Thursday, 2016-09-01

rderosedstanek: saw your comment regarding 362501; there is a follow up patch just in case someone has already migrated 105.00:07
rderosedstanek: here is the follow up patch:
rderosedstanek: I'd also add that we've fixed migrations in the past00:08
dstanekrderose: yeah, i saw that. didn't get around to testing the behavior yet00:10
rderosedstanek: and I'm trying to think of the risks for operators, I think it would be fine00:11
openstackgerritAdrian Turjak proposed openstack/keystone-specs: Optional MFA via password + TOTP auth plugin
dstanekwhy would you need two commits for this?00:11
rderosedstanek: in case someone has migrated to 105 and then upgrades again00:11
rderoseupgrades from that point00:11
dstaneki mean what's the point of the first review? if they don't have it applied then both get applied at the same time. if the have 105 then they just get the second00:12
rderosedstanek: yeah, the first patch they get it applied and if applied, the second migration is ignored.00:13
rderoseAnd right, if they have 105, the second patch would fix that column00:13
rderosedstanek: I recognize this is not ideal, but we need to be able to make adjustments like this in the middle of a release.00:14
rderosedstanek: at least that's my opinion :)00:14
dstanekrderose: you did in a follow up00:15
dstaneki don't get why you need to change the original if you have a followup migration00:15
rderosebut thought I would fix the 105 migration00:15
dstanekthen you have two paths that a user could have use to migrate. makes debugging later harder00:16
rderosedstanek: good point, but the fix to the original patch is cleaner and less code00:16
rderosedstanek: and like I said, we've fixed migrations in the past00:16
dstaneki don't think we can if we want the ability to release close to master00:17
dstanekit's a side effect that we'll have to deal with00:17
rderosedstanek: yeah00:17
dstanekit's only less code if you didn't have to do the followup. since you do it's just more code00:17
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dstanekto me this is like fixing a commit in merged so now there is no fixing00:19
dstanekonly with a new commit00:19
rderosedstanek: so no need for the second patch?  is that your point00:20
rderosedstanek: okay, I see your point.  you saying there is no fixing the original migration00:21
dstaneki don't see the point00:23
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dstanekrderose: i'm interested to see other weigh in on that patch00:24
rderosedstanek: sounds good00:25
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stevemarrderose: dstanek wheres that patch at now? i still think there should just be one migration to solve it :\03:14
stevemarlbragstad: o/03:14
rderosestevemar: fix the original patch?  Or, just have the follow up patch?03:15
stevemarrderose: have a migration 002 that fixes it, should never alter original migrations03:15
rderosestevemar: we've fixed migrations in the past, so that is what I was thinking03:15
rderosestevemar: okay, makes sense03:15
rderosestevemar: have the solution now, so it will be a piece of cake03:16
rderosestevemar: will take care of in the morning03:16
stevemarrderose: coolio03:16
stevemarrderose: that can also go into rc-1, so no worries03:17
rderoseokay, cool03:17
rderoseI may way until early next week then (maybe)03:18
rderosestevemar: driving back home to phoenix tomorrow afternoon03:18
rderoserelocating home :)03:18
stevemarrderose: oooohhh that's goodness03:18
rderosestevemar: yeah, totally excited03:19
stevemarrderose: try to post whatever you have, someone else can take over if necessary03:19
stevemarwe're a team <303:19
rderosecool, will do03:19
stevemarwhoever decided to spell feenicks as phoenix is just cruel03:19
stevemarprobably the same person who decided to spell it quinoa03:19
stevemarkeynua, obviously03:20
rderosefeenicks ;) not my original home, but my home for the past 8 years03:20
stevemarrderose: so next midcycle there right?03:20
stevemarso i can escape the cold03:20
rderoseyeah, already have approval03:20
rderosetotally, it will be perfect03:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: Add documentation on how to set a user's tenant.
