Wednesday, 2017-03-15

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystonemiddleware master: Remove old comment referencing fixed bug
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lbragstadrderose you're doing a talk on PCI in Boston, right?02:11
lbragstadrderose do you know when and where it will be?02:12
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rderoselbragstad: yeah, right02:15
rderoselbragstad: let me see02:15
lbragstadrderose no rush if you can't find it right now - but i want to promote it in my presentation02:15
lbragstadin the event mine happens before yours02:16
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rderoselbragstad: Thu 4:10 PM02:18
rderoselbragstad: doesn't say where02:18
rderoselbragstad: what is your topic on?02:19
lbragstadrderose it's a project update on keystone02:20
rderoseI see02:20
lbragstadrecapping what we've done in Ocata, what we're doing in Pike and so on02:20
rderoselbragstad: do you want to switch?02:20
lbragstadlol nope :)02:20
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lbragstadrderose i did throw together a slide deck if you need one02:20
rderoselbragstad: cool, yeah that would be great02:21
lbragstadrderose don't feel obligated to use it - i just figured it would be nice to work in that new mascot02:21
rderoselbragstad: nice02:21
rderoselbragstad: that's perfect02:21
lbragstadrderose no problem02:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.policy master: Seperate each policy rule with new line
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/keystonemiddleware master: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/keystone master: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/keystonemiddleware master: Updated from global requirements
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jaosoriorjamielennox: thanks for checking out the patch. still around?06:52
jamielennoxjaosorior: yea, i'mhere06:52
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jaosoriorjamielennox: not sure if it's something valid to catch in tempest. or if there's ever a valid case where the hrefs returned by the discovery are expected to differ from the auth_url used.06:54
jaosoriorjamielennox: is you mentioned we should be using keystoneauth instead. Will discovery from keystoneclient be deprecated then?06:56
jamielennoxjaosorior: so i didn't spend a lot of time trying to understand the use case, but i don't understand why something would be valid pointing to a wrong url06:56
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jaosoriorjamielennox: ok, so the case is when keystone is behind a TLS proxy. It's a pretty common case that, since it's behind the proxy, one tries to access it via https, while discovery returns http06:58
jaosoriorso, more than the whole URL, it's an issue with the scheme or protocol06:58
jaosoriornow, while I agree this is an issue of the deployer. I wouldn't want to break users that have no control over how the openstack deployment is done.06:59
jaosoriorso, users that upgrade clients that use keystone discovery will be broken by this, and won't have much choice but to use older clients.07:00
jamielennoxjaosorior: whilst i agree i don't want to break users we've done a whole bunch of things to make this easy for deployers07:03
jamielennoxkeystoneauth will happily accept a relative url from discovery07:03
jamielennoxevery service now ships with proxy_to_wsgi by default07:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.policy master: Updated from global requirements
jaosoriorjamielennox: these deployers use icehouse and are in the process of migrating... but it'll be a while before they get to http_proxy_to_wsgi07:04
jamielennoxand we very recently had keystoneauth called out on the ML for doing too much to hide the problems of deployments, meaning that too much knowledge is wrapped up in python client code that a golang or other language will have to copy because there is reduced pressure on the deploy to fix it07:05
jamielennoxjaosorior: then i imagine a lot more stuff that TLS termination is broken07:06
jamielennoxalso, i'm probably wrong but it's just middleware why can't you use a newer version07:06
jamielennoxi guess the dependencies will conflict07:06
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jaosoriorit's not up to me dude07:06
jaosoriorI'm just trying to be nice and not break folks07:06
jamielennoxi mean the whole point of proxy_to_wsgi is so the service doesn't care07:07
jamielennoxcan you just backport that to the icehouse deploy and roll it?07:07
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jaosoriorjamielennox: I did mention it wasn't my deployment, right?07:08
jamielennoxjaosorior: ok, i just figured you were involved somehow to be pushing the idea07:09
