doubt you18:21
kmalloci am baffled how you're getting the password directly set like that18:21
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lbragstadedmondsw: hrybacki ok - i'm going to start working on that then18:22
edmondswlbragstad ++18:25
kmallocknasim-wrs: can you show me your user table?18:26
kmallocknasim-wrs: just the show create18:26
kmallocknasim-wrs: not the content18:26
knasim-wrsthis is my own test deployment anyways so I can dump the content and schema... not a problem18:27
kmallocyeah i just want to know what the schema is18:27
kmalloccontent isn't as interesting in most cases.18:27
kmallocthis is very odd, i just don't see how we could be setting this value18:28
kmalloclike this18:28
mnaserthanks lbragstad, implied roles worked like a charm.. time to clean up our role assignments18:29
lbragstadmnaser: ++18:29
knasim-wrsok, so in my password DB table, the password colum is empty... could it be that its using the password column as a pergutory to store the password there first before moving to the password_hash column?18:29
kmallocknasim-wrs: it should be empty.18:30
knasim-wrsmy password DB table:
kmallocno, it doesn't store it in password column unless the compat stuff is set18:31
mnaserthis should speed up keystone i assume because the assignments table will be signifincantly smaller too.. i think!18:31
kmallocknasim-wrs: it does a hash in bcrypt and then sets it in password_ref.pasword_hash, and if compat is set, it does password_ref.password with the compat hash18:31
kmalloclbragstad: hey, uhm... with openstack user set --password, what API si that calling?18:32
knasim-wrsok I'm going to add breakpoints in keystone identity and try to figure shit out18:32
kmalloclbragstad:  is that the password change API (self-service) or the update user?18:32
kmallocknasim-wrs: i think i have a line on it18:32
lbragstadkmalloc: good question, probably the self service one?18:33
lbragstadshould give you the path18:33
kmallocknasim-wrs: can you run the password setr command with --debug?18:33
knasim-wrson it18:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone master: Updated from global requirements
kmallocit must be calling that18:34
kmalloclbragstad: isn't tested18:34
kmallocit directly sets password hash values18:34
kmallocnot user.password18:34
kmallocthis has been broken for a while now18:34
kmallocthis was a bug we don't test for and we simply broke it in pike18:35
kmallocknasim-wrs: yep found it18:35
kmallocoh wait18:36
kmalloci am wrong, this is doing it correctly18:36
kmallocknasim-wrs: still need that --debug output18:36
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knasim-wrskmalloc: here goes... I sent you the entire output but you probably only wanna look at the traceback18:37
kmallocnope i want the whole output ;)18:37
kmallocknasim-wrs: can you check keystone's log and see if there is a traceback there?18:39
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knasim-wrskmalloc: Just a warning (the same as what was returned to the client)... no traceback18:42
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kmallocare you updating a user or creating a user?18:46
kmalloclooks like creating, right?18:46
kmallocok i see create18:46
knasim-wrskmalloc: Same issue seen with both18:46
kmallocright but you're hitting the create path right now18:47
kmallocso i can chase that vs something else.18:47
kmalloclbragstad: when is the @hybrid.expression decorator called?18:48
kmallocerm version of hybrid_property?18:48
kmallocoh. blah i see the issue18:50
kmallocit's hybrid property being... dumb.18:50
kmallocknasim-wrs: so, somehow we're getting a class-version of the property and not an instance version18:52
kmallocwhich is causing the problem18:52
knasim-wrswhich property? I can investigate more on my end18:52
knasim-wrsI don't have any custom backends btw18:53
lbragstadwe use hybrid_property to pull together things across multiple database tables18:53
knasim-wrsjust using vanilla sql identity backend18:53
knasim-wrsI see18:53
kmallocknasim-wrs: here i'm going to link the problem code...18:54
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kmallocthat is the issue18:54
kmalloclbragstad:  i don't know how to fix this.18:54
kmalloclbragstad: this is pretty deep-dark sqlalchemy stuff18:55