rderosebig campus in AZ, so there will be plenty of room03:21
stevemarsee what all the hoopla is about at intel03:21
rderosehey and we've got hoops there03:21
rderosehave to get you on court03:21
rderosebig man03:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: Update sample uwsgi config for lazy-apps
stevemarrderose: i'm great as long as no one else taller than me is playing03:22
rderoseyou Canadian guys do play ball don't you?03:22
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/keystone: Relax the requirement for mappings to result in group memberships
stevemarrderose: not well :P03:31
rderose:) it's all good03:32
rderosewe have volley ball courts as well, ping pong...03:32
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stevemarrderose: you all booked for barcelona?03:39
rderosestevemar: just got approval yesterday03:40
stevemarrderose: nice03:40
rderosestevemar: i'll be there03:40
rderoseyeah :)03:40
stevemarnow to submit expense reports :\03:42
rderosefun :)03:43
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openstackgerritRon De Rose proposed openstack/keystone: Fixes migration where password created_at is nullable
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openstackgerritRon De Rose proposed openstack/keystone: Fixes migration where password created_at is nullable
rderosestevemar: ^ this should be ready04:00
stevemarrderose: nice04:02
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openstackgerritRon De Rose proposed openstack/keystone: Fixes migration where password created_at is nullable
openstackgerritRon De Rose proposed openstack/keystone: Fixes migration where password created_at is nullable
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: Pre-cache new tokens
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openstackgerritEric Brown proposed openstack/keystone: Correct typo in mapping_populate command's help
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: Relax the requirement for mappings to result in group memberships
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joerchHey guys, quick question: I tried to use auth type v3unscopedsaml with Keystone as IdP (=Keystone2Keystone-federation), but it does not accept the SP's SAML request @ v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/saml2/ecp. Is that expected behavior? Is there another way (plugin?) to use K2K-Authentication with the openstack cli client? Thanks in advance!09:40
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/keystone: [WIP] Testing latest u-c
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/keystone: [WIP] Testing latest u-c
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openstackgerritMikhail Nikolaenko proposed openstack/keystone: Block global roles implying domain specific roles
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bretonwhy don't we emit notifications on login failure/success?10:35
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openstackgerritMikhail Nikolaenko proposed openstack/keystone: Add domain check in domain-specific role implication
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samueldmqmorning keystone11:42
openstackgerritUkesh Kumar proposed openstack/keystone: check for user existence, for role add to user
marekdsamueldmq: morning.11:47
marekdsamueldmq: Identity API v2.0 is going to be removed in O or Q release?11:48
marekdcause release notes for mitaka claim it will be Q, not sure if typo or not.11:48
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dstanekgood morning all12:02
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marekddstanek: hey!12:08
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openstackgerritMikhail Nikolaenko proposed openstack/keystone: Block global roles implying domain specific roles
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* NishaYadav waves hello \o12:24
samueldmqmarekd: I am not aware of removing v2.0 API in O or Q12:29
samueldmqmarekd: dstanek morning12:29
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odyssey4medolphm dstanek lbragstad FYI os_keystone now has nginx/uwsgi configuration options - and they're tested and voting for the role :)12:32
samueldmqmarekd: looks like some v2.0 APIs will be removed in Q, except for auth and ec212:42
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openstackgerritAlexander Makarov proposed openstack/keystone: Unified delegation trust driver
NishaYadavI am really grateful to everyone for helping me complete Outreachy internship. Glad to inform that I got accepted for the Travel Support Program. Also, a pesentation submitted by samueldmq, vkmc and me - "A dice with several faces: Coordinators, mentors and interns on OpenStack Outreachy internships" got accepted for inclusion.12:46
NishaYadavA big thanks to samueldmq, vkmc, rodrigods, stevemar, dolphm, henrynash and all other contributors.12:46
NishaYadavTo share my journey and express gratitude, I recently wrote an article,
samueldmqNishaYadav: nice, congratulations :-)12:48
dstanekodyssey4me: nice12:49
NishaYadavsamueldmq, :D12:49
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NishaYadavdstanek, thanks to you too ^^, sorry looked for your IRC nick using david :/12:50
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dstanekNishaYadav: your welcome and congrats12:52
dstanekthat's exciting12:52
NishaYadavdstanek, thank you :D12:52
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raildocongrats NishaYadav!13:18
NishaYadavthanks raildo for help :D13:20
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raildoNishaYadav, np, you're doing an amazing work here, don't go away after your internship :)13:22
NishaYadavraildo, sure I want to keep contributing13:22
raildoNishaYadav, awesome13:22
NishaYadavraildo, thanks :D13:23
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marekdsamueldmq: exactly - i saw the same thing, was just wodering if this is really Q or just a typo and O should be there.13:37
marekddstanek: have knowledge on that? ^^13:37