jaosoriorjamielennox: it's not my deployment. I'm trying to move a project to use generic interfaces instead of v2 or v3 plugins specifically (to be able to use versionless endpoints) and this issue came up from a user that tried it in production.07:10
jamielennoxjaosorior: lol, wow07:10
jamielennoxdon't suppose you can lodge a ticket? their deployment is actually broken as it is now so it's a valid request to get them to change the config to use https:// endpoints07:10
jaosorioryeah, I tried to point the dude on how to fix it even for that version of keystone.07:11
jaosorioryet, I did see several tickets for older versions of keystone on our side, and since we also had to fix it for tripleo; to figure this was a fairly common problem07:11
jaosoriorso yeah, if I had seen this before for older versions, and he had an issue with his provider, then might as well try to fix it or work around it for folks07:12
jamielennoxjaosorior: so the idea here is that you should be loading this sort of information from configuration anyway right?07:12
jamielennoxso for a broken deployment instead of using auth_type=password use auth_type=v3password and point auth_url at the versioned url07:12
jamielennoxlike the projects should not be trying to figure out how a user wants to auth07:13
jaosoriorjamielennox: or use public_endpoint and add the https there07:13
jamielennoxit's back to the x509 and kerberos problems - a project can't know all this information and ksa specifically tries to abstract it from them07:14
jaosoriorI don't really think abstraction is a bad thing07:14
jamielennoxwhat's the project code that is causing this problem?07:15
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jamielennoxergh, swiftclient07:17
jamielennoxjaosorior: so swiftclient does this horribly and we've had various talks about how we could fix it07:18
jaosoriorjamielennox: and that one came up cause we're trynig to deploy tripleo using versionless endpoints only.07:18
jaosoriorjamielennox: I honestly just looked for the shortest path that would work. But I could rework that.07:19
jamielennoxjaosorior: so a little while ago i got a patch into swiftclient to accept a session07:19
jamielennoxjaosorior: it's certainly not pretty, but it should work that if you rewrite whatever is consuming swiftclient to pass a ksa session that already has auth you should be able to bypass all the swiftclient bullshit07:22
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jaosoriorjamielennox: I don't find that patch where you got to accept a session07:23
jamielennoxjaosorior: hmm, i can't remember if i got it done in my name07:24
jamielennoxit's super limited and they were desperate to avoid a hard dependency07:25
jamielennoxbut if you do Connection(session=session) you should get the auth you want07:25
jaosoriorjamielennox: interesting, let me try that out07:27
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jaosoriorjamielennox: checking out glance_store. It seems to me that with the usage of a session, pretty much this chunk is not needed is it?
jaosoriorjamielennox: if we pass a session to get_store_connection which is the one that creates the instance of swiftclient's Connection07:36
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jamielennoxjaosorior: yea, all that part is redundant07:56
jamielennoxkeystoneauth will handle the refresh07:56
jamielennoxjaosorior: i'll owe you many beers if you can fix glance_store -> swiftclient stuff, that's the current thing i couldn't get past with deprecating the old keytoneclient.Client() interface07:57
jamielennoxit's not that it's impossible but both glance and swiftclient has built up years of redundant bullshit there and there's just not an easy deprecation path07:58
jamielennoxalso because glance_store invented their own configuration file format, so we would need a new launcher type to load the auth from .ini files07:59
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jaosoriorjamielennox: updated the patch08:03
jamielennoxjaosorior: see my comments?08:04
jaosoriornow I got the email08:04
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jaosoriorfixing it08:06
jaosoriorjamielennox: ok, updated the commit, what do you think? I still gotta fix the unit tests though08:09
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jamielennoxjaosorior: why the self.client.authenticate()08:10
jamielennoxand self.client.session, where are you extracting the session from - that's a bad idea08:10
jaosoriorjamielennox: I removed that bit08:11
jaosoriorjamielennox: have you seen the latest commit?08:11
jamielennoxi think so08:11
jamielennoxyea, #3 connection_manager08:11
jaosoriorI removed that whole part..08:12
jaosoriorhadn't saved08:13
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jamielennoxjaosorior: so i've had attemptes at refactoring this part - there's no reason for glance_store to depend on ksc, it should only need ksa08:14