kmalloclikely .expression() is simply wrong18:55
lbragstadkmalloc: do you think zzzeek would help us look at it?18:55
kmalloci hope zzzeek can help18:55
knasim-wrscan we get a Bug going? So I can link it against this test case and track it18:55
lbragstadknasim-wrs: ++18:55
kmallocknasim-wrs: sure. open a bug in LP.18:55
knasim-wrsok, will do18:55
kmalloclbragstad: this doesn't make sense to me
kmallocat all18:56
kmallocnot sure why we're hitting it18:56
kmalloclbragstad: basically we are settign password.Password to a bad value, then  fixing it when we do the user_ref.password logic18:57
kmalloclbragstad: we set the value to the raw string18:58
kmallocthen the logic re-sets it18:58
kmallocso if a password is *Ever* over 128 characters it would puke18:58
lbragstadwe do or sqlalchemy does because we use the decorator?18:58
kmallocthe way in which stuff is set.18:58
kmallocit is a mix of us + sql_alchemy18:58
lbragstadoh man, that's bad18:59
kmallocit never is persisted to the DB19:00
lbragstadoh - i thought it was19:01
kmallocno no,19:01
lbragstadbut validation error19:01
kmallocbut the issue is the column still restricts the validation19:01
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lbragstadbut the passwords isn't hashed yet...19:02
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kmallochonestly, i think we're mis-using expression19:05
kmallocwe can probably just drop it, it is supposed to be used in cases where SQL and Python would work differently19:05
kmallocin this case.. it's... uh, not really19:05
openstackLaunchpad bug 1735250 in OpenStack Identity (keystone) "Limit for the Password column in the Password table exceeded when using passwords exceeding 2000 characters" [Undecided,New]19:08
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ayoungkmalloc, what allocates the request_id now?19:24
kmallocayoung: uh oslo.context?19:24
kmalloci think?19:24
ayounghmmm....maybe that is the new problem.,...19:24
ayoungok let me look19:24
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zzzeeki hate when i make passwords that are more than 2000 characters19:36
kmalloczzzeek: heh, it's any password > 12819:39
kmallocso... i *think* we're mis-using .expression() here19:40
kmallocwhich is the root of the issue19:40
kmallocanyone who uses > 128 character password... but whatever, we have historically supported it19:41
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lbragstadkmalloc: ayoung could i get a kick through here?
ayoungI'm a co-author?19:51
lbragstadi attempted to consolidate a bunch of things, many of which you wrote19:53
lbragstadso - yes :)19:53
openstackgerritayoung proposed openstack/keystone-specs master: Add policy roadmap for security
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ayoungminor typo fix.  repushin19:53
kmallocre +A19:54
lbragstadaha - nice19:55
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* lbragstad needs coffee19:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone-specs master: Add policy roadmap for security
ayoungkmalloc, so...why are the headers added lowercase in middleware, but tested uppercase in context?  What is supposed to convert them?20:33
ayoungjamielennox, I'm making progress but ^^?20:37
kmallocdoesn't matter20:38
kmallocit's a case insensitive dictr20:38
kmallocor should be20:38
kmallocheaders are case insensitive.20:38
kmallocif it's using proper dict, it will be case insensitive.20:38
ayoungoslo is not doing a case insensitive search20:39
ayoungso...maybe I am grabbing the headers wrong somehow?20:40
ayoung request_context = context.RequestContext.from_environ(request.headers,**kwargs)20:40
ayoungshould I somehow convert request.headers?20:41
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kmallocrequests.headers is supposed to be case insensitive20:45
kmallocif it's doing X in headers20:45
kmallocthat is a problem.20:45
kmallocor it's doing it wonky where it's converting to normal strings to search20:45
kmallocbut in short, it is supposed to be a case insentive dict20:45
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ayoungkmalloc, OK, so here is where I am at, and maybe this will help:  I reqlize that the keystone/middleware/   AuthContextMiddleware extends (auth_token.BaseAuthProtocol): which is not the same as the auth token middleware20:49