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marekddstanek: i was asking samueldmq whether V2 API are going to be removed in O or Q release.13:38
samueldmqmarekd: I think that's correct, we are giving a 4-release deprecation13:38
marekdsamueldmq: usually it was only 2 releases, but that's fine.13:39
samueldmqwe decided that 2 releases was too short for removing a set of APIs13:39
raildomarek, samueldmq actually I hope to make the v3-only jobs voting by Otaca13:41
raildoat least we can avoid to have new issues related to the v213:42
samueldmqraildo: yeah, but other services use auth13:42
raildoso, as we said in the v2-deprecation patch, we will remove on O or Q release13:42
samueldmqand we're not removing v2.0 auth and ec2 in Q13:42
raildosamueldmq, now on newton, we fixed a lot of issues to make this services use keystoneauth session13:43
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samueldmqraildo: nice, that's a great step13:43
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raildoso, the core services doesn't have issues on this direction13:44
samueldmqraildo: I am just saying services using v3.0 or v2.0 auth is orthogonal to remove v2.0 deprecated APIs (not auth)13:44
raildoand we have this v3-only jobs, to find any problem related to it13:44
raildosamueldmq, ++13:44
marekdraildo: cool!13:44
samueldmqstevemar: morning13:44
stevemarNishaYadav: glad to hear you got travel support :)13:45
raildostevemar, do you believe we can make this v3-only jobs voting on Otaca?13:45
raildoI think it would be better talk to TC about this, and have an agreement in barcelona13:45
stevemarraildo: sure, why not, sounds like a reasonable expectation13:46
stevemarraildo: are the v3 only jobs passing or failing today?13:46
raildostevemar, they are passing, I'll generate some graphics with this jobs behavior13:46
stevemarraildo: coolio13:46
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raildoin the last 2-3 months13:46
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lbragstaddstanek for key_hash - if we make it non-nullable13:48
lbragstadwhat would we want it to have for a default value?13:48
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samueldmqstevemar: raildo: so I think ppl want data to show the v3 jobs are stable13:50
samueldmqand will not increase the fail rate of their set of jobs13:50
stevemarsamueldmq: i would want that :)13:50
raildosamueldmq, exactly :)13:51
samueldmqraildo: so it might be intersting to watch the fail rate very close13:51
samueldmqand try to mitigate any issue13:51
raildostevemar, samueldmq I'll get this information and come back to talk about it, asap13:51
samueldmqthe fail rate of the job must be almost equal to 013:51
samueldmqraildo: nice13:52
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samueldmqstevemar: is there anything that needs immediate attention today/tomorrow?13:53
stevemarsamueldmq: and
raildosamueldmq, stevemar for example this job on ceilometer
raildothe failure rate is close to 013:54
samueldmqstevemar: okay, so we're holding release on those ?13:54
stevemarsamueldmq: yes13:54
samueldmqstevemar: we go for triggers then?13:54
stevemarsamueldmq: well thats the choice :)13:54
samueldmqstevemar: ok, so we have until tomorrow?13:54
stevemari think i may propose to cut today, was waiting for lbragstad and dolphm to come online13:54
lbragstadstevemar i'13:54
lbragstadi'm here13:54
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stevemarsamueldmq: i think it's better to do something about it today...13:55
stevemarlbragstad: yo13:55
samueldmqstevemar: okay, I am on it now13:55
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lbragstaddolphm are you around?13:55
stevemarlbragstad: so i'm thinking about proposing the milestone3 driver based on current master13:55
samueldmqstevemar: lbragstad: is there a high risk of merging that in last minute and break things ?13:55
lbragstadsamueldmq I personally don't think so - but others might feel differently13:56
samueldmqlbragstad: do we have tests to make sure the rolling upgrade actually works ?13:56
samueldmqmaking requests during the upgrade process13:57
lbragstadsamueldmq rolling upgrades or credential encryption?13:57
lbragstador both?13:57
samueldmqlbragstad: both13:57
lbragstadwe don't have a rolling upgrade test framework yet13:57
lbragstadi did it manually13:58
lbragstadand documented it13:58
* lbragstad
samueldmqlbragstad: cool13:58
samueldmqlbragstad: is it too bad if we don't get that in this release?13:59
dstaneklbragstad: why do you need a default? after the contract runs everything will be encrypted right?13:59
lbragstaddstanek a bunch of tests fail if you set nullable=False for key_hash13:59
dstaneklbragstad: are they valid tests?14:00
samueldmqmaybe we gotta figure out the cause of the failures14:00
lbragstadand a bunch in test_backend_sql14:00
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lbragstadits probably because we are inserting things without key_hash set in the reference and the backend doesn't allow it to be null14:01
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dstanekok, let me take a deeper look. post migration though there should be no way to get a null in there so those tests bad be broken14:01
dstaneki can see why the migration would fail though14:02
lbragstaddstanek correct - it should be nullable=False because Newton code would always pass in a key_hash14:02
lbragstaddstanek can we do alter tables in contract?14:02
lbragstadand switch it to null when we clean up the old rows?14:03
lbragstader - old columns?14:03
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samueldmqlbragstad: I think that's reasonable, as it won't break any node14:04
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openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone: Implement encryption of credentials at rest
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lbragstaddstanek addressed all your other comments ^14:06