jamielennoxbut the key will be to make it configurable rather that relying on V3Password directly08:15
jamielennoxhave that whole thing loaded from config somehow08:15
jaosoriorjamielennox: by the way, doesn't V3Password force one to use a v3 versioned endpoint? wouldn't it be better to use the generic auth plugins?08:17
jamielennoxjaosorior: it does force you to use unversioned08:17
jamielennoxjaosorior: what we want is for that whole bit to be configurable08:17
jamielennoxload it the way auth_token and everything eles does08:18
jaosoriorjamielennox: also, it seems that they use the trusts API, so, wouldn't they need the client for tat?08:19
jamielennoxew, you'd have to ask glance why they use trusts there - they have a user/pass, why do they want a trust?08:20
jaosoriorno idea08:20
jamielennoxjaosorior: i've tried various refactors through here, i hope you have better luck08:20
jaosoriorjamielennox: well, what do you think of the latest patch set? I think it's a good first step. Then figure out why they need trusts; come up with an alternative, and iterate from there.08:23
jamielennoxjaosorior: seems like a good start, i dont know it well enough to say all the implications08:26
jamielennoxlike i'd like to avoid returning a client at all, but baby steps08:26
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jaosoriorjamielennox: and swiftclient should be able to use a session, and then it wouldn't try to create that keystoneclient instance, right?08:27
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jamielennoxbut at least in this case you're creating the session, passing it to ksc, then using the session again08:28
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jamielennoxthings get bad when you do Client(username=x, password=y, ...) then use the session it creates internally08:29
jaosoriorI see08:29
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mewaldWe have a cloud with separate networks für public API access and internal communication between services. The public one is a routed network, the internal is - well internal only. I need it to be possible to run e.g. "openstack project create" from the public network without SSHing or VPNing into the internal network. What is the best way to configure this?11:43
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bretonmewald: --interface option of `openstack` cli12:07
bretonoh, it's --os-interface12:09
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mewaldbreton: There is no network connectivity to the admin api endpoint12:31
mewaldI would need the API calls to be available on the public network12:32
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/keystone master: Updated from global requirements
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bretonmewald: i am not sure why you are talking about admin api endpoint12:52
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mewaldbreton: yeah me neither :D I thought that API calls like creating projects or domains etc can only be issued against the admin endpoint, is that not true?12:52
bretonmewald: projects are from API v3. There is no admin api endpoint in API v3. So, you can just pass --os-interface public to openstack cli12:52
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mewaldoh ok12:53
mewaldlet me try it then :D12:53
bretonmewald: yep, that's not true for v3.12:53
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mewaldbreton: Nice, it just works :D My lucky day!13:01
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jaosoriorrodrigods: Hey dude, can you check this out ?13:04
rodrigodsjaosorior, sure :)13:04
rodrigodswill take a look in a few13:05
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openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone master: Add reno conventions to developer documentation
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lbragstadreminder that we have the policy meeting starting in 5 minutes in #openstack-meeting-cp14:54
lbragstadcc antwash, raildo, ktychkova, dolphm, dstanek, rderose, htruta, atrmr, gagehugo, lamt, thinrichs, edmondsw, ruan, ayoung, ravelar, morgan, raj_singh, johnthetubaguy, knikolla ^14:55
johnthetubaguylbragstad: its that UTC timing correct?14:55
* lbragstad facepalm14:55
lbragstadcorrect - it should in an hour and 5 minutes ;)14:56
bretonoh, it's this time of year again14:57
johnthetubaguylbragstad: no worries, was just checking, I get a few weeks till I move15:02
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lbragstadpolicy meeting starting now in #openstack-meeting-cp16:01
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lbragstadnotmorgan want to do an oslo.policy review (it's very close to approval)
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lbragstadantwash one comment on the commit message here -
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antwashlbragstad: awe make sense -- I'll go ahead and remove it16:55