ayoungit is the baseclass of both, but the AuthToken version calls20:50
ayoung request.set_user_headers(request.token_auth.user)20:50
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ayoungwithout that, we don't have the env vars that oslo context needs20:50
ayoungso I added a call to it, and I have the headers, but the call puts them in Camel Case20:50
ayoung 'X%s-Domain-Id': 'domain_id',20:50
ayoungexpanded and so forth20:50
ayoungI then need to pass these to the constructor function for context20:51
ayoungwhich I am doing like this:20:51
ayoung request_context = context.RequestContext.from_environ(request.headers, **kwargs)20:51
kmallocthat last bit might be converting to a non-case-insensitive dict20:52
kmallocinstead of the case insensitive normal dict.20:53
kmallocthat is used in the request object20:53
kmallocthe case (iirc) is preserved, but __getitem__ is overidden to .lower() it (among other things)20:53
ayoung(Pdb) print request.headers['X-User-Id']20:53
ayoungprint request.headers['X-User-Id']20:53
ayoung(Pdb) print request.headers['X-USER-ID']20:53
ayoungprint request.headers['X-USER-ID']20:53
kmallocor .upper20:54
kmallocsame net effect20:54
ayoungso it should be OK...right?20:54
kmallocyeah it should be20:54
kmallochttp spec says headers are case insensitive, if .request.headers wasn't, we'd break the spec20:54
kmallocand we're leaning on python stdlib stuff for that20:54
kmallocor ... at least requests, which does it better than we do20:55
ayoungthere is a getter in there that returns a case insensitive dict...20:56
kmallocthere ya go.20:57
lbragstadanother easy one to kick through
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ayoungprint  environ.keys()21:01
ayoung['X-Tenant-Name', 'X-Role', 'X-User-Id', 'X-User-Domain-Name', 'X-User', 'X-User-Domain-Id', 'Host', 'X-Domain-Name', 'X-Is-Admin-Project', 'X-Tenant', 'X-Tenant-Id', 'X-Auth-Token', 'X-Project-Domain-Name', 'X-Project-Name', 'X-Identity-Status', 'X-Domain-Id', 'X-User-Name', 'X-Project-Domain-Id', 'X-Project-Id', 'X-Roles'21:01
ayoungthey have - in them, not _21:02
ayoungprint 'HTTP-X-USER-NAME' in  environ21:02
ayoung(Pdb) print 'X-USER-NAME' in  environ21:02
ayoungprint 'X-USER-NAME' in  environ21:02
ayounghmmmm...there must be a conversion I am missing21:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone-specs master: Address follow on comments for system-scope
ayoungkmalloc, what converts X-User-Id to HTTP_X_USER_ID?21:06
kmallocuhm.... i think we do21:06
kmallocin middleware21:06
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lbragstadcmurphy: so - about the unified limit region thing...21:09
lbragstadwere you in the room at the ptg on crazy friday when jamielennox start whiteboarding the whole system hierarchy thing?21:09
cmurphylbragstad: i don't think so, i left early afternoon that day21:10
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lbragstadcmurphy: ok - i just stumbled across this picture21:10
lbragstad - in the Policy Future section21:10
kmallocayoung: or is it the opposite, that we get HTTP_X... and convert it?21:11
lbragstadcmurphy: do you see the one with the two trees?21:11
ayoungthe docs imply that,  after AuthProtocol.process_request,  the HTTP_ forsm will be there?21:11
lbragstadthe project/domain tree and system/service tree21:11
kmallocayoung: should be, in the environ21:12
cmurphylbragstad: yes21:12
lbragstadcmurphy: a thought just occurred to me, if we make limits require regions - we kinda break what is depicted in that picture21:13
lbragstadwhere the root of the tree (e.g. system) can have services associated to it21:13
lbragstadand those denote services that are in a sense, global21:13
kmalloclbragstad: what is a "global service"21:14
kmallocstart from that definition21:14
kmallocthen determine if a limit data is relevant21:14
lbragstadwell - an example being keystone itself21:14
lbragstadif your keystone is deployed globally21:14
lbragstadbut you have nova in different regions21:14
kmallocmaybe the default region is then System?21:15
ayoungkeystone is usually not assigned a region21:15
kmallocor we create a system region...21:15
lbragstadayoung: is that the reason why?21:15
kmallocand just associate keystone to it21:15