openstackgerritRon De Rose proposed openstack/keystone: Fixes migration where password created_at is nullable
lbragstadstevemar what is your thought on the trigger stuff?14:08
stevemarlbragstad: its a lose-lose for me :)14:12
stevemarlbragstad: i either piss the keystone team off, or the rest of openstack :)14:12
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stevemarlbragstad: even with the code to make it optional that dolphm proposed, the bp is still not yet complete, the grenade and devstack work are not merged14:13
stevemarand i need to give the release team a hash today14:13
stevemarif i cut out the credential encryption work, i push the decision about triggers to whichever poor soul is the ptl after me14:14
stevemarlbragstad: and that is my summary about the situation14:15
lbragstadok - what about the technical details - how do you feel about it?14:15
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samueldmqI'd tend to be conservative on merging things in the last minute14:16
samueldmqbut perhaps fixes could be backported if needed ?14:16
lbragstadit's a feature14:16
lbragstadit can't be backported14:16
samueldmqyes, I mean, if we merge it and we discover bugs14:16
samueldmqfixes could be backported14:17
lbragstadoh - right14:17
lbragstadstevemar the code left to propose to keystone is two change (docs and the implementation), the grenade change isn't going to merge until we merge the docs,14:20
stevemarlbragstad: in terms of the technical details, i think for the specific case we're looking at, triggers is fine.14:21
stevemarlbragstad: the credentials backend is barely used14:21
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openstackgerritRon De Rose proposed openstack/keystone: Fixes migration where password created_at is nullable
dstanekstevemar: we're tying to make it more useful!14:25
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stevemardstanek: i know :)14:26
odyssey4melbragstad sooo... is the online keystone upgrade thing a go, or is the idea dying in a fire? has code for it actually been implemented yet, and is it ready to build out something to test it out in OSA?14:28
odyssey4meI see that the use of triggers is causing quite a conversation on the ML.14:28
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lbragstadodyssey4me we have an implementation that is based on the triggers approach up for review14:28
lbragstadodyssey4me the encryption of credentials at rest in keystone was a thing we wanted to land this cycle and i ended up picking up with work after we made the tentative decision to go with triggers14:29
lbragstadodyssey4me you can find the implementation here -
lbragstadodyssey4me the documentation is here -
lbragstadodyssey4me and my informal walk-through of a rolling upgrade is here -
odyssey4melbragstad thanks, I'll be keeping an eye on those14:31
lbragstadodyssey4me np14:31
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openstackgerritRichard Avelar proposed openstack/keystone: POC sql query revoked tokens
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lbragstadrderose congrats!!14:49
raildocongrats rderose!14:50
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lbragstadrderose checkout the mailing list ;)14:53
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dstanekrderose: !14:57
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marekdstevemar:  got a question for ya. So, if nova,cinder, etc talks to keystone over identity api v2.0 and I as a user use v3, is it all going to work correctly?14:59
dstanekmarekd: yes believe it will be fine. the only thing i remember as being a problem is catalog things created with one version don't show up in the other, but i don't remember specifics there15:01
bknudsonwhy are nova, cinder, etc., talking to keystone?15:01
bknudsonif the auth token middleware is talking v2 then users that aren't in the default domain are going to fail15:01
marekdbknudson: say, uuid tokens and auth.15:01
marekdbknudson: ok, makes sense.15:02
marekdbknudson: thanks15:02
marekddstanek: ty15:03
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stevemarmarekd: what bknudson and dstanek said15:03
marekdstevemar: sure15:03
stevemarmarekd: when setting up auth token middleware, make sure you set it up to use v315:03
stevemarjust specify the default domain for service acounts15:04
dstanekmarekd: can you just turn v2 off? :-D15:04
samueldmqrderose: congrats! :)15:04
bknudsonthe version is optional for auth token. it'll do version discovery if you don't set it.15:04
stevemardstanek: "Contrats"15:05
dstanekstevemar: did i make a boo boo?15:06
stevemardstanek: a tiny one15:06
dstanekstevemar: i've had enough success for the week and i'm ok with that15:06
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stevemardstanek: :)15:11
stevemardstanek: you can retire now that you've fixed the cache15:11
dstanekstevemar: i can't15:12
stevemardstanek: few more years15:13
dstanekdidn't get a golden parachute15:13
openstackgerritRichard Avelar proposed openstack/keystone: POC sql query revoked tokens
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ayoungdoes keystone-manage fernet_rotate not accept an external key?  How are Key synchronizations supposed to be done across multiple keystone servers?15:17
openstackgerritRichard Avelar proposed openstack/keystone: POC sql query revoked tokens
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bknudsongolden parachute means you get paid when you're fired15:19
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lbragstadayoung key sync is current done by an external process15:21
lbragstadusually using configuration management15:21
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ayounglbragstad, yeah, but we should have a tool it calls to import/export keys15:23
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ayounglbragstad, thinking along these lines
dstanekayoung: the expectation is that your existing configuration management tools would push out the key15:26