openstackgerritAnthony Washington proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: Add additional param to policy.RuleDefault
openstackgerritAnthony Washington proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: Add additional param to policy.RuleDefault
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lbragstadantwash ^ that's looking good17:05
antwashlbragstad : thanks lance, ready to get it merge17:05
lbragstadantwash you and me both17:06
lbragstadantwash i just reviewed the policy-in-code series, too17:06
lbragstadantwash had one minor comment on
antwashdevstack decided to stop working for me today smh, def need to create custom script with all my configs to rebuild a env17:06
lbragstadantwash and a naming suggestion on
antwashlbragstad: I'll fix them once my env rebuilds lol17:07
lbragstadantwash sweet17:07
openstackgerritRichard Avelar proposed openstack/keystone master: Policy in code (part 3)
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ravelarlbragstad antwash o/ got it. Had a few min to spare on vacation.17:13
* lbragstad holds door open for ravelar 17:14
lbragstadravelar go back to vacationing, sir17:14
antwash++ I need a vacation17:14
* ravelar thanks lbragstad and speeds off17:14
ravelarantwash just get up and leave ;)17:14
antwashi am a good employee sir17:15
ravelarwho has vacation days lol17:15
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antwashI need to use them for my next tattoo lol17:15
openstackgerritAnthony Washington proposed openstack/keystone master: Policy in code (part 4)
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openstackgerritAnthony Washington proposed openstack/keystone master: Policy in code (part 4)
openstackgerritAnthony Washington proposed openstack/keystone master: Policy in code (part 4)
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lbragstadantwash you and me both ;)17:35
antwashlbragstad : you getting a new tat?17:35
lbragstadantwash i have to finish mine lol17:35
antwashlbragstad : awe, I thought it was finished lol -- whole sleeve or half?17:36
lbragstadantwash right now its a half17:37
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antwashlbragstad: yeah I remember, when he/she be adding to make it a full or just finishing up half?17:42
lbragstadantwash well - i'd like to turn the half into a full - but the guy who did it is in Austin17:43
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antwashlbragstad : aweee now I see lol man that sucks -- I got my first one an I've been addicted every since
openstackgerritAnthony Washington proposed openstack/keystone master: Policy in code (part 4)
lbragstadantwash nice!17:56
lbragstadantwash `git review -d 435754; git review -x 435755; git review` should rebase part 4 on part 3 without pushing a new version of part 317:57
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antwashlbragstad : awe shoot lol wish I would've read it before pushing up haha #badtiming18:00
antwash^ in theory it should solve all the merge conflicts18:00
* antwash praises it does solve them18:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone master: Add reno conventions to developer documentation
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone master: Updated from global requirements
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notmorganlbragstad: reviewed the oslo.policy patch20:12
notmorgan+1, jonhthetubaguy had a concern, and if his -1 is answered, i'll +2.20:12
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lbragstadnotmorgan checking20:14
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EmilienMlbragstad: if we want to move forward with - should we propose a spec in Keystone instead?20:15
lbragstadjohnthetubaguy notmorgan the new class was added based on a comment edmondsw had20:16
EmilienMif we can 1. support key/value store backend for token storage and 2. perform rotations in a periodic task within Keystone, that's a problem solved for all deployments in OpenStack20:16
EmilienMI would be happy to abandon my spec in TripleO and help to solve it in Keystone20:16
notmorganit's specific to description to "desc" in the new class20:16
notmorgannothing else seems to be holding it up20:16
notmorganit was odd to rename "description" to "Desc"20:16
notmorganthen store it on the new class20:17
edmondswnotmorgan yeah, that was a bit odd, but since it's no longer a kwarg I didn't know that that would matter20:18
notmorgani would pass description through and make description an @property on the new class20:18
notmorganwould be caught in the superclass set in __init__20:18
notmorganbut thats just my $0.00220:18
notmorganit's not a deal breaker20:18
notmorganit's just a "hey i'd like a clear answer and i'll +2/+A"20:18
notmorgansince it was brought up as odd20:19
EmilienMcan someone from keystone core can re-explain why we abandon ?20:19