ayoungbut what quotas would we have for keystone itself?21:15
kmallocayoung: if we allow folks to manage domains: number of projects, number of users,21:15
kmallocbut that is about all i can come up with off the top of my head21:15
cmurphyNone is already synonymous with system/global in my head21:15
kmallocand even that feels... limited21:16
ayoungso those resources should not be assigned to a region21:16
lbragstadcmurphy: yeah - that's kinda what i'm thinking, too21:16
kmallocor we could dodge the whole thing21:16
kmallocand just say a limit w/o a region applies to endpoints without a region21:16
kmallocaka, keystone21:16
kmallocso None implicitly becomes a region for the limit21:17
lbragstadwould that prevent someone from deploying keystone in two different regions and federating them?21:17
kmallocand keystone is implicitly part of the None region21:17
kmallocnothing is saying keystone can't have a region21:17
kmallocand nothing is saying keystone limits can't belong to the region if someone has it setup that way21:18
* lbragstad feels like we're coming to a conclusion21:18
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lbragstadsomething tells me that because regions are optional for services and endpoints, they need to be optional for limits21:23
ayoungkmalloc, I'm drawing a blank21:27
ayoungI need jamielennox here....I'm sure he knows this off the top of his head.21:29
ayoungso...I think the "Keysteon stuff goes into a region" does not really make sense.  A project would be assigned a region, but it could also have to access resources in tow different regions, and so on, and thus the strict hierarchy there might get in the way21:46
ayoungUsers come in from an external IdP.  Would the IdPs go into a region?  Seems wonky21:46
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cmurphyerrr: this works for me same version of openstackclient and keystoneauth :/ I see there is no identity_provider_url in the debug output you linked, and i also see this "WARNING: openstackclient.common.utils is deprecated and will be removed after Jun 2017. Please use osc_lib.utils" which I don't see, so maybe there is some version mismatch in one of osc's21:49
cmurphydependencies that is causing all the arguments not to be read21:49
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kmallocayoung: that was what i was saying, we should just let None apply to None region limits21:54
kmallocayoung: but it doesn't stop someone from placing keystone into a region21:55
kmallocif someone wanted to *shrug*21:55
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openstackgerritayoung proposed openstack/keystone master: Use oslo-context
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jamielennoxayoung: sup?22:53
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* lbragstad apologizes22:59
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone master: Add a new table for system role assignments
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone master: Implement backend logic for system roles
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone master: Implement manager logic for user+system roles
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone master: Implement manager logic for group+system roles
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone master: Add user system grant policies
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone master: Add group system grant policies
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone master: Implement controller logic for system user assignments
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone master: Implement controller logic for system group assignments
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ayoungjamielennox, hey...posted an update but still not working23:57
ayoungjamielennox, what converst the headers like 'X%s-User-Name'  to HTTP_USER_NAME and so on?23:58
jamielennoxayoung: wsgi23:58
jamielennoxor i guess webob23:58
ayoungjamielennox, so doesthat convert it further down the stack?23:59
jamielennoxbut that's a fairly standard (at least python) convention that request.headers['custom_name'] is just a wrapper around environ['HTTP_X_CUSTOM_NAME']23:59
jamielennoxor i guess 'x-custom-name'23:59

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