dstanekayoung: i think you can generate your own key, assuming it's valid15:26
dstanekpush that out and run the migration step....but lbragstad would have to confirm15:26
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ayoungdstanek, we provide the init and the rotate functions, but they assume the keys never leave the container.  If their is a CMS component, either the CMS generates the keys and distributes, or we rotate on one server and sync.  Either way, we should provide a contract for the CMS15:27
lbragstadyeah - rotation can be approached a number of ways15:28
ayounglbragstad, I15:28
lbragstadrotation on a single node and syncing from that node is how osa approached the problem15:28
ayounglbragstad, I'd like to see it like this:15:28
ayoungcms gets a new key to the server and puts it in a staging location, ideally, still encrypted.  then meystone-manage fernet-rotate-external  reads that file, decrypts it, and puts it into rotation15:29
dstanekayoung: so encrypt the encryption key?15:30
ayoungmaybe keystone-manage fernet-import and keystone-manage fernet-export15:30
ayoungdstanek, for transport?  Absoluetely15:30
dstanekayoung: you can already make your CMS create and distribute a key if you want15:30
ayoungusing asymmetric crypto.15:30
lbragstadayoung your key repository could be encrypted source control15:30
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lbragstador even ansible-vault15:31
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odyssey4meoh by the way, could barbican be used for fernet key distribution/storage?15:36
* redrobot pokes head in at the mention of barbican15:37
stevemarodyssey4me: i think someone had a topic about that for the summit15:37
bknudsonredrobot: keystone has all sorts of keys, for tokens and for credentials15:40
bknudsonayoung: the fernet keys are stored in a certain directory on disk. Users just get them from there and put them there.15:41
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lbragstadodyssey4me we have a spec proposed to keystone's backlog to make the fernet backend pluggable15:44
lbragstadodyssey4me one option once that is implemented is to introduce a driver for barbican15:45
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dstaneklbragstad: odyssey4me: and someone has already posted an implementation
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odyssey4meoh neat!16:01
* odyssey4me adds this to his watch list16:01
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stevemarlbragstad: can you bring in dolphm's changes into your encryption patch?16:33
stevemarlbragstad: i'd rather have it as one thing16:33
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openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed openstack/keystone: Only create triggers during a rolling upgrade
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openstackgerritRon De Rose proposed openstack/keystone: Fixes migration where password created_at is nullable
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openstackgerritDavid Stanek proposed openstack/keystone: Fixes migration where password created_at is nullable
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stevemardtroyer: any chance you can take another look at
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dtroyerstevemar: sure...17:28
snecklifterayoung: hello, can I ask you about fermet tokens on tripleo HA?17:29
snecklifterstore keys on shared storage and run keystone-manage fermet_setup on one controller?17:30
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sneckliftergood way forward or there be dragons? :)17:30
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stevemarthanks dtroyer17:32
stevemarheading out for 2 hours, dolphm don't let the house burn down17:32
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ayoungsnecklifter|brb, was just having that conversation17:40
ayoungI think the general approach is to do that, but on the undercloud, and then publish the keystone-fernet-keys from undercloud to overcloud17:40
lbragstadstevemar yeah - i can do that working on addressing a couple final comments and I'll push a new revision17:41
openstackgerritMikhail Nikolaenko proposed openstack/keystone: [WIP] Move fernet utils to backend
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: Correct typo in mapping_populate command's help
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: Document credential encryption
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openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone: Implement encryption of credentials at rest
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lbragstadI'll rebase ^ once the other migration merges18:07
lbragstadcc dstanek dolphm stevemar18:07
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dolphmlbragstad: is henry's gating?18:09
dolphmlbragstad: what other migration?18:09
dolphmlbragstad: ah, so we need to abandon henry's then18:10
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openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone: Implement encryption of credentials at rest
lbragstaddolphm modified the primary_key_hash() method ^ too18:10
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dolphmlbragstad: gotcha18:11
dolphmlbragstad: L742? self.18:12
dolphmlbragstad: err
lbragstaddolphm line 49 - 50 here -
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henrynashdolpm: yes, we don't need mine, i"ll kill iy18:13
dolphmhenrynash: d18:13
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dolphmhenrynash: i thought you'd be gone by now :)18:14
henrynashrderose: hey, one question on the infamous 105 re-make, this means that sqlite DBs are left with the created_at column nullable, yes?18:15
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dolphmhenrynash: i believe he's gone for the weekend18:17
henrynashrderose: I am not at all worried that we don't support rolling updated with sqlite, but a but worried that even if you do a standard new install with sqlite, the column is still nullable..whereas the otehr DBS would have it non-nullable..18:17