notmorganEmilienM: simply put 2 things, 1) the proposers were not continuing work on it/no one doing work for it20:22
EmilienMiiuc, nobody has time to do it20:22
EmilienMok it confirms what I read in the keystone meeting20:22
lbragstadnotmorgan i think the reason why it wasn't passed up was because we're being more strict with the validation20:22
EmilienMit's sad to see OSA, Kolla, Helm (and tripleo soon) doing their own things20:22
lbragstadif people use DocumentedRuleDefault, they must provide a description20:22
notmorganEmilienM: and 2) all uses of fernet needs to have the same pluggable system20:22
lbragstadif they are using RuleDefault, they don't20:22
EmilienMnotmorgan: we could make it optional20:23
EmilienMnotmorgan: provide a way to use File or a key/value store backend20:23
lbragstadso if we start requiring descriptions and roll a new version of oslo.policy, we might break people if they are using RuleDefault without providing descriptions20:23
notmorganlbragstad: right, so on the new class.. make it mandatory20:23
openstackgerritAnthony Washington proposed openstack/keystone master: Policy in code (part 3)
notmorgani just didn't see why we needed to make it a new name for the arg, not pass it through20:24
notmorganyou could make .description on the new class an @property that does what .desc does20:24
notmorganthis is all still stuff located in the new class :)20:24
notmorganthe new class is 100% the right direction20:24
lbragstadwell - it is mandatory20:24
notmorgandoesn't matter20:24
lbragstadthe new class does require it20:25
notmorgansooooo the question was...20:25
lbragstadlooks like antwash is also doing some additonal validation when setting it though20:25
lbragstadsee line 87320:25
notmorganwhy not still keep it "description" in __init__ and then do:20:25
notmorganit would work with the super() call and where super sets .description20:26
notmorgansince the @settr catches it20:26
notmorganis this all because we made it mandatory?20:26
notmorganthats was the whole reason for the changE?20:26
lbragstadnotmorgan so - that should catch it i DocumentedRuleDefault before calling setter of RuleDefault?20:26
notmorganRuleDefault doesn't have a settr on description20:27
notmorganit is just an instance attribute20:27
notmorgan@settr is handled at the class level (think metaclass things) and is part of the class definition20:28
notmorganit's not instance-specific20:28
notmorganexcept that it references self20:28
notmorgani don't care that much20:28
notmorgani just want to have a clear "why did we change it"20:28
notmorganto answer johnthetubaguy's comment20:29
notmorgan*or* we can change it like i described20:29
lbragstadnotmorgan that'd be the best solution20:29
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notmorganbut it's fine either way (not trying to bike shed and hold it up here)20:29
notmorganbut i want to make sure john's comment is responded to before we merge20:29
notmorganand if we want to fix it, slate a fix here or in a followup20:29
lbragstadnotmorgan right - that's fine, we have several things we need to do in oslo.policy before we can do a new release20:30
lbragstadbut as far as documenting the need for a new class, do you think the answer that I left is sufficient?20:30
notmorganlet me check20:30
notmorganlike i said, i think that doesn't answer john's comment20:31
notmorganhe's asking why it's not being passed to super()20:31
notmorganand why the arg was renamed to desc20:31
notmorgannot why a new class20:31
notmorgani think he gets the reason for the new class.20:31
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notmorganlbragstad: so.. let me respond to your comment.20:32
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lbragstadnotmorgan just republished some comments20:33
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notmorgani responded to your question20:34
notmorganas well20:34
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notmorgani wouldn't hold this up over that change (desc->description), just as long as it was clear why it was renamed as a response to john i'd +2/+A it, we can cleanup make it "description" again in a rollowup before release if that is the direction we go20:35
openstackgerritAnthony Washington proposed openstack/keystone master: Policy in code (part 4)
openstackgerritAnthony Washington proposed openstack/keystone master: Policy in code (part 5)
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lbragstadnotmorgan ok - should fix it20:45
notmorganlooks right to me20:46
notmorganobv. need to test it.20:46
lbragstadtests pass for me locally20:47
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openstackgerritAnthony Washington proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: Add additional param to policy.RuleDefault
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