henrynashdolphm: ah18:18
dolphmhenrynash: that sounds like something we should fix though... dstanek ^18:18
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lbragstaddolphm i'm just going to rebase on rderose's commit so that I can do the rename now18:19
lbragstadfrom 002 to 00318:19
dolphmlbragstad: ++18:19
lbragstadrunning tests now18:19
dolphmlbragstad: i meant to say - go ahead and do it now18:19
lbragstadshould have a new patch up shortly18:20
henrynashdolphm: I'm not sure why in we set the column nullable for sqlite...since we know there only new code running in the contract phase18:20
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dolphmhenrynash: rderose: dstanek: that had to be a mistake, right?18:22
dstanekdolphm: henrynash: no, it's because the default doesn't work there and since we have code that depends on the default being automatic he left it nullable18:24
dolphmdstanek: isn't the only code that depends on it being automatic in the data migration?18:24
dstanekwe talked about this before, but I don't remember the deets18:24
henrynashdstanek: ah, but now...the new code does not rely on the always puts a value in there, the need for the default was becasue while there is old code running it doesn't know to put in a value for this column18:25
dstaneki'd have to look, but i thought no. otherwise we wouldn't need a default18:25
dolphmhenrynash: dstanek: i proposed a change to switch it to non-nullable, but only running tests now
henrynashdstanek: actually, I think the sql model in code has the default in there....but I was pretty sure the code always set the value...18:27
dstanekthe tests fails18:28
dstanekthis is a case where sqlite sucks18:28
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone: Implement encryption of credentials at rest
henrynashdstanek: damn!18:29
dstanekhenrynash: ?18:29
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dolphmdstanek: sqlite.18:32
dstanekfailed us again18:33
samueldmqlbragstad: does 355618 now have the changes from 360723 added to it ?18:33
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dolphmdstanek: actually, the sqlite error makes sense to me... but mysql and postgres would allow this schema and reject non-compliant inserts?18:36
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henrynashdstanek: which test failed...sql_upgrade?...since our actual driver code always puts a value in there....18:37
dolphmlbragstad: woo, dtroyer +2/+A'd the grenade patch (thanks!)18:38
dstanekkeystone.tests.unit.test_sql_upgrade.SqlContractSchemaUpgradeTests.test_start_version_db_init_version for sure and i think there was one more18:38
dstanekhenrynash: actually 5 tests failed18:39
lbragstadsamueldmq yep18:39
dolphmdstanek: i had 4 tests fail18:39
dstaneklots of keystone.tests.unit.test_sql_upgrade stuff18:39
samueldmqlbragstad: are all the existing credentials migrated upon migration ?18:39
samueldmqlbragstad: or are they migrated on-demand?18:39
dolphmdstanek: do you have a transient? ^18:40
dstanekdolphm: oh, it looks like i also failes because of a version conflict with oslo.context18:40
dolphmdstanek: sounds like a personal problem18:40
dstanekmaybe they released today? wasn't seeing this earlier today18:40
lbragstadsamueldmq they are migrated during the data migration18:40
lbragstadthen they are migrated at will by the operator18:41
henrynashdolphm: 002 contract failure is expected since that explicit tests to see if we set the column nullable not18:41
dolphmdstanek: nope18:41
samueldmqlbragstad: but after running 003 all credentials will be encrypted18:41
henrynashdolphm: ah, sorry, ignore that comment !18:41
samueldmqlbragstad: is that right?18:41
lbragstadsamueldmq yes18:41
henrynashdolphm: I'll see if I can play with that later18:41
dstanekgot one of these:     pkg_resources.ContextualVersionConflict: (oslo.context 2.8.0 (/opt/stack/keystone/.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages), Requirement.parse('oslo.context>=2.9.0'), set(['keystone']))18:41
lbragstadif this goes into Newton - you have to encrypt credentials if you're going to put them in keystone18:42
samueldmqlbragstad: operator run expand and can stay how long they want there18:42
dolphmdstanek: oh, maybe something else suddenly required >=2.918:42
samueldmqlbragstad: but once migrate is run, everything will be encrypted18:42
dstaneki'll have to -r my next test run18:42
dolphmsamueldmq: after the --migrate, you can still run both the previous and the next release18:43
dstaneksamueldmq: that's a good thing18:43
dolphmsamueldmq: after --migrate, the data exists in the database as both plaintext and ciphertext18:43
dolphm--contract drops the plaintext, so it's *only* encrypted18:43
dstanekdolphm: i thought we were just not allowing writes18:43
dolphmdstanek: from the app18:44
lbragstadsamueldmq after you run expand you won't be able to create any more credentials18:44
lbragstaduntil you run the contract18:44
samueldmqwhat happens if the operator run `keystone-manage credential_migrate` when there is a mix of encrypted and plain text credentials in the database?18:44
lbragstadsamueldmq that won't work18:45
lbragstadbecause credential_migrate is designed to re-encrypt credentials, not migrate plaintext ones18:45
lbragstadthat what the data_migration piece of the migration does18:45
samueldmqlbragstad: ok, I am reading
lbragstadsamueldmq the gist i have walks through everything step by step18:46
lbragstaddoing a rolling upgrade while encrypting credentials18:46
samueldmqlbragstad: and L677-679 the operator is advised to run credential_migrate there, as credential_rotate just failed18:47
dolphmlbragstad: it'll work - because there can't be a mix :)18:47
dolphmit was a trick question :P18:47
lbragstadsamueldmq yes - we have to keep rotation and migration lock step in order to protect against over-rotation18:47
dolphmsamueldmq: the triggers reject writes to the new column, so you won't go into the migration with anything but plaintext18:47
lbragstadthe way we do that is by checking the key_hash attribute of each credential18:47
lbragstadagainst the key_hash of the current primary key18:48
samueldmqah okay, so there is no way to have a mix of them (plaintext and encrypted)18:48
lbragstadif any of them don't match - we know that there are credentials that need to be re-encrypted18:48
lbragstadso we should abort the rotation until we can be 100% sure we're not going to over-rotate18:48
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samueldmqlbragstad: yes, I was asking that because if we allowed it when there is a mix of plaintext and encrypted18:50
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samueldmqthe encrypted ones would be re-encrypted18:50
lbragstadyeah - credential_migrate will only re-encrypt existing credentials18:50
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dstanekto that end. it is possible that the migration fails and gets restarted and thing are encrypted twice?18:51
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone: Implement encryption of credentials at rest
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dolphmdstanek: yeah, that's possible with the current implementation, because it's a blind select18:58
dolphmdstanek: ideally, it'd be like select .. where not_encrypted limit 10; or whatever18:59
samueldmqlbragstad: dolphm : if during the migration the credential API will be read-only, why do we need triggers copying the data back and forth ?18:59
dolphmsamueldmq: the triggers are not copying data18:59
dolphmsamueldmq: read the triggers :)18:59
samueldmqdolphm: will do, I am starting with lbragstad's gist :-)19:00
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samueldmqlbragstad: dolphm: if newton code verified that if can create credentials only when the 'blob' column does not exist19:06
samueldmqwe wouldn't need triggers19:06
samueldmqand the mitaka node could keep adding credentials through the proccess19:06
samueldmqI don't really see the value of triggers in this case if we are only using them to block writes19:10
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samueldmqmaybe I am missing something19:10
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dstanekdolphm: ++19:13
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dolphmsamueldmq: then the application would - forever - have to inspect the state of the schema before operating on it19:18
dolphmsamueldmq: in this case, i think that'd be safe, but that can also lead to race conditions during a rolling upgrade19:19
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samueldmqdolphm: well, not forever, but until next release when we remove the check19:20
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dolphmsamueldmq: unless your schema checking statements are in a transaction with your inserts, for example19:20
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samueldmqdolphm: ++19:21
dolphmsamueldmq: right - that's a lot of time to be constantly querying the schema though :)19:21
dolphmsamueldmq: this is certainly not the best example of using triggers during a rolling upgrade19:21
samueldmqdolphm: yeah, if that could be done within the insert query it'd be ideal19:21
samueldmqdolphm: maybe, but if we didn't use it we would postpone our decision on triggers to the summit19:22
samueldmqat the same time we get this feature in19:22
samueldmqif that makes sense..19:22
dolphmsamueldmq: if we land this now, we'll have some feedback to discuss at the summit19:22
dolphmsamueldmq: if we don't ship triggers, we won't learn anything new between now and the summit19:22
dolphmsamueldmq: we'll just have the same "omg triggers" feedback that we've already heard19:23
samueldmqdolphm: and if we decide to not go with triggers anymore19:23
samueldmqdolphm: we just adapt those migration scripts ?19:24
dolphmby shipping them in newton as part of rolling upgrades, the operators that are super interested in rolling upgrades will be able to evaluate them as part of a real release, and we'll get real feedback. if they don't work for some deployers for some reason, we'll learn why and evolve from there19:24
dolphmand for those deployers where triggers are either objectionable or actually don't work for some reason (db2!), offline upgrades with db_sync is still an option that doesn't involve any triggers19:25
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dolphmif we decide not to go with triggers, we'll just stop adding new ones. i wouldn't want to go back and drop code like that or anything19:25
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dolphmsamueldmq: so, if you consider rolling upgrades to be an experimental feature, then you're also opting into our experimental trigger-based approach. if you don't want to go the experimental route, db_sync still behaves the same old way19:27
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone: Implement encryption of credentials at rest
lbragstaddstanek fixed the key_hash nullable problem ^19:27
samueldmqdolphm: ah okay, so rolling upgrade is experimental19:27
dolphmfundamentally, we'll need the --expand, --migrate, --contract options of db_sync no matter our rolling upgrade implementation, it's just that the order of operations around those commands will be different (i.e. when you can bring the next release online, how long things take, etc)19:28
samueldmqdolphm: I agree with you with trying and see what operators think about it19:28
samueldmqdolphm: ++19:28
dolphmsamueldmq: i'm happy to call it experimental myself. more importantly, i don't want to break deployers that want to continue with upgrading with downtime and vanilla db_sync19:28
samueldmqdolphm: ++19:28
samueldmqdolphm: adding it and gathering feedback is a good idea19:29
samueldmqtahnks for clarifying on the plans19:29
dolphmsamueldmq: happily19:29
dstaneklbragstad: in case i haven't said it rock!19:33
* lbragstad blushes19:34
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openstackgerritDavid Stanek proposed openstack/keystone: Fixes spelling mistakes
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snecklifterayoung: ok, thanks, that makes more sense19:44
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ayoungsnecklifter, I wrote this:19:56
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snecklifterayoung: sure, i see where you're going with that20:00
ayoungsnecklifter, so, assuming Tripleo is using swift artifacts to do the deployment, we would need to have the secrest encruypted in the tarball copied over to the controller nodes...otherwise, they are posted for all the world to see20:01
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone: Implement encryption of credentials at rest
snecklifterayoung: yes exactly20:01
ayoungalternatively, with OSP10 and later, we have mistral, so we could do something where we do a direct communication with the node to push any new keys down20:01
snecklifterthis is testing with OSP920:02
ayoungsnecklifter, so no Mistral?20:02
snecklifterayoung: correct20:03
ayoungsnecklifter, is Ansible an option?20:04
snecklifterit is20:04
snecklifterin fact we're doing a lot of post install customization with it like ELK20:04
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snecklifterso if the keys are being copied over ssh then no problem?20:05
ayoungsnecklifter, I had something that would generate an ansible inventory from the undercloud openstack server list20:07
ayounglet me see...20:07
snecklifteroh thats not too much of a problem, we are using custom hostnames20:08
snecklifterand predictable IPs20:08
snecklifterayoung: actually ignore that, i see what you mean i think20:09
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snecklifterayoung: cool, thanks, i'm stuck in the bash scripting era20:15
ayoungsnecklifter, Python is the new bash20:15
snecklifterayoung: so i'm told... <sigh>20:15
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ayoungsnecklifter, I just like using the python-keystone API and python-nova APIs from time to time to make sure I can remember how20:16
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snecklifterayoung: ok, thanks for help, so all three controllers reading same fernet keys from shared storage seems sane to you?20:18
ayoungsnecklifter, yeah, they have to be in sync.20:19
snecklifterayoung: sure20:19
ayoungsnecklifter, there is no advantage to keeping the keys distinct, as they are all symmetric20:19
ayoungthus, if you have the key, you can sign things20:19
ayoungso, what really matters is *who* can read that shared storage20:19
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ayoungand I think the answer is *keystone only*20:19
ayoungOvercloud process should probably be only able to write to it20:20
snecklifterayoung: sure but keystone is running as apache20:21
snecklifterbut still lock down to keystone uid/gid20:21
ayoungsnecklifter, no it is not20:21
ayoungkeystone is running as Keystone20:21
ayoungapache is running as apache20:21
ayoung$ ps -ef | grep keystone20:22
ayoungstack     2901 26815  0 20:21 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto keystone20:22
ayoungkeystone 18605 18604  0 18:08 ?        00:01:04 keystone-admin  -DFOREGROUND20:22
ayoungkeystone 18606 18604  1 18:08 ?        00:01:30 keystone-main   -DFOREGROUND20:22
ayoungkeystone is a wsgi process kicked off by apache, but it is a separate user20:22
snecklifterah ok, had not delved into this20:22
ayoungsnecklifter, list is my life20:22
snecklifterprviously all eventlet20:22
ayoungsuch as it is20:22
ayoung  snecklifter look at the date.20:23
snecklifterayoung: wow20:23
snecklifterayoung: i read your blog but not the dates20:23
snecklifterayoung: let me guess, it happened but took 3 times longer than you expected, right?20:24
ayoung3 is probably a low estimate20:24
snecklifterayoung: well, the good news is that you can now explain process ownership to newbs like me :)20:25
snecklifteron channels like this20:25
snecklifterayoung: ok, thanks very much for help, much appreciated20:26
snecklifteron UK time so signing off20:26
ayoungsame here...kid duty20:27
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stevemarlbragstad: dolphm back20:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystone: Fixes migration where password created_at is nullable
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openstackgerritDavid Stanek proposed openstack/keystone: Fixes credential key rotation
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samueldmqlbragstad: just left a few comments in the credential change21:26
openstackgerritDavid Stanek proposed openstack/keystone: Only cache callables in the base manager
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/keystone: Fixes spelling mistakes
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samueldmqdolphm: lbragstad: dstanek: btw, related to credentials, but in client side, see
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openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone: Implement encryption of credentials at rest
lbragstaddolphm new patch ^22:31
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stevemardolphm: lbragstad: i'll review that after dinner22:45
stevemardolphm: we have til eod to merge it ;)22:45
lbragstadstevemar cool - thanks22:45
stevemarteam code review on hangouts!22:45
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lbragstadstevemar sounds good - ping me on google hangouts (so i get it on my phone) when you're ready?22:48
lbragstadi'm gonna try and step away for a bit22:48
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openstackgerritEric Brown proposed openstack/oslo.policy: Update reno for stable/newton
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openstackgerritEric Brown proposed openstack/keystoneauth: Update reno for stable/newton
openstackgerritEric Brown proposed openstack/keystonemiddleware: Update reno for stable/newton

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